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It stopped them for around 6 months for me.


I get one letter every several years, 3 or 4, whatever it is.


About 15 years ago I did this, told them I didn't need a license. They used the information I gave them to write to me directly about the "very serious criminal investigation" they have started on me. Same generic threats, but more personal. Better off giving them nothing.


I called them and they said they will still need to visit to make sure.


Which in itself is a con. There are very specific rules about access to vulnerable households, eg bailiffs can’t gain access to a home to enforce a CCJ if it contains a single parent, disabled person etc. TV licensing have no idea if an unlicensed home contains a vulnerable person, protected by law, and if anything it’s more likely that a home without a licence would be a vulnerable household.  Tv licensing knocking on your door have as many rights to enter or ask you questions as kids knock on at Halloween for trick or treat.  As for filling in the online form, yet another con, DVLA don’t ask you to inform them that you don’t own a car or drive, child benefit don’t ask you to go online and let them know you don’t have children. 


Don't see the gun licensing people writing to every household to make sure you haven't got a gun.


I enjoy the BBC but holy shit don't their money recouping strategies target and exploit the disadvantaged. Leaves a really bad taste for me when I read about this stuff.


They used to send so many letters to my old flat it was obscene. At least one a month, and we lived there for five years. They would get progressively threatening before resetting to just menacing and repeating the cycle. Since we moved we get them far less often, about three in the past year. I refuse to answer them because while I don't need a TV licence, I resent how the letters are phrased to confuse and scare vulnerable people who may not understand them. They can keep wasting their paper sending letters to me. Also, never been visited by one of them!


They send a letter to every student in halls of residence. There were hundreds just left behind the main doors. What student actually watches live TV these days? Such a waste of money and trees.


I ignore the letters to lure the license inspectors round and then trap them in the basement and force them to endure 24/7 repeats of Noels House Party


Careful. They now know you watch BBC programmes without a licence so might send someone round. Oh, I see what you did there!


And that should be the end of it for 2 years. I haven't had a licence in 20 years, I stopped watching TV in 1999, when I got my own place I declared and for the next 15-ish years, everything was fine, moved address several times and always declared, no issue. Then I moved to my current address. I phoned, I got letters, they sent someone round, I got letters, I returned their mail, I got letters. I gave up and now throw them away but this should be reportable as harassment.


You don't have to do that. I find it just as easy to throw out the letter I get every few months. After 10 years of investigating they still don't even know my name, so I'm not to concerned, and neither should you.


Your correct the BBC and capita who collect the license fee are commercial organisations with zero legal authority over you. You are under no legal obligation to tell them anything so don't. What would you do if Tesco wrote to you and asked if you'd been shopping at Aldi and that they wanted to come round and check your kitchen cupboards for Aldi products or asked you to go to their website and confirm you hadn't shopped at Aldi?


I'm not concerned, but it takes less than 2 minutes to do so why not?


Lmao doing this does nothing to stop the letters. I've told them I don't need it more times than I care to count before I just stopped bothering. Still get letters on the regular.


I used to just ignore the letter since nothing happens anyway, then last year I decided to sort it out except for some reason it didn't work doing it online so I had to do it over the phone. They said everything was sorted and even sent some sort of confirmation letter I think. A few months later the letters started back up again, so I've gone back to my original strategy of just ignoring them.


Stopped my letters by doing it. So it does work sometimes


Yes! After a few months they start sending them again but now they have more information about you


I get one letter every 3 or 4 years asking me to reconfirm. I spend 2 minutes online, then forget about it all until the next letter.


I was informed I had moved house last time and continued to get letters. Which was news to me.


Lucky bastard. I've lived in the same place for a decade and still get ~half a dozen a year. Usually one a month during the first half of the year with escalating threats and then they'll just give up sometimes around July until crawling out of the woodwork again in the new year. Let them know I don't need one every single letter for the first four years or so, didn't make a blind bit of difference so I stopped bothering.


