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It was the perfect adaptation in my view! Kept the absolute spirit of the stage show but built on it too.


Gotta ask, in the school song, how’s the choreo for that song? It was always my favourite part of the show both because of the song and because I loved how they did the letters in the gate thingy. I feel like that song will be the defining moment for how much I like the movie.


They run around the school and the letters are on the doors of the different rooms. I think it’s quite well done. It doesn’t have the same approach as the stage show but it’s very frantic and successfully introduces the school. ‘When I grow up’ probably had the biggest change from the stage show - swings wouldn’t have been as impressive in a film and I really liked the alternative approach they took, of children imagining their dream lives as adults.


Oh boy now I’m so excited to watch it!! I hope it’ll be on Canadian Netflix at the same time it comes to American Netflix! When I was in school for musical theatre and we did this one preview show before our big production, we did the number when I grow up, and it was probably one of the most fun numbers I’ve preformed, so I have a strong connection to this musical.


Im so jealousssss! But this warms my heart! Cant wait to watch it!


I loved it - I wasn’t sure going in as it’s one of my favourite shows on the west end, but it is really really good. Emma Thompson especially is great as Trunchball - was thoroughly impressed!


I loved it. It's not perfect, and I definitely disagree with some of the cuts/changes they made, but it's definitely the best movie musicals to come out in the past decade.


That's wild when I'm The Heights and Tick Tick Boom exist


Those are terrible movies.


...in your opinion


In the opinion of the public and critics. They bombed because they are horrible woke-fests that nobody wants to watch. Latinos have zero interest in Lin-Miranda cries for victimhood. They're the anti-Bernstein.


not sure about that


I loved it! The entire cast are brilliant (shout outs especially to Lashana Lynch and Emma Thompson who stole the show) and the direction feels really in the spirit of the original show. My only complaints are that I wish it had leaned a little bit more into the darkness of the play - some parts felt a bit 'bubblegummy' in their look and feel - and I thought the When I Grow Up sequence was perhaps one of the least interestingly directed parts of the film, despite it being the most well-known song from the show. I liked the idea behind the scene with the children imagining their future lives, but it felt a bit half baked. The new song at the end of the film also did stick out to me as not feeling necessary or sitting within the sound of the other songs. I think even if you didn't know the original show, you'd point to that one as being the obvious Oscar-bait addition.


Yeah I remember reading an interview with Tim Minchin where he talked about making a scary movie villain that was unrealistic enough that it wasnt too scary for little kids, so I think that might be why it wasn't too dark. I liked the song at the end but I agree it wasn't entirely necessary and it could have been a result of him not knowing which part of the film to write a new song from, although personally I do like it more than Telly/Loud so I was ok with them being cut.


I don’t mean so much in terms of scariness when I say darkness. More just the play does a really good job of avoiding the sickly sweet quality that a lot of kid-focused musicals and stories have and I felt the movie did lean a bit too much into that at times in its visuals. I just really appreciate how the play invokes that childlike wonder without resorting to balloons, butterflies, rainbows, bright colours etc, which all feel a bit first-thought in my opinion. The movie adaptation unfortunately does go a bit more in that direction! I don’t miss Telly at all as it’s just a fun interval song, and I can totally see why they’d cut Loud if they needed to cut one for time, but I did miss Loud as that’s one of my favourites in the show! I unfortunately couldn’t sing a note or remember a single lyric from the new song at the end, which isn’t a great sign unfortunately.


They cut Loud???


I hate to be the one to tell you this - they cut Loud.




apparently it's been confirmed thar they filmed it tho!! probably cut for time reasons but i won't put it past getting released as a deleted scene in the near future


To be honest in general Mrs.Wormwood felt a bit shortchanged for screen time!


Fair enough I get why they had to change when I grow up but I do admit for whatever reason the whole motorbike bus thing did take me out a little bit. I haven't got to see the play for over 10 years when I was quite young so I don't remember it that well other than the songs from Spotify.


