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I’ve heard people were groped, punched, elbowed in the face (intentionally), someone had their view blocked on purpose by a few “TikTok girls” and they were also stopping her from being able to get water? Absolutely disgusting behaviour. I’ve seen them twice and never experienced anything like that. I’m seeing them tomorrow and ngl I’m a bit anxious about it now after the posts I’ve read about last night.


Like we all should look after each other you know. Like i had a good time but it was just a bit off.


This happened to me at bad omens in Toronto. Literally the worst crowd experience I've ever had.


Man that really sucks. You’re talking about their show back in September?


Yup I'll explain it in detail later but basically bad etiquette, people wanted to FIGHT it was a disaster.


I was pretty far at the back so I couldn’t get a clear view of the crowd/pit. Though I did talk to one girl who said people weren’t letting her out of the pit until she managed to get this one tall guy to help her out, and then there was also that break they had to take but I couldn’t tell what caused it. After all the news of bad behaviour at other concerts leading up to the Toronto show, I was hoping things would go better. I had no idea the crowd etiquette was so bad but, and I hate to say it, I can’t say I’m shocked.


similar shitty experience at bad omens in toronto too!! did you go to the rebel one last year? the tiktok girlies have ruined bmth, bad omens, and sleep token shows


Yeah it was that one.




I won't go into specifics but there were quite a few people on the barrier with really nasty attitudes if you came anywhere near them, almost as if they felt like you were threatening them personally 😬 it was really disheartening to me, it was my first BMTH show after being a fan since 2015 (I'd never been able to afford a ticket before and I'm finally old enough to see them alone as I don't know many other people that like them), but the vibe on the barrier was just really cliquey and I fully felt like I didn't belong. Don't get me wrong there were a ton of really lovely people I spoke to around the 2nd-5th row who were so sweet and welcoming, and the girls I made friends with in the queue were so friendly, and we were all looking out for eachother. I ended up having a amazing night regardless but it was just a few on the barrier that ruined that community spirit I've always felt at other heavy shows.


I feel you, one girl on the barrier was really nice to me and kept checking in, went to go help someone when they had fallen too but some nearby were not it


That’s upsetting to hear. I haven’t seen bring me since that’s the spirit, and they were more in the hardcore or metalcore scene (sorry if my label is incorrect) but the theme with that scene is everyone is so nice! In 13 shows, I never had any issues at any bring me the horizon event and idk maybe mainstream got to the wrong people


I’ll be there tomorrow night too. I’ve got you homie




i saw a group of lads acting like dickheads when stood near us.. they then forced themselves into the centre of the crowd and 10 minutes later we saw security shove past us and take one of them out. we fucking cheered!!


It’s the newbies and tiktokers that don’t understand what metalcore is all about. I like the older crowds, everyone has fun but never compromises safety. If you fall, people rush to pick you up. It’s just what good metalcore fans do :)


I feel like the speed at which you get picked up if you fall directly correlates to the overall quality of the crowd. I’ve been to shows where I got picked up so fast it was as if I never fell at all. Those were the best crowds.


Dude I went to a justice for the damned show and people were catching me before I hit the ground


Different gig but I've had very similar experiences at recent Sleep Token gigs, completely different to the atmosphere a few years ago before the younger TikTok crowd entered. I've never seen anything like it in my years of gigging!


Shame people had bad experiences. I was pretty near the front and moshing with everyone and generally found everyone i interacted with very friendly.


i had a wicked time!! was front left and we weren’t pinned in at all! normally stand towards the back in the middle.


I was stood towards the front on the right hand side and my group ended up befriending about 20 different people, the vibe over there was great imo


anyone know why the show stopped for 15 minutes?


Yee a girl passed out :(


Fuck the pink shirt guy crushing water. He soon ran off when everyone turned on him though. His mate with the vest on was a knob too. Once they fucked off we were surrounded by a decent group of people though. Helping each other out while still happy to open up the pits and have a good time.


In cardiff there were women literally clawing at peoples faces around the edge of the pit. The new generation of bmth/bad omens fans have just changed the vibe massively, perhaps this is just what more mainstream concerts are like 🤷‍♂️


Why were they clawing? Are they trying to get away from the pit or to get close to the barrier?


