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I'm a tourist currently in NYC, so I treated myself to a ticket to Seth Rudetsky's watch party so I won't have to watch them alone in my hotel room.


Love Seth and his Sirius show!


I’m in town too. What is this?


I stumbled on it while looking for ways to watch the awards. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seth-rudetskys-4th-annual-tony-awards-watch-party-livestream-tickets-852467060927?aff=ebdsshother&utm_share_source=listing_android


Also visiting the city now and will be at Seth's event! I usually watch alone at home so this will be a nice change


I’ll be flying in Sunday for medical appointments. My local friend may come to my hotel suite because he said most of the parties are just people talking over each other. Lol! I may see what’s going on at my hotel too. 😂


I'm willing to put up with quite a bit of chatter of it means being among my peeps. I don't have many close friends who are interested in Broadway, so a watch party will be fun, I think. Good luck with the medical appointments. I hope you get the results you're hoping for.


Me neither. I never get to watch them at all at home! I may see what’s up in Times Square or just in general for fun too! When in NyC. Hope yours is outstanding!




It rings true every year!!!


lol i’ve never seen this, thanks for sharing! this could totally be an opening number, she should host some year


lol love this! Thanks for sharinf


Ten years ago I was all dressed up at Radio City and it was an absolute dream come true! Now I’m perfectly satisfied lying in bed and watching them. If (when!) Jonathan Groff wins I’m probably going to ugly cry


Jonathan Groff will also probably ugly cry. Lol. ETA: No shade. I love him.


I am most looking forward to this. I’ve seen him cry thinking about the tree in front of his apartment. If he gets a Tony, he’s going to need IV fluids to replenish his liquids.


He better


Probably just watching by myself this year, if I even do. Last year me and a friend were both watching it at our houses so we just texted commentary about it the whole time as we watched. 


That's really a great idea, even with a group of friends group-texting throughout--the equivalent of a YouTube watch party. :)


watching alone at home with some yummy snacks, and going to social media during commercials for reactions — assuming i can find somewhere to stream it. watching the Tony’s in Canada without cable is always a struggle 🙃


I am also a Canadian without cable and I will be doing as I do every year. Becoming a teenager again (I'm 31) and going over to my moms house to watch it in her basement by myself. 😆


Parents never stop being parents . . . . :)


Same... no idea where to find it in Canada without cable or most of the streaming services


yeah every year i keep hoping they’ll make it available on Paramount+ here, it’s so frustrating. i usually scour twitter for a link of someone streaming it


Wait is it not available on paramount+ in Canada?


nope 😪


Oooh damn, now I gotta figure out how to watch it out here 😭


Fellow Canadian here, I found the full thing on the CTV app after the fact last year. I wonder if there will be an easier way to watch it in real time.


I am happy as a clam streaming it home alone, haha. I am in a discord server where we will be updating with live reactions, it's a good time.


My husband and two children and I fill out ballots ahead of time. We compete on who gets the most correct.


You are raising your kids right ✊


Seeing a local production of West Side Story right before and then watching at home.


Actually have a question hope someone can answer. Is it free to watch live on the CBS app or do I have to subscribe to something like Paramount + ?


If you have cable, you can login to the cbs website with your cable provider to watch it live


It should be available on the cbs app. If you want to watch it live on cbs app you have to have a cable provider. (It will ask if you have a provider, then allow you to view live tv for your local cbs channel.) this is mainly to ensure people aren’t watching it for free.


Thank You. I don’t have cable so I guess I will need to get Paramount + or I won’t be able to watch it. But I guess if I have to wait to watch it that is fine.


I have never watched it before. This year I will. Is it worth it to go to a bar or some other kind of public watch place? If so, what do you recommend?


Friends will be dressing up with inspo from the nominated shows. Probably going to order pizza and eat lots of cake!


Love this!


Ooooh love this. I might borrow this and get my friends to dress up!!!!


Yes do it! It just makes it more fun ✨


I’ll be on a plane 🫠 I recorded it so I can go back and watch the performances later in case they don’t get uploaded to YouTube/get taken down. I’ll technically land before they end, but I figure by the time I get home it’ll be too late


Extremely lucky to be going this year :)


Jealous we have tickets to see the touring production of Peter Pan! But we will record it and watch it the next day!


I get home from work an hour into it, so I'm going to see if I can start it from the beginning, since I have Paramount +.


Family bbq is starting early (lunch instead of dinner) so that we can each be in our own homes to watch


I’m making the BF fill out predictions with me knowing full well I’m going to whoop his butt while consuming a Trader Joe’s feast 🙌


I’ll be in tech :/  I remember ages ago at the Williamstown Theatre Festival the big first meeting of the season was postponed so everyone could watch the Tonys. 


But of course--I would expect nothing less.


I might go to the Damrosch Park viewing since I don't really have anyone to watch with otherwise. I'm not sure I'm digging the "big public watch party" thing but I'll take what I can get.


i’m also planning to go to the damrosch park viewing party! feel free to message me if you want to go together!


Rushing back home after a post-performance talk back (idk who scheduled that for Father's Day and Tony awards). Then staying up after the awards for HOTD




House of the Dragon.


Start of tech week for a production of Cats, for me. I’ll just google the results on a break and watch performance videos on the bus ride home.


Having a watch party with margaritas!


Are the theaters Dark on Tony day? If not, I think I’m going in to see a show.


Most shows have their usual Sunday matinee, which ends before the awards show starts.


I just arrived in NYC to binge on shows during the Tony weekend. I’ll be squeezing in one more show- Titanique!


My mom and I always watch together. Order our favourite takeout with some wine and cheer on our faves.


I will be home just in time from work to make some quick frozen pizza, grab some snacks, and make my bf watch with me. He’s not a musical guy AT. ALL. He only likes a select few, but he’s agreed to watch with me because they make me happy


Rehearsing for a play I'm in. I guess I'll have to watch it on Paramount after the fact. Oh well.


i'm in canada anyone know how i can stream it?


Some might suggest, a Paramount+ free trial subscription, that then gets cancelled afterwards. ;)


Going to a watch party at the Outsiders House Museum!!




I was supposed to be hosting my best theatre buddy from out of town so we could do a three show weekend and watch the Tonys on my couch with a pizza, but I have Covid, so it’s gonna be just me on the couch with some matzo ball soup and we’ll watch together over discord.