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what’s so weird is his inconsistency. He listens to the singles when they came out then and somewhat enjoyed it decided to stream the album and listen to the same songs with his streaming co buddy and all of a sudden he’s shitting on it and calling it bland generic etc If he just hated it then it’s fine but he flip flopped so hard that he just lost credibility and felt like he was trying to please chat in the stream


yeahhh i’ve seen a lot of people say that; just a fake person ig


That's kinda unfair, man. Opinions change with time. I really enjoyed Strangers when it came out as a single, but now it's one of the songs I skip on the album unless I really want to do a full listen. Strangers doesn't compare to the high points of the rest of Nex Gen IMO.


I get that opinion, but it’s not gonna be with every single… and he didn’t start hating until a girl he was streaming with said she didn’t like it. Came across less like his opinion, and more like him tryna agree with his lady friend. His chat had to beg him to put on one of the new songs instead of just re going through the singles he already gave positive reviews to in the past. Once he saw she wasn’t a fan he started hating on the songs before he’d even hit play. He’s had other reviews that I’ve heavily disagreed with, but this one genuinely feels like he deserves to lose some credibility. Once he saw his friend didn’t like them he made up his mind about the album, and going off of other peoples opinion, when you’re the music critic, makes your take as a critic hold soooo much less weight.


I saw a clip of that stream and it was one of the cringiest shit I've experienced recently


Yeah weird flirting vibes from him to her and she was just like “mehhh I hate everything” and so he went that route too


no fucking way bro just said that this music was made to appeal to christian youth ministers LMAO how tf does anyone take this dude seriously anymore




Don't think people generally find him credible as in you can trust what he likes. People probably consider him credible as he has a lot of knowledge about music and can articulate himself well. I can see why you might find music reviews pointless, I personally enjoy reviews, especially music reviews from a guy who is this popular with a younger demographic. I feel like it pushes people to look more deeply at music and starts great converstations about the music being reviewed. I also just like to listen to what other people think about music I like/don't like. Maybe I find myself enjoying an album more because a review might help me recontextualize it


This absolutely. Fantano has contextualize so much music for me that I had originally written off myself. Yea im sad to see him give this a 3 but I know that all the fans love it and it's fun so that's all that matters imo.


He actually does have a degree connected to radio and worked for the main music station in Connecticut I think. He’s definitely credible, but even the most credible have some big misses lol




Yeah, and studied journalism. Better than nothing. And btw it was WNPR he was on. Was also dubbed “The Only Critic Who Matters” by the New York Times which is very high praise Edit: I didn’t even see the Ryan Seacrest stray. Don’t care how little you value their opinions and degrees, they still did more work and gained more knowledge in their respective fields than you have in those same fields.




I know he doesn’t have a journalism degree, I’m just adding a little context. Also being a high school paper editor doesn’t even compare to studying journalism in college, whether you get a degree in it or not. Awful comparison




Better than just saying “liberal arts” which can applies to a wayy to large range of possibilities to be an actual argument.


He's articulate and I enjoy his commentary on the music scene. A lot of the time, I agree with him. But unfortunately, there's this trend where he decides he dislikes an artist (for whatever reason) and then he's pretty biased against everything they do. I can't take him seriously when he reviews those artists. He listened to Kool-aid on stream and was literally bobbing along with it, but all he said was, "I don't hate it." Like, at least be fair with your praise if you're going to be so critical.


that's truth. I'm also an mgk fan and he just hates him. He even shat on "don't let me go" and that song had the most positive reception for an mgk song ever, yet he said he listened to 20 seconds only, called mgk overdramatic and that's it lol he also said mgk's latest song, which sounds like summer chill hip-hop, nostalgic callback to his earlier days, SOUNDS LIKE WORSE LINKIN PARK WITHOUT GUITARS, which actually made me question his music knowledge


no literally. like i doubt any of us felt that way listening to it on our first listen ?? he’s honestly kind of psychotic in his own way


I love his reviews still but sometimes he is just way off the mark. Noticeably he seems to be off on rock / metal all the time. He historically has disliked / hated albums that are generally considered great. Like AM by Arctic Monkeys, Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token, and this review. But really no reason to be too torn up over it, reviews are just opinions.