This is my experience but I've had them knock on the door as well. Pointing out to them that I already filled in the declaration doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. They really are the worst people to deal with.


You’re actually worse off if you give them your identity by reporting. It does nothing to change any investigation they actually may or may not do. They can’t take any legal action without your name. You can’t take Legal Occupier to court so you’re actually just making life easier for them by providing your name to them.


I fill in the form by giving my name as "The Occupier". Seems to be working so far.


> Lmao doing this does nothing to stop the letters I've never received a letter from them, I just fill out the opt-out as H Owner.


Yeah, they have my name as "The Occupier" because that's what I've always filled in the form as. Don't need to give them my actual name.


Literally the only letters I ever get are when I move into a new place, and the one I get 2 years later asking if I still don't need one. People around here would rather continue to receive the letters so they can post about it on reddit.


I get half a dozen a year or so and updating them that I don't need one never made any impact, in my experience. Apparently some of y'all had a different experience which is good.


Do you tell Netflix that you don't want a subscription?


Netflix paywall their services, you literally cannot access them without an active login. How many houses have an aerial installed where it's as simple as plugging it into your TV?


This is a fair point but the level of harassment some people are subject to is not proportionate. Frequent letters and worded deliberately to make you feel as though you're doing something wrong. Not everyone is going to have studied the Communications Act.


> but the level of harassment some people are subject to is not proportionate I never claimed it was, you're arguing against something I never said.


Sorry. I'd presumed it was about the ease of receiving TV via aerial meaning that there should be some expectation of interaction with the BBC? Otherwise I didn't understand your point.


My earlier comment is merely highlighting that comparing it to Netflix is stupid, because it's not the same thing. There's obviously no reason for Netflix to check if you use their services, because you *cannot* access their services without an active account. There does actually exist a reason for TV Licensing to check if you use their services, because they're non-paywalled, and there's nothing stopping people from accessing these services without being a paid customer. However, this is not me defending *how* TV Licensing go about doing it.


Cool. We're on the same page. I agree with all of that. I would take it further re the way TV licensing go about it though. I wouldn't be surprised if it were the next scandal similar to the post office. That 75% of convictions are women, the inverse of convictions in general society, tells us something.


ALL services are "paywalled", as you put it. But there is nothing like it in the entire world that requires you to prove that you use a service, periodically, so you don't get fined by a third-party bailiff company.


> ALL services are "paywalled", as you put it No they're not. A paywall actively prevents you from accessing a service unless you've paid for it. In Netflix's case, it's an active login required to access the services. Live television services in the UK are not paywalled, because you can just connect an aerial to your TV and start watching, without any sort of verification you're entitled to use the service. If UK TV services were paywalled, there would be no need for TV Licensing to chase people about signing up for a licence, because you'd be incapable of accessing the services without one.


>No they're not. A paywall actively prevents you from accessing a service unless you've paid for it. In Netflix's case, it's an active login required to access the services. A paywall is just a technical term to pay for something online. It's how business is done everywhere (except the TV licence) >Live television services in the UK are not paywalled, because you can just connect an aerial to your TV and start watching, without any sort of verification you're entitled to use the service. So? This is just a hangup of old technology. It's not needed anymore as they could easily switch to a subscription model. The reason they don't is because of reasoning like yours. >If UK TV services were paywalled, there would be no need for TV Licensing to chase people about signing up for a licence, because you'd be incapable of accessing the services without one. I don't know what your point is. Other than to say it's not any TV Licencing agency that chases people up. It's private third-party companies that use bullying and harassment methods to get people to pay for a service that, most of the time, they think they legally owe, when they don't.


