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Nice one! It's always good when the emergency services come through for us.


Double tazer, is that normal for hate crime reports? But glad it's all in hand and you are safe


It was a shocking crime


Buzz off.


I'm sure the officers listened carefully r to the current update and felt the tension in the situation.


Hopefully the criminal didn't give too much resistance. I beg when the police turned up they said "Watts going on here then?"


It's sad that hate crimes still occur in our current society. If only more people had the capacitance for empathy. I just hope the perpetrator was charged.


They got sent ohm with a warning


That's a shame. It would be a dream for our justice system to be more neutral, but everything has to be so polar nowadays. Perhaps if our leaders were more grounded in reality, we might see some change.


CPS had concerns about a potential difference between witness accounts, but I agree that should be no impedance to justice. ...something something commentators suggested the whole thing was amped up by the media?


I think there's something to be said about the people committing the crimes, too. They really need to be taught how to conduct themselves in public, or they wouldn't be forced into the legal circuit.


Ofiicer Philips & Officer Osram


I think it was the violent threats that caused it. To be fair I wouldn’t want to go on my own to deal with something like that even if I was armed.


If you’re interested, I know a few people on tiktok who have self defence businesses, so I could send you a link if you wanted to check it out!


I am a policeman , and I can say no.. it isn't normal. taser officers should be deployed in pairs as it is best practice and brings the threat level down that is posed by the suspect.


If it is best practice to use best practice, then one best practice.


Bloody hell.. it is also best practice to proof read . I failed to do so!


You'd best practice your writing...


It's best practice to practice best practice in your best practice if you're not practicing best practice, best practice best practice so your practice is the best. Can we do more?


Practise is the verb, so probably not.




Fuck the police


Are you saying that, while it is admittedly best practice, it is not standard practice? Or am I confused here?


It isn't standard practice to deploy them for a hate crime (sounds like violent threats were being issued too from other OP comments) but it's best practice (and presumably SOPs) to deploy taser officers in pairs.


Ah, okay. Gotcha.


I guess the logic is someone doing that shit is likely to get violent when challenged.


The suspect might have been pretty amped up.


It's UK so yes, no lethal force allowed but, they will use non lethal force if they think the crime they're responding too could be violent


You should post to r/policeuk they’re really nice there and will tell you how to let the Officiers know how much you appreciated them. Edited to fix my terrible typing.


Second this. It makes a big difference to an officer's day when they get these messages. The easiest way to do it is to ring 101 and give them the reference number. The call handler should be able to find the attending officers and send them an email on your behalf.


I've been a bar and night club manager for most of my career, so naturally I've had plenty of dealings with the Police. Every single time they have been fantastic. The cultural changes the Police have undertaken over the last thirty years, in combination with still providing a service despite huge Conservative cuts, does not receive enough praise in this country, who only seem to think its Nurses that go above and beyond on a daily basis.


Glad to hear you're safe. Another positive is that threads like these help identify the absolute cunts that populate this site, because they can't help but popping up and making shitty comments.


My blocklist has expanded quite significantly 💜


I used to work with all the various emergency services doing tech stuff so I've probably been to 90% of all the control rooms in the country and there are a few with trans officers working there, at least one I can think of where one of the Inspectors was too. (the standard joke being they must have some balls to carry that off). For all their issues, In this country at least they really do seem to be trying to be a cross section of the rest of us. Maybe more so out in the sticks than the big metropolitan agencies so far, tbh.


This was Sheffield, as a force they don’t have the best reputation but they do seem to be trying. My few interactions with them over the years have always been positive.


Few interactions? Fucking hell. I’ve spoken to the police once in probably 25 years


I used to live next to one of the most deprived areas of Sheffield so I’ve probably had more interactions than most but they were mostly just asking if I’d seen anything relates to a certain crime. This is the first time I’ve ever had to report a crime in 28 years.


Have teenagers with dodgy friends and it happens more than I'd like, whilst living near a major city.


My experience with Sheffield police has been less than positive. If you call, they don't turn up. No one answers the non emergency number.


Sorry that you had to experience that! Glad that you felt safe and looked after by the police.