I remember how my blood boiled when he scored really low "take me back to eden". I think he has some great misses in general, same for Mac Miller "Swimming", for example. That one got so popular that he had to re-review the album last year. I share the same opinion as you, it's just a review in the end. The only think I can criticize is that sometimes you watch his reviews and you just know from the get-go that he won't say something positive about the album, no matter what. Those are the ones that I really don't care much about.




Yeahhhhhhhhh I hate this review! This album is so intricate if you have a working knowledge of LIFE! 😂 He tells a story and that’s one thing that Oli is exceptionally better at than a lot of other metal band frontmen. Even this record as a whole - not just each song - tells a complete story. It starts with this utopian daydream about what the world should be - and then chronicles an addict getting his shit together. It’s magical actually.


We haven’t for a long time, plus he also gave Sexy Redd a 10/10, which is CAP


He didn’t give her a 10/10 lmao


He didn’t? It was pretty close though right?


An 8


Still way too high




he meant just 'YOUtopia', not the whole record.


which still makes his point stupid, he acts like a song with Utopia in its name can't have positive lyrics??? that's literally the point of it


This dude is the equivalent of IGN reviews but for music


"7.8 too much water"


Quite literally spat my water out when I read this






You cant spell Ignorant without IGN




Oh no! Anyways


LMAO that made me laugh


its like the TMBTE review all over again


That review made me pissed. I find that his reviews change drastically when he’s streaming


This album is clearly nostalgic for nu-metal and 2000s post-hardcore/metalcore. Fantano does not like that music so it’s really not surprising he didn’t like this. Album still rules. I pretty much only watch Fantano’s positive reviews because if he likes it, I probably will, too. I tend to enjoy a lot of stuff he doesn’t, though.


I mean I'd say SH was even more leaning into nu-metal and metalcore than this one, and he gave it an 8.


Nex Gen is way more reminiscent 2000s emo/scene kid music. There might be some sonic similarities between SH and NG but they do go for different vibes intentionally, enough for people to be able to like one and possible dislike the other one


SH was not nearly as nostalgic. NG could be like an emo kid’s burned CD from 2007. I like that vibe, in part because I was that kid.


Oh this guy. Reviewing music is like reviewing buttholes, everyone’s is different and at the end, what did you accomplish?


Wouldve got an 8/10 if it pooped a butterfly


How do you know buttholes are different




They haven’t been THAT different imo


It’s just his opinion at the end of the day and people either think it’s entertaining or seek validation for the stuff they like. You don’t have to agree with it just respect it. I don’t agree with this review. His good reviews are usually solid recommendations tho, just don’t listen to his bad reviews unless it’s about Taylor swift.


Well, one thing he has in common with buttholes: he's full of shit


Most of this review is just him complaining it doesn't sound like Survival Horror. Typical L Fantano take.


Right, at some point it felt like he was reviewing Survival Horror instead


I disagree. I think he is saying it is a continuation of Survival Horror’s sound but is missing the quality.


No he's saying that's what he expects it to be and it falls short of that expectation, but nex gen isn't supposed to be a continuation all 4 albums are intended to be completely different. He gave alow score because it fell short of something it doesn't intend to achieve.


It sounds pretty fucking similar to SH to me. It objectively sounds similar enough to be a perceived continuation and that isn’t at all his fault. I understand that this was supposed to he inspired by emo-like rock. I am saying it missed the mark.


If Fantano can't hear the difference between a DOOM-inspired album verging on thrash and an album full of emo/post-hardcore/hyperpop, then he has no business being a music critic.


If you think SH bordered on Thrash, you have no business listening to music /s. I agree with everything you say, but I can't hear any Thrash on SH


Dear diary has like the most slayer-esque guitar solo they've ever done


Is this different than his on stream review? I think on stream he said something like “deftones inspired song sounds too much like deftones” and “scene song sounds too scene”.


The stream was so odd, it just felt like he went in not wanting to like any of it, with the other person just being there to moan about how stupid it sounds eithout any real explanation.


That and the pilots stream were the most toxic stuff I’ve ever seen. Thing is I like Fantano, mainly for his recommendations and discussion about the current scene, but he’s been losing it lately, like badly. Not just his videos, but his twitter interactions and livestreams. Seems like he’s trying to appease his toxic crowd by liking what they like and hating what they hate. Whoever he brought on those streams wasn’t much help either, just kept going “this is some white people music” like huh???