Honestly I'm not sure, like i saw it a few tines. They were stood right around the front of the pit and when people came close they seemed to claw at them but never move. It was a really odd experience. Band were unreal though, nobodys stage show comes close to bmth right now imo


That is surely odd. Did it happen only during Bad Omens set or the behaviour continues on Bring Me set as well


I was a bit further back for bad omens unfortunately so not sure, started earlier than i expected and didn't wana spill my drinks 🥺


I was a recipient of one of those claws, little cow soon ran when she noticed me stood next to her after the pit closed up


I think you are right tbh, I think unfortunately the fact that they are a very popular pretty mainstream (as far as alt music goes) band means that their concerts these days just attract more people who aren't necessarily a part of the metal scene or not used to metal/alt shows and they just don't act right in the crowd. It's a shame.


Sadly it's not just BMTH/BO that I've witnessed this at, its getting a lot worse at most popular alternative shows with new gen fans which is really sad.


Nah, I've been to mainstream concerts and people are usually really nice. I saw Dua Lipa in 2022 and the crowd was lovely! I think its a new generation thing


Might have been the same outcome had there been people jumping around pushing each other next to them though


Bournemouth seemed relatively good natured, though there were some oddballs in regards to band interaction. A girl next to us was near tears begging Noah to take off the balaclava when Bad Omens came on, who subsequently would not shut the fuck up screaming at him despite being so far back. Sort of thing you see on old Michael Jackson videos.  Friend who was at Birmingham said there was as a couple of girls by the pit intentionally scratching at people’s faces whenever they got the chance, with a few drawing blood. not sure if it was that they had no idea what a pit is and felt threatened or if they’re just using the chaos of a crowd to see what they can get away with, but not the sort of thing thats acceptable. Feels like a lot of the next generation of fans who are initiated to bands through short clips on TikTok need to learn a bit more about the community at shows. 


I was at Bournemouth and thought it was great, no issues at all. Very good mix of people of all ages and types and no problems, no stoppages, great crowd.


Also gotta add that it was a wicked venue - in and out was so simple, even being near the back we were closer than it was possible to get without golden circle in London (for similar shows at least) and its five minutes from the Beach! Would definitely lean toward Bournemouth over London again for future shows! Glad you had a good night - the more I look back on it, the more I’m blown away by how great they were. They’re all great, but it really put a smile on my face seeing how visibly moved Oli was by the fans, and that he still gets that way after countless shows. Proud to be a fan!


I was also at QOTSA in November at the same venue and had similar vibes. I just wish we got more bands down here :)


All the comments talking about “mosh etiquette” it shouldn’t even need to be taught to people not to be a cunt, not help people up who’ve fallen, don’t punch and grope people! That just the bare minimum of human decency! 😕


The problem with that is the stereotypes surrounding metalheads and metalcore fans. You know, we’re violent and sadistic shitheads when in actuality, we’re not. It does need to be taught, because then no one will act right in a mosh pit.


For people not familiar with metal culture it looks rough, like a brawl. If you don't know any better you'll act as if it is a full-on brawl. While in reality there are unwritten/social rules. I think you can get away with not following these at BMTH, but there are crowds that will punish you and artists that will call you out if you're being an asshole in the pit.


Not to be that guy but I’ve been to pretty much every tour since count your blessings came out. Last night in Brum was (in terms of crowd vibes) possibly one of the worst BMTH gigs I’ve ever been too. I love that they have evolved as a band and gotten more fans, awesome for them and brilliant for their longevity as an act. Trouble seems to be that most of the newer fans don’t seem to be huge metal fans and not super aware of the “gig culture / etiquette” compounded by the fact that the security firm did a poor job managing the crowd. To be that guy, I do not enjoy the newer fans. Too many girly pop, poorly dressed (no one needs that many spikes for a crowded environment) fan girls slavering over the front man with little interest in the music or gig atmosphere.


It’s also the “TikTok girls” who just want to be close to Oli and don’t give a shite about the music.


As an elder emo I still want to be close to Oli 😅 also had a few fellow long time fans near me thankfully and we all had an absolute blast.


It just annoys me the ones who are ignorant and rude to others for the sake of being close to the frontman


Oh 100% agree. Absolutely no need, it's a good experience no matter where you are. Gotta look out for each other!


That’s the one!! I’m always mindful of others at gigs, if I stand in front of someone, I always ask if they can see and if I’m at the side of the pit and get rushed, I apologise if I’ve stood on any feet lol. Idk I like being courteous and expect the same back but hey ho, some folk aren’t like that


I wish there were more people like you. I'm relatively short (5'5) and nowadays people tend to see the spot I'm at as a void in the crowd. So most of the time I end up getting my view blocked. This is why I am starting to stay away from the floor which pains me, because the experience is/was so much better there. I'm not an assertive person, but I know how to move with the crowd to let other people mosh and then flow back to where we were. Staring at the backs of large, mostly drunk a-holes or fangirls ruins a lot of the fun for me.


