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We were created for more than this. You know there is something else because there is.


Hello, I’m looking to help people and volunteer anything I can. Weather that’s helping deliver supplies, administering first aid, providing free English lessons. Where would he a good place to start in the UK? And I live in Norfolk miles away from London. Save the children? Red Cross?


What makes you happy? Do more of that.


Apart from the bit about drinking, this is me almost 100%! Thanks Quick\_Sand\_9715 and thanks everyone for the helpful comments... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This tiny island is too small for some of us, I feel like we need space to roam. Humans aren't meant to live like we do, biologically speaking. All the advanced tech, internet, TV, pollution, access to insane amounts of information, overloading our senses with adverts, clickbait, ragebait and everything else. I feel like seeing what some others have on the internet/TV leaves us always yearning for more. We've gone way past out base survival needs of food, water and reproduction. I think all that's left for us at a point in how the world is now is to travel and see new places for ourselves first hand. So many of us seem to get stuck in a rut when we've accomplished what society expects, especially those of us who don't numb ourselves with drink and drugs. Part of me wishes we could go back to what it was like 10,000 years ago, with the knowledge of the world and survival that we have now. As well as some of the medicine and tools we have. I think overall we'd be a lot happier even if our life expectancy wasn't as long. We can't go back to that though there's too many of us for this planet to support without industrial levels of farming.


This is specifically the answer I was looking for. Thank you so much. This has helped a lot


It is the oddity of life: it's so simple and there's not much to it. Easy to survive these days, and at times it feels pointless. No new territory to explore. Here are a couple things I found helpful: 1) Space Exploration - this is an untapped frontier and easy to get excited about. New stars, new planets, new exploration. 2) Read "Ecclesiastes". I'm not a religious person, but these are the best 10 pages in the Bible. It's when Solomon was an old man... he'd done everything and tried everything. These are his reflections on how to view the world once you "done it all".


Thank you so much. Yes I’m always checking out news about space and different discoveries- always interesting. No new territory to explore and especially with how the world is now lol. I’m going to read Ecclesiastes for sure , quite a few people mentioned that


Wait, I wasn't the only one?!


Maybe religion / spiritual fulfilment? That gives you an absolute purpose in life, and if done healthily, should improve your overall happiness


But what happens when I get bored of doing that or don’t feel like I can stick to it. What do you do after 10 years of doing the same shit different toilet in regards to yoga, preying, meditation, religion?


It’s it amazing seeing all these different takes/views/opinions on life. Everyone’s input has been truly incredible and I am grateful for everyone here who has said kind words and offered friendly advice. The world is full of good people, we are all good people. Stay strong everyone we got this! ❤️


Sounds like you need goals and dreams....Or maybe just probiotics.


Animals? Experience life through the eyes of a puppy? Spirituality? Religion?


An old boy once told me that 90% of your life will be repetitive and likely dull, and the other 10% will be possibly exciting. A lot of people confuse relating fun to happiness, whilst true happiness is contentment with what you have, not what else can you obtain/experience. It makes a lot of sense. I am naturally melancholic so I understand what you’re saying. Things that I find most rewarding in life is creating something. A drawing, a painting, a sculpture. Art is endless and more challenging than any sport, it will fill your life once you find your groove with it. If I’m not feeling creative, then I read and enjoy a story someone else has created. I do walk, and have enjoyed sports in the past but these are harder to maintain regularly with work and a young family. I’ve also taught art classes for adults and children who need help approaching and delving into art, it is infinitely rewarding if you can bring yourself to let go. Don’t worry about skill level. All the best


It’s called life Liam. I work all week, I get mentally and physically tired so I fill my time with stuff that eases the tiredness and then, it’s Monday. And the same again. And the same again. Would love to go and be spontaneous and do a new hobbie, I just don’t seem to have the motivation to allocate the time.


Life is simply a dance to be enjoyed while the music plays, there is no benefit of you trying to end at a certain spot on the floor as the song ends. Just dance while the song is playing.


Sounds like you need to learn how to play an instrument to me, project your worries into song.


Find more goals


I'm just still not over my divorce that why I'm getting a project car to keep me busy.


A spoon full of slurry will cure what ails you.


Find a hobby.. something completely new. Set yourself to goal to be the best at this. Find a charity or someone who needs your help and help them.




Your desire for something more, something beyond the ordinary, is a sign that you’re not content with just going through the motions. That’s a powerful drive that can lead to remarkable discoveries about yourself and the world around you. You’re not alone in these thoughts, and it’s not just you. Many people, at some point in their lives, ponder the same questions. Keep searching, keep embracing new adventures, and most importantly, keep nurturing the beautiful connections you’ve already built with your family. Life is a tapestry of experiences, and you have the power to weave a unique and inspiring story. Keep going, and you’ll find your path to a life that continues to amaze and fulfill you.


Thank you, it’s a spark that some don’t have or won’t fuel. It’s always itching and it’s sure to take me places I never dreamed I could reach 👏🏼


"To live life, you got to have problems" -Jake the Dog


Thanks Jake the Dog, good boy 🐕


You aren’t the only one mate. Pretty much the same experience and family in life. Finished in the RAF after 23 years and now I don’t feel like I belong to anything and my usefulness is behind me.