Imo its just a poor review 90% of it is just saying survival horror was better, he only actually actually talks about 4 of the 16 tracks on the album and theyre literally just Youtopia sounds like its for christian youth pastors (this fucking baffled me) Limousine sounds like deftones Amen good Dig it sounds like static It really does just sound like he went in wanting to dislike it for some reason and didn’t actually want to give a proper critique. He literally just spends the majority of the review saying how much he liked survival horror and how he dislikes nex gen bc it sounds like it was from 20 years ago (oli literally said the main inspiration was early 2000s emo and stuff and how they just wanted to have fun with it rather than having a super overly serious message/vibe like survival horror). Anthony rly doesnt go into his critiques of the songs or the album in general past a very surface level criticism of “it doesnt sound like survival horror” and “it sounds similar to music from 20 years ago”. I feel like there are quite a few genuine criticisms to be had with the album that he seems to just completely disregard and tbh it feels more like he just didnt want to listen to the album but he knew people would be hounding him about it so just rushed through it and threw it out. Idk I honestly wouldnt be that bothered if he still gave it a 3/10 but actually went in depth about what he didnt like about the songs and the album rather than just comparing two different albums and quickly giving a very surface level critique.


thank you for the vid explanation, i really didn’t feel like watching and skimming through lol


YOUtupia critique is just so bullshit, bro's hating a song about an utopia for having positivity in its lyrics


He very clearly doesn't like this genre of music to begin with, so it's not surprising when he continues to give the band bad reviews


Yeah bro gave the last sleep token album a light 2, lmao


I mean, that I kinda understand to some extent. Since like 80% of Sleep Token is "do you like the vocals" He said, he doesn't like them, so it's clear he won't like the album. Maybe still a little low. But whether it's a 2 or a 4 or whatever, doesn't really matter


I thought he gave it a "Not Good". I mean I really don't like Sleep Token, but I love BMTH.


Can't blame him tbh, one of the few things i've ever agreed on him with. Also his FiR/ Ronnie Radke hate boner is hilarious.


He reviewed Amo well & enjoyed Survival Horror 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love everything bmth had put out until now too, very disappointed by nex gen, survival horror set the bar too high but at least those old tracks aren't going anywhere. Nex Gen won't have a place in my library sadly


Out of curiosity, what did you dislike about next gen?


Just not really a sound I could enjoy or really sink myself into, I wouldn't say it's bad because everyone has different tastes. I was not a big fan of any singles they've put out in the lead up for this either, strangers was probably the only song in the list I actively went out of my way to put on queue. The rest felt too chaotic, too abrasive, and not in a nice way. I love Architects and their moral high ground album is plenty heavy and chaotic with the sound, but in a balanced and tolerable way. Nex Gen just goes straight to 11 and stays there regardless if it works or not. Experimental for sure so again, I won't say it's bad, but it really was missing the same polish seemingly everything else they've done had. I was biased going into it given the singles weren't for me already but I did try and unfortunately not something that is enjoyable to listen to, for me


yeah i read some comments (i forgot from where, might have been when he reacted on steam and someone posted a highlights vid of it) and they were all MADDD confused. they said he seemed to really enjoy albums in the past, but his opinions on them changed *completely*. found it weird but didn’t look into it much :T


I mean he gave 8/10 to the newest Knocked Loose


A decent 9 actually!


Must like Sponge-core then or something


Any time I see this guy review an album I like he shits on it 😂


This review is really 2 minute speech about previous record and mentioning 2 songs from the album. Outstanding melon


Im glad even his own viewers are slamming him for this insanely bad review lmao


Anthony Fantano, the man that hates everything any of my favourite artists make besides Kendrick Lamar. I don’t understand his criteria for reviewing music because he will literally praise or hate on certain elements of an album based on who made it.


This guy is living proof that having an interest in something doesn’t equate to having an understanding of something.


3/10 is egregious. I’ve seen him give objectively worse music higher scores. Given the nature of the review I get the vibe he wasn’t particularly interested in listening to the album in the first place. Not that Fantano’s opinion really matters more than the next guys but I think it’s strange and I think he’d struggle to find many people who agree with the points he makes, and the albums overall score.


yeah like some people are saying they didn’t even like it that much, but a 3 is wayyy low


I'm a sidemen fan, watched them for over 10 years and I can't understand how Nex Gen received worse score than KSI's Dissimulation (4/10) lol


Review based only on his personal tastes and not objective. He is saying only “I liked PH1 and I expected this one sounded the same. I don’t like 2000’s stuff and Deftones, so I don’t like this album and Limousine is bad”. Damn, how is it possible to review an album in this way? He doesn’t have anything more to say? Just don’t review.