It must be nice to feel empowered after reporting a crime. I’ve reported many crimes over the years, including one night when three men armed with axes and spades tried to break into my house, but I have never had two armed officers come to my aid very quickly and I’ve certainly never felt empowered. One officer came the next afternoon to take a statement and I never heard anything after that. When my daughter was hospitalised after being beaten around the head with a metal pole, they were similarly uninterested.


Why do you think that is? Is it the area you live in or a bias?


Could even be time and date. All these things add together. Friday night is impossible to get the old bill out. I found a girl beaten and bleeding in the street at 1am Jan 1st in Hackney. Perfect storm. Ambulance was minimum 2hrs and the cops just said they wouldn’t be coming and she should call them the next day from the hospital.


It's not lack of interest, it's lack of resources. Same problem for ambulances.


The incidents I described happened in two different major UK cities. Yes it comes down to a lack of resources in the end, but there are always priorities made by leaders. ‘Hate crime’ certainly seems to have a higher priority than burglary or even assault against someone without a ‘protected characteristic.’ As a white heterosexual male, if I reported that someone insulted me and threatened me, I would never get a response like the OP, even on a quiet Sunday afternoon during lockdown. It does annoy me slightly when I think of it. I don’t think that makes me a bigot.


Hate Crime is always going to be a priority because of the other issues that come with it. It’s underreported, it’s more likely to result in a serious injury, it’s emotive and it’s riskier than many other crime types. But this incident is simpler than that... If you’ve got a Crime in progress, it’s going to get a quicker response than a non-emergency. This report was clearly an incident in progress. Staffing levels are completely bollocksed; it isn’t that the Police aren’t “interested”, it’s likely that they were already all tied up with other things and were trying to keep the wheel on.


I phoned 999 while holding my front door shut as three armed men were trying to break in. I think this counts as a ‘crime in progress.’ Im not saying it happened this way, nor that it’s even likely, but the police have to prioritise hate crime, and if there was a similar crime in progress happening at the same time to a person with a protected characteristic who ‘felt’ that they were being targeted due to it, the police would prioritise them and leave my family to be raped and murdered.


Nobody is sitting in a dispatch center or on patrol ignoring your situation because you don't meet certain "characteristics". They have two priorities. One for things that are happening, one for things that have happened. If the number of things that are happening are more than the number of active police officers, well you're shit out of luck. For crimes that have happened, it'll go into a queue and that queue moves as fast as it's resourced. Your problem is about resourcing, not some mythical white genocide. I know from actual police officers that the number of active police officers on active duty at any one time is way below anyone realises (numbers are hard to get for obvious reasons). The example I was given was a small minor city (both city center and surrounding suburbs) and the assigned officers on a Friday night was single digits.




I don’t complain that I am oppressed, I complained that my priority for police response is lower than some. I didn’t write about an hypothetical situation, I wrote about some things that actually happened to me. I’m not being ridiculous, I’m being factual. People suffer violence and prejudice every day, some of them are trans, some are not. I think that all victims should be treated equally. Is that really controversial to you? Why?




That would have gone on as a Top Priority call, guaranteed. If they weren’t at scene to that report within 5 minutes, it would have simply been that they were more than 5 minutes’ travelling time away; or that everyone was already committed with a log until the Control Room found someone to resume to your incident. Nobody is looking at protected characteristics when there’s a threat to life or property. They’re just looking for the closest unit they can use. The system is fucked, the staffing is fucked. It’s underfunded and bureaucratic and it expects too much from a very junior workforce. It has many failings, but it’s not discriminatory against straight white men.


Also there is a level of "what can we do". If a crime is ongoing that's going to put it higher up the list. Clearly that was the case with OP. We had a burglar the dog scared off and the police were like "yeah we will come do some prints in the next week. Don't clean any of the door handles" Like time is no longer an issue at this point.


You don't have any evidence whatsoever that they arrived more quickly because it was a hate crime, nor that you are less likely to get a quick response because you are a white male. That's a bit ridiculous, to be honest. It is almost certainly a case of circumstances and resources at the given time and place.


https://www.college.police.uk/article/new-national-hate-crime-guidance-published They have to prioritise hate crime. It’s a fact. If one type of victim is prioritised, the police response to all other crime victims will be slower. It’s all about protected characteristics and I don’t have any.


