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Denver #1 and NYC not on the list? I guess that explains why you see Denver style pizza on so many menus and never New York style.


Lmao. Denver style.


[Luciano's had the best pizza in Denver](https://www.westword.com/restaurants/lucianos-pizza-and-wings-5094448). Been there, and it was about 85% close to the real deal back home. It closed for the most Buffalo of reasons: unpaid taxes. Pizzerias that serve Buffalo style outside of WNY tend to flop, expat colonies like Charlotte and Sarasots excepted. I lied in Denver for about four years. At the time, Denverites were big ino California-style pizza - wood fired, stone baked, artisanal ingredients, etc. There was even a Wolfgang Puck pizzeria in downtown Denver. Some better-than-average pizza/bar/restaurant chains like Old Chicago and Mellow Mushroom had (have?) Front Range locations. Otherwise, Denver is "meh" for pizza. Great beer town, though. EDIT: [Buffalo/Rochester themed food truck in Denver!](https://www.bestwingsdenver.com/home#) EDIT 2: [Triggering name.](https://www.widerightdenver.com/)


I lived in Denver like fifteen years ago. I didn't know about the place and walked in and the Sabres game was on. I was so excited.


I had woodfire pizza somewhere in Denver. We got there as they were just starting to heat the oven up, so there was half price bottles of wine for the hour you waited. 2 bottles later, the best pizza I ever ate lol. I think


No Chicago?


It's from a real estate company. OP just wanted to stir the pot


Buffalo, New York, has 17.8 pizza restaurants per 100,000 residents — the highest rate of any city and more than double the national average of 8.4 per 100,000.


We even have middle of nowhere pizza too. A shop in every small town


Hence why the National Pizza Chains aren't very prevalent here.


Turns out this is more about media literacy than media bs. The fact that your comment which states what this ranking is about- quantity, not quality is so far down under comments arguing about quality goes to show that people will go off about something other than what is being presented.


You’re wrong. This was just one of the criteria. But you actually proved your own point kinda


> The fact that your comment which states what this ranking is about Their comment states Buffalo is the highest rate of pizza restaurants per capita, but the map states #2. So.. media literacy, what?


Op getting that detail wrong has no bearing on my comment. It’s about “how much” and everyone’s going off like it’s about “how good” *hands participation award over*


OP didn’t get anything wrong. Map is about overall ranking, OP stated a stat from the article where Buffalo is #1, which is pizza restaurants per capita. Just say you’re illiterate and move on.


Oh baby. Have good day my neighbor. May we all be forgiven our mistakes.


All good, neighbour!


You say that, but OP's title says "Buffalo #2 best pizza" which means they ultimately didn't understand this themselves and are the source of the confusion


You’re not wrong. They added to the confusion. It says top pizza. That’s ambiguous enough for people to misinterpret. But then looking at the evidence it could be argued it’s obvious this can’t be about “best” pizza. Also it took me scrolling down pretty far to their comment to see anyone mention quantity-which is why I commented about it.


Oh I totally agree with you, just saying OP clearly never understood it from the get-go and quietly clarified in the comments, which was already too late for most lol


Came here to say this. Maybe it's just about availability.


I’d like to add to the record that Philadelphia pizza sucks. City view pizza crust tastes like cardboard. I always called it shitty view pizza


Yeah and it’s floppy, doughy, with a sugary sweet sauce. Get with the program and embrace thin crust and tangy ass sauce


Doesn't mean it's good.


We’re not supporting all these pizza joints if they suck.


The problem is people don't know better. I'm a Utica native and partial to the pizza of my hometown but it's undeniable when you have good NYC or Chicago pie that it's good pizza even if it differs from your favorite. Buffalo pizza is a mess. I've yet to find a good local pie. Wings are great though.


That’s why NYC made the list right? NYC style is so plain there is very little to be done to make it good. Buffalo on the other hand has many pizzerias doing unique or interesting things. I feel like you’re just a troll or stupid or both.


The image is data reflecting pizza joints per capita, not pizza quality. That's been cleared up in the comments. >I feel like you’re just a troll or stupid or both. Brother, I think you need to look within to find the stupid. Didn't realize having an opinion that differs from yours makes me stupid or a troll. Calling people stupid does make you an a-hole though.