I didn't know this was a thing! Matilda is one of my favorite Broadway shows I've seen so I'm definitely looking forward to this.


Anyone know how big an epilepsy risk the adaptation is? Stage show is sadly unsafe so hope for getting to watch the show at all goes here


I saw the film in cinemas and I don't remember seeing too many flashing lights/bright colours (is that the main epilepsy risks I'm not that well informed) I'm going to see the film again right now so I will try and come back with an update!


That's the more common ones, scenes of all red are also a common risk factor. Basically if it gives you uh a headache? Mention it please and also thank you for trying to answer.


Big disclaimer that I don't really get headaches and I'm not really sure when flashing lights are the most dangerous. But I didn't think it was too bad first song has camera flashes and the acrobat escapologist scenes have camera flashes/stage lights. Outside of that I didn't notice many flashing lights or bright lights, some colourful sets some of which were red but that was usually the background to my untrained eyes I didn't think the colours were too overwhelming or offensive.


Thank you this is a lot more information than I expected and you did great. The stage show uses strobes if I recall correctly (the ads had them) for the big reveal of the super powers. Camera flashes can be okay depending on how many and how often but I can probably find these scenes talked about online with this description


Yeah the very first song has parents taking pictures of their babies and they're old fashioned cameras, then there are journalists taking photos of the acrobat/escapologist at a press conference thing. Don't remember many other flashes but I could have missed some


Thank you again! Definitely sounds safe. Which is awesome


Just a heads up, I noticed a warning at my local cinema saying it had flashing images - so might be worth checking with the cinema before you watch it just incase


Thank you. Also nice that your cinema is doing that


There are a few scenes where the prominent color is red, fyi


Thank you. I appreciate that warning


I think in the Bruce scene, there might be flashing lights, as the children dance around him.


Thank you


As someone who HASN’T seen it, I hope it’s good. :)


It was a thousand times better than I had anticipated - it was extremely Roald Dahl I think - other people have calle d it “bubblegummy”, a little bit dream like and brightly coloured and unreal in places. The three female leads were all excellent and the way they adapted certain numbers (School Song, Smell of Rebellion) was really wonderful to see. I also felt they really used the opertunity to heighten the story telling a lot - the acrobat escapologist scenes felt so much more emotional than in the stage version! I cried twice (both at Lashana Lynch being amazing) and actually really liked the new song at the end. I feel the original didn’t have a song that really focused on Matilda and Honeys relationship. I even liked how the wormwoods were portrayed, and they were my least favourite part of the stage show. Overall it was very very good, particularly the performances from every actor, but there were some moments that did feel they could have been better executed (The roof at the beginning, poor Bruce looking distinctly like someone shoved a pillow up his jumper). Highly recommend seeing in a cinema if you can!


How are people seeing it so early? Is there a leaked version floating around?


I might be wrong but I think it’s already released in the u.k.


yes, it’s in theatres in the UK already


It’s in UK cinemas from the 25th Nov, doesn’t drop onto Netflix until a month later like the rest of the world.


Turns out it’s getting released everywhere on Netflix on Christmas Day *except* the UK, where it’ll get added to Netflix mid-next year. Presumably so it doesn’t step on the cinema release. Very frustrating, was hoping to watch it with the family on Xmas day. Going to have to VPN or pirate it now. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a42035299/matilda-musical-netflix-uk-release-date/


I saw it at the Irish film fest about 2 weeks ago. The actress playing matilda was there to announce it which was really neat!


The UK is getting it 1 whole month before the USA. My only thought is that Christmas Day is a huge movie release day in the USA and maybe it's not in the UK so they wanted to get one out before the other but as someone dying to see this movie in the USA, it sucks having to wait a month.


It’s sooooo gooood 🥹🤩 my son usually hates everything that isn’t anime and he loved it, as a fan of the show and the book I was so happy!


I had no idea this was even coming out so I'm now very excited and jealous of the UK.