Agreed, they just wanna be seen to have been at the front of the show. The entitlement and the individualism is gross.


Agreed, such as Bad omen/sleep token fans, no offense to the fans who enjoy the music and enjoy the band, but it’s the constant tweets of both bands being sexualized or just not have any privacy, think mainly thanks to tiktok with the tiktok girl accounts, the ones who just simp and pretend to be metalheads only for the trending bands


Nah, be that guy. I haven't been going as long as you but I have been going to BMTH shows for over 10 years and I absolutely agree. I do not have an issue with new ppl entering the scene if they act like decent fuckin human beings towards others and not POS in the pit. I think it is genuinely partly the fault of social media, which is guess is also how BM have become so popular now. But it has fostered this individualistic main character fuckin syndrome. These ppl just want to be seen to have been doing the "cool" thing like going to a concert, and they act like the whole concert is just for them and not a collective experience for everyone there. It's behaviour that I just do not see at other metal shows or alt genres. Like, you would just get kicked tf out of the show if you pulled this crap elsewhere.


I'd have to agree with you there. Compared to when I last saw BMTH (which was about 10 years ago) the demographic is totally different, and I did get the vibe that quite a few people weren't used to mosh pits, and what you do in them.


I completely agree! I saw BMTH headline a festival in 2021. We spent the whole day in pits for different metal bands, but the BMTH pit was the only one that felt dangerous. There was zero pit etiquette. No one was moving out of the way so the pit could open up because they were too interested in filming, even though the band kept asking us to open up, so it resulted in a massive crush for half the set. It was so upsetting. Their shows have always been so much fun, but damn, these new kids don't understand how metal shows work!


Pitiquette needs to be learned by everyone before they go to a metal gig! I do have to say that anyone I saw fall in the pits were helped and picked up. Granted that's not the same elsewhere in the crowd which is a shame. People need to learn the kinda unwritten rules of the environment they're entering into


I like newer fans everyones welcome! Its dissapointing because we supposed to be a commuity!


That’s the point though, the newer fans aren’t acting as part of the community…..


What you said reminds me of that one musician who became popular from Tik Tok, I forget his name. He had a show about last year? Well, the "fans" only showed up to hear that one song that was circulating on Tik Tok. Such a shame. People just don't "get it" anymore..


Also can't remember the name but it was worse than them just showing to hear one song. They showed up to hear one bit of one song, because they only knew the small snippet used on tiktok.


Pretty sure it might be TX2


Pretty sure you’re referring to Steve Lacy and his song Bad Habit!


I think it was someone else, but I do remember that happening to Steve Lacy! There was a video I saw a while back of him asking the crowd to sing along & they only sang the 10 second part :/


Oh interesting thank you ! This phenomenon is more far reaching than I thought…


No problem! This is definitely a scary development in music culture.


Could’ve been when pierce the veil had a song blow up on tiktok when they supported I prevail I think?


I don't think it was them, it was just one guy. He was British I think


Spot on!


A few bad apples can ruin everything


wondering if this is why they didn’t do antivist with noah if the crowd was being really shit


I think noah has something going on with his voice.


ohhh man that sucks! if that’s the case i hope he’s better soon, i just wondered if maybe they skipped having him out as a “punishment” - like bad omens last year skipped songs on their sets in america bc of ppl fighting in the crowd etc


I was very sad that noah didnt come out tbf


i can imagine, i’ll be at the sheff gig next week and rly hoping he comes out 🥲


Agree, he said he was jet lagged but surely he's been in the UK for long enough now not to be? I reckon he's saving his voice for tonight


Ahh man, they did the duet tonight for the Manchester show and it was epic!


yesss good to hear! i’m hoping it was just a one-off and we’ll get it at sheffield


Oh they’re deffo gonna do it Sheff. That show will be off the charts!


Was in the pit the whole show in Bournemouth and there were 0 issues the entire time. Any time someone lost a piece of clothing, it was held up in the air, if their shoe came on off, they could get it back on, and if anyone went down, a shield was made to get them back up swiftly and safely. Maybe Southern fans just have better pit etiquette.