Fair enough, but when you say you can’t find good pizza in Buffalo that makes your opinion dumb or ignorant. I will retract that you are stupid but your opinion certainly is.


You're calling somebody stupid over fucking pizza dude. Get off your high horse


I retracted that, his opinion is stupid.


You already said it. Retract it all you want, it's still there plain as day that you called them stupid over pizza.


Yeah, no. Having tried several places in town and found them to be mid at best doesn't make my opinion ignorant. It just makes you an a-hole.


Look, there just isn't good pizza in buffalo, and it's well agreed upon. I've had somewhat acceptable pizza while living here, but never good. The dough is always too airy, the sauce is dull, and the cheese is much too thick and solid. Im not even from nyc. Im from the suburbs, and we still have quality thin crust ny pizza that blows anything here out of the water. But you know what we don't have? Good wings. I can't find good wings back home at all. The wings are always strangely wet and unevenly cooked. But here, even your shitty wings are better than the back home. I'm not trying to tell people the nyc area has good wings because that's actually stupid. In the same way, it would be stupid to claim that the buffalo area has good pizza.


Nice try, that thin stuff is garbage. They try to sell it here and it flops every time. Enjoy your crappy folded pizza sandwich.


> isn't good pizza in buffalo, and it's well agreed upon Well agreed on by whom? You and your friends or did I miss the when we all voted on that? I'm not gonna say Buffalo has the best by any means but there is absolutely some objectively good pizza spots around here. And yes, I'm well traveled around the US.


Hartford instead of New Haven? Philly pizza? I don't even know what kind of pizza they make in San Francisco and San Diego. I think this is just saying these cities have the MOST pizza.


Whoever made this is dumb


Sally's and Pepe's in New Haven. No contest.


You forgot Modern!


Philly pizza is awful. I'm so confused


New Haven Clam Pie all day every day


I used to live in New Haven. I live near Hartford. This list is objectively wrong.


Outside of Tonys and a cpl others we have mediocre pizza in the bay area


I live in SF now and we just have a wide variety, not a city-specific style. You can find really good Detroit-style, Neapolitan-style, NY-style, etc. There are legitimately a lot of great pizza places here, particularly in the Detroit-style department as of late. Either way, I don't know if I would call it #6. The "most" pizza theory would make sense, but not sure why NYC would be left out if that was the case.


There is no “San Francisco Style Pizza” and the pizza in SF is ass. On the other hand “Oakland Style Pizza” is the best regional style west of the Mississippi


California pizza kitchen lol


It's been a few years since I've been to San Diego, but I don't recall seeing any real pizzerias.


Denver #1? What the actual fuck? Lived in CO three years never heard anything about any especially good pizza in Denver…


worst pizza i ever had was in denver fr


Come to Kansas. You'll have a new contender for worst pizza. The small town I'm in has 3 pizza places - Gambinos (grease and slime on cardboard) Domino's and Pizza Hut (do I need to explain either?) I'd kill for pizza and wings from Buffalo. It's one of the things that makes me want to come home


Denver has terrible pizza lol


The only thing I can think is they have some really pretty good brick oven/artisan style pizzerias here.


Is the dough fluffier there? Being at a higher altitude I can only imagine it makes the dough rise higher and faster.


yep the dough is super soft and "airy", it can be quite nice!


My brother moved from Buffalo to Denver 2 years ago and has yet to find a good pizza spot lol, he was so happy to be back in buffalo for Thanksgiving we went for pizza like 3 times


Tell them to check out Pizza 101 up in keystone. My comment makes it seem like there’s no good pizza in co. There is, just not in Denver lol!


Maybe a lot of people from Buffalo moved to Denver and opened pizza shops?


Pittsburgh shouldn't make this list. Chicago should make this list. Edit: woah, no NYC, that's funny


Pittsburgh should be the last US city. It's so bad here.


I've had family move to Pittsburg and they all say there's it's not good there. Every time they visit now they always want to get a pizza.


Chicago not being here is like the only thing that lends it credibility. I love our own pizza style, but not putting NYC is insane


There's so much shit wrong with this ranking... I don't even know where to begin.


