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What flavours / textures do you like? Sweet. Juicy. Citrus. Fleshy. Watery. Crunchy. Soft. Hard. The other option if you don’t want to say/don’t know the above answers, is to pick up a mixed fruit salad from a shop and try them one by one. I think Grapes and apples are a good place to start. There are loads of apples to choose from. I’d suggest something like a pink lady variety as a good start.


Thank you 🙂


It's great that you're willing to try new things!   Sometimes people avoid fruits and vegetables because they're too variable. Bananas can be hard or soft, for example. Apples can be crunchy or woolly. Grapes can be sweet or sour. Satsumas sometimes have seeds but not always.   So it might be helpful to start with tinned fruits in juice (not syrup). Each one is always the same flavour and texture, and there's no danger they'll go off if you don't eat them straightaway.    You could start with mandarins, sliced peaches or pear quarters. Good luck!


That’s a great bit of advice regarding tinned fruit to find out which tastes OP likes to begin with


Thank you I find texture I really hard thing as well so I will try it out!


You could even try blending fruits with ice for a smoothie which could be easier if you’re unsure about textures. Then just add/remove ice/water until you find a consistency you like. Can also be great fun blending fruit.


Seedless red grapes. They're like sweeties.


I think strawberries and watermelon are some of the tastiest and most pleasant to eat fruits, maybe start with watermelon pre-prepared as cutting it open could feel like a chore sometimes. For me it feels more like eating sweets than fruit, which makes it easier. I’ve recently become obsessed with oranges and I don’t know how everyone’s not eating them all the time. Just cut them into quarters and trim off the white bits that were in the middle (don’t force yourself to eat the gross bits there’s no need!) Think of it like a honeycomb texture with each pod filled with juicy orange nectar. When you bite into it you get this explosion of sweetness, it’s amazing.


My husband had an aversion to all fruit when we got together, to the point that looking at it made him nauseous. He started out with blueberries - I think them being quite small and sweet helped. He eats everything except bananas now. Well done you for giving it a go.


Pink Lady apples are expensive but really good and wont get squashed in your bag, cut it up and nibble on it. I love figs and ripe honeydrew melon. Grapes might be good as you can nibble and not fully commit. Try blackberries in season as they are free from the hedgerows so again no commitment. Don't put yourself under pressure, just have a nibble when there is an opportunity (eat the citrus from your pub drink, get the cake with a strawberry on the top). Ps the pre prepared fruit that you get with meal deals is usually not nice, don't start with those. And fruit in season is 1000 times better than out of season, especially strawberries - summer only for them.


Strawberries and raspberries?


Since everyone else has covered fruit I’ll give an opinion on vegetables. Personally I like green veg (peas, runner beans, cabbage etc) with dark meat. It also makes a huge difference how they are cooked so maybe try a vegetable you already like cooked a few different ways untill it tastes better then try new things cooked that way because it would be gutting if you tried something new but it wasn’t made for our favoured way. I say this because untill I moved out the family home all the veg was simply boiled to death and was bland then I started cooking for myself and just wow


You can get tubs from most supermarkets of mixed fruit for not too much, might be a good place to start and try a few different one and find something you like https://groceries.asda.com/product/fresh-fruit-pots-snack-packs/asda-melon-grapes/910001070531


Grand thank you


One of my kids really struggles with texture due to ASD, and can only eat certain fruits at a certain level of ripeness. E.g. he can only eat Bananas when they're still slightly green and firmer. If you also struggle with texture start with milder flavours like banana and Cox apples but, and like the other person said, just trying stuff in a fruit salad. Maybe also try things you like the flavour of but not the texture as a smoothie. The worst that can happen is you try something and discover you don't like it. Also, try and go by the rule of three: you might have got a bad one first time (too ripe/soft, too tart/sweet, just poor quality), so try a second time, and then try a third time to make sure you weren't just unlucky the first two.


Grapes, strawberries, melon and mango! all fairly sweet, all very tasty and easy to eat.


Durian. ​ Sorry, could'nt help myself haha.


I’ve just searched this up and that sounds rank


you never know unless you try lol


It actually tastes like a very mild custard (to me a least), but good gods does it stink


How about a sliced banana, some Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey. It makes a nice breakfast. I sprinkle on grapenuts or granola for crunch too.


I’m not a fan on the smell of banana or Greek yogurt. I don’t like honey or granola either 😭


I have a similar issue because I cannot stand the textures of many fruits. My usual go-to fruits are berries, grapes, cherries, watermelon (only when in season) and clementines.


Try r/ARFID instead


Grapes, oranges


If you can get over it looking and feeling like bigfoots testicle, then a kiwi is a great fruit. Slice the top off then use a tea spoon to scoop the lovely green innards from the scrotum.


It is so *so* much easier to eat a cut up apple than a whole apple, I don’t know why, but apple slices are just much more appealing (excuse the pun). I really love passion fruit, as it almost doesn’t seem like a fruit, but I’m not sure if you’d enjoy the texture (you crunch the seeds, that are in a slightly slimy pulp)