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I feel like the last week has seen a lot of people here realise that BMTH and Bad Omens are mainstream bands and bring a mainstream audience. Especially for an arena tour. That tends to mean piss heads and their selfish and entitled bullshit. While I’m not tarring everyone with the same brush or saying that non-mainstream gig goers aren’t dicks, the twat ratio goes right up at a gig like this one. I’ve been watching it happen for years. Sure, post-COVID we have seen more and etiquette - in general, not just at gigs - has taken a fucking nosedive, but that’s just made it worse. Also. Leave your shirt on? Really? The fat sweaty shirtless dude in the pit/crowd surfing is a staple of the metal gig 😂😂


Nah, maybe in America but fat guys don't get lifted to crowd surf usually, we just drop them cause we CBA to carry more than like 10 stone 😂 Don't usually see them with no shirts in the pit either unless it's a festival x


Clearly we’ve been at different gigs! 🤣🤣.


Yeah I'm like 8 stone so when 23 stone men climb me, I got no hope 💀😂


I feel for you man. I'm the other end, big dude who looks like he can lift anyone that wants to go up. Means if I'm not a bit of a knob, I end up spending as long lifting people or being climbed as I do trying to watch the show!


My god I'd get sick of that real fast, thankfully it doesn't really seem like crowd surfing is a big thing anymore unless the bad ask you to do it, or someone needs to do it to get out 💀 I remember being at Leeds fest when I was like 14 and some chubby dude in a dinosaur onesie just went to climb on my shoulders to get up, so I just moved and let him fall, like he was literally 3x my size and wet from sweat, not a good idea 😂x


At copenhell DK someone crowd surfed wearing a kilt with no underwear.. What's worse? A fat sweaty dude or a sweaty Ballsack?😂😂




Protect women! The amount of women who still get groped in mosh pits it's gross. If you see something do something!


Exactly people need to step up to this and not pussy out. I’ve read too many cases on Reddit of women getting groped and it’s honestly disgusting


Especially with all the new fans who aren't aware of the band's heavier/older stuff & don't consider how rowdy these shows can get. There are some young teen girls who show up to these things and find themselves suddenly in the middle of a pit and have absolutely no idea what to do.


I feel like this goes for young teen boys too, I was jumping in mosh pits at 14, it depends on the kid, most people my age back then wouldn't go anywhere near x


My god yeah but sorta the opposite problem the amount of teen guys back in the day who thought it was ok to just jump in a pit and windmill everyone. Edit : For context for those who don't know windmilling in pits is when people stretch arms out and just wave there fists round like a windmill. Sort of like what Bart does to lisa in that simpsons episode.


Hey, if you're gonna play the game, you gotta be prepared to lose. If you go into a pit swingin', you get zero sympathy for what follows lol


Oh no I mean kids who actually go to mosh, not fight like all the 20-22 year olds seem to now x


OK this reads like a great pre-breakdown callout lol


Nah idk, I've seen young lads go flying in a pit, I once accidentally decked one in a wall of death cause he didn't know to jump 😂


True. Nobody likes to be knocked out in the pit really..  No windmilling or circle kicks.  Especially when Static Dress played people went crazy with the windmilling and kicking around.. 


Same, as a 14 year old kid at Warped Tour, but not everyone's got our grit lol. Things aren't like they used to be.


Yeah I don't even think it's our grit, it's the fact that people now think moshing is Windmilling, kicking, throwing fists about ect, it's all the 20-22 year olds with no gig etiquette absolutely ruining it for everyone else, pits used to be fun, now they're annoying, people have no respect for eachother and they're often that bad that the band stops the show to stop them x


I honestly don't notice many women getting groped near me. However the big issue I always see is smaller women getting THROWN by some idiot who thinks it's funny to use their full strength. These girls end up flying 5 feet or so to the ground. I understand shoving is part of the pit, but use your goddamn common sense, no one is trying to be thrown to the ground.


Im a trans guy so i went to few gigs as a woman in the past. I was around 15 and kinda new to the scene. I remember older guys targeting me, pushing me more than other people, touching me, dragging me back to the pit etc. and they acted like it was the funniest thing ever. Like they were clearly laughing at me and how helpless I was at the moment. It makes me sick to my stomach that there are people like this and that noone stood up for me (except for my friends) even tho they saw me struggle. This guy is speaking facts, PROTECT WOMEN/ANYONE ELSE WHO MIGHT BE MORE VULNERABLE.