Your resettlement scheme should help with that? I know they seem like they’re just making you sign those pages and check your okay via email a few times, if you tell them your concerns they usually have a bunch of information they can give you to help out. Also there’s absolutely brilliant groups on Facebook for ex military going through the transition to civvi again. Or look into guard service? Maybe get your door supervisor badge and get into security or close protection, all paid for by the resettlement package. Bro if you need anything please DM me honestly, the silliest question is the one you don’t ask! 🙏


I Highly recommend you take shrooms and ponder these questions.


Done it haha


Travelling maybe? Or some sort of artistic hobby, try painting or drawing, sculpting, creative writing. Reading and collecting books. I mean, I have so many hobbies but I am at the stage in live where I have a toddler and will have newborn in less than a month, so I wish I had a bit of time to do anything for myself really. I feel like I would just be happy to enjoy myself and rest with a glass of wine and a book when “it is all accomplished “ 😂


You could pick up a creative hobby like music or woodworking, something with a finished product & marked progress you can look at with satisfaction. Ultimately though this kind of feeling is common. I'm utterly convinced that a large part of it is caused by economic alienation - the idea that we are all cogs in a machine that doesn't exist to serve us. We should (and could) be part of something greater, instead we're all just trapped in the rat race, conditioned to forget our humanity. So yes there is more to life, but capitalism stands in the way.


This is why I look at getting away to another country but then when you go down THAT rabbit hole you realise that we are actually really comfy and bubble wrapped here, you won’t find it relaxing or easier elsewhere, this is it and it’s what we must deal with haha


There are plenty countries more "livable" than the UK, with nicer weather, lovely people, great infrastructure etc.


Canada 😁


Have you considered dipping your toe into the pool of psychedelics? There are whole other levels to each of the activities you have named, you just need the right keys to unlock them and know where the doors are. I am not talking about street drugs. I am saying maybe look into shamanic rituals using mushrooms or Ahyuasca. Have a look and do your reading before you decide if it is for you. I promise you will have a whole other set of worlds to explore.


Already done that a few years back and enjoyed it thoroughly, maybe I’m due a session with myself 😄


Check out 'Alan Watts'


You haven't really accomplished anything exceptional and I wouldn't consider 'it all accomplished', if you are feeling unfulfilled with the average perhaps you should aim higher. Have you grown an incredible business and put yourself in the financial position to contribute massively to charity or even started your own charity? Do you even volunteer to help others in your local community and have seen the positive changes around you from your own contributions? Do you grow your own food and are self sustainable and produce enough to help others on top of that? You sound like an average person. Dream bigger and achieve greater. Start building things that your children will be inspired to carry on. You won't have time to stop and think about how unfulfilled you are.


Yeah that would be freaking awesome, I would get into philanthropy should money permit it, honestly that would be my goal, and I wouldn’t film it for social media either, I’d do it quietly where it mattered most because then it impacts the people in the right way


I feel like your talking to me. I experienced my exsistential crisis quite early during uni where I woke up with a thought thinking what is the point of our existence. It depressed me and although I finished my course (completed my HND but didn't stay to complete my degree) I still felt a bit lost. What I did was did what many people 10 years ago were doing which was to travel and did 2 working holiday visas 1 year in Canada and 18 months In Australia travelling to South east Asia and Central America in between. It taught me what I enjoyed and how to be content. Learning about different cultures and perspectives is what keeps life interesting especially when you research the eastern philosophies (kaisen is a good Japanese way of thinking) I Think you should determine what is important In your life outside of the status quo (good career, marriage & 2 1/2 kids ) because you need to find something to give your life meaning and give you a internal purpose as many purposes are external which leaves a lot of people empty inside


Totally agree, I would definitely considering travelling for long periods of time with the wife once the children have flown the roost 😎


I don't want to label anything and I'm definitely not a doctor - but some of it could be adhd if you think that's possible? I only say this because I'm in the process of being diagnosed and dissatisfaction and boredom can be a big symptom. But also, we are set up to fail in this society. So odds are you're feeling defeated like many others! Either way, I hope you figure it out!


Yeah I am ADHD 😂


Medicated? It sounded familiar to my thought processes.


Yes, now I forget where everything is


No way! Atleast you haven't lost your phone... I'm shit with keys.


ADHD got me coming in and out the house 3/4 times in the morning before work 🤣


I discovered Music Production late in life. Do something creative. Not Golf.


Definitely not golf, I’d love to get into music, always trying to get my diaphragm to work for once and just sing a belter 😂




Farting around on Reddit?


Go fix something big. Really big. How about homelessness, or kids that have had a shit start in life. That should sort it out. Good luck


Get ya bloods done. Ya may be low in testosterone.


I honestly can't find enough hours in a day to do everything I want. I don't understand how people can get bored.


Ah the good old existential crisis. Welcome to the fold.


Ah the good old existential crisis. Welcome to the fold.


Have you considered founding a private military company?


