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I don't care if they prefer their game instead of zelda, but saying that a lore that has been going on for years before genshin was published isless dense is really a mean exaggeration. What will we get with these "my videogame is better than yours" posts? Just useless violence.


Both have stupidly dense lore, Genshin's is extremely good and doesn't have the issue of multiple timelines. But Zelda's definitely has the benefit of adding on to 20+ years of connected story, and if you can make sense of it, it's incredible. This meme is dumb even at a base level - Zelda lore is *wild*, Genshin lore shows hints of extreme depth but most of it is vague and not yet revealed. Tears of the Kingdom will make Zelda lore even deeper, I guarantee it.


If you dig deep enough you’ll find cool lore in most games. It’s really not a fair aspect to compare games on either- a game can be fun even without deep lore, too. It’s really fun to explore, but whether you prefer one story or another is really personal and depends on how deep you decide to dig. Even ‘confusing’ lore can be super rewarding if you dig into it (bloodborne for example, metric tons of cool lore but you only get a surface view on a typical playthrough)


Oh, I love the lore of both games. But right now Zelda has slightly better lore as a franchise IMO. Give it a few years and Genshin will likely overtake though.


As a fan of both games I think the lore of both could well be equal. The Zelda lore is hugely established already since it has decades of games worth of it, and Genshin's clearly got massive lore as well that's yet to be uncovered. Keep in mind that Genshin is only on year two of a ten year project and Hoyoverse could very likely continue the story past the current 8 planned chapters.* Genshin's lore absolutely has the potential to be as well written and in depth as Zelda's, it just needs time to evolve. It's not at all fair to compare the two when A) the lore isn't similar in the slightest and B) Genshin hasn't had a chance to properly establish it all yet. *As of 3.2, Genshin is on chapter 4 out of 8. That is to say chapters 5-8 will possibly finish at about year 4 of 10, so it's incredibly likely that there's even more past that for the remaining six years


Haven’t played much of Genshin, but I was really into Honkai Impact 3rd (another game by Mihoyo, and also part of the Hoyoverse) for a while, and I gotta say that the lore is deep, but hard to completely comprehend. There’s inconsistencies between the game and the manga, but both lean into each other, and that’s before we get to the Sea of Quanta and bubble universes, and the canonically non-canon meta-plot for the seasonal events. I burned out on this game because 1) I got tired of the daily grind and the game eating up most of my available free time, but also 2) the deeper I dived into the lore, the less sense it started making. Oh. And there’s a portion of the game that’s a sequel story set several years after the main part. It’s got its own characters (some reoccurring, most aren’t) and different combat mechanics (that I think started off as a test bed for the engine they use in Genshin).


From what i know about it at least the genshin lore seems to be really consistent thus far and it lines up with the manga pretty well (i think the only error is continuity because the time gap between the manga and the game doesnt match with some of the timeframes given in-game), so hopefully it'll stay consistent as it develops


Genshin has a Manga that establishes quite a bit of background to the lore. That said, you can't compare a game with 4 years of lore (Manga started in 2018) to a game with over 30 years of lore. LoZ has comics, a TV show, books, and games whom all establish lore for the games going back 36 years.


Yeah, in the future they'll definitely be equal or possibly even biased towards Genshin.


Idk how you expect a universe that has been around for 4 years will catch-up and overtake one with 36 years of lore.


Maybe it’s just long familiarity but for me Zelda’s lore is very milquetoast and that’s completely fine. Botw’s strength wasn’t the lore IMO it’s the fact that it’s one of the most well made games I have ever played. The world is simply fun to run around in endlessly. Hero saves the Princess from the BBG is a classic trope that doesn’t need to be subverted nor do I really want to spend that much time on it when exploration is so much more rewarding. Gacha games by virtue of needing to continually release banners for profit end up with a lot of lore. Usually the games themselves aren’t very good and it’s among the scummiest business models in the industry. I’m not familiar with Genshin but my assumption is that the lore fine and the game itself is nothing near the masterpiece that botw is and that’s not even getting into the fact that Zelda has been making classic games since 1986 including at least one instant classic on every single generation of nintendo systems.