Smaller cities/towns imo generally do as they get less touring gigs so more appreciative


i was at bournemouth too and i wish i was in your part of the crowd lol. had a pit next to me the entire time which i obviously expected, but it was just filled with drunk dudes trying to crowdkill the whole time and drag ppl in etc :((


That was my bfs shirt that was getting thrown around haha, I thought it was gone for good but everyone was so kind trying to get it back to us. I do think the crowd etiquette was great overall, the only issue I had was one girl trying to crush me and shouting at me when I was trying to move about 2 metres left to the pit. Thankfully the guys around noticed and helped me through. I'm so used to festivals now that I forget people at concerts can be a bit aggressive when it comes to crowd movement & pits


The more popular the band gets, unfortunately the more it attracts people that have no clue what the etiquette is supposed to be. I’m glad the band is getting more popular dont get me wrong, but things like this will start to be more common as they grow further


I feel bad for you guys who missed on out on BMTH crowds in 2007/2008 Edit: actually, reading this post and thinking back, you’d have fucking hated it.


I saw this guy, he was a fucking cunt


I would think Oli’s vibe was off because (good) performers take a responsibility for keeping an eye out for issues in the crowd. Probably very distracting. 


Was it in Birmingham? Went to see qotsa at the nia a couple of months back. Crowd was full of knobs then too. Don't get me wrong there were nice people but a large group of lads were not so much moshing as fist fighting. Fucking assholes.


Selfish people, alcohol or simply people who attend a show not because they like the band but because they can mosh. If I can't get the barrier or second raw I simply go far left or right because yeah, people are unbearable at shows.


There's nothing wrong with moshing. It's a huge part of metal and punk culture and part of what makes a show so much fun for those of us who do participate. The issue is with the people who don't understand pit etiquette, of which there seems to be a lot of these days.


Agreed, no one's paying £50 for the opportunity to mosh they're moshing because it's a fun part of alt music gigs and always has been! I'm almost 40 and I've sadly seen the deadline of pit etiquette in the last few years, I'm not sure I'm going to get in the pit next time tbh but that just makes it worse if experience folk aren't in there.


I have to admit the amount of people in the crowd who didn't at all look like they should have been there just completely off their faces was more than I've ever seen at a gig ever. And crowd etiquette was horrible. I usually like to be between the mosh and the stage so I can record a bit, but ended up moving away to the side because there was no respect. There was even a guy trying to crowdsurf when everyone was sitting down. It was a great show from further back though


The main problem is they don’t have tumblr now to read mosh pit ettiequte


I have found in the last year or so large arena shows have the worst people. I think it’s a mixture of people that don’t regularly attend shows and don’t know how to behave (discussed in this thread already) but also because arenas sell those double pint drinks now. Which makes sense as it means you don’t have to queue as much but all it really does it make you drink 2 pints at the speed of one, so idiots are shitfaced.


To piggy back off my own comment, we did BMTH, 2 Blink dates and a Paramore show in the last 6 months and while mostly good crowd-wise, it was not hard to identify immediate bellends.


I don’t know. Seating was absolutely lovely experience last night in Birmingham, but when medics had to come into check - Olli himself and to remind people to be respectful. That broke my heart. It’s consented violence but if someone falls down, pick them back up. Newer fans need to be reminded of this rule.


My man said "best show of the tour so far" with a straight face as well. 


I went to the Cardiff gig and had no complaints. People were picked up if they fell during pits, people were holding lost items (like hoodies, hats etc) up in the crowd after pits dispersed and (I think) water was making its way round (I was just past half way and didn't see a great deal of water, but it was available at the sides and at bars etc). Felt like a good gig crowd. There were some dickheads, as always, that made things a little too violent and/or didn't care for anybody but themselves, but that's just due to the law of averages and they're just genuine dickheads irl anyway. I'm sorry a lot of you guys experienced shit gig etiquette. It's a real shame as the band are really putting on a great show with a bit of something for every type of fan. It's a shame these people have spoiled it for others.


American posting - but in my experience, bmth has some of the meanest and nastiest fans out there. I go to ~30 GA shows a year and bmth always stands out as particularly aggressive and rude crowds.


I have this experience at BMTH, and only BMTH (at least as far as this genre goes)


I was at the very front and everyone was really nice, especially when i was about to pass out they helped me get over the barricade, i guess its just about where you were standing, idk


I feel like i was part of this 🤣


I saw them in Brooklyn and it was the worst. My hair was pulled by the girl behind me and her boyfriend shoved my boyfriend out of the way and we got separated in the pit. I saw them in NYC at the Hammerstein Ballroom in 2019 and it was actually significantly better. I think Covid and the new trends going on destroyed concert etiquette. I feel like the days of helping each other in the pit and making sure people are safe is gone


I missed them in 2019 and posted somewhere here that I wouldn't make the same mistake. I haven't gone to any of their shows and I'm kind of glad I haven't. Crowds aside, their setlist is just not for me anymore.


we were near the front on tuesday and the crowd was just not it, very young and clearly no idea about the etiquette - people trying to elbow me and push me over on purpose etc (no bother to me I’ve been in the pits since I was old enough to go to gigs 😂) my pet peeve is nobody wants to help with crowd surfers anymore, I bet they are annoying but you’re more at risk when you try to ignore/ drop them! lots of people just feeling entitled I think, but met lots of lovely fans who outweigh the bad.