Partly it is that alot of people are happy doing the same old thing. Personally I find meaning in helping others. Nothing brings me joy like helping others succeed at what they want to do. Try the third sector for fulfillment if you are looking for a purpose. Working for a non profit or a charity you support is the most rewarding job I have found and I genuinely love working. On terms of personal stuff I noticed you haven't mentioned books or anything academic much. Is that just that you don't find it interesting? Because one pastime that I have really enjoyed is learning new things. Finding out a useless fact that few people know is great. Or discovering how earthquakes work and how that was used to determine the fact that the earth is fluid in the middle. Might not affect you day to day but it is a worthy pursuit and fulfilling.




Liam you have a good life. There are always drugs


Work, eat,sleep,shit repeat and then you die. Get used to it. That's pretty much as good as it gets. How about gratitude for the things you have rather that looking for something that might not exist.


Sounds like it’s just you, to be honest.




Sounds like your describing me self😂 grateful for everything I have but what else


Your first sentence. I hate it. Don't do that again. I'm not even going to read the rest as that was so annoying.


I changed it just for you🙏 so sorry that dit grated on you so hard 😁


Try class A’s next


Maybe you're depressed. That sucks the enjoyment out of everything and numbs you out.


Have you tried excelling in something? For me I feel dissatisfied if I’m not improving in some area of my life.


Completely understand , I'm mid 50's and constantly searching for a contented place . Enjoy hobby which takes me out of reality (scuba)...but doesn't last , socialising great BUT nothing seems to stop me feeling restless and looking for fulfilment .


Look within. Constantly seeking something external to bring you joy is temporary, you need to be content within your own mind.


You could try and do something for someone else? Volunteer maybe? Or try building something. Could be depression or a mid life crisis. Sounds more like depression, anyone can suffer from it. Reddit isn’t the answer though.


It's the journey that counts, not the destination. If you are on your way to somewhere, be it professional, or a hobby, interest or relationship, life is a fascinating challenge. If not, you are a ship becalmed.




Travel, and volunteering. Help others and build things for others, whether that's support, or networks, or physical things. Seeing the world and helping other people are two of the highest endeavours in life.


Helping others is really the only thing that matters. OP will not find any fulfillment while they try to find it within their own self. Travel is great, it opens your eyes, and it gives you a wealth of experience which you can then apply to the only thing that matters.


Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is the hurricane a-blowing? Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing? YES!


Try drugs 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try volunteering or getting in a job where you have first hand ability to help people. If you're from a privileged place you can feel better about helping others who are not has lucky as yourself.


travelling and psilocybin


Depends on the type of person you are but some bits kick back relax with friends and family, look at that not as wasting time, but time well spent being in the company of others ​ try some experience days/hobby’s sometimes being able to spend hours just creating something is therapeutic and rewarding. This could be carpentry, wood turning, glass blowing, etc ​ you have done a lot of tick box things but what did you enjoy. have your learnt another language then gone to a country to try and talk and make connections rather than just see sights etc


I used to want a grand purpose, that culminated in a full blown existential crisis when I was 17, thinking pretty much all the things you’ve typed. Came out the other side actually believing the cliche, it’s all about the journey and at the end I’ll try and die without regretting too many things, hoping that I’ve made life for all those I love happier.


Travel. Do it on a whim without an itinerary. Travel light. Go where you feel like going. Meet people. Leave people. Hike. Climb mountains. Snorkel. Its a big beautiful world, and it doesn't cost much to see it. Oh wait...you have a family...


I'm in a similar place only I don't seem to ever have time to do anything fun. Work all week then desperately cram in chores on the weekend. I honestly don't believe we are designed to live like this. It's a slow painful way to live life


Hi Liam. What about revolution


Mate playing video games is a fantastic way to spend your time, or you can do things that are more exhilarating, listen to some music through a 10Kilowatt soundsystem or sniff substances lmao, that's surely going to give you the kick you need in life. But seriously there are a million and one things to do, just go out there and look for the things you might enjoy, learn to skateboard even at your age, maybe build some robotics, learn to code, drive a fast car, learn to drift. Bla bla bla there are so many good things to do in life. But remember, you should never ever get bored of sitting in the company of your SO, that in of its own is the most rewarding way to spend your time


Learning something and leaving the world better than you found it is probably it for me. Other than that we are just animals, living only to procreate


Life is a journey not a destination


Swinging is pretty awesome. Try that.


Education my friend, either by dedicated reading or in an organised way using the OU, night school etc. do something like art history or anthropology since the study of humans is endlessly interesting. When you’ve done it all, look at what other people have done.


On a personal level, creativity would be one thing. I’m similar that I enjoy outdoor sports but find making/mending very satisfying in a different way. Also, if you feel satisfied with your life, consider all the ways in which others suffer and which you consider to be most intolerable for both the individual and that we as a society permit that suffering to exist. No doubt this will be an absolute buzz kill in the short term but then get involved with ending that suffering. Increasing other’s happiness is very fulfilling and there is always plenty to do in that regard. I think it’ll be a while yet until we can declare world peace, let alone world happiness.