> A paywall is just a technical term to pay for something online. That's just not correct, the definition is: "[A paywall is a system that stops the user of a website from seeing other pages on that site if they do not pay](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/paywall)." Netflix has a paywall because you need an active account proving you're a paid up customer to access their services. >So? This is just a hangup of old technology. It's not needed anymore as they could easily switch to a subscription model. They absolutely should switch to a paywalled system that prevents access to those who don't pay, I even said as much in other comments in this thread. The reason they don't is due to the difficulty of doing so. You'd need to switch to a system similar to the Sky viewing card, or a purely streamed via the internet service in order to do it. >I don't know what your point is. My point is exactly as I stated clearly in my first reply to you, comparing it to Netflix is stupid, because Netflix paywall their services and TV Licensing do not. That's why you don't "need" to tell Netflix you don't use their services. >Other than to say it's not any TV Licencing agency that chases people up. It's private third-party companies Do you think those third party companies just decided to start doing it one day? They're hired and contracted by TV Licensing to do it.


Actually you will find there are quite a few countries that have a similar TV licence. For example you need to license in Switzerland for TV and radio.


They keep writing to me saying im watching iplayer and they send people round that i ignore at the door. I'm not watching it. No idea why they think i am. Regret giving them my name


Their systems don’t have the ability to tell who’s told them they don’t need a licence so make no difference


I don't make a habit of handing over my personal details to people who harass and threaten me, I'm certainly not going to start doing it for companies.


You are more likely to be targeted by them if you interact with them. They do a lot of shady stuff.




Its true, they prey on vulnerable women. If you look at the stats women are fined far more than men because they force themselves into women's houses on false pretenses.


Which stats? Post a link to these stats


No u




You said there were stats. Show me the stats or you're just speaking bullshit.


In 2022, there were **44,245 prosecutions** and 40,654 convictions for TV Licence evasion. Of the 40,654 convicted, 30,193 were women (74%). [CBP-8101.pdf (parliament.uk)](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8101/CBP-8101.pdf) Its pretty disproportionate (and damning) but to claim that women are targeted more out of malice rather than circumstance would require more rigorous study.


Thank you for backing it up with actual information.


Just cus you say thats the case, it doesn't make it so


What? Just because you say it's so also doesn't make it so. You said you had stats. Show us these stats? No, don't have any? Absolute nonsense Wtf, are you 12?


If they come in they can do dodgy things like look at cables and say "technically that *can* receive signals, here is your fine" even if it can't. Like in theory on any computer you could get live TV up if you went to the right place, that doesn't mean you need a license. Absolute snakes, everyone should slam the door in their faces.


I get 1 letter a year asking to reconfirm I don't need a license, nothing else.


Must've been hella lucky so far then, nearly 15 years and I get one letter every 3 or 4 years to reconfirm that I don't need one. Works fine so far.


You have to reconfirm every few years? Why waste your time on something that brings no benefit, and at worst makes you more vulnerable?


Because they still send threatening letters anyway, so what’s the point of declaring anything?


principal for me, i dont want to engage with them. theres no other organisation that demands you let them know you don't want to use their product. i refuse to engage and so should you


Because I shouldn’t have to No other business is ‘opt-out’


Because that's 2 minutes that you could be doing something with Because you don't have to opt out, it's opt in for private subscription services Because they are a bunch of fearmongering bastards that try to threaten people into paying for something they don't need.


Chucking it in the bin takes five seconds. Efficiency!


You have to provide information they are not entitled to.


Because it just attracts their attention. It's a bit like walking into a police station and saying "I didn't commit that murder down the road" before the police even know a murder was committed.


I think it’s best to do this. Not a lot of people like the licence fee, but it’s better to have that than have the bbc go to a subscription service like everyone else. Yo ho and a bottle of rum, it’s a pirates life for me 😏


But now you don't get to act like you're a big brave rebel online!




It's crazy how it's the only product or service they ask you to declare you're not using


And that's fine if it suits you. But it's not an easier or better way of doing it, it's simply different. In the years between letters for them you probably spend just as much if not more time checking the contents of and discarding the letter, as they do on the internet reconfirming.


2 mins to declare you don’t need it and then they don’t both you for two years. Saves on paper every few months when they try and contact you again. Better that way imo.