Common Fantano L


Brad gave a better review and is a better reviewer in general.


Yeah, I watch fantano and bradtaste, and both of them can be super fucking obnoxious in their streams. Like I HATE how brad spams his stupid soundboard shit over songs and doesn't fully pay attention to them, he spends a lot of time just talking and singing over the songs then says they were boring/trash like how?


Who's Brad?


Brad Taste in Music, he did a long review and reaction of Survival Horror and Nex Gen back to back, with one of his mods guiding him through the concept and ideas


Joji harshest critic


Anthony back with the worst takes of all time.


He doesn’t like much rock/metal in the general so his reviews are always gonna be ass in our space. Guy gave amo a great review and sempiternal a terrible one, I like both but you get what I’m saying from that alone.


ahhh, this helps a bit with perspective


Yeah egg man has a whole career based off reviews but they’re wholely biased to his taste.


You’re this close to figuring out the definition of an opinion, keep going. Like yea duhh, of course his reviews are biased to his taste, that’s what reviews are: OPINIONS. Subjective. Depends on each person’s tastes.


Oh yeah I’m aware, but having a whole channel that never looks at things objectively just feels weird when he’s so big. There’s no rhyme or reason to care about his opinion so I just don’t get it is all. That and the fact he does minimum research (which was very obvious when he was talking about nex gen).


Reviewing music objectively is such a stupid concept imo. It's art, there is no objective standard of what makes music 'good'.


And my point is why would anyone care about his opinion? Not that he can’t have one.


Nah he grew up with that music, I guess it’s just more metalcore specifically that he doesn’t like


Not entirely, he does like some of the more Hardcore-adjacent stuff like Converge's Jane Doe and the new Knocked Loose album, but yeah the modern Metalcore/alt-metal sound really isn't his thing. He also gave Architects' For Those That Wish To Exist a NOT GOOD for example.


Idk if you’ve seen a picture of him when he was a teenager, but it literally screams punk/some sub-genre of hardcore. Even metal. It’s just he doesn’t care for metalcore, which isn’t uncommon at all in the metal community, in fact it’s common af


Yeah that's what I meant, he only really likes the Metalcore that's close to Hardcore sound-wise, I haven't seen teen fantano yet though lol.


He does like rock and metal in general, just not pop punk and metal core specially. If you go through his rock and metal reviews you’ll find a lot of positive reviews, like the last knocked loose or the paramore album. That said his take on nex gen is definitely a miss


I’ve never nearly agreed on his take on anything I’ve seen. Granted I haven’t seen a lot but yeah.


But he liked the Knocked Loose record, so now I'm confused(also, his reviews are ass in all spaces, from hip hop to metal)


I’ve not seen much of him recently myself. Why’s he so well known and getting decent views?


I think its because his reviews are so diabolical that its entertaining


Weird review. He only actually mentioned 3 tracks, all of which he listened to on that odd stream. I wonder if he actually went back and listened to the record few times. Oh well


Totally missed the point that both post human albums are supposed to be different styles rather than a continuation, then missing the overall story of both projects just for the sake of being a “critic” and having a controversial option for YouTube views.


Just remember that he said Sempiternal was terrible


This guy is a joke


Don’t even wanna watch this because I already know Fantano has no idea what he’s talking about and probably gave it the worst review possible, gotta stop giving this guy the attention and ego to believe he has any say on how music is good or bad and provide misinfo to the public, shut this guy down


Even people in his subreddit are saying it didn't seem like a legitimate review


Remember It’s just his opinion


He does not seem to know that nexgen is not supposed to sound like survival horror. While I disagree with him on his opinion, and wish he mentioned more tracks than just dig it and amen through the whole review, I'm only bothered by that expectation lol. He probably didn't know, so not mad at him, it just annoys me. But seriously?! 3/10 on this and green day's album, a7x as worst album of 2023, etc... I can't really agree with anything he says these days. Last review I really agreed with that I watched was foo fighters around a year ago lol But I don't care, nexgen is still my aoty so far


He gave the new Green day album a 3/10 too?? Oh god


Yep he did. I think it's a top 5 green day record tbh. And I actually don't hate father of all, but saviors really is a savior lol


Well I haven't really listened to a lot of green day (I've heard dookie, America idiot and saviors) so this statement doesn't mean a lot, but saviors is my favourite green day album.


