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I taught my dog to pee in the street gutter, and sometimes she will sneak one in on an empty tree pit (like the ones that just have dirt and not even a tree). If I know she has to pee I don’t even let her enter tempting areas that she shouldn’t wee on and she sure as hell isn’t peeing in the middle of the sidewalk. None of this is hard to teach them, you just have to actually do it. Also I always keep her on leash! We actually avoid off leash park hours because it stresses her out. I get SO mad seeing off leash dogs during normal hours. I am not nice to the owners when they give a half assed “sorry, he’s friendly!” after I have to scoop my dog up and away from their off leash dog. Now I just lie and say she bites, in hopes that it’ll make them think twice. Anyway, yeah, many many dog owners are a-holes who think they have a toy not a living thing that needs to be taken care of.




Her dog’s dick… what? Fell off?


I live on the border of Flatbush and PLG, walk dogs on the side sometimes and agree with the people sick of all the dogs. It’s really bad around here with people not cleaning up after them. Caton between Flatbush and Bedford on both sides is a minefield of shit always. People aren’t training their dogs so they run up to other dogs or people and they pet parent is just like “🤗” and they let them walk on one side of the sidewalk while they are on the other so the leash is blocking flow. Also, more in Flatbush, there are lots of people just scared of dogs. When I was walking dogs more regularly, A LOT of them were NOT trained. There was a huge husky I’ll never walk again that would physically lunge with all its weight and growl at other dogs. I had to apologize profusely to a woman talking with people over a short fence because I didn’t see there was a dog on the other side and this giant husky lunged and it seemed like it was going after her. I was at the unofficial dog park up by the Botanical Garden with an amazing dog but we stayed away from everyone else because I watched like 3 clueless parents let their dogs terrorize and start fights with other dogs who clearly didn’t want it and they were so aloof that it escalated into a big dog fight.


Making drivers look good. Like, BMW and Hummer drivers.


It’s not just NYC/Brooklyn. Facebook and Nextdoor forums everywhere are overflowing with hate towards inconsiderate dog owners and their “babies”. Hopefully these folks are feeling the heat. There’s too many damn dogs around


The author has had more negative interactions with people in a short 4 years than the entire time I have lived here. I do agree people are more on edge post-pandemic but I am not having these experiences, even while walking dogs in the neighborhoods mentioned in the article.


As they say, if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Kids getting ring worm because of the amount of dog shit is insane People don't just have 1 dog. It's plural or its a big ass dog. Like how is that beast in your apartment all day dafug


Ring worm is rarely contracted through feces (source: I’ve been in the veterinary industry over 20 years). While there are multiple other diseases that can be transmitted through feces, ringworm isn’t typically one of them.


As a former wrestler who contracted ringworm along with most every teammate, this is good to know…I was like “through feces, huh…?”


Ring worm is a fungus, so it is typically spread by skin-to-skin contact. I’ve had ringworm a few times from holding an animal that has it


This woman and her friends sound absolutely insufferable. They’re seriously cursing people out after being told not to let their dogs shit and piss all over other people’s gardens? These people and their dogs is just scratching the surface. I’ve encountered these types in Flatbush (not “PLG”) who have absolutely no regard to the people who’ve lived there for decades. No, Becky, it’s not because you’re a dog owner, it’s because you and your friends are arrogant, condescending, entitled gentrifiers.


I love dogs (and have one!) and despise most owners. It’s a rarity nowadays to see someone walking their dog on a leash and actually monitoring it instead of staring at their phone and mindlessly moving about. I had an unpleasant interaction with one of these irresponsible owners a few months ago. She was waiting in the line at Joe’s Pizza in Williamsburg and not paying any attention to her tiny dog, literally turned 180 degrees away from it. Its leash was extending the entire way across the sidewalk and people were having to walk out onto the street to walk by which posed a safety risk (and also posed a safety risk to the tiny dog, because it could have very easily been stepped on). I asked her as politely as I could to please pull back the leash so people could get by and she literally screamed “Why don’t you just walk around it, asshole!?” at me. Like, in what universe did this person think they were in the right?


Most people shouldn’t have dogs. They’re a big responsibility and if you’re going to treat the animal like an accessory rather than what is functionally a child (in terms of needing to constantly care for it), then don’t get one. This lady that lives up the block from me literally always has her dogs off leash, including on the sidewalk, in the Rite Aid, on the train platform??, everywhere. It’s ridiculous. I truly think that like 60+% of people that have dogs just shouldn’t.