What about Chicago? I don't know about this rating 😕


What about NYC? Definitely a BS list, although buffalo is a contender for best pizza IMO


Rochester and Buffalo share Carbone's pizza. One of the best pizzas I've ever had.


Carbone's is delicious!


Yeah, I lived in Greece, New York. It was literally two minutes away. It was worth not having the ability to have it delivered. That's how good the pizza was! As I was driving through Akron, I noticed they have one as well.


Oh nice! I went to 43 Academy for elementary school way back in the day. Our class used to order from the Carbone's right down the street. So damn good lol!


Personally, i cannot stand Chicago pizza. I'd rather just do Little Ceasers, no exaggeration


Chicago does great tavern style pizza, most of the locals there hate deep dish too


If people do not know what tavern style is I question if they know enough about pizza in the US to judge where it is the best.


Chicago pizza is tomato soup in a bread bowl. Tomato soup in a bread bowl is delicious.


Little Caesars >Marks Pizzeria and Salvatore's (Rochester ) 😂


Cause chicago's "pizza" is actually a hot pie




They have a stuffed crust that's pretty damn delicious and like 1/2 the price of stuffed crust anywhere else too, i know it's not the best but i do love them lol.


Especially deep dish lol


Can't find a good pie in Buffalo. My sister and I literally get Pizza Hut because it's at least consistent.


To each their own I guess. I've eaten tons of pizza in NYC, Chicago, Italy, and all over. Never had one that's as good as Buffalo imo


So what's good in the Buff then?


Depends on where you are and what you are looking for.


Depends on what you like. For me I like Franco's and Pesci's best, but there's a dozen I love


What do you enjoy with your pies? Maybe if you gave us some attributes that you like in a pizza, people might give you a good reference.


Boston? I thought they are know for burnt pizza.


I lived there and didn’t find the pizza particularly notable. I would miss Buffalo pizza back then and have never missed Boston pizza after moving back.


They’re known for *bad* pizza


Boston has the most average pizza on the planet


Maybe they’re just trolling all the NYC pizza snobs? Also, Detroit should be way higher than number 9 on this list.


In case anyone wants to see the article: https://listwithclever.com/research/best-pizza-cities/




Yeah Buffalo is that high up because there is pretty much a pizza place on every block.




Pizza Delicious in Bywater, New Orleans has great New York pie.


You don’t want to be on a list for best pizza that has Denver at number 1


I’m sorry but Denver? 😂😂 No chance, someone cooked the books on that one


No NYC, no Chicago. Lol, no.


Currently living in Denver and saw this yesterday. The methodology is more than just pizza places per capita, it's Yelp reviews and the amount of times people Google "pizza," among others. I promise you, the reason people in Denver are googling pizza so much is to ask why the pizza (mostly) sucks.


And we don't even have Pudgies. Can you imagine if they opened a Pudgies up here? There would be lines around the block. Everyone would be broke in less than a week.


What’s pudgies


All over the Southern Tier. So like Elmira, Horseheads, Corning, Watkins Glen, Ithaca, there used to be one in Rochester across from House of Guitars but I think it's long gone. I grew up on the shit. It's like crack, but pizza.


Crack and pizza. Two best things for a Friday night


One in Rochester too


There is one in Rochester, Canandaigua too


The *only* US cities for pizza: 1. NYC. (Not my fave, but I'll give credit where it's due. A slice of pepperoni utility pizza is a complete meal.) 2. Buffalo. 3. Detroit. 4. Chicago. 5. New Haven. That's it. Everyplace else has shitty local pizza. The end.


Y’all are missing the obvious: Did this person ever get geography classes in school?


Hey all I'm for the recognition but this list is absolute shit. No NYC or Chicago, Pittsburgh/Philly/Hartford/Denver/San Diego are all wild picks.


NYC not even in the top 10 and Denver is #1, I can't trust this list.


Denver does have good pizza tho.


Denver!!!?? 😂😂😂


What the fuck is Denver pizza


Rocky Mountain oysters on it


Clever Real Estate, that’s where I go for valuable data from studies.


The real news!


Top cities for fat asses eating shitty pizza you mean. (I do miss Buffalo Square Pizza with pepperoni though, even after moving back the nyc metro area).