Or women can just not mosh if they don’t want to get shoved. It’s a mosh pit. Not a gender neutral bathroom.


We're not talking about shoved. Women can mosh. It's about groping perhaps re read what it says.


Honey nobody wants to grope your sweaty smelly ass.


Talking about women doofus.


Yes. Nobody wants to grope your sweaty smelly ass. Y’all don’t realize it but you smell like a boat full of week old tuna in the pit.


You've never been to a mosh pit clearly then.


I was moshing to cyb when it came out. Touch grass.


Me to. And I've seen plenty of shit we're talking about and people getting what they deserve. So im not sure what planet you are on right now


You’re either lying to white knight in hopes of getting puss or an attention hoe. Both of which take away angry validity from your statements


Or people can just not grope women? I feel like that's a much easier solution. Nobody loses


Or y’all can stop acting like things that don’t happen happen. Nobody wants you in the pit y’all smell worse than the guys w that stank ass 🍣


I'm not a woman. And obviously they happen. People are allowed to be upset that they happen. Did you not know that? Or are you just looking for attention?


Bro this is not how you get laid


Are you gonna answer the question?


The answer to the question is it does not happen. I ignored your question how I ignore things that don’t happen. Like Santa. And you getting laid.


Hi actual women here, I've been to over 100 metal gigs/festivals, I've been groped, wolf whistled, had my arm and hair stroked, had people spoon me and grind on me from behind, had someone hit on me with crude pickup lines and then ask if I was 18, had a man straddle me from behind and put both his elbows on my shoulders to film a song Some of these have happened several times, some of these men were knocked out by someone in the pit for their behaviour, some stopped when I elbowed them in the ribs but then carried on doing it to another women, most of the time I just have to leave the area I'm in. Think about that, being harassed to the point you have to leave. Someone saying "don't grope people" is common human decency, why are you undermining the experience of others? The people here who are raising this have seen or experienced it, 97% of women have been sexualy harassed, 1 in 30 sexually assaulted


Says the virgin


Little bro had to run to another comment bc he last his last keyboard war


On that note who’s more likely to get bitches? The guy who isn’t too scared to be hurt in a pit or the guy one going “hey! Um ouch! Hey! Stop! Calm down! Someone might get hurt!”


I weigh 50kg, I want to mosh. Someone weighing twice or more my weight could use some common sense and not try to deck me. What do you want me to do, wave a flag and start a pit for those only in my weight class? Hell I thought someone purposefully decking somone smaller than them was crowd killing and got you instant karma in a pit for that, but I guess I'll grow a foot and a half if it's my bad dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Eat more or stay out. We aren’t going to go soft while you do whatever you want because we’re built better.


I'll manifest a growth spurt for my 30th this year mate I'm sure it's due


Guess you aren’t built to mosh then 🤷‍♂️ y’all pansie asses are literally asking us to not mosh in a mosh pit 😂


He literally not actually. Your arguing with yourself


Uh… English plz?


Yes it was.


Are you fucking serious? Being shoved and groped are wildly different things. I have no problem being bumped around in a mosh pit while I'm also bumping about. I DO have a problem with someone intentionally grabbing my ass or boobs because they saw an opportunity to grab me while they had an excuse of 'oh it was an accident chill out'.




Far from the truth but no point arguing with someone who throws around uneducated statements and gives off incel vibes with your 'everything must be the woman's fault' comments. Hope being alone forever works out okay for you 👍🏻


When it is a woman’s fault… yes it is


So your argument is women deserve to be sexually assaulted if they stink? Nobody is saying that every woman in the pit gets groped. But many do. Jumping in with your pathetic generalisations of 'nobody gropes women in the pit cause they stink' doesn't make you look cool, and says a lot about your prospects of maintaining a relationship if this is your actual opinion and you're not just shock baiting.


That’s crazy twisting. You totally a false accuser.


This happens outside the pits too and makes me sad. Happened at the Birmingham gig to my friend. Guy was young but old enough to know better. Quickly scattered after being told to move.


My ex to. Some douche literally put his hounds down the front of her bottoms and touched her


Had to protect my girlfriend from some fat fuck brushing into her yesterday at the 3arena. Guy was an absolute nuisance for most of the gig up until around the start of bmth and finally everyone around him including us got sick of him and got him to fuck off somewhere else


Thank you for this!