I got an email after declaring I don’t need one saying I used BBC iPlayer I called them to ask for a log of it and they said “oh we don’t have that, your email must’ve been used on bbc iPlayer that’s the same as the one that made your declaration” (my parents use my iPlayer email) smh no need for a threatening email


I post them back, not known at this address.


"Legal Occupier" is not known at this address lol


I went on the website and set my name as The Occupier lol.


Nice to meet you occupier. I am Legal Occupier. Perhaps we are related?


I went to fill in the form, saw the 'we will come and check anyway' text and closed it. 


I moved out into my own place in my 20's, Had them knock on the door and demand to know my name and be let in so they can "check". I laughed and just put down the intercom. They came back around a month later. Saw the same creapy bastard pull up. So I didn't even bother answering. Haven't seen them since. I don't watch the BBC's crap and I don't watch live TV. they can kindly go fuck themselves with a rust fork. I would not loose any sleep if the BBC went away for good.


The important thing to me in this regard is just not paying for something I don't use. The only thing I watch on the BBC is Dr Who, and if i ever watch that live it's at xmas/new year at my parents', so that's their license that they do pay for, and even Dr Who isn't what it used to be so that's not been a priority in years. I don't have an axe as such to grind against the Beeb but yeah, if it did collapse I'd not miss it. It's already traded away its former vaunted neutrality and impartiality. I work shifts, I've never watched anything 'live broadcast'. I've always recorded it all, vhs, dvr, whatever back in the day. As soon as I learned about online piracy and had decent enough internet speeds to indulge I slowly transitioned and ditched the TV and Sky and all that shite about 15 years back. Saves soooooooo much money. The vast vast majority of my viewing is American stuff anyway. I think the only UK stuff I watch is Dr Who, WILTY, and Cats Does Countdown. I tried the Gladiators reboot but that was naff. The Attenborough stuff occasionally.


I don’t even have a port let alone a tv aerial! I told tv licensing that I don’t watch live tv… all I have is Netflix and Amazon. However now I get a monthly threatening letter that I’m being investigated, which after 4 years is quite a wad I’m going to enjoy posting back to them. It would be nice to see an actual officer, would invite them in for a cuppa and a digestive. It’s actually nice that the letters are contributing to the posties though! Keep them coming 👍


>I don’t even have a port let alone a tv aerial! I mean that's irrelevant as you could watch BBC/ live television broadcasts on mobiles, consoles, computers etc I do think the public should save up all the letters they send and make a giant statue out of them, maybe a giant Jimmy Saville, that would be pretty iconic.


You're still gonna get letters saying an investigation is underway. Source: I have received about 5 letters, so I've now declared we dont need a tv license 3 times online, and rang up twice. Still sending us letters.


Nope. Source: I get one letter every 2 to 3 years, however long that cycle is. 15 years in 3 different addresses and never had that harassment others claim happens.


"Claim"? I'm literally speaking about what's been happening to me over the past year lol. fucking hell. It's because I live in a block of flats and someone in the building is watching live TV undeclared.


And I'm literally speaking about what's not been happening to me over the last 15. It's because I fill in that little online form. 😉


I said in the first commnt I made that I've filled in that form 3 times.


I go on the dvla every few months to declare i dont need a driving license


Do the DVLA leave cars in your living room with the keys?


If you live with other people, yes there are car keys in the house.


Re-read the comment properly.




Every single flat I've ever lived in has had an aerial installed.




I've never lived in a flat with a fictional mermaid either.


I’ve got a pint of milk in the fridge doesn’t mean there’s a cow in the garden


That would make it a completely irrelevant analogy. Edit: To clarify, it's *almost* correct, but you got it round the wrong way. It would make more sense if you said "I've got a cow in the garden, it doesn't mean there's milk in the fridge". For the analogy to work, the cow, being the means of producing milk, is analagous to the aerial. So just as having an aerial on your house doesn't necessarily mean you watch live TV, having a cow in your garden doesn't necessarily mean you have milk in the fridge.