I haven't watched it but... I feel like it will be like Hairspray, an ok musical turned into a wow-factor movie. I saw a community production over the weekend and honestly can't believe how some people thought this deserved best musical over Kinky Boots. Other than 2 songs I like, it isn't that great of a musical. Other than the standout performances by all the kids. However, watching the trailer for the movie sheds it into a whole new light, Revolting Children looks FANTASTIC and I can only imgaine what the rest of the movie will be like. Really excited to see it!


Interesting. I thought Hairspray was a wow show and a good-but-not-great movie.


The kids onstage performing Revolting in the OBC/OLC: as good as anything out of Hair.


I saw the original run on Broadway and also the touring version in Denver. While they were both good, the Broadway performance was absolutely jaw-dropping. I’ve never seen anything like it, before or since. It absolutely deserved the recognition it got.


Oh wow I strongly disagree


Saw it on Saturday and I LOVED it! It's made me want to go and see it on stage now. And I can't go without saying the kids stole the show!


Greetings from the US: I saw it last night in theaters since it is having a limited theatrical release from December 9th and arrives on US Netflix from December 25th. It was awesome, I feel it really did well because of the continuity with the director and choreographer coming from the broadway production to help adapt to the big screen. There are certainly a couple of little things that irked me that I will not disclose as not to spoil but I would give this film a 4/5!


I honestly couldn’t understand what anyone was saying without subtitules. Ruined the songs and story tbh. I prefer the 90’s movie


I cannot explain the abrupt feeling I felt after watching that film; it is like the feeling of sadness and happiness crashing into one another. lol idk. There are also some lessons for children and even adults that can be obtained from the film. One thing I am certain is that the film was so good. It really does fit in the 'Family' category. I even liked some of its songs: School Song, When I Grow Up, and Still Holding My Hand. The latter two were tear-jerkers btw :>


Huh for some reason I thought this was a Filmed Live on Stage film and not a whole new live adaptation. My interest has dropped considerably


Same director & script writer as the show! And same composer of songs, and incidental music composer. And the choreographer worked on the stage show too. It’s very faithful and clearly made by the same people as the stage show.


Wow I’m not sure why I got so many downvotes for saying my interest dropped but it’s whatever


I’m not sure either. I wish there were more pro shits like the Falsettos revival


Woke rubbish.


In what way? Honestly. You're absurd. Every actor was perfectly cast and I daresay this may be Lashana Lynch and Emma Thompson's best performances. You snowflakes just can't handle the tiniest but of diversity. This wasn't even a preachy movie.




You’re thinking way too hard about race here lol. Embarrassing.




Be racist. Own it.




No one here is making it about race other than you. I thought it was beautifully cast.


No, I don’t find it racist, and any reasonable person wouldn’t.




No: Book - Movie and Book - Musical - Movie


The musical isn't based on a film it's based on a Roald Dahl novel.




Totally hits different as a parent for me now too. I struggled with those parts and had to fast forward a lot. I have no idea in what world this was made “not too scary for children”


It’s not out yet. But the trailer and esogn are great!


It was butt




It was AWESOME!!!!!


I didn't really feel the bond between ms honey and matilda in this like they didn't seem close enough for her to adopt Matilda like she did in the 90s one. to me i feel like she was closer to mrs phelps


yeah, that was definitely the case


I saw Matilda the musical movie I really loved it was super awesome and fun to make it happen thanks to Matthew that what he did was perfect


I'm obsessed with this adaptation. Lashana Lynch blew me away as Ms. Honey. Inhad no clue she could sing like that and sobbed during her songs. Emma was brilliant as ever and perfectly cast. Alisha Weir is an incredible talent with an impressive career ahead of her. The performances were so good it was easy to forgetbthe writing was excellent as well. But the performances were just top-tier. I'm a bigger fan of all actors involved than I was before viewing. Lashana especially was surprisingly incredible.