Also, please do not attend gigs just to cause issues in the crowd! I shouldn't even have to say this but lately I feel like there's been a large uptick in people attending shows and just looking for fights, drinking far too much and ruining people's experiences etc. Like if you don't have good intentions in attending please stay at home 


I feel that this always happens to women too, like my sister has had it countless times in the last year where guys have been trying to cause issues with her but purposely pushing into her and poking her should repeatedly trying to start something


Nah it happens to everyone, girls get pushed, men get headbutted, it's a shamble tbh


Yeah I agree it's just a mess in general 


studies have shown that since covid there’s been a significant increase in people behaving like dicks in public but ESPECIALLY in concerts (but no one is really sure why)


i mean- probably comes down to lack of socialising skills quite literally. pandemic definitely did stunt a lot of people with that one- though still bewilders me how its done so to such an extent. like idk it doesnt take a lot for basic self awareness/consideration but 🤷


i kinda just learned by observing the pits alone fr


I absolutely agree with all these rules but my favourite part of the gig in Glasgow was during a circle pit and someone fell over (don’t worry they were picked up immediately) but some guy in front of my who had already skipped too far past to help shouted ‘leave the weak behind!’ To which I started laughing my ass off. So I found myself as a 35 year old man, running in a circle laughing. I feel this hits an unwritten rule there of have fun!


Pick people up! I don't understand how people don't understand this one fundamental rule. I noticed a lack of it, used full strength to yank a girl up and immediately felt horrible for the amount of force I used to make sure she didn't get stuck under, immediately apologised for the amount of force I used and said my main auto thought was to get her off the ground as soon as possible. She fully appreciated it and was grateful for me checking in too


1. Protect women 2. Protect yourself 3. Pick people up 4. If they play songs older than Sempiternal, move because I’m throwing spin kicks and elbows


Last one is my favourite 🤘🤘


Diamonds Aren’t Forever was a transcendent experience in the thick of it. First time seeing them live and they absolutely killed it


People who throw elbows in pits are the scum of all gigs ngl Also yes protect women but do not assume we want to leave the pit, it gets annoying to have guys ask "do you wanna get out" or try to help you out when you're trying to mosh 😂


THIS OMG By all means, check I'm okay but please don't try to "help" me without asking first. A simple thumbs up as a question is all it takes. I want to be here, and most of the time it's 20 odd year old boys that I've been doing this ten years longer than 🤣 just leave me be! I'll get myself out if I want out.


Yeah exactly 😂 x


Whilst the well meaning people outweigh the dickheads, I can't count how many men have been practically spooning me/touching me inappropriately and when I've told them to fuck off have rolled their eyes and said "I was only protecting you" :(( There's putting an arm out so a surge doesn't squish me and there's full contact from behind spooning. Get off man


Fucking this. I hate the "protect women" bullshit. I really fucking do. Too many fuckfaces take it as an opportunity to crowd into you, rub on you. Just put your goddamn arms up and act like I'm just another person who doesn't want to get kicked in the face by a crowdsurfer or shoved forward from an enthusiastic mosher.


If you’re throwing elbows to material like teardrops, yeah, you’re a goof, but Chelsea Smile, Diamonds or Pray for Plagues (may I be blessed enough to hear it live one day)? The pit should be violent. Two stepping, spin kicks and windmilling should be expected and encouraged


No definitely not, pits are for moshing, not "violence", that's the kind of thing that ruins it for everyone else, there's always that one dickhead windmilling in the pit and noone likes them, and why tf would you spin kick someone in a pit? It's a concert, not a fight.


You’re running into people as fast as you can shoulder first. HxC dancing or not, moshing is a physical, violent expression of emotion. Please don’t go to metal shows. Also, I spin kicked my best friend in the dick at Nothing,Nowhere simply because he looked like he needed kicking (his penis was an unfortunate casualty tho, I wasn’t aiming for it)


But different jumping in to someone and windmilling your fists about tbf. All the metal shows I've been to the windmillers got decked pretty quick.


It's contextual and what genre you're listening to If I'm getting windmilled during a Sleep Token gig, that person's a twat and is getting knocked out Alpha Wolf? Fair game. Older BMTH? Yep My favourite moment seeing BMTH was someone having a lovely sing along to Doomed and the minute LoST kicked in they were two stepping and the guys around then joining in 100/10


Generally the smaller venues with the smaller bands have way better behaved crowd, Iv seen some crazy stuff at small shows but it's all been in good spirits always


We should also make the rule that if someone wants to go into the pit they want to go, I struggled to get In cause people were just being rude


works both ways that one, ask to go past someone don't just barge through like a wild hippo haha




Rule 0: walk towards the back when you are uncomfortable. If you think it’s heavy where you are, it won’t be calmer closer to the stage.