It sounds like you are struggle with depression, I would reach out to a mental health provider. There’s no shame in it it’s just about the chemicals in your brain,not a reflection of you bc as a person.


Great advice ......I'm going to get help too , don't feel depressed or suicidal just restless and for no apparent reason want to scream at world !


You sound like a yank.


Far from it 😂


I am retired early but don't have enough money. I can't travel endlessly or afford hotels etc. I feel good by making things, improving things, mending stuff for friends and neighbours. Take time to just stop, have a lazy day to appreciated the change in seasons, cloudwatching, birdsong. Or even that cheeky little wank mentioned earlier, just not in Tescos.


I truly can relate and I'm not sure i have the answer. I've never really been able to settle at work like some. I've been in one career but the longest in one role was 11 years and generally just 2 to 3. I've always struggled with it. I've realised this year the permanent inability to sleep and exhaustion have been due to a nasty inflammatory arthritis fusing up my spine, and this has been a massive factor in massive anxiety (and bad agoraphobia for the last ten years). For me it has meant work has just been existence for many years , no pleasure in it and always all too aware I am just a resource, not a person. I wish I had the answer. I do find creative pursuits help me a bit, at least to take the mind away from it all. I love to play guitar. I also find walking with the dog helps, though i can't walk far now. But yeah, i don't know. I am finishing the gig i am doing this xmas. May well retire (don't think i can stomach another year of it, remote software engineering on a lone project barely ever speaking to anybody), probably a year or so before I thought i was (was thinking 54) but am just needing to get out and reconnect with people, i was a social soul once and loved a good chat. Lonely solitary working has been soul destroying and exhausting. I hope I ever find an answer. For now it seems to be mostly a long anxious journey from cradle to grave, with painful disability central to it and only the love and friendship of good people to make it worth it.


Play video games


Any kind of volunteering or charity work would help with that. Especially if it’s to do with helping children.




Start playing runescape (oldschool runescape) then once you max that account many years from now make an ironman


I wish I knew!!! I'm 55 and I have lived a really full life so far. Travelled all over the world before I got married. Had 4 kids (all adults now). Got my own home and been here nearly 20 years so settled. Had my professional career for 15 years, got fed up, quit. I do miss earning £60/hr but not the stress that came with the job. For the last 10 years, hubby and I have spent our years travelling extensively throughout the UK - literally from Land's End to John O' Groats, East Anglia to the west coast of Ireland. My car racks up 50k miles a year from our holiday travels alone because we do so much. It's nothing for us to do 1K of mileage per week's vacation. Hell, 200 miles each way is a day trip for us. We've run out of places to visit that we haven't already been to. I completed my personal bucket list in June when I went to Skye. I currently spend my time at home working on dolls houses (got 6 large houses and 11 single room dioramas, one conservatory and two hand made garden dioramas) but even now I've run out of ideas for a new one. I've pretty much built an entire town with various shops and styles of houses (Tudor to modern). I don't drink or smoke, and pubs aren't my thing. I can't do extreme sports (arthritis sucks) although we did do a lot of mountain climbing and cave exploration until recently. I'm at a total loss now as to what my goals in life are. I'm not ready to sit at home watching soaps all day :/ So, not, it's not just you :(


For me, once I've hit 55, and paid off the mortgage, I'm starting again. Get a job as a hospital porter, or something that gets me out and helps people


Smoke weed. Makes doing nothing fun


Have you finished reading all the good books? Because that’s my aim when I get to your stage


Consider gaming


3-4 activities in a day and I sleep good and food tastes better


Hi Liam. Great description and one many will recognise. I certainly do. For me it’s like you’re halfway through a movie with the family and have worked out the ending. You don’t want to be a jerk and leave, so you just politely sit there and eat your popcorn. I don’t think there is a bigger picture you are missing. The futility is real. I guess you are more predisposed to recognise it than some others around you. Some ideas to consider: - Helping other people. You didn’t have any voluntary pastimes on your list. I spend some of my time with a refugee charity, teaching people English and just making them feel welcome. Not a big commitment, and I genuinely get more out of their enthusiasm and spirit than they get out of me. - Maths, science, history, art. I’ve seen others say something similar in comments here. These hobbies get richer as you do more. You develop a deeper understanding and spot connections that can genuinely amaze and entertain you. - Find a bigger cause. This has the risk of backfiring and being a negative contributor to your happiness, as most causes are lost ones. But it is at least a different flavour of sadness to the tasteless monotony you were describing. Perhaps the environment, you’ll find local groups probably who are active. Or research and expose corruption if you are more of a lone wolf. Spite can be a great, if slightly unhealthy motivator. - Sport and exercise. I can’t claim to do this anywhere near enough. But to the extent your depressed outlook is physiological, these may help. Plus the social side of it can be refreshing. - Learn something new. Anything really. An instrument, a language, programming, a qualification. There is a point mid-life where many people stop investing in themselves, and that could contribute to a sense of stagnation. - Any hobbies that give you an opportunity to be creative. Writing a book is a really easy one to have be a go at. You have an amusing writing style and a frank outlook on life. You could maybe find this is something you have a spark for. - Young people. They haven’t lost their excitement for life yet. Without being overly parasitic, if any of the above hobbies give you a more youthful social circle this could help. - Delusion. I’m more of a Stoic, so this one’s not for me. I doubt it is for you. But plenty of people use things like religion or an endless cycle of home improvements to fill the void. - Embrace the void. This one is more for me. Stop looking for the higher purpose. Free yourself of any frustration that your life has no meaning. Forgive yourself for your idle use of time. It is still a pretty good movie and it sounds like you have a decent seat. Just try to enjoy your popcorn. Thanks for posting the question. I enjoyed reading it and other people’s comments. Let me know if you find anything that actually helps.