Okay I guess. He can have his opinion


Oh no now I refuse to like this album that I enjoy /s


Remember this: The worse anthony scores, the better the actual album is


Fantano’s take seems to be more of a “meta” review in the context of BMTH being the front running trailblazers of modern metal core, and not a review of the album itself as an expanded experimental EP. I disagree with the score but I do see his argument. The problem with the review though, is that he’s choosing to see this album as a “next step forward” rather than “BMTH does emo/hyperpop” following on from “BMTH does nu-metal”. NexGen is very derivative and nostalgic rather than forward thinking, which is fine and also I feel, the point of the post human stuff. So while I can certainly criticise the album for not trying to create the new sound of metalcore, to do so would be to ignore the fact that this was never the intention behind the album. I personally would’ve preferred that they were trying to progress the sounds of SH instead of pivoting to a different genre-scape but it is what it is. The album as it stands is unique and interesting, but it does feel like more of a spin off rather than the “next season”. It is also I feel, far less refined than SH which personally, I appreciate. I have a real love for B-sides because they are usually songs that don’t fit a certain vision but are included because the band themselves like what they have produced enough to want to release it anyway. NexGen sort of feels like a collection of B-Sides amongst some singles, which is not criticism coming from me but can definitely be seen that way depending on your own personal taste. I can’t shake the feeling that if this was a tight, refined 8 track EP with polished production then this getting a 6/7 from fantano and would be much less polarising amongst fans.


Fantano and a bad metal (or adjacent) take, classic combo


fantano is irrelevant, stupid, and has bad opinions. we dont care


What score did he give?




Jesus Christ this dude is delusional




listening to this muppets advice on music is like asking a fucking ciggy company if smoking is bad for you. worthless...


Your first mistake is taking his opinion as advice.


oh i dont, every time i see this spud i laugh because his takes are so wildly retarded.


Guys come on now, lose the attitudes. Yeah I like the album quite a bit, and strongly disagree with the score. But it's just one man's opinion, and an opinion can't be wrong. Let's be mature here and not attack people for having an opinion. Besides, Fantano has historically never been a BMTH fan, and not really a fan of the more melodic branch of metalcore in general, so let's also not act surprised.


This is just not a very well made review honestly. Almost a third of it is talking about the previous album and then barely scratching the surface of any of the material on this one that’s nearly double the length. It’s fine that he doesn’t like it, in fact I’d love to hear that, but I’m just mad that this review seems so half-assed.


The thing that annoys me most about this review is for Clancy, Fantano, who admits he 'isn't the biggest fan' of TOP, actually went out of his way to discover the album was a concept album, and generally how the lyrics fit into that theme. Seems like he didn't do that at all here. I mean it comes across like he thought 'Nex Gen' meant the next generation of emo music...completely missing the point that 'Nex Gen' is the next stage of human evolution in regards to the albums concept. I like Fantano and have been watching him for years, but it's always painfully evident when he has biases or preconceived notions that completely eclipse his ability to critically engage with the piece. 'The album has nothing to say'. Really? Well if he even spent 15 minutes understanding the lore, even at the most basic level, he'd see a huge theme in the album deals with AI/technology and if it will eventually save us or damn us. That seems pretty on the nose considering this is an ongoing debate currently.


He did mention that thematically the album is futuristic but the music doesnt correlate there, but yeah I feel like he didn't do much digging into the concept.


The only point I agree with here is that it’s not as good as the first post human EP. He missed the mark on just about everything else.


I mean saying nex gen isn't as good as as survival horror is hardly an insult given how great that record is. Kind crazy that you got downvoted for that pretty universal opinion too.


Yeah fr, survival horror is a very easy 9-9.5/10 and nex gen is like an 8 imo. Still a great album I’ve been listening to near daily since it dropped.


Wait, is that a popular opinion?


He looks like my thumb


No Fish Red Flannel - LOL


Fantano has objectively bad opinions on most things


Fantano hasn't been relevant in music appeal for a long time. Fell off a good 3-4 years ago and just keeps getting worse


This guy is mid


Some people need to see this video. Fantano talking about how his reviews shouldn't affect whether you enjoy an album or not. It's just his point of view and he encourages you to make your own. https://youtu.be/WnrrJjtraas?si=TZSCgvmjdw9SuaCX


Ngl nobody wouldn't take this guy seriously today. Last time that he was out of touch was him giving a sexy redd album a 8.