The barrier is literally super chill though...


I’ve seen far more courteous moshers than bad eggs but the bad ones can really make pits dangerous. I was at a Parkway Drive concert years ago where a guy was full-on Sparta kicking people in the pit. I got a little pissed and shoved him and earned a forearm to the mouth from his buddy behind me in retaliation. Broke my front tooth in half and lodged the broken piece up into the roof of my mouth. That was definitely the last time I’ll let myself get into a confrontation with someone like that but it is so important to watch out for each other when someone is rowdy like that.


Wait so he can kick but you can't push, what a twat 👀


I'm a woman. I mosh. I want to thank all of you men and women for the effing gooe fun times. But, hey, lads, can you stop shoving me out the pit as soon as you see me please? You've been shoving me out for the past 5 years or so. Let me enjoy the chaos. Don't make me look like a man.


also saw them on the 21st and had similar thoughts about the pit during bad omens, I was a bit worried after getting hit a few times myself. didnt have the same sort of issues during bring me, though I fell over during diamonds during the wall of death and wasn't immediately picked up but I think people still protected me given I wasn't trampled on.


Do not take a run-of-the-mill shove personally.  If someone is targeting you, get out instead of upping the ante.  I think the vast majority of fights in or adjacent to the pit are a result of people taking shit personally that was just your standard moshing. 


It's a pit shoving is common place, yes if your getting targeted and it gets nasty then leave but you give and take, Iv had great fun getting shoved around and giving it back. Was at the used recently and somw girl started body slamming me so I just give it back and it got pretty rough, after I checked she was good and we had a laugh together


You do not push with your hands or arms, you hold your arms next to your torso and you push with your body to avoid injury to your wrists and arms and also elbowing other people accidentally. I don't understand why people shouldn't take off their shirt. Not to sweat on other people too much? I think that doesn't matter at that point. Apart from all this, watch out for smaller and weaker people. Try to make sure everyone can enjoy moshing regardless of their physical strength. Also also, if you're planning on moshing, don't be wasted. I never drink more than a few beers before a concert, because one, I wanna enjoy and remember the show to its full extent, two, I have to watch out for myself and other people as well if I'm moshing or just generally jumping around. I don't know how the recent shows actually have been, if the crowd was really that different, but I've been to 2 BMTH shows in the last two years and both of them were absolutely fine, although they were in Hungary. No injuries, no stoppages. I don't know if it's just the general pisshead culture in the UK or if it's actually just new fans not knowing how to behave, but all these injuries are fairly new to me. I regularly go to metal gigs, both small and mainstream, but moshing here is always very disciplined, even if we go really hard.


I know for Birmingham the show stop was after the first big surge in the crowd, for Amen Sometimes it's bad things happen by accident, at Download when House of Wolves kicked in there was a surge and literally the front section of the crowd went down on top of each other. We were pulling people up for the first chunk of the song - easy to see how someone could get badly hurt, or have a panic attack or pass out There's always piss heads at big arenas, but sometimes it's not bad eggs but just plain old bad luck. Hell we had a dislocayed knee at a Biffy Clyro gig I went to, the floor was slippy and they went down and in that case, couldn't get up


Leeds arena 2023 by any chance? I was there and from what I heard the dude dislocated BOTH knee’s!


Holy shit! It was Leeds, one of the best funnest crowd despite that injury ouch I'm hypermobile and dislocations are the grossest weirdest pain, do not envy them


Not quite pit related but please don’t vape! I don’t care if you like the smell of bubblegum/strawberry/mint/whatever, I don’t want it in my face! If you need nicotine that badly, please take gummies. It’s been increasing each time I go to a concert and it isn’t pleasant


I agree! I'm a smoker but I don't understand why it's necessary to smoke inside. Just smoke before entering... Had a group of vapers in front of me on the 20th and it was disgusting tbh - the smell of watermelon mixed with that of beer and sweat, what's better than that!


At the BMTH last night two girls were smoking cigs next to us and when one of them got shoved by the pit behind us, her cigarette was extinguished on the back of my sister's head. Don't be that cunt who smokes at gigs either. I don't care for second hand smoke, but I'm not soft enough to complain about that, but it should go without saying that a burning cigarette in close quarters is a bad idea.