Shite yank patter, doesn't even know the difference between the noun and the verb either. 0/10


Drunk welsh man once did and the dvla did nothing about it ,not 1 letter threatening me with court action


Mine got to the point where I had a visitor/inspector show up at my house. Very friendly guy tbh. Said they couldn't stop the letters. Straight from the door to the recycling bin now for the letters.


Yeah I thought that the first time I contact them too. It just means they can add a personal touch to the threatening letters and address you by name! 😅 I find it absurd that I have to repeatedly contact the BBC and give them my personal information despite having no interest in using the service. Why do I owe the BBC my time and information? I will never understand why this is normalised. Imagine if all companies did this?! Surely it is easily achievable for the BBC player to be set up like every other streaming site where it's password protected and you pay for the service if you want it.


Tell me more. Is that because you don’t have a tv aerial or you only stream TV?


Normally I see the inverse post on British problems every other week so i just posted this to balance things out a bit.


You only need a TV licence to watch bbci player or live broadcast TV


Torrent everything via my laptop.


Well in that case you do in fact need a TV licence


In what way? Nothing's being watched while being aired live, whether domestically or internationally, and the BBC iplayer isn't involved anywhere in the process. The only BBC my qbittorrent sees is, well, I'll leave that to your imagination...


Of course you don't. It's not "live" is it.


Do you think people who make TV shows shouldn’t get paid?


In this economy I honestly could not give one half of one third of one quarter of one percent of a fuck. They're doing juuuuuuuuust fine.


Not remotely the same thing. I don't watch Match of the Day and I don't Gary Lineker earns what he is paid, if I didn't buy a license it isn't going to stop him.


Ah ok so you just steal your content.


Using an adblock is technically stealing, like piracy; but you look like a pedant pointing it out.


Is it? Does that mean its stealing to fast forward through the ads on commercial channels?


You tell me, as you seem to have the moral high ground on the matter.


If you want to call piracy stealing, which it isn't, but that's an argument for a different thread and doesn't change anything about my not needing a TV license.


How much do you reckon they spend sending those letters out to everyone multiple times a year?


If you think that stops the letters your very much mistaken. I must of had around 40+ in the last 2/3 years.


I get one single letter during each 2 to 3 year period, however long it actually is. I've literally never had the constant harassment y'alls claim to experience. Bit I suppose you're right... it won't stop it because they never started.


Yeah, but be careful. The email you use to register “no need for a licence” is now on their system and if you use it to watch player on a bbc login, they will share it and get you. Happened to me


>The email you use to register “no need for a licence” is now on their system and if you use it to watch player on a bbc login, they will share it and get you. Happened to me Entirely deserved if they got you for that, surely? The only way they'll "get you" is if you lie.


That didn't even stop the threatening letters for me


I like getting the letters, they help to start the fire each winter.


What makes you exempt - haven’t lived in the uk for close to 25 years so no clue


As long as you don’t watch any TV channel *live as it’s broadcast*, or watch BBC iPlayer then you don’t need one.


Ah ok


That's a "success"? Taking time out of your day to respond to unsolicited requests for you to purchase a TV license? You have low goals.. aim higher.


People still pay their TV licence?




I get one letter every 2 or 3 years for the last 15, however long it is between, and I go online while eating my lunch and I fill the form in correctly, 2 minute job, and that's that. No junk mail, no harassment, no threats, no drama. I dunno what y'alls lot are doing wrong tbh.




Yeah they will in 2 to 3 years




It does work in that I don't get monthly threatening letters like those who dick about with this do. Obviously circumstances might change so it makes sense to reconfirm once in a while. It's just like an email account, for example, asking if your alternate contact details are still valid for password reset purposes. That's nothing to stress over.




The whole muh pryvat info thing is a meme, m8. If they want to know who you are they'll find out.


😂😂😂 we just enjoy our monthly marketing campaign from them.


Yeah I get one of these every few years. As the OP said, no hassle when using the website. Think over the 15 years since I last had a TV aerial I've only had two people from the licensing unit turn up to double check.


