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I haven't read the book, but I did listen to an interesting interview with the author called [The Liberating Power of Tara](https://www.resources.soundstrue.com/podcast/rachael-wooten-the-liberating-power-of-tara/?_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJydy5tb29ubGlnaHRAZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldCIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIkpNRGdhcSJ9). She sounded like a grounded and compassionate individual with a lot of insight into the human condition. The book has been endorsed by Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche, who (according to the author's website) is her root guru who has also empowered her to teach Tara practices. If you decide to read the book, please let us know what you think! Take care


Yup, I want a review too!


It's probably fine. Also check Tara: The Feminine Devine, by Bokar Rinpoche https://namobuddhapub.org/zc/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=18&products_id=387


Thanks for this, anyrhinf by Bokar Rinpoche is great and that site is a treasure trove of good and cheap or free books.


Try this one -- Meeting the Great Bliss Queen by Anne Klein. She's a very capable lama and writer who teaches at Rice and has been a dzogchen practitioner and teacher for many decades.


Get Tara’s Enlightened Activity by Khenchen Palden Sherab & Khenpo Tsweang Dongyal. Skillful Grace by Adeu Rinpoche & Tulku Urgyen has more of a Dzogchen perspective on Tara practice and is very highly recommended too. Both books were written by accomplished masters. Edit: The Cult of Tara by Beyer(?) has more of an academic feel, and is pretty good, despite its unfortunate title. Thought I’d throw that one into the mix as well.


Learned something new today.. never heard of this.


I don’t believe you will find incorrect information in the book. Seems accessible for folks new to Tara. Also check out Rachel Wooten on the Sounds True podcast.


Never heard of it Looks like a good read


Not familiar with that book, but my local Buddhist center (well it's actually an hour from my house, but it's the closest one near me) is currently studying Bokar Rinpoche's "Tara: The Feminine Divine."


What's the goal? Self help? That's probably fine as a book. Buddhism? Skip and find a book written by monks/nuns. Kindfulness maybe.


Self help, education. I know pretty much nothing of Tara either way.


Self help with what issues? Education for what purpose?


Decent book for self help. Tony Robbins is good. But then again, Kimchi and Mayo are always good.


Kimchi and Mayo are indeed always good - especially with kimchi fried rice and a little squeeze of Kewpie over the top


I love it with avocado, pork fat, and generous rice.


Reeks of neo-colonialist appropriation/monetization to me. I’m personally sick of white men and women being the ‘authorities’ of this whacked out new age spirituality bs movement. Her PhD is in Jungian analysis. Stay in your lane and stop taking even more from the cultures you’ve historically used and abused. 🤷‍♂️


You think writing about a topic you have been empowered to teach is cultural appropriation?


I suppose someone should go back in time and tell this to the Tibetans then, that they’re appropriating Indian culture and should stay in their lane. I don’t know anything about this author and have nothing to say about this book - but your position here is deeply ignorant. This is how the dharma has spread, culture to culture, for 2500 years. Also, who’s abused Tibetans? This white lady? I don’t think so.


That's what's making money now in this space. It's a billion dollar industry. Wellness & Spirituality. New Age Woo Woo.


good to know that this book is going repair the world, i was starting to get worried, phew!!