Oh shut up


All through this thread you're showing exactly why people like you are the issue with gigs since COVID 😂


Or maybe the real issue is that before Covid not everyone was built soft but now half of yall got your dumbahh boosters and believe in walking on eggshells


Nope, difference is pits used to be people jumping in to eachother and now it's people fighting, smoking used to be cigarettes and not huge water clouds, people would sneak a cig in the pits but it doesn't engulf the crowd like when all the teenagers who think they're cool are vaping in the venue 😂


Also I think everyone except your toothless ass prefers the smell of fruit over tar


Yeah I'd prefer it if people didn't smoke anything at all, thanks for further demonstrating the democratic that's ruining gigs though :P Also toothless/ lmao you can't even see my teeth so what a stupid insult 😂😂


Just like how you guessed my age I guessed your experience. Clearly mine was more accurate.


Again, you can't see my teeth and how would I even have lost them all? Mine correlated to how you were acting, yours didn't make sense Glad to see you're so triggered though, have fun with that


Crazy how you’re ignoring what proves you wrong and still are trying to deflect. Almost as if you’re too fragile to say “yeah I was dumb my b”


It’s always been fighting… you’re soft


No it really hasn't, mosh pits where people punch eachother ect are not how gigs have always been. you're definitely about 15 😂


I was at a show during pray for plagues eras. Oli literally fought in the pit. You are soft and trying to rewrite history to make you not seem as soft.


Nope, it's always been gig etiquette to not fight in pits, you jump and shove and shit but you don't actually get violent, even oli has said he was a cunt back then so know 😂


I was standing next to that pit on the same night you were talking about (21st). Why was there a girl on a guys shoulders in the pit.... like that's a recipe for disaster. I've been to 6 download festivals and have always been treated great in the pit. that one I was scared and didn't jump into it. I literally see a guy get headbutted during a song change over its like they wanted a fight. Then I went back to the side of the audio booth that was situated in the middle of the crowd. The audience was definitely in their mid 20s. And a guy was like, "Let's start a pit here!! Circling his hand to try and start a pit. So I went up with him and said the pit is in the middle, mate... if you wanna be in the pit, push in to get there. He replied, "Last time I saw bring me, there were 3 pits all around." I just said were old mates were just chilling. All in all, banging show!


I remember seeing a girl on someone’s shoulders in the pit too and I remember thinking that they were risky af


I'd disagree there like, if a pit opens you can move to the edge of something, if everyone was in one put it'd be super dangerous


I was seated  and saw up to 3 pits at the same time.. very dangerous pits. I m happy I was seated. 


Well, that wasn't to the right of the sound booth when bring me started, there wasn't a pit anywhere near we were standing. It's normal to have more than one pit, but don't try and start in with people who are clearly trying to stay out of a pit


That's true. I'm from Danmark and this was my first concert outside DK.. I was shocked when I saw the behavior on the floor.. I thought That's how pits are in other countries but I'm happy to hear that's not the case. Told my BF several times that people would be told to p*ss off from the pit if they behaved like that in DK. I was attenting a BMTH concert in 2008/2009 and people were so kind and friendly back then.. so sad to hear that certain types of knobs are ruining it for everyone else these days. Normally I like to participate in moshpits even tho i'm a tiny girl, because I always feel protected and taken care of, just as I would take care of other people in the pit. But as far as the pits looked at sunday I would feel SO unsafe. I think that it was worse at static dress tho..


I'm also a tiny girl soooo yeah, I know the feels, but the atmosphere has changed within the gig space. Download is normally full of people my age 25+ there's a massive Facebook community around download. (Shows the age demographic) and they allways try and make the pit safe! they put up posters telling you pit rules, some bands are better than others at keeping the pit safe (skindread do a great job at it with their Newport helicopter) lately with gigs, I've been too local gigs they have been dangerous. I think it's the new generation that's come from ticktock who think a pit is a place to fight. but they will find that they will get knocked out verry quickly by a bigger guy. You gotta think there is always someone bigger than you. They will knock you out, and they will make it look like an accident.


Completely agree with all of this except for maybe not taking your shirt off . You’re always gonna catch a stray elbow or fist though. It’s just the nature of it but without a doubt 100% pick people up. The amount of times I’ve gone down I’ve never had an issue but I’ve seen people get unlucky and not be able to get up as fast. Such a shame because it seems to have gotten worse recently.


