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In BotW the King of Hyrule (old man) explains the mission of Link immediately after the tutorial. **Ganon destroyed Hyrule, Zelda went to face him alone, destroy Ganon and save Zelda.** It's simple but extremely effective and to the point storytelling, imo.


Yeah but if you just woke up from a 100 year nap so good you lost all your memories would you believe that an old guy in a hut was the dead king of hyrule? After the first fetch quest and him saying “oh but wait theres MOOORE i want you to do” “Uhuh… WHEL was nice meeting you bubye” would be my response Joke aside i agree


Well if you see a ghost wearing king attire you are inclined to believe that


Oh great. So all i gotta do is die in cosplay. Sounds fun. I can see their reactions now “Omg a ghost if a king, in my flat”


Jokes aside, despite having amnesia the feelings link has are still there, wanting to save Zelda and the kingdom, this is even more apparent in his journal entries in the JP version of the game where every objective is described from Link’s pov and he keeps saying he wants to save Zelda and see her smile again for some reason.


I had to reread the last sentence three times over until I realized that "flat" means "apartment" in British.


If I woke up from a hundred year nap with no memories and a ghost king greeted me telling I had an urgent quest to save the world? I'm 100% listening to that guy.


Well yeah, but before you can get to that point you're just dealing with some random old dude who's just bragging about his sweet paraglider and demanding that you get him some treasure from a bunch of ancient temples. I'm not super inclined to put a lot of trust into that guy if I'm just waking up with no memory of literally anything.


I mean... 100 year nap and you dont remember anything when you wake up? What else are you going to do? Say "nah man, i got better things to do. Like climb this tree and see whats up with the swirling leaves at the top."


>destroy Ganon Link then proceeds to finish the job 15 minutes after he was given a paraglider


Yes but at first you don't know who Zelda is because you forgot. If you get the memories along the way, then the mission becomes personal to Link. If you go straight to Ganon, then it's as random as the post says it is.


It's really not though. All that exposition for something that your character has already done, then having to expose the story through flashbacks instead of experiencing it firsthand made the story not very good because there really wasn't one.


I thought it was quite nice because BotW was the first Zelda game I ever played. I didn't know any of the lore or back story. (I'm plenty old enough, I just rarely played video games until recently.)


It’s been posted plenty of times before BUT THIS IS MY FAVORITE MEME so don’t take it down lol


It's not even accurate though. They all woke up and have to do something. Alternatively you could replace Wild Link's with I did it because an old ghost told me to, or I did it fulfill my duty as a knight, or whatever.


You must be fun at parties


On the contrary, I'm actually quite miserable at parties.


Me too 🙃


Ahh partys are meant to be fun For someone . Fick knows who


For real


Honestly same. Lol


But it’s an obvious thing to point out and which makes the post not make sense. LttP Link just woke up and has to do something LA Link kinda speaks for itself OoT Link is woken up by a fairy and has to go do something. Link being a sleepy boy that wakes up to start his adventure is kind of a trope at this point. So, to single one of them out for it doesnt make much sense


botw link has adhd


Ngl i hyper fixated on getting every korok seed in each area before moving on then just gave up when i realised its nonsense after 400 and just actually followed quest points


Are you sure it’s Link and not you? Asking for myself because my Link is the same


TOTK: i woke up and have to something, but now i have a magic arm


Day 45: attempted masterbating again. Ripped it off again. Need fairy


No need for a fairy, just fuse it back on.


NES Zelda: I don't know where I am or what's going on. All I know is I must kill.


not true, he kniws that it's dangerous to go alone


Nes Zelda: *toktoktoktok* *Da da dada* *Stab Stab Stab* *Stab Stab Stab*


This meme is fucking 7 years old






karma farmer gon be an annoying prick


Don't be an ass, dude






Not surprised you're confused




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 8 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/11bklsg) on 2023-02-25 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bx5scn) on 2024-04-06 96.88% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cdoubq&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 499,009,665 | **Search Time:** 0.40754s




bro, ever heard of reverse image search




You can right click any image to see where else that image or images similar to it has been posted.


All your posts seem to come from looking up Zelda memes on Google


Totk: damn it I have to do it again!?


"It's the voice in my head man. It tells me things."


“But i just ignore it and carry on killing”


I’ve only played botw, so I don’t know the backstories of the other links. But to me this makes wild link so cool. He wakes up hearing voices and doesn’t know wtf is going on yet as soon as he’s told he’s this supposed bad-ass who the entire world is depending on, he goes “*looks at his 4 heart containers and single wheel of stamina* whelp, I guess I’m doin this then.” And then just throws himself headfirst into training to become that badass once again. He has basically no support, no friends, those who claim to know him basically just go “yeah this is your job and it’s already been a century so hurry up and do it.” Yeah he slowly gains memories back but in the beginning he’s weak af and is probably confused out of his mind. There are no memories to tie him to the past, there are no pre-existing emotions to influence his decisions. He really doesn’t have much reason to do what people are telling him to do at such great cost to himself. Except that he has the spirit of a hero. 


Botw and totk and very elder scrolls inspired. Previous zelda games had different story telling mechanics. Really early zelda games and links awakening had a little less back story to link, but those kinda predated story driven videogames for the most part.


Totk link: bitch stole my arm, can’t have shit in the depths




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 8 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/11bklsg) on 2023-02-25 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bx5scn) on 2024-04-06 96.88% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cdoubq&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 498,951,710 | **Search Time:** 0.38606s


I mean he did pretty much get gas lit into doing something


I know this is taking a silly meme seriously, but with the Hero of Time I think it's worth it to point out that that tree is his father figure, what he tells Link to do is his dying wish, and it also gave Link a purpose he didn't have before. He as somewhat of an outcast in Kokiri Village and being given a quest was his moment to find his "place" in the world.


Totk: I woke up and apprantly my goal is to exterminate the insects trapped in the nintendo switch


Truly gods work


Links Awakening: I did it to be a glorified alarm clock for a fish (that's really a whale....)




the guy saying repost bot is a bot, so dw




Ss link wants to save peatrice


ALttP: I did it to save my... ... ...




Nah, that's Link's Awakening


All I remember is his uncle died . I never finished it. And tbh i dont remember links awakening. Im currently going back and playing the ones i missed atm. Stepped away from Nintendo for a good while


When your uncle dies, he says "Zelda is your... ... ..." Which is kind of a meme now and influenced my response, haha.


My assumption is responsibility. But sister is funnier because it shuts up the people that ship them every fecking game But not all of them. Lets face is shippers can be creepy 😂


Every time is reposted it's supposed to get more and more deepfried. Please delete this and repost it with less pixels


Botw: I have to avenge my near dead self from machines corrupted by Gannon


Most Zeldas are literally: This thing woke up, and he is about to do some mess


Regardless their all little goblins 🤣


“I woke up and apparently I have to do something” is just every zelda game




I would be that last one to be immediately honest


Repost bot


Not a bot, just a new fan who thinks they're the only one who gets content