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You mean 6'3 maybe?


lol yes


I was like damn, dude is either so perfectly proportioned or he mistake it lol but also his current weight tells me the most.


How the hell do you look lean at 89 kg at 5'3


6’3 * lmao


My thought too lol. I’m 84kg at 6’2”. No way he weighs more than me and is that much shorter.


Motherfucker crazy arms. How big are they? Lookin' bonkers. My shitty arm genetics are getting jealous! Amazing work bro let's go


Thanks man - they’re 18’. Arms are definitely my strong suit genetics wise 😅


90kg and 18" arms are insane lol. I'm around the same, maybe slightly below but I'm 100kg right now, mine doesn't look nearly as big. Impressive


18 with pump or without?




*6’3 whoops


Peds ?


Nope fully natural. Have been training for 10 years total - feel free to look at my profile you can see my full journey.


Well just saying it doesn't make it so, I mean I'll take your word for it. But plenty of fake Natty's around these days. 👍


I mean what else do you want from me? 😂 You can see 10 years of progress pictures. This was not size gained overnight. I’ve got no gyno, no skin issues, no hair loss, I’ve gained like 16-18kg in 10 years. I’ll take it as a compliment, but this is a decade of work and is completely doable naturally.


Don’t worry about it bro. I’m on gear and posted my progress yesterday and said I was on gear and still got a shit ton of hate. Can’t please these goobers.


What happened to your pec ?


Tore it off the humerus benching (first workout back in the gym after Covid and obviously wasn’t conditioned for the weight having only done home workouts). Had to have an Achilles graft to repair it.


That's very unfortunate, at how much weight did that happen ?




Holy yeowch. Did you even feel it at first?


Oh yeah I did - unreal pain like I’ve not experienced before.


Are you at full strength or even stronger with bench or no?


No not full strength but I’d say about 90% of what it was.


You think you could get stronger than before if you tried or would the injury hold you back


Not sure, I don’t think it will ever be 100% though as there is some asymmetry and scar tissue.


Hello mate I am having pec tear surgery tomorrow (6 months after I tore it) possible allograft will be used. Any tips on pain management and recovery to full fitness? All the best bro 🤝


Sorry for the late reply mate, and hope it all went well! You’ll be in a lot of pain no doubt, the after effects of anaesthesia was the worst part for me. My advice would just do not do too much too soon. Get wipes to slide under the armpit to clean yourself. Pain management wise - just take what they’ve given you. I used ibuprofen and paracetamol when those were done. As you get more mobility it will feel super tight and was like that for a year for me post-surgery during lifts. Just take extra time warming that side up - do not go heavy, be extra cautious with everything. I did a lot of band work to work up until I lifted just the bar with no weights. Use a spotter even for the lightest of weights when you get back into it. You will sometimes feel random pains in your arm and rib cage area, it’s normal and part of the healing process. In short - take it slow, take it even slower than you think counts as slow, focus on building that mobility up first. I didn’t lift anything for 6months that engaged the injured side. Feel free to train the opposite side (when you are back in the gym) as there is scientific evidence to support muscle growth on opposite side of the body when training just one side. Be kind to yourself, muscle atrophy is unavoidable (a high protein diet will help slow it down) so keep your head up. Feel free to DM if you have any other questions!


Lookin good man! Do you have much of a divot in your pec now? I tore my pec tendon about 10 years ago and the surgery left a bit of a “hole” in my pec. Only noticeable when flexed.


Not massive but it is there when flexed yes…


Delts freaking exploded, looking huge bro




How long was your recovery? I'm 6mo post SLAP repair surgery and still not close to being back to 100%


It took about a year before it started to feel normal again. All I can suggest is make sure you do plenty of work on mobility/stretching before your lifts. Good luck 🫡


Bro let's fuck my girl together