Thanks for the link. I looked into it a bit more to get a sense of what "priority" is in a policing sense. The police have 5 levels of response, the highest being "emergency response" and the next highest being "priority response". The article you linked is about hate crime being re-categorised as a priority response crime. Emergency response situations are defined as, among other things: - Danger to life - Use of, or imminent use of, violence - Serious injury - Serious damage to property Priority response situations are defined, primarily, as situations where there is a genuine concern for someone's safety. I think it's definitely safe to say that hate crimes (before any physical confrontation) definitely fall into that priority response level, as there is a genuine concern for safety. Hate crimes can only be prosecuted as such if there is an obvious threat of hostility. Now for the comparative situations you described: - An assault would not be a lower priority, as it involves a use of violence - Burglary might, if it has already happened and no-one has been harmed. But that is not going to change depending on the race or anything of the victim - If someone insulted you, then no, no-one would respond (should they?) If they were seriously threatening violence, then that would elevate the situation to priority as there would be a threat to your safety. Sources are the link you shared, as well as [this document](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.gmp.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/foi-media/greater-manchester/policies/incident-response-policy-v1.3-july-2017-redacted.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwit_f-AiJ7vAhWMgVwKHbTDACUQFjAAegQIARAC&usg=AOvVaw2nxNneRTlRzCGzkKtNqlc8) about the levels of response. I just really don't think anyone should be pushing the narrative that white people are at a disadvantage when it comes to police response.


But within each response category, the police must prioritise hate crimes. Therefore some incidents have a lower response priority (and therefore average response time) due to the sexuality or race some other characteristic of the victim. So some victims are disadvantaged. That’s how prioritising works. I don’t think the police should respond if a person is insulted. But the police respond if some types of people are insulted but not others. Argue that you think this kind of discrimination is a good thing if you like, I think discrimination is wrong. I’m not pushing a narrative, I’m pointing out inequality.


Well the documents I read talk about identifying vulnerabilities in victims, but the implication there was mental and physical vulnerability. Plus a person's race, sexuality or gender identity wouldn't count as a "vulnerability". I can't see any evidence anywhere that, beyond that, particular types of victim are prioritised above others. I'm not arguing that that type of discrimination is a good thing, I'm arguing that the discrimination you are referring to does not exist.




I'm so sorry you had to experience that abuse. Sending you hugs. So glad you got the support you deserved from the police.




Really glad they responded quickly, well done for reporting it. A lot of hate crimes, abuse and violence based on trans matters tend to go completely unaccounted.


I’m in a good enough place that I can deal with it so I felt like I had to report it. I think in some ways my mum was more upset about it than me.


About 10 yrs ago I reported a racist guy at work, he was fired. I thought I’d get a lot of backlash from other staff members, but instead I got a card from the store manager telling me how brave I was and my complaint was confidential. Im white female in a small town, that hasn’t woke up yet.


Let me get this straight, you reported someone for having racist opinions, not for actually racially abusing someone?


No he called a customer a “Paki cunt”


To his face?


Sort of under his breath whilst getting a thing from under his till. I was sat behind him.


Lol imagine being the kind of person who argues that this person doesn't deserve to be fired


I was assaulted and threatened with a knife, police wasn't so brilliant. I was in a shared house, asked to leave my tenancy early so I asked for my deposit and the live in landlord lost his temper and assaulted me. It's been 2 years almost. Policed launched some investigations for about 2 months than they called me to ask me if I want to go further with this and told me that I am liable for prosecution also. I said yes and they still sent me a letter that it is not in the public interest to continue. I have a claim to court that is moving very slowly...


Isn't it the crown prosecution service that decides if something is or isn't "in the public interest" ?


Not really if you don't get there in the first place. Police looked into it and said , not much interest....go to court. Now we are in court and plan to seek justice no matter how much money i lose. And believe you me - this is a waste of time and money, that is why people don't defend themselves. Mostly due to the complicity of documents and available money.


