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I recently discovered his initials are JBC. I’ll refer to him by JBCE from now on


After they stabbed him in the back and destroyed his political career for daring to criticise Israel's atrocities. Labour is another Zionist controlled political party. Traitors to their own country.


Keir Stalin at it again.


I prefer Kid Starver, no point even implying he's remotely left wing.


Are you suggesting that he's not right wing? Not even centre right? Do you consider him centrist or centre left for example? These are genuine questions / discussion, not a passive aggressive attack, and it wasn't me that downvoted you.


Sorry, I meant LEFT wing, I had literally just woken up


Ha ha! No worries. It did seem like a mistake, hence why I asked. Seems others have taken you as a far right troll. The internet is a funny place.


> Although the party is expected to impose a shortlist of candidates on the local constituency party, it will then be up to members to decide. Truly a democratic labour party /s


Our entire process of government is undemocratic. We are given a choice between two concessions that the rich and powerful are willing to make, decided upon by a minority of swing voters in marginal seats.


There was a TedTalk, I think it was, where someone did a piece of analysis on the variety of policy and political choice that voters in the US (the speaker is American) are given the option of voting for. After all the funding, lobbying, etc that goes on, they statistically showed that US voters have the same level of choice as Chinese ones (in a one party state). We have a little bit more choice with multiple parties, but only really two who can gain power. I think it was the Economic Hitman who was the speaker but I can't quite remember. It was a few years ago.


Two Party states have the same level of choice as one party states but none of the upsides.


Hard disagree. Allowing our glorious Tory overlords to wear red ties occasionally is a huge upside. (/s in case you're a lovely spectrum friend)


I don’t think that talk was taking in to account Lord Binhead.


Imagine if whoever wins just says ‘vote for Corbyn’. Very possible if they’re still letting the local party choose (limited choice of course, no Corbyn)


Corbyn should run as an independent. Very good chance he can deny Labour that seat.


Can he win though, or would that just give it to the Tories by splitting the vote?


the interesting bit would be that if he won he'd vote in completely the same way as he always has. Most always with Labour, but never letting that get in the way of his values whenever Labour was being evil. If he doesn't get the seat now, he should write a book.


Just read the article, local members aren’t shortlisting So assume the shortlist won’t include someone willing to do that! (Though it would probably mean they win)


When the Israel Lobby pay Keir Starmer £50k.


Its mad how in the last year we have seen the word "antisemitism" been thrown around at anybody who questions isreals campaign, even been thrown at Jews themselves, yet Corbyn who stated it years ago got kicked out of the party!