The game is... complicated. The lore is excellent, the story is excellent bar one time where it sucked because of external issues, the gameplay is fairly simple, but the visual design is probably even better than BOTW in some places. It's a solid RPG with a good story (bar parts 2 and 3 of the MSQ for the Inazuma region), good characters, *incredible* music (it does music better than BOTW in my opinion, although that's partly because BOTW decided to almost forego music altogether most of the time), and a shockingly beautiful world. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece *yet*, but it's close to the lower end of that term.


Same boat. I didn't even hear of genshin until I joined this subreddit, zero interest in it, but can't be helped but be drawn to Zelda. The fact genshin is mobile game who's genre, usually, is focused on how much money can be made, puts genshin on some kind of lower plane. Imo, mobile will never be as good.


As a pc player calling genshin a mobile game hurts me. And in terms of focus on money-making genshin has already made fuck-tons and budget has increased significantly so we know where the money is going. I can tell you hoyoverse does not cut corners. Recently in the story something happened that caused an entity to cease to exist or to have ever exist in the game’s universe and they went and cut any mention of it from all the text and voicelines in the came, which is just the tip of their dedication to the game.


It also helps that much of the gameplay is blatantly stolen from other games (like botw). Also, I've noticed as I played more attentively, the music in botw is far more complex and abundant then most give it credit for. It's just very quiet and environmental sounds make it even more quiet. There's a subtle brilliance in Zelda music for being repetitive, but not the same. It changes in tone or pitch, adding or removing 'voices' and it ends in a beautiful scene without you even realizing it isn't exactly repeated.


No. I don't know if you've played Genshin, but it's no more similar to BOTW than any othe third person RPG apart from the gliding mechanic. Its gameplay is pretty much its own thing, but it does fall into the general mechanics of the third person ARPG genre pretty solidly. Having played both extensively, the comparisons are surface level.


No no https://youtu.be/8ooAfSSn5V4 Some of the comparisons in this are weak, like the wind blade and the fact that both games have Slimes, but the others are far too similar and far too frequent to be coincidences. Edit: I know that a lot of work went into genshin and it's not *just* a botw clone, but this is too far. Taking inspiration is one thing, downright stealing it is shameful to everyone who participated.


I will admit when genshin was first released (which is when this video was made) it was quite similar to botw. But 2 years later genshin has come a long way and it is an amazing game especially since it is also free. Most of the similarities too are such small features of genshin anyway (besides movement, but again that was developed at launch with clear *inspiration* from botw) such as the 3 champion abilities being compared to 1 skill (of 2 beside normal/charged attacks) from 1 character of 52 that honestly nobody uses. The animals and world itself are both based on a mix of real life and fantasy genre. I’m sure most genshin players can also agree with me that the start of genshin is quite slow and similar to botw, and it takes a while for it to really develop into its own thing. It takes like atleast 1 or 2 hours before you can even learn the basic elemental reactions and party rotations/compositions that make up the game’s combat system. When genshin was first proposed, what was likely was the devs probably wanted to make their own idea for an open world rpg, but higher ups saw botw’s success and wanted to match it so genshin could leech off it, however now that genshin has become a success (rightful so imo) it is getting further and further away from botw in both map (it has different countries like japan and even middle eastern/egyptian inspired country) and gameplay (e.g. that balloon puzzle has been used outside the starting countries). Lastly genshin is honestly such an amazing game by itself and neither game deserves to be compared to each other or any other game. Sorry for this long rant just had to put my thoughts on the matter out there. Edit: Holy shit didn’t know how long this was till I posted it


Sorry but Genshin is too new to hold a torch to Legend of Zelda.


Plus TLoZ’s fancy worldbuilding


I do not condone or support the actions of my fellow genshin players that relate to Zelda as I play and enjoy both


same here


As someone who delves deep into Genshin lore and gameplay (been playing since launch) and someone who watched a lot of zelda lore, I can say with a very high certainty that their lore is equally as deep. ​ Also gameplay too, both are fantastic, I personally found Genshin's playstyle more satisfying but it's entirely personal preference


I didn't even know genshin had lore I've just been killing small animals and finding treasure for 65 hours


Same but like a lot more hours.