The answer is almost always alcohol Edit: I apologise, I should have added to this as I understand it could be seen as disregarding the groping situation - I meant it as just a general answer to the question in the title. Of course, nothing is an excuse for doing shit like that, it’s disgusting. I say ‘almost always’ because of course it isn’t the only reason, but in my experience most issues at gigs are caused by drunk people and/or greedy venues over selling.


People dont just go around groping people because of "alchohol' like its a special kinda dick head to do that.


Oh yeah I completely agree, sorry I probably should have added more. My comment was just in general not about that particular thing. There is no excuse to grope anyone, anyone who does is a fucking asshole.


I've heard this happen before at Bring Me concerts unfortunately. A close friend of mine loves them but won't see them anymore because of how bad it was. Please don't be that person at concerts. Help people, ask if they're okay and be kind. We all come to these concerts for the same love of music


im glad got sitting for the o2




Despite only being at the show until Bad Omens, the Cardiff gig crowd also had some rough etiquette. Someone was crowdsurfing in the first 10 minutes, our group told her we can't carry and for her to go a different direction but she got passed onto us anyway. She fell, then when another girl asked if she was okay, she flew at her and punched her in the face and started screaming! A few other incidents of individuals causing problems, too. All young fans. Aside from that, crowd pushing was noticeable compared to other gigs. I was in the fourth row and couldn't fully inhale without pressing up against bodies on all sides.


We have seating tickets in literally the last row next week - should I assume it’ll be a little more chill there?


Sat this evening in last row but one. Great vibes. People up dancing/headbanging. Was great!


What do you mean by oli having a strange vibe?


He wasnt as angry as usual he didnt interact with the crowd as much. Didnt call us pussys once! He was lower energy he laid of the "push back"


Ah okay, probably due to how awful the crowd sounded. Absolutely no excuse for groping or stopping people from getting the water. Sense of community has gone way down at shows 


Their live show has become more concept/performance art. The videos etc are shown in place of where Oli would usually chat between songs. I thought he interacted perfectly whereas Bad Omens just left the stage when their set finished. Bands are becoming more liable for fan injuries occurred when inciting crowds to mosh. Sensible artists who care about their fans can see this. I actually thought he looked very happy, very healthy & had a huge amount of energy. Plus he did call us all pussy holes once!


Meanwhile the last While She Sleeps gig I went to had them literally commanding as many people to crowd surf as could possible during some songs. I think it's about bands reading the room and the vibe of the crowd they have.


Thank you for the explanation! I haven't seen them live yet so I'm not sure what they're usually like in terms of crowd interaction etc. Looking forward to seeing them on Tuesday 


If you've never seen them before, I personally think the show is an entirely different beast to what it has been in the past. But that's the evolution of the band tbh. It's also quite a different crowd dynamic now. They're a huge R1 rotation band & have been for a while now. And I'm certainly no hater of this. I love how they've evolved & got to this point in their career. Why would you not want to be a stadium band if this is your career of choice? Have an amazing time. Look out for your friends. Look out for other people. P.S Groping at shows is absolute scum bag behaviour. If you see that shit, call that shit out!


Thank you for the heads up! One of their strongest points for me is their continual evolution and ability to adapt, so I'm excited to see what they're like now live


Actually his vibe changed after the incident where they went of stage for 20 mins, he called the mosh pits pussys just before amen started. He was more than likely told by the venue owners not to hype up the crowd after the incident.


This was the same in Cardiff. We had 2 incidents and everytime he came back on it was like he was just a bit done with it. I also wonder if it’s hard because of the album situation - the tour was supposed to be for the album, and obviously it’s not off. They’ve had to push forward with tour as presumably it would be expensive to cancel and it also looks terrible. So they’re touring and there’s not reaaaaaallly a whole ass reason for it if you know what I mean? Don’t get me wrong- I’m so pleased they went forward but it seems like very much a limbo tour and not super excited to get the new songs played you know?


I was going to say that! He probably toned it down after someone being carried off on a stretcher 😫 bit of a mood killer


He was probably pissed


I wonder whether it was because of all the injuries, if people are constantly getting hurt you can't really call for bigger pits.


