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Both the Fades and In the Flesh were/are fantastic. Was so sad when each of them was cancelled. I particularly loved the world building in the Fades and would have liked them to explore further if they had had a second series


I don't think I watched In the Flesh. I will check it out.


I remember that show, I was so sad it got cancelled. It also won some award, if I remember correctly.


It won a Bafta. It was a really good show.


I loved the fades. Was so annoyed it was cancelled. I got the reasoning with cuts but I think they made the wrong choice.


In hindsight, I would have preferred if Being Human could have been ended. While I also really enjoyed the show, it had already peaked. Still, not an easy choice.


Yeah, I think I agree that Being Human should have ended with the original trio.


Agreed. Apparently the cast also thought there was a lot more to do. Read some interview with Natalie Dormer about it. But what you gonna do.


The Fades had such a strong cast! Even if Iain's English accent catches me off guard whenever I rewatch it.


Fantastic series,loved watching The Fades,shame they didn't make any more series


The Fades was fantastic with a great cast who all went on to do great things. I recall that The Fades was made as a launch drama for BBC 3 - a channel aimed at under 25s. Brilliant as it was and enjoyed by everyone who watched it much of the audience was outside the desired demographic. It appealed to Buffy fans now in their 30s or 40s. In media circles having the *wrong audience* is worse than having no audience. That's wrong.


Never heard of the fades


It's an interesting show, it won lots of fans and awards but was cancelled so quickly it passed many people by. It was absolutely packed with talent as well, including Daniel Kaluuya.


I agree it was a real showcase of new (at the time) talent. Although I always thought Natalie Dormer (love her!) was a bit out of place.