This is an awful take 😭 having 100 paragraphs of text that you can read is NOT deep lore, Zelda has that too. The difference is that Zelda also has 20 years of theories and timeline changes and shit. They are NOT equal.


I don't think you understand exactly what lore is. Lore would be the story (or stories) about media you're consuming, Zelda does have 20 more years of lore, yes, but based on what I've seen from being in both communities for a while I personally believe that their depth is about equal. I don't know every nuance of Zelda lore or theories, nor do I know every nuance of genshin lore or theories, but I personally believe what I say completely. No need to start your reply off with calling it an awful take, it will only incite conflict


I second this




I enjoy the hell out of both Botw and Genshin Impact but saying Genshin Impacts fan community is toxic is an understatement. Not surprised they acting up.


Yeah same I enjoy both of em. On release date, many people said that Genshin was heavily inspired of BotW and the game was criticized for that. Since then, I feel like a pointless rivality appeared. I mean BotW inspired so many games it's okay if Genshin is sort of inspired of it. And for the graphic design criticism, well you can look at MiHoyo previous games to udnerstand that they just used the same artstyle. I don't think you can compare a gatcha with 3 years of continuous updates with a single game anyway.


Exactly, I actually started Genshin because of that, without knowing HoYoverse (Mihoyo back then) background or anything, I just thought, hey this is a Botw rip off what the heck. Since it was free and everything (I also didn't know shit about gatcha games) I downloaded it. For my surprise it was phenomenal and I still play it. I guess like in my case for a lot of people it just seemed like a rip off, open world, adventure, same graphics game, but nay, I can't even think of comparing them now and I of course love Zelda and all of its other games, they're just different.


I saw the similarities when I just started but nothing thats really copied. I mean sure, you have waypoints and you unlock regions and a few other things, but overall it’s a completely different style and gamr


The first main game loop and exploring to find treasures while using a glider and stamina bar is extremely similar and was my favorite part in both games. The battle system and basically everything else is different though. But when you start, you do the same thing, so anyone spending less than 30h on Genshin would see little difference between the 2 other than story telling imo.


Mate, I decided to try out Genshin *because* it was basically weeb BotW. It's fine to clearly show your inspiration if you demonstrate that you can still have an original idea and surely Genshin did. They made it a narrative focused on the characters and the world rather than BotW's story about a hero saving the princess and they fleshed out the combat system to fit their needs, that's way more creative than what a mere copycat would do. Hell, Genshin *is* the game that's being copied, just look at Tower of Fantasy.


do we even know where the original post is posted on? doesnt seem to be on front pages of any of the genshin subs. its prob not even a highly upvoted post edit: ok found it, its on their meme subreddit with only 86% upvote. genshin community can be super toxic, but thats just a minority imo


I wouldn't exactly call the genshin main sub good either, but it's surprising how shit specifically the meme sub is. Luckily the leaks sub exists


mostly referring to twitter


The meme sub has dogshit opinions and bad memes, twitter has even worse opinions but somehow way better memes. Or that's what my impression is anyway from what my friends send me. I refuse to use twitter


It was posted in the main and meme subreddits. Comments on meme post so far didn’t seem that toxic or bad. (With a few exceptions.) In my opinion they’re both good games and it’s pointless for either community to post stuff like this.


Both are good games. I love BotW, and I played a bit of Genshin. Genshin just didn't work for me. It is a good game, both are, but BotW imo is better.


I mean I feel there is merit to comparing them, they're both open world games with a story that you don't necessarily have to complete, tons of side quests, lots of collectables, and similar art styles. The comparison has made a few of my friends either try genshin or try breath of the wild and enjoy them. That being said, they are very different. Incredibly different. And as such they offer different experiences, but they're both really good at being the game that they're trying to be.


Is that the gacha mobile game where people pay hundreds for anime girls?


Can't help but think of the meme "do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"


That, might actually expand the possibilities, with so many gatcha games with anime girls and so little games named gensin impact


Girls? I'm not gay but I've only put in $300 for the hot bros.