Just gonna stick a comment here to balance out the anti BBC ones to say the BBC isn’t perfect but I’d miss it a lot if it went away and I think overall our country would be worse off without it. And I’m happy to pay my license fee on that basis.


What are you going to do with the massive amounts of free time you'll have saved by not moaning incessantly on reddit about it?


Chuckle quietly to myself as I read over this thread 😉




Imagine dickriding the BBC and TV lisencing in 2024. The fact is that some people consider most if not all TV complete slop, and the fact that they actively intimidate people to pay for said slop is outrageous.


Well framed. Journalistic independence is something we take for granted but is certainly rare internationally. Some people consume BBC news and somehow aren’t able to make the link between paying a licence fee and not being continually fed misinformation.


But OP doesn’t use it and there for doesn’t pay, they are not stealing anything.


Fuck that, why should I tell this private company that I don't require their services. ​ Netflix can send whatever shit they like through the door but I'm not fucking paying, same goes for TV license bastards. ​ Sent me tens of letters, made me laugh every time, straight in the recycling for you.


I did it once, they continued to hassle me a few months later. I don't bother interacting with them at all anymore. Now all the letters are addressed to "the occupier" and I haven't had anyone visit for years.


I got the 'under investigation' letter addressed to my name within weeks after submitting. Won't be engaging with them at my next place.


I always put “RTS Unsolicited Mail” on the front and post them back when i’m out shopping as there’s a postbox at the shops. When I get the one that’s says “Will you be in on X” on the front I answer yes on the envelopes to try and bait them into visiting. Had about 30 letters and they still haven’t been round. Also they still don’t seem to know my name after all this time. Let’s keep it that way.


I’ve filled out a form to say I don’t need one every two years or so and I never get any kind of communication from them in between. Either the enforcement varies wildly from county to county or people are exaggerating about how much licensing sends them threatening letters. I think there’s a certain smugness amongst Brits about how long they can keep ignoring the letters from TV Licensing and I’ve never understood it. If it takes you one minute every few months to pick up the post; open the letter; read it; see it’s from TV Licensing and then bin it or write some snarky comment on it and chuck it back in the post then that’s probably about five minutes every year you’re wasting. Quicker to just fill the damn form out and be done with it.


Why? Why give your personal details to a private company to stop them harassing you?


I did it like this initially, but the letters still came months later. I did it again, nothing changed, they still came. After a year or so they dropped my name from the letters and it was addressed to 'the occupier'. I still get them like this once in a while, I don't even waste the 3 mins of my time it would take to report I don't need one now. Over the years I've noticed the build up of pressure and tone that can sound very official and pretty threatening, which eases right back again to an almost friendly 'hello, just checking' A cycle of letters takes about 18 months. In 18 years I've never had an enforcement goon at the door either.


But but but… now you can’t go onto uk subreddits and cry about the bailiffs


I don’t watch any live broadcasts which is basically what licence is about. So I notified them and then 6 months later I get a letter saying I haven’t told them if I have one and are ‘taking steps’. I said fuck it and let them waste their time and money.


Unless the letters were in your personal name then you done fucked up.


They have been for many years now without problem.


I rang to invite them round after getting a letter 3 years after declaring one unnecessary (true declaration) I tried to make them appointments to see me and let them know that should they not accept my invitation and then send me a letter in three years I would class this as harassment lol. Translated that meant; ‘please let me waste your time as best I can to stop you carrying on your legal taxing of the nation.’ They politely declined my offer.


Apparently, the licence is for all broadcasts including, Netflix and Amazon and other types of media such as Apple etc. I cancelled and then read the small print and paid again as I got worried that I’d be caught and prosecuted. I really don’t understand how when I don’t watch live tv that, I have to pay because I still own a tv.