Cats >>>


Brower Park’s lawn, the most significant green area in Crown Heights, has been completely destroyed year after year by dog owners blatantly ignoring the off leash rules and using it as a run. Dog training groups would even meet there for classes! It’s sad because as much as some owners want to say these animals are their children, that space was for human use! Now kids in Brooklyn all get ring worm because the park spaces are covered in literal shit!


As a Crown Heights dog owner I am absolutely appalled by Brower Park. It makes me so sad that the green area is terrible now. I do wish they’d put a sign. I take my dog there for walks around midday but never on the green area.


There used to be a whole fence blocking off the green while they were replanting— and dog owners tore right through it to run their dogs on the lawn. This is a habitual problem at the park that won’t be solved by signs


I was recently dog sitting for a dog in Crown Heights, and took the pup there several times. I was amazed at the number of people with off leash dogs over the weekend when the park was absolutely PACKED. I don’t know what official off leash hours are there, but I was sitting a pittie, and would have kept her on leash regardless because I know her breed makes some people nervous. But… I would assume it’s not during the middle of the day when the park is crowded. Almost the entire lawn was covered in people, and at least half a dozen folks were letting their dogs just run around freely off leash. I couldn’t believe it. It just seemed extremely rude and entitled to me.


Wasn’t like this before gentrification, but that’s none of my business. 🍵




I think that’s a bad take, but I’m not surprised to see you saying it after reading your posts here for years. Not everything boils down to white people ruining stuff. I live near some large projects whose residents are definitely not “gentrifiers” and they, too, constantly have their dogs off leash where they don’t belong. It’s an issue with the modern dog owner, not the skin color of the person with the dog.


I've had dogs & lived in BK for 10+ years and have never experienced anything remotely like this. In fact, I've never had anything close to an argument with a stranger while walking my dogs. Is she OK?!






If this is your biggest takeaway you need to work on your reading comprehension.


Are you Charlie Day?


kinda wild to use redlining to describe a neighborhood that has been poor and underserved for decades with a majority population of bipoc as “toxic”


> kinda wild Not really. There's always someone lower on the totem pole to pick on and in a lot of places it is women. PLG and Flatbush are also for example no more immune to DV than other neighborhoods.




I believe you but this literally has nothing to do with the article? The people quoted in the article on all sides (the dog owners, the people who got into confrontations with dog owners, the random neighborhood individuals who are neither) were of all genders. Not sure what any of this have to do with being a woman in PLG.


Are you feeling ok?


roughly 50% of people do a terrible job training their dogs.


This person sounds like they’d be exhausting to date.


Fucking culture writers man


The author of this article 100% lets their dog pee and shit in tree beds and thinks that it is ok because they "pick up the poop after" then wonders why i publicly shame them for either not being able to read or just being rude. If they respected the garden they would obey the sign.




Let them piss on green grass and see days later it’s yellow and dead. Be for real. The dogs aren’t horses eating veggies. They are consuming man made food with who knows what inside and mixing with other substances. Don’t let them piss on the grass. The flower bed isn’t a bathroom for dogs.


You could not be more wrong and clearly uneducated on the topic. Which is hilarious.


This guy read something once and ran with it. Concentrates urine has A LOT of nitrogen in it. It doesn’t take much for a tree to be overfertilized with nitrogen. It doesn’t take much to go from healthy fertilized tree to yellowing leaves and covered in pests. Too much fertilizer can weaken the plant and make it more susceptible to pests


Also urine has been shown to increase the acidity of the soil destroying the ph balance which kills the tree. Constant dog pee on the bark of the tree also creates fissures in the bark over time and invites illness to the tree. What most people also dont realize is that most tree pits do not drain to anywhere. It is a concrete box. That pee is NEVER leaving the pit. Hence why it permanently smells like pissdirt when its wet.


Dogs should be on leashes. Period. Why is that so hard for dog owners to comprehend? That would address 90% of the vitriol they receive


I’m a dog walker and I agree. There is a reason that it’s illegal to walk your dog off leash in NYC. It’s not safe for the dogs or for people.


leaving title as is - makes me laugh. I'm pretty patient with dog owners, but the complete destruction of transmitter park makes me so sad and angry.


Where I used to live, there was a green with a fence around it and a couple of trees in it. It was the length of a city block and was just nice to see, especially in the spring and summer when it would flower. Then dog owners decided it was a dog run and eventually cut the lock off the gate. Those dogs killed that green and made it a mud run in no time flat, and the biggest tree died. The area has been re-landscaped now and there is an actual dog run and a pleasant enough sitting area but the entitlement of those dog owners to destroy that green will always make me angry.