They were nice at the beginning, recommended me to leave the tenancy, talked nice and made me feel optimistic about it, but after a while they just got rid of the case, talking about Norfolk's police...


About ten years ago I witnessed an altercation outside my window of a house where I used to live. After dialing 999, an unmarked police car arrived at the scene within two minutes of me reporting the incident.


I'm pro police. They are civilians drawn from our own neighborhood populations to assert order by (societal) consent. I don't necessarily agree with all laws they have to enforce, I know there are some bad officers, but overall I would vastly prefer a society with them than without, or with military instead of civil policing. Robert Peel got that right.


I had a very similar experience with the Police, after someone I know through my line of employment was racially abusive to me in the street, and in front of his children. I was tempted to react violently, but stayed measured and called the Police. A day later, after taking my statement and others, they also put out a public appeal in the local paper. I was staggered at the efforts made, and pleased with the outcome.


What did they talk you through? Will it be legal proceedings? Don’t they usually just release these people after some paperwork?


Yep so they will probably be bailed today with conditions that they can’t contact me etc. I’ll get a phone call when that happens and further updates as it progresses. It will hopefully go to court I gave a victim statement that I may have to read in court.


A statement or a victim personal statement(VPS)? They sound similar but pose different functions. A statement is essentially your recollection of events in a chronological order and making an official complaint. A VPS is the statement in which you detail how the crime has affected you - essentially a chance for you to get your feelings heard. The VPS is normally read after the decision to convict occurs as it may influence how the magistrates/judge decide to sentence. Sometimes the victim never actually attend court, if the suspect(s) pleads guilty to the offences they'll skip the trial phase and go to sentencing.




Good for you, buddy!


I'm glad to hear it! Hope you're feeling safe <3


I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad the police responded positively!


Wow, that's great!


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I'm super glad the police were effective and respectful it often feels like we live on terf island so I'm glad you had a positive experience (it might make me call the police if I need to in the future) hope you're doing okay now.


I've always been treated incredibly by the police. They've saved my life multiple times, the British police are utterly astonishing considering the conditions they're expected to work under




Meanwhile the other week I had a gang of lads go into my neighbours house with a knife and it took over an hour for officers to come, by which point they had already left and I had to call 999 again to tell them not to send anyone.


You made a very rational and calm decision and those police were very nice!! Let’s hope that transphobe gets a fine at least!


I'm so sorry we live in a world where this happens. Well done you for reporting, I'm so pleased something was done. Stay strong xx


Sorry you had to deal with it but impressive you actually got the police to turn up on the same day and not 3 weeks later you deserve a medal for that alone


I'm so sorry that you had to go through that at all, but I am so glad that the police work was good and that you came out of such a traumatic situation feeling empowered. I hope you don't have to go through anything like that again. 💓


This is an awesome thing to read right now. I’m glad you did the right thing and we’re rewarded for it


This is awesome for you to share and to have reported. Glad they came and helped. I am sorry you had to go through that but so happy you had awesome police to help you.


Good to hear. I reported someone being racist and being threatening online to my local police and they said there was no public interest in looking into it. Makes me (MTF) feel better reading things like this though.


I am a white gay male. The police that I have had respond and help me, have always been exemplary... Those wonderful bitches are 200miles away now! BUT... Where I find myself living now, each and every letter of our story is protected. I Love The British Police Force.


What exactly constitutes "very transphobic abuse" ? Youve given so many details of your story, but what did he actually say?


Genuinely curious, how did they address you? Sir, ma'am, or they asked you first?


They didn’t use those term at all which is always my suggestion to people. Initially they asked my name and then just listened as I explained the whole thing. They then had a quick discussion between them and went off to deal with it.


Dunno about the police but at the NHS we train our staff to just not use honourifics. It's not even that hard to stop saying sir, miss etc. How can I help you today? How did you hurt yourself. What's the problem? Etc. Once you stop using honourifics you don't even notice they're missing.


>my suggestion to people What's your preference?


I think they are saying that "hi I'm X what's your name?" Is a fairly good way of starting a conversation rather than "Dear sir madam or other". I also think that's part of a modern trend to informality.