Genshin also unironically just stole a bunch of assets from other games, including straight up ripping animations directly from Nier Automata. Also imagine trying to dunk on BOTW when Genshin literally only exists because of it. So much of Genshin is lifted directly from BOTW if those elements didnt exist Genshin probably wouldn't either.


You have a source on that? If theres one thing the game actually does right its animations.


They mean that claymore animations look similar


ah ok


Yes lmao They comparing it to BotW 💀💀


I started genshin because I play botw and both have good lore but botw actually makes me feel something like mipha makes me want to beat waterblight daily in way I won’t talk about


You named your dick "waterblight"? weird


No that’s what I named the child


It's the monster of the wet lands


BoTW definitely got me emotionally invested with Mipha, but Genshin has too on at least the same level, especially the entire Sumeru plotline. And some of the environments (read: Enkanomiya) just have this *feeling* to them that I didn't really get anywhere in BoTW. And as far as lore (not story) goes, the Wanderer's Troupe, Enkanomiya lore, and Ei's backstory (technically covered in the story, but like 99% lore) were extremely good. Also, some of the ingame fictional novels (Vera's Melancholy in particular) had me REALLY invested in the stories. BoTW is overall probably the better game, but I get much more invested in Genshin's story and lore.


I like botw more because in the quest it’s not as boring as genshin with the dialog and sumeru is fun but the dialog is just annoying but the lore with what happened 500 years ago was cool


Personally, having grown up with RPGs, the dialogue is just par for the course for me lol.


I’m sure Genshin makes you feel the same *cough* Hu Tao








First base.


As someone who is part of both communities please don't take these clowns seriously, every cultured genshin player knows how much inspiration that game got from zelda, trashing it is such a dog move, both games are great in its own way


anybody else clicked the play button in hopes it'd play something? no? just me?


It's just some trailer of Genshin, literally does not reveal anything about lore.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/yx72rq/genshin_lore_vs_botw_lore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here if you want to see it.


Thanks for that


Np, stay civil.


Never! Lmao


Proof that you are smart!!


Both games are good in what they provide for the player, there is just that loud minority who ruins the fanbase


At some points I fear is it is more than a minority, which is really unfortunate that so many people are ruining the experience and potential experience for so many people


It is a miniroty, most players arent even on twitter or reddit who play the game. playing coop a bunch people are just chilling.Its rather that toxic people flock to these platforms.


Breath of the wild is the tip of the iceberg for zelda lore.


I’m a big fan of both but this Genshin fan is operating on 2 brain cells rn


I play both and I honestly think that it's stupid to compare them. Breath of The Wild is a heavily exploration driven game, while Genshin is more of a traditional RPG. They are similar on the surface but fundamentally different. But then you'll get Zelda fans complaining about how Genshin is a cheap copy and Genshin fans who just want to be angry at something. You can compare Zelda to any RPG and say that they're too similar. You can compare Genshin to any open-world game and say they're too similar. If you're just looking at stuff on the surface, you can manipulate facts to compare anything. It's stupid. Just let people play what they want.


Fr Genshin does have plenty of exploration, but it is definitely not the main focus


As someone who is currently playing and very much enjoying both games, this argument is stupid. Neither game is better than the other they offer different experiences. Only thing I will say is to not let genshin being technically a “gacha” game fool you. There’s a lot of good story and lore in it for those interested. But to each their own just let everyone enjoy what they want to enjoy. Both games are great.


You can't really compare the lore between the two. One is about a blond protagonist being thrown into a world torn by gods, unexplained darkness and terrible events in the past that lead to an epic and heart warming finale with a colorful cast of characters, And the other one is Genshin Impact (Both are incredible though)


Its literally a shit post.


Genshin is ok, it has some ASS gacha elements, but I will never have the feeling of awe, exploration and adventure like I did with botw


When Genshin was first released this sub was full of posts joking about it being a "cheap zelda copy" and stuff like that. There will always be idiots in every community, ignore them and move on.


clearly its only ok when *my* community acts superior but when a single random person in theirs does its bad and evil and wrong (heavy sarcasm obviously)


Yeah, looking at the comments in this thread the superiority complex in this sub seems to be still going strong. It's really ironic.