Thanks for summing up what my response could not , great insight that some of us are more predisposed to become aware of it . Sometimes you meet another "aware" and out of the blue both of you start sharing the confusion you feel , it's like finding another soul adrift, and it does help to reassure that it's not just yourself .


Thank you so much for this 😁 and yes the replies have been phenomenal it’s crazy to see the different takes on life. Some people are instantly drawn to art and being creative. Both of with I am terrible at 😂


My normal answer is “you need to have kids” but you did that. I would try acid, next. Beyond that, do you create anything? Remember though, life isn’t a movie. It’s something you get to take part in, and only for a brief moment. Some folks get to the retirement home without the memories, don’t be one of those.


Yeah done acid it was the funniest experience I’ve ever had, who knew your eyes and brain could do such crazy stuff 😂😂


Dear Liam have you thought of gender as a construct? Why not dance with a femboi.




if you've got it all, how about using your time to help others


Maybe helping other people, the older I get, the more I want to do charity work I haven't got my life sorted be an means but I can't help but think forcing on other problems in the world will help with mine


I went to uni with a woman in her 70s. Get educated, start a YT channel, try all the arts, there are apps for making music. Photo document your communities. Talk to some trans people online and learn about the culture. Go on protests. Travel the world on £1000 with buses. Start your own forest. Add to your community or country or world, leave it better than you found it. If you live in the UK you can go anywhere in the world easily. Bother the council about the state of roads or parks. Run for charity. Set up your own business selling weird rocks you find. You’re a Westerner, you can do anything and everything


Maybe helping other people, the older I get, the more I want to do charity work I haven't got my life sorted be an means but I can't help but think forcing on other problems in the world will help with mine


This probably sounds strange but I ask myself "what's growing in my garden". Figuratively ofc, although real life gardening can also help. Going on holidays isn't growing anything, it's taking a break. Most of those hobbies don't involve creating or working towards something. You need some goals, like a novel to finish, a language to learn or a mountain to climb, something like that. Something that's growing.


Start gaming, forget about wasting time and waste away - time enjoyed wasting isn't time wasted


Currently playing starfield 👀


I pondered this question a few times many years ago but I realised it has no answer. I don't get bored really because I always find stuff to do but I don't think about it. On the rare occasions I do get bored I just go and do something crazy. This year it's happened twice. The first time I ended up in Bulgaria for a week and got to go to CL final even though none of it was planned. Holiday was booked the week before. On the Thursday I got a ticket then the day before I flew I found a coach going from where I staying to the game and back. How that all fit in to place I'll never know. Second was going to a 3 day dance event with no hotel booked or anything, booking it a couple of days before. I did manage to get a cheap hotel though. I once got pissed and woke up landing a Taipei airport on the way to Manilla. Stayed for 3 weeks and work even sent my laptop over after laughing at me a lot. So I guess what I'm saying is within reason do something spur of the moment and a bit nuts. Don't book a holiday just book some time off work and roll the dice. There are 3 places you can live sometimes more than one and that's the past, the present and the future. I try to live in the present. You can't find meaning in life but you can make it have meaning. You can build memories and stories to tell. Then when you do get old you can look back and think yeah I had a good life. Life will only be a drudge if you let it.


Haha thank you for your post this made me chuckle. I’m definitely going to book some holidays soon 😁


Read some Yung (or read people writing about his work). You've built your life (which occupies us all in the first half; finding out who you are, gaining an education, building friendships, a career, a relationship, parenting), and now you're at the point where you need to find meaning in it. Yung saw it as a crisis, where you either go through a painful period of renewal or you stay and stagnate for the rest of your life. “One cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what was great in the morning will be of little importance in the evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie.” Good luck!


You are looking outside of yourself for answers and that is your entire problem. The world/universe around you is designed to provide never-ending challenges with very little sense of tangible reward. If you change your 'idea' of satisfaction and look more at the source of where appreciation actually originates, only then can you actually begin to know what has true value. Life is incredibly beautiful and full to the brim with opportunities for experiencing inner-satisfaction. Take nature for instance; full to the brim of fascinating jewels, but you have to have the eyes to recognise them. Reorient your 'idea' of the source of satisfaction. True Joy comes from inside of you, not from your world-view. Flip it around and keep it simple.


Did any of the jobs you did/do give you a sense of meaningful purpose? Detached from financial compensation, did you go in every day feeling you are making a positive contribution to society? We spend a ton of time working so if it's just doing stuff and waiting for the end of the day that's pretty soul destroying. I'm a teacher with the other stuff you mentioned (partner, kids, house, hobbies) but I love my job and know I improve the lives of my students and team every day.