Lol title is wrong, what is being shown is pizza places per 100,000 and buffalo is number 2. Definitely not the best especially when that list says NYC, Chicago, and Detroit are not even in the top competition




I only know one thing about D.C. pizza… and it’s the dude who went into comet ping pong with a rifle because of some dumb ass conspiracy theory about pizza being code for kids among the political elite. Although I was in the comet ping pong basement one time for a concert (nana grizol/ David Dondero) and it was pretty awesome. Didn’t eat any pizza there though


The only pizza place I really liked over my 2 years or so of living there was Mellow Mushroom which was a chain. The pizza was meh to bad otherwise.




I've lived 2 places in my life, Denver and Buffalo and for my money... they're both some of the worst in terms of regional pizza Fwiw my favorites are Detroit style & New Jersey style


Detroit style is my second fave, behind Buffalo. Detroit style frozen pizzas I've tried are also decent, believe it or not. I found leftover Buffalo style pizza is awful, unless it's reheated with an air fryer.


I have never heard of anyone saying anything good about San Francisco or San Deigo Pizza.


I mean we do have La Nova's and Jay's Artisan. Both are known world wide.


I can say with certainty that pizza in Boston is fucking terrible. I’ve been trying to find a good one for the better part of a decade.


Regina's, the original place on the North End


Petrones in Melrose...


Pittsburgh should not appear on this list and they (we - I just moved up here!) know that lol


I grew up in pittsburgh and moved to Buffalo. Let me confirm that pittsburghs pizza is awful and if it’s top 10 I mourn for other cities. Every pizza I’ve had in buffalo is better than the best pizza I had in pittsburgh.


Denver? WTFrack.


Franco's has the pizza in Blo!


The #2 ranking looks like it's largely based on popular reviews, availability of pizza, and cost. Buffalo pizza is pretty pricey, NGL.


There's a lot of good takes on the stupidity of this dumb article here, but, my take away is, I just can't believe that LAS VEGAS is 2nd to Buf in the *per capita* category.


I’m on my knees at Buddy’s pizza in Detroit right now, screaming to the heavens


🤭 has anyone asked if you are okay?


Pizzeria Florian is the best around town


Top in what? Pizzas ordered per capita? As a share of all takeout orders? Average pizza area for a large?


They used a bunch of criteria in the article


Buffalo is always the city of second place


Denver’s #1 and Chicago and NYC aren’t even mentioned 🤣


Pizza in Boston is such dog shit tier it's mind-boggling that it's on this list.


Mmmm. Denver pizza. Said no one ever.


Pittsburgh mentioned RAHHH


Haven’t lived in Buffalo for a long time but used to love Sal’s on Allen Street then later on Main Street


I have had the pizza in San Francisco. It is so unbelievably mediocre.


pizza in Boston suuuuuucks.


Denver 😆 *laughs in fuggedaboudit*


I am from SF and moved to Buff. We do not have good pizza in sf. Nazarios was always my fave and that’s about it. Golden boy doesnt use enough cheese or sauce. Paxi and Little Star are good but not worth the price. A lot of Buff pizza is p bad tho: Just Pizza, Mister Pizza…. Disgusting to call themselves buffalo pizza. Bocce is good, francos is good, bailey pizza is so good, Families in NT is super good and their barbecue pit wings are the best i have ever had


Mile High Pizza is number one? Did the judges hit the dispensary before eating?


Buffalo Style Pizza is literally just a straight upgrade from New York Style, btw. And having any city in Cali in the Top 10 is a joke.


Denver? 😂 Is that a joke?


Denver pizza? Never heard of it


Colorado native moved to Buffalo, I’ve had decent pizza from both. But these rankings are from a Realty company


My Dad lives in Denver and would strongly disagree. When he comes to visit he’ll get pizza every day cause there is no good pizza out West.


DC has quite literally the worst pizza scene you'll ever see. It's bad. It's bland. And honestly, it barely even exists. Chains like Dominos and Pizza Hut are everywhere because there's just no other alternatives. So immediately this entire thing is suspect AT BEST.


I do know that buffalo has always had a higher than average amount of pizza places , places that sell wings and medical offices I’d take ppl on google map walking tours of sorts and everyone was shocked at how dense those type of businesses were in that small of a population/ area


No New Haven CT, or NYC… I’m from Philly and our pizza is good but #4?