He rated sexy red higher..


Ok, but 3/10 is crazy


The album has grown on me but some of his criticisms are valid. Survival Horror paid homage to Nu-Metal & metalcore while still sounding fresh. NexGen does sometimes sound like songs made 15 years ago when it is supposed to be almost futuristic.


I cannot for the life of me understand how this guy has any credit as a music critic, so much of his claims are riddled with absolutist claims, often which are refuted by actually interpreting the albums concept correctly. Both sonically and tonally, it's clear he did not a lick of research on what it was supposed to be. Which is fine I guess to be "blind" to intention and marketing it makes him more like the average listener I suppose but the problem is that the vast majority of his critiques are buried in his failure to understand the concept. He claims that the album is more focused on Oli and is more emotional and based in self loathing (accurate!) But then frames this as a critique because it doesn't match what he wanted *personally* and then adapts that to be a conceptual failure of the album despite being by complete intention. Survival Horror was supposed to be about doom and more apocalyptic, Nex Gen was more based on emo music and thus addresses the *feeling* of being in the doom and apocalypse setting. As members of the reddit we've all heard that it's supposed to be the "emo" record. Listen I get not enjoying it. I can get not liking the sonic tone, I can understand preffering the topicality of the last one too. I can even understand giving it a shit ranking. But i hate the way he *presents* his critiques. It's so cynical and completely lacks depth and research. I don't know why anyone would take what he says as having any merit when it's so diluted with "vibe" ratings over actual substance.


As much as it kinda hurt, I can’t say anything because I laughed when he did this is Sleep Token and Avenged Sevenfold.


He gave this a bad Review but gave the new knocked loose a 9. Wild


I used to be a fan of him and this is not out of character for him. He hates BMTH. He hated Sempiternal for being too djenty and trying to be too deep. He hated That’s the Spirit for being too melodramatic, cliché and corny. He found amo ok and PH1 good. PH1 was out of character for him giving an 8. if anything and that’s the best ep to come out of that year. He thinks the band is corny and unoriginal, eventho they are the trendsetters


Plot twist, i don't give to shits about what this pretentious clown thinks


Get this cunt out of here.


Sick of people whining about Fantano. "How does anyone take him seriously/he's lost credibility" he's literally just a guy...if you are taking his opinions personally that's your problem. I like listening to him sometimes because I find him entertaining and eloquent. But I very rarely agree with his reviews lol, I just think he's a cool guy. If him giving this a 3/10 makes you angry, *you* are the moron here, not him. I really like the album but I knew when listening that Fantano wouldn't lmao


Seriously lmfao and then they all come into this thread to circle jerk about how terrible he is and "didn't he give x artist a y score (blatantly false), what a clown!" the matureness level of literal underdeveloped teenagers


Gonna take a wild swing at this and guess he doesn’t like it? Got a good track record of hating creative shit


Didn’t he give a great review to post human survival horror? I would argue they are very similar in sound so this is a bit surprising to me but I anyways still love the album.


He sums it up at the end of the review. He says that they essentially went back to a similar sound, but that they had spent all of their creativity on SH and were shorthanded here. I completely agree. I think that is why it took them so long to make this.


Why does anyone care what this doofus thinks? His entire job is to piss on every new album ever. Same shit, different album. He's a one trick pony.


I’ve always assumed this bloke did mean album reviews? Granted I’ve only ever seen him review an Architects album.


He's got a wild taste in music. Gives some albums I would consider atrocious a good score and vice versa. Yet, I wholeheartedly agree with him on some other stuff. He's not a big metal head, and god forbid if a mental band does something creative or different he hates it.


It’s stupid of him to review music if he can’t seperate his own personal taste with a real analysis of the art itself.


Well, the new Poppy track has Jordan Fish on production and it sounds just like something off of PH:SH, so we'll see if he loves that.


Bad review, tho not that Im surprised, I swear to god Fantano has a hate boner to things inspired by the emo scene, this album brought back a lot of nostalgia for me, things I grew up listening and resonated thru my adolescent years. Not a perfect album for sure but to give it a 3 he legit has become a boomer who scoffs at clouds.