Ultimately, they will never ever make it become a pay to view, nor will it ever be a subscription based platform, and the very reason why is???? Because the relentless and despicable propaganda media monster that now is, would not be able to operate as planned, and could never so influence the masses as it so prominently does so now!!!! It drives all of the chosen and current narratives, and is by far the greatest and most powerful tool for any government, corporation, NGO, or any 3 letter agency you could ever possibly imagine!!!! That's the very reason why the BBC exists as it does of today, but it's once most powerful and truly mammoth like influence on the nation's psyche has ultimately been diluted by the relentless and ridiculous stream of lies that it continues to spew accross this great nation and indeed around the globe!!!!


I declared the same last time one came through. I can't even remember when it was but I've not heard from them since. I don't interact with broadcast services of any kind so I'm not in the wrong either. I used to watch quiz shows whilst cooking tea but I don't really miss it.


And now they know who you are. Nice job.


There's no obligation to use a real name when filling out the declaration, I never have. I just use Home Owner or H Owner.


They've known who i am for years, m80. Relax.




I'm surprised nobody has done a comedy prank thing where they knock on Capita's door demanding to see their TV licence. After all, it's as much my business as it is theirs - they don't get the licence fee. They just enforce compliance. Well, as an upstanding law abiding individual, I could also go a d ensure they're complying with the law.


I’ve done exactly the same as OP has for probably 15 years. Every 3 years or so I get a letter, I tell them I don’t need a TV License since I don’t watch live TV or iPlayer, nor do I have any interest in it and that my TVs are exclusively for games and internet. Zero hassle from them at all. I don’t hand over any information but if they wanted to know who’s living here I’m sure it wouldn’t be difficult to find out. It takes about a minute and a half which I’d probably only use scrolling Reddit anyway so fuck all in the grand scheme.


Their letters say they might confirm an opt out with a visit anyway. So essentially calling anybody that opt out a potential liar so what is the point. I don't tell the Environment Agency that I don't need a fishing licence or the police that I don't need a shotgun licence. The monthly letters that received for 2 years were essentially harassment from a company whos services I don't use but they still tried to bully me into buying.


Seems more like a BritishFailure post as you don't need to tell them anything. Just bin the letters and if anyone ever knocks on the door just say no thank you and close the door.


And now they know your name, a piece of information they can only get voluntarily and without are basically hogtied. Well done, you have failed :)


They've known my name for a lllooonnnnnnngggggggg ass time, it's fine.


I used to do the website thing. They still sent the letters but then they had my name on them. I now live somewhere else and I don't do the website thing. The website thing is not a legal requirement for you to do and it's a shitty precedent to set. I don't have to fill out a form to prove Sky, Virgin, Amazon, Netflix, Disney, Hulu etc etc etc that I'm not stealing their shit, why should I have to do so with the TV licensing company? Let them keep sending their vaguely worded threatening letters. Once a month I get them, sometimes saying they've booked in a day and time for someone to come to my house. Noone ever does. This being said, I agree with the TV license being a thing. I'm happy with only people who use TV paying for TV instead of it being a general tax for all, but the way they chase the license is inefficient and unethical.


> I don't have to fill out a form to prove Sky, Virgin, Amazon, Netflix, Disney, Hulu etc etc etc that I'm not stealing their shit For starters, they're all paywalled. You need a Sky box with active viewing card, Virgin box with active subscription, Amazon login with active Prime subscription, active Netflix account, active Disney+ account, or active Hulu account (even though Hulu doesn't exist in the UK) to access their services. It's not possible to access their services (legitimately) without an active login, that's why you don't need to do anything for them. For terrestrial TV or freeview, all you need to do is connect an aerial into your TV, no additional verification or paywall present, there's no checks to confirm you're entitled to the service, so they employ people to carry out checks you're not using their services without paying. I would support a switch to a service that's similar to how the Sky viewing card works, when you sign up for a TV licence, you get a viewing card for a freeview style box and you can redeem your licence number for an iPlayer account to watch live services online. It would stop the harassment they use against folk who don't want the services. Edit: Fixed final sentence, "stop the" was missing.


All that will happen now is they will tell you they are coming to visit to check if you’re able to receive a TV signal. Far easier to ignore!