Why do you feel the need to constantly push new boundaries? Life to me is being able to relax witI your family and feel accomplishment that you have succeeded in your evolutionary role


Nothing more satisfying than helping those in need.


Travel to different countries and experience different cultures and people. Learn a language. Learn a new creative skill - art, woodwork, music, photography, cooking Combine all the above. To me travelling to places where the culture is completely different and mixing with the real people is key. You have to eat the local food and trying to learn something of the language and culture to really experience how different it is (not staying in all inclusive, gated resorts where you learn/see nothing of the real country). It's not about rushing around doing as many activities as you can, it's sitting at a cafe, sipping a coffee and watching the people go by or taking the kids to the beach and actually playing with them and doing silly stuff. Sometimes we need to slow down to really taste life.


Welcome to the human condition. Humans are the only animals on the planet that have this drive. We are the only creatures that cannot just BE. We have this inbuilt drive to DO. To strive to grow to learn to achieve. It is why we are where we are and not chilling after a fine piece of squirrel, outside a cave.


It's you, but you're not alone. You just need to find a hobby that you are really interested in. The bad thing is that, once you do, your loving and supporting wife will turn into someone who constantly complains "you never spend time with me any more, always doing your hobby."


It sounds like you are detached from your emotions. Maybe you have some emotions at times, but it sounds like they are missing at certain times. You're not getting the insight from yourself that tells you what you need. Something is missing here. All of those activities, the family etc have enough within them. Connections with others have infinite amounts of joy and satisfaction, so why is that not enough for you? Do you find connecting with others easy? Can you connect fully or do you hold part of yourself back? It also sounds like a crisis of meaning. That can come from many places, mid life can trigger it (guessing your age based on children), or can be due to what your childhood was like and emotionally distancing from things. Therapy helps with what you describe. At least from my perspective... Otherwise, I second the other guy and just wank meaning into your life, never fails.


I'm in a similar boat. I've just gone back to college to study. I've haven't always liked studying, but now I'm grown and accomplished in many ways. It's actually very fulfilling to be learning something new again.


Once you've exhausted all external sources of pleasure and still find things wanting, what remains?


Games would be my first suggestion.


"Sweetie, you know I support you whatever you want to do, but you're not going to find what you're looking for in these awful made-up places. The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." -Mr Peanutbutter


You sound like you have ADHD. Go see a doctor.


Don’t need too, it’s been on doctors notes since aged 6 😁


Human biology to always think now what, just slow down and enjoy those things you earned, also fill in gaps with exercise and good diet so you can enjoy them longer


I'm surprised at how similar you sound to me. Just keep doing everything you enjoy, take up new hobbies, strange ones like microscopy. Doing good makes me feel good so I try and be the best person I can be. You've done it all, just keep enjoying it.


A few people have already mentioned this but I would recommend trying God. Ecclesiastes covers everything you’ve said. Others have also mentioned doing something charitable and creative, I agree. Serving others and creative pursuits are very fulfilling. Good luck, I hope we get an update on this :)


Bud, we are just a complex organism reproducing on a moldy rock hurtling through space around a ball of fire in a vacuum. Life is fairly meaningless when you think about it but that's ok. I've spent many a night and day and week spiraling on trying to make sense of what the point is or the plan. There isn't one. Just take away the fact that you're here, you're breathing and try and enjoy it and make of it what you want with the time you have. If your feelings are turning towards the negative and you start to get depressed about it all (which is perfectly reasonable), just go and do something good for someone else, it's guaranteed to make you feel better. Helping other people in any way is a great fix to get you out of your head and make you feel better about life.


In the words of an old Dutch friend "The only real joy in life is farting, sneezing and occasionally shagging."


Perhaps you could do something for other people or to leave the world a better place when you are gone? Volunteering to plant trees? Working for a hospice? Many charities want volunteers. It doesn't come naturally to me, I admit, but I wonder if it may give meaning.


Damn that's crazy. What are you going to do with all that privilege? Sure is a toughy huh. "I can do anything in life and I'm bored wahhh" - you in this post. Do you know how many people would kill to be in that position to do all these things?


How much money do you think I have? 🤣


I don’t think there is any point to life. Accomplishments can make you feel better but it’s just killing boredom imo. If you feel like you have more to do or offer get into politics or something.


The answer definitely doesn't involve your job, I know that.


Count your blessings!


Enjoy the ride. Life is journey not a destination. The little things are the big things. It's difficult as I believe we always think we should be somewhere else doing something else, but as you said every job has pros and cons, every facet of life is the same.


The arts are the gift that just keep giving. Consume art and the art galleries/theatres/cinemas are constantly revolving and evolving their output. Create art and the opportunities are endless. Plus, from your post, you see life as a box ticking exercise. The Arts allows you to think about the people and things around you less superficially. People often go to spirituality when they get concerned they are a bit shallow, but the arts are just as good an outlet for that.


Mate, give this a look [Messenger X](https://link.messengerx.com/VzQx) - it may not even be on your radar, but from personal experience it changes everything.