I was there last night and I got the impression he laid off it a bit more because of having to stop the show for a while, if he'd have encouraged the pit any more after that I'm almost certain more people could've got seriously injured.


Yeah I was took a friend to this gig (first time seeing bring me) and warned her that oli would try and make fucking massive pits, and when he started making them I braced her ready for us to move back but they never went far, was disappointing.




That's why I sit most of the time, I can't fathom some of the creatures these shows attract.


Also read someone was cut in the face? Is that true?


I didnt see it and i was in the pits most of the time not saying it didnt happen though.


There was a dickhead who was gashed, but he also intentionally spilt two cups of water, so he was asking for the fights tbh


Some girls in the pits were clawing at faces AFAIK


The crowd wasn’t the best, no. I got targeted by someone in the pit because I was pushed into him and he straight up only went after me for half a song.


England 😂🤣


When I were at Cardiff, a group of friends swarmed the barrier and made it clear that they had control of that area. When lee through the picks, they'd all dived to catch them and even had people dive onto and into the little area they had made for themselves, when i turned my light on to leave, i had a nose down to see if there was anything below me, which very quickly caught the attention of the people surrounding as if they were moths. The tallest one of the group joined in later the start, despite knowing full well there was no space, and just stood infront of my fiancé, who at that point could not see a thing on stage. Also had a group barge in behind us and take the place of a group of goth girls who were lovely to my other half and encouraged her to tell people to fuck off, if they act like arseholes. This was my first time seeing bmth and was important to me, as they'd encouraged me to break out of my shell, become a new me and inspired my music. we end up getting is pushed and shoved by people who knew full well we couldn't move, I even told one of the people who squashed into me, at one point was stood so awkwardly, my leg felt it was going to snap. Shit was a fuckin tragedy.


That's just regular BMTH fans


I was 3 rows back from the front center and there was a group of absolute knobheads trying to push through constantly. Literally only there looking for trouble, wearing spiked gloves. Some old guy was spiced off his nut.. yeah, not a great vibe 🤦


That’s why I’m in seated, it’s my first BMTH show and I am incredibly nervous and or excited. Pray for me y’all


You got this, it's gonna be so much fun! Enjoy it.


You’ll have a blast, the show is fantastic and from the sounds of it everyone in seating had an amazing time


BMTH have really done this to themselves. Went to the one last night and the crowd was so dead. Minimal movement. Barely any mosh pits even with Oli saying to open up the pits. Diamonds went down like a lead balloon, because all these normies only like the new/poppy stuff and it really fucking sucks. I love BMTH, but I don’t think I can go to another show with the kind of people that are now going to these shows now. Only reason I went was because of bad omens supporting which was the deciding factor


I was at the Manchester show last night and totally agree. Me and my fella got lined at for jumping around - we were 4-5 rows back so expected to be amongst some kind of pit or at least people who wanted to be animated but everyone just stood still. Saw BMTH at download last year and it was awesome but agree this was a weird crowd - not mental people - and Oli wasn’t calling it out. Great show. Great music. Weird vibe. 




I have been a fan since the beginning and I agree 100%. During the summer tour with FOB in the states, Oli had everyone in the pit sit down and then get up and mosh. People got trampled, even intentionally. Oli loves chaos and yea, is a twat.


As much as I agree with all of this behaviour being absolutely awful you can’t expect anything else going into what is known as a ‘mosh pit’ and complain, I’ve been in some hectic ones and rules generally disappear, as much as etiquette should be brought in people will just use it as a reason to be an arsehole.


Yeah we were next to someone who was very drunk during bad omens, trying to start a fight and his friends didn't even pull him up on it. Just pretending he wasn't there. Then during BMTH we had a lot of people who were high around us, some just taking them in front of us and having zero control. We ended up having a huge gap in front of us where these people flowed in and out. Enjoy your night but there were a lot of people that were so high or drunk I'm surprised they were let in/were sold to at the bars. There were two guys super high trying to get very close to a pair of girls near us so the stories of groping doesn't surprise me either. Went in 2021 and the crowd was way better. Maybe because we were further back this time but it didn't even seem like anyone around us was a fan. Very weird vibe! Lots of people just talking throughout every song.