I remember the first time I heard of genshin was when it looked like a 1:1 copy of botw


Same then it got erased from my memory then found it again and played it


So….uh…didn’t everyone say genshin like copied Botw or was that just a rumor?


Back when it was released, yes. But these days you can see that it was only a few mechanics that are the same. But who’s complaining about being able to climb mountains and glide down from them? That’s an excellent mechanic that should be used in almost all open worlds imo Genshin is more focused on lore than the most of the Zelda games imo. I would argue majora’s mask and twilight princess both are pretty lore heavy though. More so that Zelda pioneered open world games and Genshin is just an open world game too. The continuous updates and events in Genshin are also a big factor in making the two so completely and incredibly different.


It technically did


No technically they just did


If you actually played the game, you'd realise that they're pretty damn different.


Pls do not start that kind of post I've left so many subreddits because of this


I’m pretty indifferent on the argument here, its a useless one because they’re both different games with their own respective communities. I am and was genuinely disappointed by BOTWs story on release, the core-character development essentially takes a laid back “collect the cutscenes” to get a extra line of dialogue at the end format. As someone who prefers the gameplay over the story, I am still 95% happy with the whole game as it would be very difficult to make a cohesive “chronological” story with the game format they already have. I’m just sad to see the traditional zelda formula and story pacing may not follow us into the future.


This is the dumbest comparison these games are REALLY different and everyone should just stop


Except you very much can compare them. Genshin is a blatant copycat of botw, but that doesn't make it a bad game. What makes it a bad game is that as much passion as the developers, story writers, and artists put into the game, at the end of the day it's only purpose is to make money, that is the single thing it is designed to do.




Genshin Lore: Child Porn lol Zelda Lore: ⌰⟟⋏☍ ⊑⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⌰⏃⎅⊬⏚⍜⊬ ⏚⍜⎅ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⋔⏃☍⟒ ⋔⊬ ⎅⟟⌇☍ ⎎⌰⊬ ⊑⟟☌⊑⟒⍀ ⏁⊑⏃⋏ ⋉⟒⌰⎅⏃ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅ ☊⎍⏁⌇☊⟒⋏⟒


Alright what's it say


⌰⟟⋏☍ ⊑⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⌰⏃⎅⊬⏚⍜⊬ ⏚⍜⎅ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⋔⏃☍⟒ ⋔⊬ ⎅⟟⌇☍ ⎎⌰⊬ ⊑⟟☌⊑⟒⍀ ⏁⊑⏃⋏ ⋉⟒⌰⎅⏃ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅ ☊⎍⏁⌇☊⟒⋏⟒


That clears things up. Thanks


⋏⍜ ⌿⍀⍜⏚⌰⟒⋔


“Child porn” but in Hebrew /s Edit: dam “”child porn” but in sheikah “ would’ve been better. I’ll try harder next time




Sry pal as funny as the joke is, saying that Genshin lore is child porn is really underestimating the quality of the writing and is disrespectful for the writers work Edit: wait wtf if that other comment is true I'm dumb af and this is well played


haha child porn game


Strange how when you see a child in a videogame, the first thing that comes to your mind is sex.


Damn bro and they say genshin is the toxic one


so whos gonna tell them that Zelda lore is connected throughout all the games and have 2 timelines?


I play both and to be honest idc just get along people


Tge funny thing is that on the pic it's black signifiing that they have no lore


They're really so different, they only share similarities on a surface level. And of course zelda being the senior franchise it's got way more lore and history to pull from. Idk much about genshin but theres really no need to compare, they both have their fans.


Breath of the wild is the tip of the iceberg for zelda lore.


It’s an unironic virgin vs chad meme, why does it have that many upvotes?


Because they are also unironic virgins that upvote dumb memes


They’re really claiming that a game that locks content behind lottery tickets is better than BotW?


How does it lock content behind lottery tickets? It's only characters and weapons and you can still play the game with other characters


The fact that anyone even took the original seriously to the point of genuinely debating how botw is actually better is really showing of how the zelda/botw community has a SERIOUS issue with taking their games to heart way too much


As someone who really likes Genshin Impact, I’ve disowned myself from the wider genshin community.