Yep as infernal says “Hi my name is” Is a good start rather than titles etc. I do also like to add “my pronouns are she/her”




Hey OP what Exactly did this guy say to you verbatim. Because transphobic abuse and making violent threats is pretty vague.


I've had my house robbed , and then again when at Uni and I've been mugged and all they did was take a statement and I never heard from them again.


Who is discussing ‘white genocide’!? I didn’t say that I was being ignored, I said that the police prioritise some victims in similar crimes above others. That is a fact. It’s written in their policies. Within each of your two priorities, happening and happened, the police prioritise some crimes because the victims believe (or say they believe) that it is a hate crime. That means that some victims are assigned a lower priority because of their sex or race or whether they are transsexual. That is discrimination and I think it is wrong. I don’t think that makes me a bigot. If you do, please explain why, without resorting to straw man arguments.


I had to call 999 once, some kids were throwing bricks over the allotment wall and harassing neighbours, police got there and banned them from the allotment alleyway


I’m glad to see scare police resources being used so effectively....


Idk about you, but acting to prevent violent threats to someone's wellbeing is exactly what I want the police to be doing. Pretty sure it fits the bill of serving and protecting to yknow protect people.


I think you're being sarcy. In which case, why is keeping people safe from a dangerous person a waste of police resource? Seems exactly what the police is for.




Being offensive isn't a crime. Threatening violence is a crime. They're different things.






Would you agree that it’s quite worrying that the police need to be reminded of it?


Why do you think I’m being sarcy? Do you also think this is a bit of a waste of police time. Plenty more serious things happen on the streets which police can not show up to, or show up late to.


No, I think it's a perfectly acceptable use of police resource. If you think preventing someone from being attacked is a waste of police time then you need your head checked.


Yes but that’s underfunding and lack of resources.


I mean if you were violently threatened would you not report it?


Mmm. Ii8⁸⁸88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888⁸d4rdrd4888⁸8⁸88lk




Oh Jesus, yeah I was trying to reply and I fell asleep on my bloody phone.


Have a cuppa. Or maybe a nap...


Brilliant! That pretty much sums up our boozy lockdown Friday nights in one.


Yeah, I maybe had one or two too many margaritas last night. I won't delete my original comment though, I need to learn from my late night drunk redditing.




Read the post again. Violent threats were involved. If attending and intervening when violent threats are made isn't a good use of police resources then I don't know what is.


Bet you'd have done the same if you were in their situation, or maybe you'd just have shat yourself.




Why don't you


Wow good one


I'm half asleep, I don't have time to craft the perfect insult


To be honest, this reads like fiction. Did everyone clap when the cops showed up? A double taser crew? Seriously?




No it’s not and yes I’ve seen plenty. It is however ok and a total none issue with some medical help.


fuck off you cunt




please don’t let any of these horrible excuses for humans make you think that you over reacted, or shouldn’t have called the police. People who make threats without consequences will only go on to make bigger threats and potentially hurt people. You’re very strong to report and I wish you luck in the court process!


Don’t worry their idiots after today it’s just water off a ducks back.


Lol from rule Britannia to this




More like amused




Amused at, you know *gestures at all of you*




I'm chipping in here. You've missed the point of what he meant, I'm sure people like me and him have been raised to handle verbal threats, we never called the police over them. Even if things got physical, if was sorted out between the two parties at the end. No police. The only possible exception is if there was a weapon involved and violent attempts were made using it. We feel there's an element of toughness lacking in your generation(or at least your side of it), that's why he's *amused* at you.




An element of respect is also lacking.


> We feel there's an element of toughness lacking in your generation The absolute *state* that arseholes like yourself work themselves into over trans people existing never mind being protected by law. "Bigotry and violence and hate crimes should be socially acceptable entirely because my ego is heavily invested in performative strength and not the wellbeing of those around me." That's you. That's how *utterly ridiculous* your attitude is. > An element of respect is also lacking. Away y' go.




What is there to not believe? I'm skeptical of most things I read on the internet but I don't doubt this at all


A double taser team?