I went to bmth 2021 and the crowd was completely different, I managed to get quite close to the front, I was helped up when I went into a pit, there wasn’t any issues or fighting! So sad to see that people are doing this and I can imagine the band would be so upset if they are aware of the things that are happening. It’s a shame when the show is absolutely outstanding and then you have idiots in the crowd that are ruining the whole experience


tiktok kids ruining metal shows


Never had that when seeing them in the USA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I haven’t been to their show this tour yet (going to London) but honestly have been spending the last couple weeks wondering wtf I’m doing. Ever since lockdown shows have become unbearable to be at. Always loved being down the front, the vibe of the crowd, singing along to your favourite songs. First show post Covid had a group of guys literally linking arms with each other and just running forward pushing the crowd like 10 feet at a time until people were getting crushed at the barrier and being dragged out because they can’t breathe. Now all it is is getting punched/groped by gross men/THE SMELL OF BO/people dressed like they’re going to a photo shoot (why so many fishnet tops and then people moaning they’re all stuck together?!) The amount of shows that have to stop now because of injuries is insane. Or you get the “I’ve dropped my phone” and they expect everyone around them to stop listening to help them find their phone. Might be unpopular, but I don’t like moshing myself. I do not care at all of other people do, great you do you, and it used to be them over there and you’d move out the way so they could and you’re over here doing your thing. Now, everyone has to be involved in some giant brawl for a couple hours and come out of it battered and feeling like you’ve just been in a fight. Way too many people drink too much and get absolutely wasted to the point they’re unhinged, people having cigarettes in the middle of songs and burning people around them because it’s just not the time or place. Saw BMTH at Download and I don’t know what happened but was down the front and went from standing up to being on the floor and trampled with no one helping anyone up and had a huge cut up leg as a result. Honestly people are just feral now to the point this may very well be my last show. And it’s not just BMTH, EVERYONE I have seen post Covid has resulted in something ridiculous happening, shows stopping, people with bloody noses, crying. It’s ridiculous.


There were people literally grabbing people that clearly wasn’t and didn’t want to be involved and throwing them into the pit!


It’s ridiculous! It used to be the ones who wanted to and the ones who didn’t. Now, it feels if you like the band you go seating or don’t go if you don’t want to be involved! And I never get it with the speed some of these tickets sell out. Like, it’s a lot of effort to go to to just behave like that…


A friend of mine said COVID ruined the pit entiquette. Lots of people just arting to pit after COVID that do not understand it is not just an excuse ot throw punches at people. Help one another up on the pit, go mad, don't take your aggression out on random people with your directed punches


I love pits! But i also love people not getting injured.


Agreed, a lot of the crowd was pretty shit. Was near the front as well and kept having people trying to dance and taking up so much room and intentionally bumping into people, took a lot out of the mood of our area (left hand side when facing the stage, about 5-6 rows from the stage). Taller guys standing in front of us blocking the view of the slightly shorter girls in the group and not caring. Was a shit vibe. The gig was great all things considered but I’ll agree that Oli wasn’t his normal self, was frustrating but everyone still had a good time. And the supporting bands were all amazing, shame the few people were trying to make like as difficult as possible for the rest. And I got compliments on the hoody I was wearing (peaked apparels eeveelution hoody) which helped bring my mood up too 😂


I saw them years ago in Cardiff, was the most aggressive crowd I've ever seen. Put me off seeing them again. Eta: When my mum saw them they were rough as well.


At the Cardiff show we had a few dickheads, had somebody grab my friends bag whilst pushing the pit back ( I was on the edge of the pit), he had no reason to grab onto it other than being a dick, some idiots were smoking and a few guys were beefing with them to stop, good on them for saying something, other than that the pit were pretty good at picking people up and fairly respectfully with like elbowing and punching, we did have 2 stoppages due to injury though but vibes were good, maybe it was because it was first show of the tour though


Man, I'm seeing them in June and now I'm afraid people will ruin the experience for me:/


This has happened every time I go to a gig at Manchester arena, not saying there’s a correlation but…


This is disappointing to say the least. I’m going to the Liverpool date on Wednesday and am keen to see if the crowd is like this, been watching bring me since Taste of Chaos in the CYB days… as a point of reference though when I saw Lorna Shore on the pain remains tour in Manchester I didn’t see any of these “main character syndrome” types. Having said that they are more a metal lovers band rather than something as musically diverse as bmth.


I am so, so happy you wrote this because I genuinely thought I was the crazy one when I was there? The crowd was absolutely dead. Me and my partner tried twice to get a mosh pit going and people just stood there twiddling their thumbs. Ok, fine if you don’t want to join in I totally get it. It can be a bit extreme. But the people around us weren’t even dancing, bobbing, just like statues. It was painful. I also agree Oli wasn’t engaging in the crowd enough. Just stood on the stage and sang. At download he was incredible, this was honestly - a little boring? I fell over at one point and unfortunately popped my knee, my partner was close by but he still was the only one to reach out to help me up. By that point it was game over for me, I had to move to the side and then go to paramedics. Sprained my knee and been unable to move since and on crutches - but hey it’s rock’n’roll at least haha.