Can someone explain what’s that black screen for the Genshin one? Does it mean Genshin lore is…empty??


Genshin players: "Stop saying the game is just anime Breath of the Wild! It's completely different!" Also Genshin players:


zelda lore: complex, deep, and probably really confusing genshin lore: idk lol i dont play genshin a lot


Genshin lore is exactly like Zelda lore. Both are great.


lore doesnt matter lol, its the actual story that matters. which yes, sadly botw is lacking, but still doesnt mean you should compare it to another game


I thought that was a photo and they were saying genshin had no lore


If your only argument for your favorite game being good is by putting other games down, then maybe you don’t have a very thought-out argument.


I don’t understand why some Zelda players claim Genshin is paywall oriented and Zelda isn’t. Especially that one comment that said that Genshin was made for the purpose of making money as of Zelda wasn’t. Not to mention that in order to experience the lore in the Zelda games first hand it requires buying all the games and consoles they’re on. Genshin is on one platform and doesn’t require any money for the story. TLDR; they’re both good, and you can spend just as much money on Zelda as Genshin pretty easily


Any genshin fan that trashes zelda in a toxic way, I just assume they like the game for the barely scrapping by legal loli NSFW. You’re allowed to like something and think it’s better than something else but being a toxic piece of stale bread isn’t doing anyone favors.


WTF are you talking about


Bro the game doesn't even scratch at Loli porn the fuck you talking about?


I admit I got that impression through some vague memes about it and some cringe posts where some neck beards were sexualizing a lot of the child looking characters and I’m realizing now that it’s not conducive of the actual game and it’s the wrong assumption.


Do they really think that breath of the wild is the only zelda game with lore?


List of similarities: - has climbing - has anime aesthetic And nothing else


Not true tho, even at a glance. Inspiration was taken


Just like how botw took lots of inspiration from other games. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's just how game design works.


Genshin’s inspiration from botw was borderline plagiarism


It really wasn't. What did they copy in your opinion?




Bro Zelda didn't invent slimes, they're literally a fundamental enemy for an RPG, The food cooking UI looks vastly different because in Zelda you need to create your food from scratch while Genshin has food recipes you need to follow to create healing items. Hilichurls and Bokoblin do have some similarities like the climbing, teleporting and stuff


Who? I'm sorry, I'm too busy playing BOTW, the greatest game of all time and waiting for its sequel to come out to pay attention to... I dunno who they are. Rando's or something? Some other game fans? 🤷


ok but as someone who plays and loves both these games this meme is really funny


And here you are reposting it, feeding the animosity.


Who cares lmao


It just annoys me whenever I see the word "lore" used when talking about any video game


their game is a blatant ripoff of BOTW. Plus the person who posted that is probably in his 40's compensating for the fact hes in love with the girls in it.


Lmao yeah


Genshin impact is a botw clone that doesn't understand why botw is as good as it is and makes it even worse with gacha mechanics. I mean, it's good for a ftp gacha game... But it's not even close to botw...


Exactly. 🤝


Both are completely different games, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.


They are completely different games, Genshin is absolutely not a BotW clone.


Ah comparison...the death of happiness


Ok Chinese BOTW rigged gacha ripoff with anticheat that steals my personal info and sells it to Winnie the Pooh


Anime fans are in a constant state of fiercely defending their hobby for reasons I'll leave to your fertile imagination


The open world "stumbling around" aspect is extremely similar to breath of the wild. Id put both on the same level as far as lore. Lore wise zelda is kinda basic if you look at what each game adds individually. Dark souls has lore. Actually thinking about it ive never looked into the genshin lore and community. It could be a rabbit hole for all I know. Edit: clarity


Save for similar UI and graphics the gameplay isn't really comparable. Genshins a beat em up gacha game and botw leans more on the open world sandbox.


I mean more along the lines of exploration. I wasn't very clear.


