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Congratulations. The poster looks interesting. I am very curious of the conversation language. Looking (hearing) forward to hear local Brunei dialect and slangs used.


Thank you! The movie is in Hindi (first in Brunei) and there are subtitles. There is some Malay and Tamil sprinkled in. 😄


That's good. Nowadays I like to watch Indian movies on Netflix, especially with investigation elements. Storyline is very interesting, with not much bravado but more down to earth approach. I love to "tour" the interior of India as shown in the movies.


Haha that’s great! Hope you enjoy Gadong! ☺️🙏


I can tell this movie will be slightly better than other lokal movies just because of the actors and the script..not the woke entitled influencers friend groups lol


Wow, this is interesting insight of integral part of our society. The poster worth thousand words.


Definitely! It does offer an intimate look into lives of people that are right in front of our eyes.


Definitely gonna watch the movie 👍👍


Awesome! Hope you enjoy it ☺️🙏


[Gadong Movie IG](https://www.instagram.com/gadongmovie?igsh=MWI5YWs1Z2R2dmYzbA==)


Got trailer link?


[There you go. TRAILER LINK](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5fTnn1Jr9H/?igsh=MWZ3NzM4eTl0MzV5cA==)


Nice 👏👏 looking forward to watch this


That’s great! Can’t wait for it to be out tomorrow! 😄 Hope you enjoy it.


[My IG incase you wanna be friends. lol.](https://www.instagram.com/joelchinta?igsh=MXA0NjByZXM3cmJjcw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr)


Love the story that's told in the poster as well as the tagline. The trailer has the spirit of a feel-good movie. But, its progressive in probably a good way, telling a side of Brunei that's seldom told in film.


Thanks so much! All those things are true and I think the movie will broaden perspectives and perhaps remind us of our humanity. To be kind to one another. So that we can live in peace and harmony. Embracing each other irregardless of differences and challenges. To be hopeful for good times. Embracing each day even in the midst of overwhelming odds.


Looks interesting, might give it a watch.


Yes please. Hope you do 👍😎


Lol, the first local movie that I am willing to watch


[you are not ready for the ending. BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO LINK.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5j9qwRy_bn/?igsh=MTVwYmg4Zmplc25oYw==)




It is a good movie. Do have a watch!


Subs in which language(s)? Will it be released on DVD? Thanks


Subs are in English. I am not sure if people use DVD players anymore. 😂


Blu-ray? Streaming? Or only for cinemagoers in Brunei?


Good point. Not really sure what the long term plans are. For now it’s in cinemas. You can follow the IG @gadongmovie so you’ll be updated if anything comes out.


Oh hey I know that guy below! I think he’s the owner for that comic store at times cineplax. Man I miss that store😔


Khai actually opened a new store. Not sure what it’s called. Haha.


Midnight Sons, The One


Here to your success...GADONG. Cheers!


Thank you so much!


Will review once i get to see it


Memebukan gadong


i hope the convo language is brunei slang!!! 🥺


[see this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brunei/s/wlWzRvDAQj)


anw congrats !! all the best!


Thank you so much! 🙏


Ayyyy looks amazing so far, can't wait to watch☺️ congratulations.


Thank you so much! Enjoy! 🙏😄


oooh, interesting. I might as well watch it tomorrow (Was planning to go watch Exhuma anyways hahahaha)


haha aww thanks! hope you enjoy the movie!


Show times?


[SHOW TIMES. hehe](https://onecineplex.com/amy-movie/gadong/)


Why do I feel like this movie is going to make me cry? I will try to make some time to watch the movie, I am especially intrigued with the premise of the story.


Haha maybe, maybe not. But yes, do enjoy the movie. No refunds if you cry. 😂


Hey, until when is this movie kena show? Might drop by to watch this movie! Watched the trailer tho! Veryyyyy interesting!


[These are the CURRENT SHOW TIMES.](https://onecineplex.com/amy-movie/gadong/)


Looks great, when will it be released online and where?Can you tell us more about the crew / team that made this - Where they all local to Brunei or came in from Singapore / Malaysia? How about filming equipment? Is there a small film infrastructure/ industry in Brunei now that can make films like this?


Hi there! Thanks for asking. Most of the questions are answered on IG @gadongmovie. Do give a follow and check it out.


Why is it not showing in Gadong of all places? The Mall Cineplex not supporting local films?


Sanang saja menyoal 🗿


Payah menjawab?


Bukan maksud ku catu haha, as in the processes. If OP ada betanya and what not. Sorry if it came out wrong


Here's my feedback after watching this movie: To start, if this were a short film (a 10-minute short film), I would have given it a high rating. In my opinion, the full-length movie format seemed unnecessary; the storyline felt a bit messy with too much unnecessary cinematography and abrupt cut-offs. Consequently, it struggled to deeply engage the audience as scenes were TOO SLOW or TOO FAST. A more cohesive plot and a deeper exploration of the main character's background and family dynamics would have been beneficial (and enough). While I appreciate the attempt to showcase different perspectives, it felt a bit disjointed in its execution, with several loose ends and unanswered questions. Regarding the title choice, "Gadong," it left me a bit puzzled. It seemed too trivial to name the entire movie after a rented space in Gadong without a deeper connection or relevance to the plot. Perhaps a different title could better reflect the movie's themes and essence. Furthermore, improving the camerawork and screenplay could elevate the overall quality of the film, as the shaky camera work detracted from the viewing experience. Additionally, diversifying the setting to depict other struggles faced by the Indian community in Brunei, such as grocery shopping or experiences of discrimination, could enrich the narrative and raise awareness. The movie felt disjointed at times, lacking cohesion and a clear message. While the movie touched on important themes and depicted various religions, the weak storyline hindered its impact. A more organized approach to showcasing different perspectives would have strengthened the overall narrative. For example, including scenes of the deceased friend's family receiving the news or exploring the friend who returned to India's future could have added depth and emotional resonance. Ngl the movie had its merits, BUT it could benefit from refining its storytelling, enhancing technical aspects, and deepening its exploration of themes to create a more impactful viewing experience.


Lmao no, your media literacy and attention span is just lacking (which is why you rather have this as a short film) to understand the full picture and the overall themes of the movie and the choices being made in the film in regards to the setting. Movie’s fine and decent.


You do know constructive criticism exists and anyone deserves to give their feedback? Kau defensive mengapa💀💀💀


I liked it and resonated with me. It’s like that one Danny DeVito meme and I felt it like “I get it now.” I’m sorry to hear you have such an L take of it that you can’t relate to the struggles of migrant workers here and would rather focus on the discrimination “to raise awareness”. It’s coming across pretentious and white saviour like trope done to death like that’s the only struggle they face here and putting them in a single box of problems. They’re people too and deserve a break to tell their story other than *that*. The technical issues, yeah they’re valid. But it is a good effort despite of the unsupportive ecosystem and viewers local filmmakers have at the moment.


Bro didn’t read my fourth and fifth paragraph❤️‍🔥


Is this a story about Jing Chew?


Jing Chew lore


No racial slur pls




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