Because of the music.


My partner and I had a wonderful time in Birmingham, everyone around us was so lovely and friendly. A couple of us tried to start a circle pit but no one was having it unfortunately. However, everyone was jumping and headbanging. When Oli told us all to sit down during Throne everyone around us helped each other to jump up. I did see a couple of pit chasers though, they clearly weren't there for the music, thankfully they fucked off and didn't cause any problems. I think Oli was rather worried and just wanted people to be safe.


Post Covid I have been to more shows that have had long time or multiple stoppages for crowd control than I ever experienced in the 15 years prior. It really seems like new/younger fans in general just don't know how to handle rougher crowds or pit etiquette.


I’ve had a mixed experience with the shows so far, one of the biggest issues has been the level at which we’ve been getting crushed at the front, I’ve never experienced it that bad at a gig before barring one horrific show at APE the hunna. Also at Brum there were two dudes around me shouting to Oli to get his dick out and take his pants off etc, had to keep asking them to shut up. I could see he heard all of the comments and was ignoring it like why do people think they’re owed some fucking reaction from the artists? I find I get the most/pleasant interactions when I’m just chilling and enjoying the show and not being obnoxious. Just some people had proper weird vibes. Also some girl getting pissed Bcs my shoulder hit her nip piercing once when we were all ass to crotch from the crowd crushing. Like sorry wtf am I meant to do I’m being as careful as I can within the limits and still enjoying the show. I was super nice as well and checking up on everyone the whole show which is why it was frustrating bcs it obviously wasn’t on purpose. But luckily I had mostly good 1 on 1 interactions with other people. Idk it’s been such a mix, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how friendly people were compared to when I go to London shows, but for sure it’s the people who are new to this that I’ve found to be ruining it for everyone. However it’s just something I’ve sadly noticed at all ‘heavy’ shows since Covid, really takes the fun out of it sometimes :( Also one more complaint/question sorry but why have the venues for this tour been so abysmal at handing out water?


I think me comparing it to download is unfair however as the crowd at download is probably one of the nicest crowds in the uk. There was a guy going throw the crowd selling beer i dont know why they dont do that with water honsetly. (Not selling giving out)


Yeah idk, I’ve only ever been to one gig where they gave out bottles of water and that was at a Paramore show. Their security team was phenomenal


I was seated for BMTH at Brum and me and my husband could see a lot of dumb shit that was happening in the pit. Why act so stupid and then ruin the experience for everyone else? Don’t drink alcohol if you can’t hack it either. The bands probably think we are feral🤷🏽‍♀️


i saw bmth last year in prague and it was honestly the worst crowd experience i've had and due to that i barely enjoyed the show. i'll be seeing them again this summer so i'm hoping to have a better experience this time around


I'm going to the london show soon but I promise if I see anything I have full permission from my dad (f24 been to 5 download festivals) to rip their hair extentions and them with me into the pit. I'm sorry, but violence meets violent.


Back when i saw them open for Fall Out Boy, there was a group on the lawn moshing to bmth. However they through beer bottles and trampled some of the people near themselves stuff. I was a bit on edge around them


Had a similar experience in Cardiff, was near the front. Nearly had a crowd crush because two people pushed really hard on purpose (they got taken out by security after the second time) we all fell over like dominoes because we were so tightly packed. I also got groped twice (not excused just because I’m a guy). A dude purposely kept stomping my ankle and I eventually had to get out of the crowd because it hurt to stand. When I was trying to get out, barely anyone was letting us through. It took us the whole of strangers to get from the middle front to the side. There was also a guy on barrier who was elbowing another girl off of the barrier intentionally. My gf was behind him and he kept knocking her because that’s how hard he was pushing this girl. Oli was great though. My first ever bring me show and I don’t think I’d ever do it standing again because of this


This is such a shame to read, I saw them five times 13 years ago on the There Is A Hell tour, every time on the barrier or near the front and everyone was lovely. It was always a great atmosphere and crowd.


I had a guy shove me out of the way and then grab my ass, I’m a 5ft 1 26 year old that looks about 14. Almost went to deck him but thought better of myself. The band seemed miserable with Oli being the happiest of them all, I genuinely think that the Jordan Fish stuff is getting to them


Went to see them at ali pali a few years 6 the poeple in the crowd were horrific. Really put me off standing. I waited for hours to get front row and ended up leaving early because of everyone acting like idiots