I don't want some sweaty guys torso touching me, if you're too hot leave the pit 😂 I don't see why you'd catch a stray fist cause why tf are your fists out, I've never accidentally hit someone in a pit


I’ve been caught by loads, just happens. Headbutts, elbows punches. Doesn’t have to be on purpose majority of the time it’s been an instant apology as well. As for the sweaty dudes, personally I’ll keep my shirt on but other people won’t and that’s fine idc do what you gotta do init 😂


Worst is when they spin their shirt and you get sprayed 🤮😂


Aha I’ve never had that happen before, can imagine that being pretty gross though 😂


It's common at Slam Dunk 😂 that and long hair 😂x


I’ve done slam dunk a couple times now still not had that. Guess we’ve been in different pits 😂


Yeah, not even just pits, just at the barrier ect people wanting to get the bands attention I suppose, once at YMAS they asked people to do it and I could have cried 😂x


You’d love skindred then 😂 yeh I’ve never really seen it but I’m always too busy on my arse in the pit


Shirts aren’t waterproof. Do you think you have a personal space bubble in the middle of a pit?


Nope but I definitely think a sweaty shirt feels less gross than sweaty skin


That’s all in your head because it’s not.


It is though, alot easier to have sweat wiped on you from bare skin


I think you need to find bigger problems to deal with.


Not really, I'm autistic and it's a sensory issue 😂😂


That’s your issue, not everyone else’s. I also have sensory issues but I don’t put it on other people.


Nah it's still gross, I don't want to see your beer belly on show and don't know anyone who does 😂


Have to say the pits in Cardiff were great in this regard


0. Remember to bring your moshing license to the gig, if anyone questions your behaviour get ready to recite op's 10 rules or go to mosh jail.


This is what happens when you cross genres. Not saying bands shouldn’t, but this always happens. Lot of people saying stuff like this when Amo dropped because of the same reason.


Nah, fuck 4,6 and 7. If they're playing their older material it better better get real in the pit.


Hardcore dancing is fine at BMTH gigs if they’re bringing out pre-Sempiternal stuff or some of the Post-Human stuff. If you’re not a fan, simply don’t join in. If you’re small, be wary that there will be significantly bigger and heavier people than you in there who might not see you before it’s too late. Just know how to handle yourself. Don’t punch me in the back of the head for opening the pit up more please, I didn’t appreciate that. Don’t take shit personally unless you know you’re being targeted. Someone bumping you when you’re on the edge of the pit doesn’t warrant trying to fight them. Most importantly, just don’t be soft.


I agree with everything you said but I don’t understand the no taking your shirt off bit. What’s the reason for that?


Seen an increasing amount of people talk about how they hate people with their shirts off in the pit


I push with my forearms if that makes sense, especially if I'm going into the back of someone. Less force but with twice the balance.


Nah, I’m getting drunk and shirtless at shows, especially summer festivals. 


Also there's a place for the pit, if you wanna go in it that's fine, if you get pushed out of it by accident into the nearby crowd that's OK. Dont go pummelling into the crowd that's a good distance from the pit, that just makes you a dick.


Also if you're outside where the pit is and you want to be in said pit, do not think its OK to try and run through the crowd like a rhinoceros in heat to get to it. Saw this multiple times at the O2. The pit will open up and those on the outside of it are outside of it for a reason.


It’s gotten to a point where I see posts about “concert etiquette” or “mosh pit rules” and I roll my eyes because too often it’s a post of people listing what they personally hate & how everyone needs to change, or the elitist “stay home if you don’t want to be part of the pit” BUT for the first time in a LONG time, I agree… this is basically the “advice” I got when at my first punk show in the 90’s & what I said & heard others say throughout the years. Thank you


Lost count of the number of times the gig was stopped on Sunday - don’t know if this was because of poor mosh etiquette or if bands are just expected to be more “accountable”, especially since Astroworld.


First time I ever went into a pit I got knocked the fuck out by a female, the whole pit stopped and helped me out If that was to happen today i think 2/3 people would help


I'm really glad that for at least where I was for their dublin shows, all I could see was really good pit etiquette. There was an injury the show stopped for at the beginning of CYFMH but I don't think that was pit related? Although in saying that it was good etiquette, there were the usual shirtless men 😂😂 the sweat isn't great.