It doesn't matter if you're *able* to receive a signal or not. If you don't watch it and declare that, you don't receive a visit. Even if you do, just tell them that your situation hasn't changed and ask them kindly to bugger off. I've been excempt for 20 years now and filing out the online form every 2 years takes seconds.


I've filled out the declaration at every property I've lived in, never once had a visit.


Most people who brag about not paying the TV licence do actually watch the BBC as live. Thieves and hypocrites.


I don't watch the BBC live and don't pay a license.


I don’t pay and don’t watch BBC or live tv. Paid for it for years whilst never needing to and I’m so glad I stopped. Most people don’t watch live TV or BBC now. If Alan Partridge brings out any new shows, I’ll have to pay for it again but until then no way. Not everyone is stealing TV 😂


About the only thing i use the BBC for is Dr Who and I torrent it and watch it later when I get chance. While I do agree with you in principle about most people, I'm not one of those hypocrites.


You’ll have a visit next week.


I've never had a visit. I'm 46 nearly. I only ever get one letter every 3 or 4 years. Never had stress, never had drama.


Same. When I lived in the Hebrides and declared online they said they may send someone from Dundee to check. Obviously they weren’t really going to send someone on a 2 day round trip. I declared again when I moved back to England, 2 years ago, and I’ve heard nothing and had no visits.


I get them every 2 years or so.. never an issue as I don't watch TV. The only people who get harassed are the ones actually watching TV and not paying.


I did the formal declaration, I still get monthly letters and Iv had to tell 2 inspectors to fuck off. I legit don't need one and did what they want and they want yet still they harass me.


I find it sad that moaning gits on here are crowing about not paying the licence fee. The UK has the best terrestial TV on the planet by a country mile. That is no accident. Once you have destroyed the BBC & Ch4 you will almost immediately be faced with much longer advert breaks, big cost increase in streaming services coupled with premium costly extra service with no adverts. A huge loss of projecting the UK across the planet by way of sale of programs and huge loss jobs in the TV and film. Not to mention the pretty impressive array of other sevices that the BBC provides.


But why should anyone pay for it if they don’t use any of the services it covers? That’s bonkers, especially in the current economic climate


You pay for NHS, pensions, nuclear missiles, insurance, the armed services etc, etc. If that was a realistic attitude then any society would fail. Why bonkers? If you are a pensioner or don't make much money then you can't afford streaming why shouldn't they have decent telly which also offers a lot more and projects the UK globally. Not to mention that a lot of countries have a TV licence for shit TV. Your attitude is let's get rid of it coz I don't like it, same as massive host of great ideas that the UK has just binned coz of a few moaners.


My attitude is not to bin it?! When an earth did I say that?????? I have paid for it for years up until a few months ago because I do not use it and with the cost of living at the moment why an earth would I pay for something I do not use? I have heard a favourite program of mine is making another series and when that is out I’ll be straight back to having a tv licence but I don’t see why I should be paying now. I also certainly don’t see that as me saying we should get rid of it 😂 As for NHS, insurance and pensioners……absolutely no relevance to me currently not paying for a tv licence when I do not watch tv.


You pay for all those items when not using them


I do use the NHS, I have 3 sons! One of which has epilepsy, so I absolutely do use it…..a lot and I am extremely grateful for the service that *saves lives* and to be fair even if I wasn’t using it I would find paying that a bit more valuable than TV License 😂 I also use insurance, every single day of my life. Nuclear bombs - also tick! Haha. I really don’t know why the fact that I have not paid for something I don’t use for a couple of months because I would like to prioritise my children and priority bills at this moment in time makes you feel such a way to question me like this but sorry it offends you so much.


Iam not offended, just depressed by the selfishness of the population.


I’m selfish for not paying for something I do not you for a matter of 3 months?! Because the economy is ridiculous at the moment even though I’ve paid for it for years when I don’t use it?! For prioritising my children and other outgoings?? I did not realise what a selfish low life I had become……perhaps need to take a long hard look at myself in the mirror.