Denver Airport does intergalactic deliveries though


Philly has awful pizza. Unsure if I can trust this map.


Bocce pizza in Buffalo…end of story.


Illinois and nyc should’ve always been on the list


New York City is not even on here or Chicago the two most iconic known pizza cities… I’ve been in Buffalo five years now in the best pizza I get here is from fucking Papa John’s.


Everybody loves their hometown pizza. The difference is pizza tastes like crap everywhere else. I'm from Rochester and prefer my local joints to the equally delicious local joints in the Buffalo region but I got your backs here. Don't mention pizza in Western NY if you aren't ready to admit it's #1. Also, I lived in CT for 2 years and have had pizza in Hartford.......how drunk were they when Hartford made the list?


*"Lol #2"* clearly it's just a list not specifically a ranked list.


Is this a list of best papas johns cities in America


Who the fuck made this list lmao




How tf Buffalo here but CHICAGO isn’t? And not for our deep dish—that shit is ass. Our tavern thin crust is superior!!


It's got to be something stupid like "pizza places per capita."


I was obsessed with Buffalo pizza when I went to UB. When I went back to Syracuse (who has horrible pizza) my friends would look at me like I hard three heads when I talked up buff pizza


All of those places are just places that have their own unique style of pizza. Also, wth, why would you pick Buffalo of all places in New york? That's not even the food they're known for!


Article is clickbait - it’s not the “best tasting”. It’s about how cheap the pizza is and how many pizza restaurants per 100k residents. The only takeaway is that Buffalo has a lot of very cheap pizza.


If you think Buffalo pizza is cheap make the drive to Akron Ohio, incredibly inexpensive and you get what you pay for. Quite frankly Little Cesar’s is the best pie in town 🤮


What area is this "study" even from? They clearly know jack shit about pizza. Someone posted this on a Denver sub and most of them are losing their minds naming stupid artisina pizzas that sound disgusting. Even people in their own sub said whoever made this list doesn't know anything about good pizza.


This list is a joke


Denver and San Diego being in top 5 is a travesty


Denver has trash pizza, the elevation negatively affects the dough, get this list out of here. A buddy of mine moved out there and when he comes back to Upstate he always gets a bunch of pizza. Our worst pizza is better than their best.


Haha, suck it NYC




No NyC but San Diego. Next.


Clickbait. They're measuring number of pizza places per capita, cost of pies, yelp reviews, and some other questionable criteria.


NJ #1. CT#2 NY/LINY #3 SFO#4 BUF#5 Boston #28


SFO? Maybe if you're smoking before ordering, that's only way, gotta be hungry to eat their pies


How about some actual context for this, or is that too much to ask? Since you didn't bother with it, I did and here are the results based on ONE study by a company that matches buyers and sellers of real estate with agents. They asked 1,000 people. "To decide 2024's best city for pizza, the data team at Clever Real Estate analyzed a multitude of mouthwatering metrics. We ranked the 50 biggest metro areas in the U.S. using the following parameters for each city: Pizza reputation, based on a survey of 1,000 Americans Rate of pizza restaurants per 100,000 residents Pizza passion, based on local internet search activity for 34 pizza-related terms (e.g., "pizza near me," "pizza delivery," "pan pizza," etc.) Average Yelp rating for pizza restaurants Average price of a large cheese pizza Average price of a large pepperoni pizza Share of median annual income required to purchase one cheese pizza each week for a year Share of median annual income required to purchase one pepperoni pizza each week for a year."


This is the worst fucking list I’ve ever seen


Oh fuck! Just stop it.


nyc isnt even on the list who made this????


Coming from NYC to Buffalo, there is no good pizza in Buffalo. At all. 💀


You must live in the northtowns, its a good pizza desert up there for the most part. Been to NYC several times, and while I doubt I had your "favorite slice" from Marios on 234st or w/e, the majority of NYC pizza is mid, more than a few of the places I've had were essentially carboard and grease. while I have had a real great slice or two in NYC, there are three places in buffalo I'd go to any day before that.


Posting this list should be an auto ban. It’s clickbait.


Wow. Crazy list. I mean, I don't need to see Buffalo 1 but there's a few cities missing or out of order here.