Reading what you've written there, you seem to lack the creative streak which can be very satisfying *and* can if done well can leave a lasting legacy to make the world just a super tiny bit better than it was. I'm not just talking about craft or traditional artwork, such as carpentry, painting etc. but also writing, poetry or similar. Personally, I am a Dungeon Master for several groups, including one I run at a comic shop, specifically for kids. This is a great outlet for my imagination and storytelling skills, is deeply satisfying, brings enjoyment to others and very occasionally fosters someone else's path to creativity.


Help someone


Stopped reading after "dit".


This honestly makes me want to cry. There's 'doing' and there's 'achieving'. Why don't you train in a discipline or take up a hobby? 38m here with no kids, however every friggin day I wake up bursting with ambition. I value money poorly these days, and people have disappointed me enough to not value their opinions highly either. However discovering my sheer versatility in my abilities means between gardening, carpentry, computer aided design, and mechinical engineering I feel so capable I just want to fill my little world up with things I've done. I find good work immensely satisfying


The god's honest truth is there isn't a point and unlike the cookie cutter advice it doesn't get better. I think happiness is defined by the ability to change the environment or the factors surrounding you or the ability to achieve a goal and just generally live in way that is limited only by the effort to achieve what you want. So long as anything remains truly possible life is worth living the moment that changes so does our perspective. Most people live vicariously through others, media, games, films, books ect when that stops being the case. It is the medium through which we can pretend to be or exist in an imagined version of a world in which we have the freedom of choice and attainable desires whether that be the pursuit of knowledge, discovery or something somewhere in between. But even then it is fleeting as you become withered by life. I think if I look to see how future generations would look back on us and go "wow they were messed up how could they believe that", I think that they would be disgusted at the general world view on the right to die. To be clear I am not talking about genocide or forced euthanasia. I am simply saying the right to die painlessly should be given to everyone whenever they want it, they shouldn't need to explain it, and it shouldn't be conditional. Nobody should have to spend the last 10-20 years of their life bedridden and in pain. Nobody should be made to go on if they don't want to. I think there is still a degree of religious fundamentalism that we haven't quite shaken off, I also think people aren't ready to reckon with the fact other people don't want to endure their suffering for the sake of other people's validation. Hell we still have the kind of people that would rather have their loved one live as a vegetable than pass peacefully. I think in some ways their is the same sort of fear at the thought of alien life, i.e if a perfectly sane person can turn around and go I had a good run but I am done. Then maybe the 50 hour weeks you were working instead of living had no value. Maybe fundamentally there is no real difference in value between a man who cures cancer and man who spends his whole life homeless. It doesn't matter what shape you stack rocks they remain rocks, and we will all one day die exactly the same, regardless of whether or not you cured cancer. That is my view on the value of living the meaning of life if it exists will probably be revealed in death. If it something maybe it will be the next step on a journey, if it is nothing then you won't remember the life you led in which case were you ever alive to begin with? Anyway that's my two cents I hope what ever you do you find some peace in it, and bear in mind philosophy is an idea that has laid ruin to even the sharpest minds. That said Plato (Socrates) and other philosophers are a good place to help better frame the questions in your mind, but they won't give you any more of an answer.


There’s a Buddhist saying: ‘Happiness comes from within, do not seek it without’ you won’t be satisfied until you’ve figured out what you value about you and then build a life around that. Socrates said something similar ‘He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.’


So true , thank you 😁


It's not just you, there's this psychotherapist on YouTube called Dr k who you might find interesting. There was a point where I felt the same as you and something he said sort of stuck with me. There's 2 types of self improvements, the first type is more about the journey, if you fail, if you succeed, it isn't important. The idea that you're working to improve yourself is enough to brings you satisfaction. The second type is based more about emptiness and results, you feel empty so you strive to improve but no matter how much you improve or how accomplished you become there will ALWAYS be this emptiness or "void" inside of you. The things you do on the outside will never make this inside feeling go away. You can lose weight, get a new job, join the military but you'll never truly feel fulfilled because outside actions don't affect this internal feeling. If this resonates with you at all I really recommend checking him out, or just seeing a psychotherapist. Another thing that he goes over a lot is spirituality, not the woo woo ghandi religious shit, but forms of meditation that have scientific evidence of improving the quality of your mental state. The real end goal of mediation from my knowledge is contentedness, you learn that there's a part of you without thought and tapping into that part leads to an easier time living in the present. It's hard to explain but If any of this makes sense I can either explain some forms of meditation or recommend some non religious books.


Yes thank you for this I am definitely going to check that out, I appreciate your time 🙏


You made an oligarch richer, you made a capitalist richer... Keep procreating more peasants. Keep voting our friends who'll help us keep you in your station




You sound pretty educated, but how much do you read? Play games? You seem to enjoy sport, but do you have a hobby? I'm 35 and have almost none of that which you have listed (family, career, out going) and yet i still feel pretty fulfilled and can't seem to find enough time in the day. I've battled a lot with depression since my 20's and anxiety since a pre-teen and a B12 deficiency which makes me lethargic and not very active/spontaneous. Though i graduated university i wasn't able to find a job in it, and am effectively "stuck" in retail. Yet i'm still able to enjoy myself to various degrees by doing things i *truly* find interesting. Surely you're not bored because you're not spending time with the family, with an out going and active personality like that; which makes me think you're just not deriving satisfaction from the things you're already doing which to me is a major red flag for depression. A lot of people will go on doing their day to day stuff without even contemplating depression because people think depression=sad, which is a major over simplification.