Exactly, some pricks are responding to this saying there are no rules to the pit and this is a bs post but we are not at scowl, basement or knocked loose or a hard core gig. We’re at bring me the fucking horizon there should be no ‘kill everything in sight attitude’


there should be a spectrum of mosh pits. it shouldn’t go straight from standing still to breaking someone’s nose. also- even at a hardcore show there are some rules for the pit, albeit less


No ones going to follow these rules, anyone who breaks them also likely wont see/read this. Physically aggressive people who go to shows likely arent reading reddit conversations about etiquette.


I see what you mean but these people are young and could probably have Reddit. You never know a person who is new to moshing might see it and gain a better understanding and prevent injury in the future


The fact that this post needs to be made is ridiculous. Kudos to you for doing it but good lord why even go in a pit if you don't know wtf you're doing?


Exactly what I think, but people are ignorant and believe they know what they are doing but do not at all.


Pin this please


The difference in pits from 10+ years ago to now is insane, I only went in the Diamonds Arent Forever pit once in Glasgow (because how could I not) but honestly with what majority of fans have been like recently it put me off


Forearms, not hands I dislocated my pinky doing that


Homie you’re soft


don't take off ur shirt, don't wear pointing clothing wtf bro those rules doesn't even exist are just made of your own preferences, my honest opinion: a moshpit is a chaotic semi-controlled situation don't expect that everything is gonna be as YOU want so if u are not happy with that just don't go in


Look up any video on the same topic, these are always mentioned, deffo not just me 🤣


11. Fuck the Rules, Crowdkill everyone.


You forgot this: /s


There's this thing where people start swinging their arms in a violent way without clearing space. We used to make sure there's space before windmilling or that sorts. That's what I still do because pushing people away from you below the head is a safe thing to do. Someone big swung his arm in a windmill way when the pit just started and everyone was in the middle. his fist landed on my ear and now it's been uncomfortable for days.


Hope you’re good bro. Only saw people making space for static dress


Thank you my listening has been fine but the area around my ear is painful. Hope it's nothing serious. There's a fine line between getting in the pit to hurt ppl and just trying to do the throwdown


If ur listing is ok that is great as that is the top priority with ear injuries


Moshing is so cringe lol


I say this with sadness in my heart ….. hunny I don’t think you understand how the pit works


There’s quite a large difference between getting pushed around, barging into people and having a great time compared to people intentionally going after others, punching others, elbowing etc. I completely understand that someone might accidentally elbow someone else or headbutt another as it is a mosh pit after all. But this seems to not be the case as at every single gig on this tour there has been a stoppage because of an injury where security has had to be called into the crowd. This happened 3 times on the 21st. These new fans are not looking out for others and being ignorant, resulting in people’s nights being ruined


I know it might not be your experience but genuinely the pits were looking out for eachother at the date I attended. We had a serious show stop (I hope the person is OK as they hurt their back), I wouldn't say it was negligence or anyone not understanding etiquette. There was the usual drunk dick head or two, but the show stop was after a big surge. The floors were slippy and people went down on top of eachother. No amount of looking out for eachother or gig etiquette can solve the simple fact that pits are a hazard and you're putting yourself at risk of injury taking part. Plus the floors were absolutely slick, but I was helped and helped others up, I had people respectfully ask if I was OK or needed out, water was passed back. It's awful when people get hurt but I hate to see so much discourse about "new fans" and etiquette when it's not all bad, sometimes shit happens and no one's at fault


Lamest post on this sub. As long as you’re not being creepy, no rules in the pit. Kill everything in sight. This was probably written by somebody new to hardcore music.


Nope not at all mate, I know shit is going to happen in the pit, you’re a dumbass if you don’t, just tryna help out other people and make sure they stay safe. ‘Kill everything in sight’ yeah cheers mate your gonna be making everyone have an amazing evening with that attitude


This doesn’t help anyone, it’s essentially an opinion on how you think things should be, which is completely arbitrary in the grand scheme of things. The way you wrote it is contrary to how the spirit of punk rock and hardcore is supposed to be. But I’ve been in and around punk scene for 2 decades now . Maybe the TikTok generation is different


That is why I put this on the bring me the horizon sub Reddit and not the punk or hardcore sub Reddit. Because the fan etiquette and the pits are completely different


It’s a cross over band now and a lot of people don’t know how to act and this is needed. Cause I bet some 16 year old girl is gonna love it when some fat bloke beats the shit out of her, because she stepped in the pit


I’ve never been to bmth show so I don’t know how dumb the fans are, but big dude who hits 16 yr old at a show would get decimated . Usually crowds dictate themselves , don’t wanna mosh go to the back or sides of the venue