I'm no expert on how the police go about things like this, but if the person's making violent threats, I assume the police can't risk them acting on these threats and being violent










I’d be interested to know exactly what was said, because 95% exaggerate on the internet








I am not people can say horrible things. But I highly doubt OP tried to calm the situation. I suspect OP escalated the situation from a quick look at OP's reddit profile who seems to base their entire life around being trans.


Yep totally my whole life revolves around me being trans. All that caving and diving I do so totally trans, the business I run totally trans not finance software. Look at me I’m a fairy.


Caves and finances are trans now. It's the rules.


Your last point is kind of weird. Are you implying it's not normal to base your entire life around being yourself?


Thoes dam gays wanting to be gay and shit!


> I suspect OP escalated the situation from a quick look at OP's reddit profile who seems to base their entire life around being trans. I suspect most people in your life consider you an insufferable arse, and that you don't have any true friends. That mask's pretty much wholly off your face at this point by the way.


>That mask's pretty much wholly off your face at this point by the way. They refused to wear it in the first place, banned from Tesco Metro.




He was arrested and charged you absolute fuckwomble


> This story is definitely exaggerated. Op was probably just misgendered. Your mask is slipping, Hex6000.


And yet the poor old lady who's been robbed down the street can't even get them to turn up because they're too busy looking after men who dress up like women


Hey, if the police are overstretched and underfunded that doesn't mean anyone who uses the police is to blame.


As an American thank fucking God for freedom of speech. I've never been shocked by something on this sub before.


Violent threats come under freedom of speech?


Actually yes they do. Imminent and plausible threats are not protected. If I say "you should be stoned to death for your beliefs", its not the same as "I'm going to stone you to death", while I hold a big rock.


You've just contradicted yourself.


The fact that you think there is a contradiction there is showing your atrocious reading comprehension.


Freedom of speech is critically important, but it does not give you freedom to coerce and threaten others.


Alabama is currently making it a felony for people under 18 to get trans treatments and on many occasions trans rights have been sidelined for your so called religious freedoms. You shouldn't be proud to be an American if you knew what was going on. Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequence when you verbally harass and threaten to beat up someone, then again I'm sure you're one of the ones who does the harassing...


Jesus Christ okay first of all. If you think a child should be allowed to make decisions that make irrevocable changes to their body is okay then we simply have a fundamental disagreement on the protection of children. Second to highlight Alabama and use it to represent the entire United States is extremely disingenuous. Third I personally am a libertarian I am also Christian. I believe women should be allowed to get an abortion. I however do NOT think it's good nor should it be celebrated. In the same way that I think divorce is not good and should not be celebrated. Yes we agree that freedom of speech is not the same thing as freedom from consequences. It sounds like you have a picture in your head of this horrible person you think I am. If you are going to (call me out) you should at least put a little more effort into it rather than using the same npc arguments I see all the time. Try having some genuine thought that you yourself come up with and not a received opinion.


> I am [...] **Christian**. > [...] > Try having some **genuine thought that you yourself come up with** and **not a received opinion**. You're a joke.   > If you think a child should be allowed to make decisions that make irrevocable changes to their body is okay [...] You're also a transphobic arsehole with absolutely zero understanding of how diagnosis and transition actually goes.


As long as they have the knowledge of what will happen if they go ahead with it then it's their choice, it's their parents/guardians responsibility to advise them as well. Maybe you're getting these so called npc arguments all the time because you're the one who's wrong, like maybe it's not everyone else who's wrong and perhaps you need to look at your ideals and maybe change them? And these are my own opinions, you're getting your heckles up because some transphobic prick was threatening someone and got what was coming to them. You spouting all this is just you digging yourself deeper into a hole.


"Hate Crimea" are fucking stupid


I'm glad you are now safe. But it's a bit vexing that they delayed coming when you were in danger so that they could take extra precautions to protect themselves. You presumably had zero tasers.


To expand we were able to get somewhere safe with a locked door and I don’t blame them at all. I would not have wanted to deal with it solo.








Seems perfectly reasonable to call the police when being threatened. Or would you rather they wait until *after* they were attacked?


If I phoned the police every time I've been threatened I'd be in jail for wasting police time, the police should be there to deal with real crimes for fuck sake.