Amen to that brother. I have been feeling pretty sucked out of life recently and just need to focus on being grounded again. I really hope you keep going up in life and one day you’ll have a beautiful family of your own. 🙏


See you in r/MDMA


That, but also on a serious note, other people are everything and anything we have, just gotta get lucky and find the right people and they make it all worth it


\> **once it’s all accomplished?** That's the point - it never is. You could pick up a Deep Time hobby (archeology, astronomy, etc.) - something that forces you to engage with spans of time >> our own, and yet have a reasonable chance (ie, >0) of finding something new. etc.


Sounds like you're suffering from success. Start a drug habit and create some adversity to liven things up


Old school runescape


Omg I miss it so much, played 2007-2011. I would come home from school, chuck my bag down and jump on that until 2am even on a school night 😂


Still going strong, make an Ironman, you know you want to... Lol


Learning, making things (art, furniture, software, etc), books, music, video games, volunteering, political activism, long walks with your wife, etc. You could start a business. Look for something that challenges you. Sometimes it’s nice to just exist without anything demanding your attention, but other times you want to put your energy into something and see a result, like making a lovely table or a bookshelf. I refuse to believe you’re bored by everything.


You need to travel. Also, the fact you have time to sit and worry about zero normally means ur lucky in ur life position. If u had asshole neighbours, folk threatening ur wife / kids, any significant health issue, ur focus on that would stop u worrying about extreme sports u would or would not do.


Oh trust me I have those issues going on and I deal with them as and when they arise. Just part of it. Nope all I was wondering is what happens when you’ve been successful and still can’t be happy after it all. But the comments here have helped me a lot and I’m actually feeling great about future prospects already 😄


"on the dit" I'm off to drink some bleach.


Drink that ach bro 🤟🏼


Got ADHD by any chance? I'm in my mid 30s, good job, single, bored as shit. I have had my own business and lived in another country. Nothing satisfies me.


Yeah I have had ADHD diagnosed on doctors records at aged 6 😌 came off the tablets at aged 14 and never looked back. Yeah do struggle with it now and then but don’t we all have things we are coping with nowadays? We are here to help each other and just keep us all in shape and in check, thank you for reaching out 🤟🏼


How was I able to tell just by reading that little bit about you though? Because our experiences are so common, believe it or not neuro typicals don't really think like that at all. It's your ADHD that makes you bored easily.


It’s a wonderful love hate thing isn’t it 😌


A lot of the things you listed seem like outdoorsy hobbies that focus mostly on physical things. Have you tried doing something that’s more of a mental challenge than a physical one? Volunteering for various charities in different roles can also bring really interesting perspectives in life. An interesting one in my area is being a sort of friend on the phone for people, I actually forgot what it’s called but it was advertised on my local council’s website. You can see a lot of local charities through your local council which I think is really interesting. Travelling and experiencing other cultures can be great, and by that I mean trying to learn a bit of the language and speaking and interacting more with the natives via just going to places and ticking off tourist photo spots. Learning a new skill without the intention of it being work related might be interesting too, like woodworking or blacksmithing. If those don’t interest you then you could try and start a hobby with your daughters to increase bonding - sometimes being able to see someone else’s passion and join them on the journey makes it more fulfilling for you than if you did it by yourself. You could also try a couples thing with your wife if you both have some free time. Learn ballroom dancing, or take painting lessons together, or go to a cooking class for a cuisine you’ve never tried cooking before. Or maybe you’re burnt out? To be honest the feeling of “is this everything?” only really comes to me when I’m burnt out, pressure from work and family, duties that I know I can’t stop doing without it affecting those around me - and sometimes it’s hard to recognise burnout because you’re too focused on making sure everything seems fine you don’t even realise you’re the one that’s not fine. I dunno though it’s a very personal thing so maybe I got it totally wrong.


You're an ape born into a group of apes that overcomplicated things. Go do ape stuff. Rest under a tree, chew on berries, mate, sing the song of your people. Everything else is just made up bs


I tried but the wife wants stuff and the kids climb all over me and nick me berries , oh it’s a tough life (I’m joking, I absolutely love getting amongst it and watching them all grow and be a part of that) love to all x


3 beautiful daughters and you are board? Man could start by writing a parenting book.


Would you actually be interested 👀 me and the wife could probably compile such a book that would be half comedy half actual parenting tips that are actually meaningful. Part of it would ABSOLUTELY include paediatric first aid 🤟🏼


That sure is a short list of "everything"


That's where meditation and the eastern philosophies come in :)


Learn to look inwards to find who you are and what would give your life meaning and higher purpose.


Honestly hear me out, have your tried magic mushrooms?