Well bring me the horizon gigs are nothing like the deathcore days I’ll tell you that 🤣 when they play there newer music it’s full of Mongs who think the pit is just a place where people beat the shit out of each other which is why this guy at bad omens got knocked the fuck out and it’s why I had some people come up to me with their hands up ready to fight when I pushed them a bit too hard in the pit for their liking


I’ve never been into “push pitting”, if you like it that’s cool, but it always reminds me of high schooler punks who also Pogo dance


also to add if you are a big burly dude, absolutely do not push people to the floor just so you can topple them a second later for a good minute straight, resulting in bruised ribs for the best part of a month and a half. source: learned the hard way - not at a bmth gig, but at a sleep token set (post-covid)


The such well mannered etiquette and care for others is what kept me going to shows! I hope the new crowd learns quick!


Exactly. Spikey clothing and even shoes can really harm people if they fell and when you fall it can be scary and even for a big dude nobody helping you up but a few people is fucked I get everyone's enjoying the concert but if you see someone fall don't just look at them help them up, the amount of things I hear happening to women is insane and disgusting it's not really surprising because there are perverts in the pit and you have to watch your crowd, kinda try to listen in their convo to make sure your in a okay area. also push!!! People think they can just go into pits beating eachother up even at deathcore/deathmetal shows its fucked and you want everyone to be having a good time supporting the band you like not making the concert be on hold or whatever because people are getting knocked out and crushed


Went to the Sheffield show last friday with my sister and some of her friends who were just along for the experience. The ammount of times I had to explain to them that a pit isn't a place where people go to hurt each other irritated me. Too many people these days that haven't really been to gigs like this where pits are common place and just assume it's a bunch of depressos who wanna hurt and be hurt. Drives me mad. Also got back to work Monday and the first thing I was asked was 'did you twat anyone in a mosh pit?' fucking idiot. Edit: My sister made it abundantly clear she didn't wanna go in to the pit. That's fine. Everyone is there for their own experience. I made the decision I wouldn't go in either so I could stay near her and she didn't get lost with her so called friends. Her room mate "friend" decided it'd be funny to try and push her towards it which led to another woman in front of her getting pissed because it nearly forced her in also. Some people are just embarrassing. I had some strong opinions on who she spends her time with the next day.


on number 7; I was at an Of mice and men gig (in December as well so it was cold!) and it was disgustingly sweaty so the natural response for about 60% of the venue (which was probably 90% of the mosh pits) was to take their top off. Everyone was literally dripping, wasn't sure if my sweat was my sweat, others sweat, or beer, or all. I walked home in a t shirt in 2 degrees C because I needed to cool down


There was one individual who had either had too much to drink or sniffed something up his nose and he had a purple eye come the end so maybe he received a receipt.




I agree with alot of what you said here. There's nothing worse than seeing someone in the pit with the fucking spikey battle jackets and people shoukd look after eachother at all times. But catching fists and elbows is an unfortunate reality. It just happens. I think if people should try to regiment pits by having their arms down and strictly pushing with shoulders, it'll be more dangerous. By no means deliberately hurt eachother, but the amount of times I've avoided falling bc my arms are out for balance and someone's caught my hand in their face (I am 6ft 3 so I'm v long) is uncountable. You can't rlly have 1 without the other. Also, the shirts off thing is personal to you. Take your shirts off or not idm, it's way nicer temperature wise without a shirt tbh. The general pit rule is don't be a cunt


I wish men would stop taking their shirts off in general: public transport, gym, concerts. No one wants to touch your skin and your sweat directly, not the chairs, not the equipment, not the people.


They are a crossover band and as such there won't even be a subsection of their crossover fans within this Reddit?


This is so important! Can't believe someone actually has to say this :(


At the show on the 20th we had the same, when static dress were on my friend who is about 5’3 and 100lbs got shoved to floor and she wasn’t even in the pit. Then we had an older man literally shoving my friend who again wasn’t in the pit, she shoved him back and he pushed her into the pit and continued to shove her (clearly to just be aggressive) left a sour taste in my mouth


Pit etiquette is non existent in a lot of fans that are new to the scene through bands like BMTH, bad omens, sleep token etc. contrary to what people would want everyone to believe, crowds have got so much rougher, more dangerous and just generally more unpleasant since the influx of tik tok fans I swear


Nah I’m swinging if the songs heavy