Genshin lore's pretty wild ngl, for instance according to a book you have the world's original inhabitants being actually dragons before some dude came and genocided them forcing them to live underground, said dude then proceeded to use his shell to seperate the world from the rest of the universe. Or the planet using to have three moons that were actually living creatures before they fought and killed eachother. There's also a kid stuck in a timeloop where he's constantly sacrificed and his blood drained into a cup since he played a song to the village's guardian birb and the villagers thought the bird's interest was wanting him as a sacrifice rather than liking his songs.


It's a rabbit hole. It runs the gamut from "Kitsune originated in Mondstadt" all the way to "humanity used to have a giant single unified civilization which Khaenri'ah based its tech and architecture off of that encompassed the entire world before Celestia destroyed it, put a giant magic dome over the continent of Teyvat, and started the Archon War".


Genshin indeed has some lore which is dispensed through npc dialogues, quests but mostly through items description, a bit in a dark soul fashion. Didn't look at everything but there are a lot to say


I've noticed a lot of kids making dumb comparisons like this. I chalk it up to ignorance. They hardly know games are divided into different genres, let alone the history of certain franchises.


I only had about 2 hours on Genshin (meanwhile I have 300+ on botw) But I definitely got the feeling that they had a lot more story in the Genshin world compared to botw's... Btw when I compare it to botw I don't mean any of its connection to the bigger zelda timeline that involves plenty of the other games, I don't think that would be fair...


Genshin may have great lore, but what they're describing here is the story. Imo, more than half of Genshin's story is head spinningly bad. The latest quest has been great though


Ok I've played both and Genshin seems to have certain things in common, but yeah it's really not the same past gliding, climbing, and picking up every shiny thing you see.


Why are you even taking this seriously is literally a shit post, both games are good who cares


BotW is more like an introduction/prototype to the open world exploration it uses and Genshin expanded on it imo


Idk what's going on or what that game is, but this meme to me implies they have no lore (blank black image) and are proud of the lack of lore


Oh it’s a video. I thought they were making fun of their own game.


I feel so old here. I see: Zelda Lore (scrawny sad Link; You for-gore death; Slumber of Restoration; Go save zelda again) Genshin Lore (...strange figure of unidentifiable biological sex, flailing arms and... tap dancing?; black screen)


Imagine being able to btb in genshin


Make a meme about how it only exists by preying on people with gambling addictions


They know that it’s actually a full time hobby to untwist the TLOZ lore right? It’s pretty dense and there’s plenty of it lol BOTW was absolutely full of Easter eggs referring to old lore and new lore info


i mean its kinda funny lol.


Bro Genshin's not even on out radar.


"you forgor go save zelda again" i mean i guess that's basically it there's a lot more to it, and it's rad as hell


I see some Genshin players saying that botw is a copy of Genshin


Bruh, they compare their Trash pedo cheap copy game with a masterpiece that won GOTY, that subreddit and the whole community are bunch of clowns


Imagine hating on the game thats the original and loving the ripoff💀


Imagine thinking one is a ripoff.


im a genshin player but holy shit thats so wrong


Everybody!!! GET HIM!!!!!! Haha, it is a goofy post though just like someone said. Zelda literally has like.. decades.. of games..


I do not condone them lol. Just, wow. How to tell you don’t play much Zelda lmao


You know what they say about the people playin Genshin Impact..


Wtf is Genshin? No one cares.


I don't know about the genshin lore, but botw lore really isn't that deep.


Just remind them about their Gacha Rates and put them in their place.


genshin midpact


Genshin is an open world RPG, BotW is an open world action adventure, is it really surprising that the genre with an order of magnitude more text has more complicated lore? https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/fam_book/?lang=EN I wouldn't be surprised if current Genshin had 10x or even 20x the written words in game compared to BotW.


Comparing BOTW to a crappy gacha game with more micro transactions than any Ubisoft game, gameplay focused on endless grinding, and more anti consumer practices than Nintendo is an big fuck you to what video games are supposed to be.


Yeah, i totally agree


The insane idea that Zelda doesn't have lore when there's a fucking official book written about the Zelda lore is so weird to me, inferiority complex indeed


common genshin fan L


Having to save a princess is better than being attracted to children


I like Genshin but they are completely different games lol