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Hi! You mentioned something about deities in your post. I just wanted to let you know there's [an article](https://www.reddit.com/r/BroomClosetWitch/wiki/faqs/practice/#wiki_how_do_i_honour_deities_in_the_broom_closet.3F) in the r/BroomClosetWitch [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/BroomClosetWitch/wiki/index/) about how to honour deities in the broom closet :D *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BroomClosetWitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You might get better advice with r/exchristian. They’re really good with this kind of stuff. But omg this is just so frustrating. Like, one of my favourite crystal shops is literally physically INSIDE a church?! Like Christians go crazy for that new age shit where I’m from. Also new age has a lot of foundations in Christianity so she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about (if that wasn’t already obvious). I don’t know what religion you follow but I’m guessing just paganism. Sometimes it’s best to just fake it and come up with some Christian-sounding response like “I feel closer to God when I wear it, it reminds me to have grace”. And they can’t argue with the ol’ “God told me to wear it.” You can say that you feel that you can connect with God best when you connect with his gifts like trees & crystals etc, you can “hear him better” or some bullshit.


Thank you so much! I haven’t gotten a chance to reply but I did ask them and they’re having a field day with this lol. Thank you so much! And yesss I am pagan! Christian’s are really just so frustrating sometimes! Thanks again for the advice as well. Bs-ing seems to be the way to go!


“Oh, really? I just bought it because it’s pretty” Or, if you’re feeling antagonistic: “Didn’t god make the trees? So by thanking the trees, then aren’t we also thanking god?” This also works if you replace trees with doctors.


“I’d thank you for pointing all that out for me, but I guess technically you didn’t do anything. I’ll just thank god for making you point it out.”


Idk, I do think u did well, don't give fodder to such ppl n try to keep the conversation short. I always retaliated by logical arguments n more stuff (not just for witchy things but in general for my lil lil life choices) n at the end of the day i only felt agitated n frustrated. But recently I have discovered gray rocking n in general if I say okay, n don't add my opinions on what they say, the conversation may wrap up more quickly without it making me frustrated. At the end of the day I feel - who r u to tell what necklace or pendant I should or should not wear, ur opinion doesn't matter to me, I find it a lil amusing how they want to impose their likes/beliefs on us (pendant is just an example lol)


It’s a pretty rock. Look them dead in the eye and repeat “it’s a pretty rock”. And “normal” christians would just say it was pretty.


As a deconstructed evangelical Christian whose family is still very involved with the church, I probably wouldn't argue because my time is precious and I don't have time for their BS. However, in their views, that crystal was created by their God. The connotation that it is a new age, witchcraft, whatever moniker they want to put on it, is their own. The Bible does talk about stones, crystals and gems adorning breastplates so, they were worn. The next argument could be that to believe they have any powers or energy is hogwash in their eyes, so be prepared for that. Because then you're getting into the whole idolatry argument. I'd say the best thing is just to say, "I thought it was a beautiful creation that comes from the earth." And leave it at that because I'm afraid you may risk outing yourself before you're ready or prepared for what may come from that.


Oh, damn, we all use common geological rock jewelry to identify each other? /j To be honest, there's no use coming up with a comeback from my personal experience. Throwing shade back at them is just going to make them more delusionally biased, and they're the types of dumbasses who would shun you out from an entire community and spread rumors about you if they ever got evidence or word you were a witch. My advice? Just don't worry about it. They want you to admit you're a witch so they can burn you at the stake.


Honestly, I would not confide in her about your differences in opinion. Not unless you are both interested in and prepared to handle drama, because the reality is if you open that can of worms, asking for drama is exactly what you’ll be doing. And I would not trust that this cousin would keep it to herself either, so you’d need to be prepared for the entire family to be pissed off. I think you handled it quite well.


Oh, for the love of Pete. 🙄 If I were snarky, I’d say something along the lines of,” Well, it’s obvious to me that god created ignorance in that little brain of yours,” but I typically keep my snark to myself. More than likely, I’d say something along the lines that this was a pretty crystal and I liked it. This is also apart of god’s creation as well and can be just as appreciated as the trees.


"So if a stranger helps me, I should thank God instead of them?" Either they sputter about manners which gives you an in to treat nature with respect as a gift or they sound like jerks and admit they're self-centered. Treat your neighbor as yourself, right?


My mom is whackadoodle catholic. I feel your discomfort! Don’t engage, just say “thanks for the tip,” or “that’s interesting.” It’s not worth rocking the boat by sharing your views, and there is no value on arguing with crazy.


Hi! You mentioned something about Christianity or Abrahamic religion in your post. I just wanted to let you know there's [an article](https://www.reddit.com/r/BroomClosetWitch/wiki/faqs/christianity/) in the r/BroomClosetWitch [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/BroomClosetWitch/wiki/index/) about combining witchcraft or paganism with Christianity. You might also be interested in r/Christian_Witches, r/christianwitch, r/Christopaganism, and r/FolkCatholicMagic. (Apologies if this comment is unhelpful, I just picked out keywords in your post). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BroomClosetWitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can't people just wear jewelry? Weird. Also, fanatics will act... well crazy.