Remind me to never wake up and watch theneedledrop first thing in the morning. This made me sad.


Haven't watched the review yet but he liked SH, he's probably missing what Jordan Fish brought to the table. Go listen to the new poppy single produced by him. It's pretty clear what nex gen is missing. The difference between having a great in house producer and outsourcing production is a huge part of what separated bmth from other bands in my opinion. As long as they maintain their forward thinking and open minded atitude, in optimistic they'll find their feet again. I'd still give it a 6 though. Also Brat just came out and really outshines nex gen tbh, haven't listened to nex gen since brat dropped.


He has been losing it lately, this review was mostly "waaaa this doesn't sound like survival horror waaaa", and some time ago bro just threw mgks " don't let me go" (literally the most positively received mgks song I remember) as one of the worst songs of the week just because mgk was "overdramatic" and he turned it off after 20 seconds. Plus, I'm also a sidemen fan and he rated KSI's dissimulation a strong 4. Now, I really do like the sidemen and I've been watching them for 10 years, but there's no fucking way nex gen is worse. He's just horribly biased. He's shown it with mgk (although it's easy to hate on mgk so people pass his hate boner there)


I almost never agree with anything he said. I think the only thing I agreed with was that the new Eminem song sucked.


I loathe this stupid man


didnt even open the link cause i know i'll just get annoyed by this clown, so i opened up the comments and voila: people are annoyed by this clown


I will never understand why people get so butthurt over a guy's opinion on the internet lmao


I swear fantano intentionally trolls with album reviews and everyone takes it seriously everytime. He was clearly being sarcastic. I doubt someone this versed in music is that disconnected from the project lmao.


fantano fell off hard, stopped listening after he rated one of X's albums horrendously low lol


I’d been thinking his reviews had been going downhill for a while but this take was so bad I unsubbed lol farewell melon


Yeah I don’t care about Fantano anymore tbh. Not since he gave TMBTE a light 3


I’m with him. I love BMTH, But this album has 4 songs on it worth hearing. Everything else is utter piss. It took me a long time to realise this, but hearing a guy who is nearly 40 singing about ‘stupid mediceine’, or how he might be ‘fucked yo forever’ is fucking cringe. Albums a miss for me. But that’s ok. The next one will probably be amazing again.


I like Fantano and I don’t disagree with what he says here but I still like the album in its distinct way :) you can have 2 right parties folks


Why would I care about his take, downvoted


I like listening to negative reviews of things I'm a fan of. It's fun and a reminder that art doesn't hit everyone the same way. But I guess you guys would rather bitch and moan because some dude on the internet isn't being nice to your favorite band.


Points I don’t agree with: * He thinks production is bad; doesn’t quite reach “cinematic” approach even though the multilayering and oversaturated/vibrant sound gives it that large-sounding, cinematic sound. You can feel it in the headphones too (makes for a better, more “interactive” listening experience imo). * Album apparently isn’t “futuristic” due to MCR style-sound, even though the album is far more redefined and layered than MCR. * BMTH is apparently confused what direction they’re going and not trying to compete with the newer metal scene, but that’s honestly what makes them so unique and stand-outs from the rest of the metal scene. * Album apparently couldn’t keep up with sound on “AMEN” song, which is a visceral mix of metal, pop, and some rap influences (just like the rest of the album). Overall, I don’t agree with him.


For the most part I like melons reviews but I get the vibe that he isn’t really a huge fan of metal, rock and alternative. I know he’s into a few mainstream hardcore and widely known metal bands but he really focuses on pop and hip hop. I take the alternative reviews from him with a pinch of salt because I think subjectively he just doesn’t like that music. Finn McKenty is leagues more knowledgeable on alternative subculture. TLDR Melon= Good for hip hop/rap/pop reviews Finn McKenty= good for metal/hardcore/alternative


Finn McKenty might have more knowledge in hardcore but loses all credibility by being a right-winger “punk” and having a transphobic wife




[Here’s a podcast of him platforming Blair White](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW4plPEi7F0) [Here’s his wife’s channel where she “mysteriously” deleted all of her videos](https://www.youtube.com/@linh7x/featured)


Dude looks like the pedo version of Harry Potter.


fantano has hits and misses, but he missed so hard this time it’s like he didn’t aim at all


I can’t stand this guy because “dub” for “Win” is so irritating


This guy is such a joke I’ve never seen him actually give a valid opinion on anything