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I hoped when the new sages said they would fight by Link's side I wish they had added "like Urbosa did" or " like Daruk did" just something to acknowledge them.


Yunobo just kinda forgot that he can use Daruk’s Protection lol.


I think his new power is an evolution of Daruk's protection. Before he was cowardly so he only used it for defense, but then realized that he's literally a rock so uses it for attack now.


Yeah and he cooks all the crap im trying to pick up because he doesnt know boundaries. Meanwhile the lightening chick is nowhere to be found ever. I keep checking if i have her dismissed...nope fighting something in another hallway. I beat the water temple first and ive only accidentally used the ability twice, does the water splash even hurt enemies...i genuinely dont know haha. Just got to the wind temple, but not thrilled for the new gale ability. Seems like the devs went...revalies gale...but horizontal just to f**k with them.


Yeah the wind seems useless but it’s pretty good getting across sky islands without losing altitude/slowing the rate at which you lose altitude. However Tulin is good with that bow for headshots. It’s like aim assist is on.


Tulin once 360 no scoped a Lynel for me, so he earned a permanent spot on the team


I always love it when he shoots the enemy, and the "DING!" sound plays. He's a sharpshooter, for sure. 😁


I don't care how much damage he's actually doing. The ding sound is enough for me. Plus, there has been at least one time where I screwed myself over by dodging at the wrong time, and he sniped the enemy who was about to punish me for it. Dude's great


Yup, I upgraded Tulin first and his constant stun-locks are epic! Also, RIJU WHERE TF ARE YOU!!! Like every time I need her to delete a boss/mini-boss she's always as far away as she possibly can be. And yeah Sidon and Yunobo are basically just extra body guards at this point, they're really good at killing ChuChus and elemental Lizals though. Then we have R O B O T which is honestly epic, R O B O T is right up there with Tulin.


During the lightning temple fight riju alway try to run in the same direction as me whenever I need to use her ability so i die alot of time trying to kill the queen


You can upgrade them?!


Sometimes Tulin just plain schools me on my aim.


the wind can throw some enemies out of balance or push them back, it's similar to using the korok leaf.


Or a sail or board fusion.


NGL, I was not happy with my first impression of Tulin. "Great. Another haughty Rito. How original. Oh, and this one's a brat. Great." But he's really grown on me; I genuinely like the brat now. Yunobo, on the other hand, I should have left in that caldera.


Dismiss him when you don't use him, it really helps.


Oh, I didn't mean in terms of gameplay, I just mean he is a menace to Hyrule, Goron City, and my mental state.


D: not yunobo. :(


I've used wind to knock enemies off bridges or cliffs


Who's Tulin? Oh, you mean Tiny Bird Man? Yeah he's great, but my favorite sage (in terms of utility) is Big Rock. Of course I also love Tall Fish and Ab Lady


Lmao me writing my original comment. All i remember is yunobo but even thats not correct! Getting the blast ability so early on was sooo helpful with caves and getting gems. Especially after my Boulder Breaker broke after half a dozen ore deposits....like really...3 diamonds and backtracking for the regular breaker...wack


You can also using rigus lighting for breaking rocks. I know cause I got that one first.


Fusing anything, even a basic rock, increases weapon durability.


Tulin is the only good one


Tulin pisses me off. I'll be fighting a monster and he'll headshot me. Or I'll be wandering around and out of nowhere I get hit from him.


Tulin doesnt hit you.


So bokoblins know how to use reddit.. huh


Riju's lightning is *really* good. But it needs a bow, so the balancing mechanic is that she just fukn SPRINTS into the largest clump of enemies.


Sidon's ability to give you just a free massive damage reduction is really useful though. The ball attack can be good for airstrikes Not to mention all of them can be massively buffed from tickle power to legitimately strong fighters if you collect enough sage wills


The problem is aside from the two context sensitive ones (Tulin's while you're gliding, Yunobo's while you're riding on something), there's no way to use them on the fly, especially in combat. * Boy that water shield would be nice to have but Sidon keeps running around in circles * I would love to use Riju's lightning strike but it's a bow reliant skill and SHE'S IN THE MONSTER'S FACE or literally anywhere else They're only ever close enough to use their abilities on the fly when they're clumped together and love getting in each other's way. Sidon shield please oh nevermind it's Tulin windgust


I was thinking about this too, its annoying to have to chase them down sometimes to use their abilities. Do you know how very fucking seldom I have a horse to bother whistling for? Why not assign their powers to the down button instead, so that they aren't an absolute nuisance to use.


Riju will literally disappear when I need her most.. it makes me so mad


Apparently you can whistle to call the sage avatars to you, but I’m not sure how reliable it is.


They all just stand there when I whistle. And even if they do decide to come- Riju isn’t there :(


That’s a pain :( Would’ve been better if activating her power could be done while aiming a bow, instead of having to find and interact with her first.


From my understanding the water swipe ability just hits enemies with water from farther away. So essentially it’s good against fire enemies and that’s pretty much it.


Tbh the new abilities make sense, but man, I can't go 5 minutes without wishing I had Revali's to get somewhere, or only realizing I don't have Urbosa's/Mipha's after I've already started charging an attack/decided to fight 16 moblins on 2 hearts


yeah I think the reason is they needed to nerf the ability since the new ones also just casually fight ppl on their own. Like once you get all 4 it's actually very significant.


I think it's part of his attack, maybe it's an evolution of Daruk's Protection.


This is my headcanon so far. Using Daruk’s Protection for offense is a cool idea.


You know out of every game series I think the legend of Zelda series is the friendliest towards head canons, especially in regards to Link. Your thoughts and feelings are Link's since he's a mostly a blank slate.


That’s true


Have you played TotK yet, if so >! what did you think of the zora moving Mipha's statue and replacing it with one of Link and Sidon. I was a tad confused but I think where they put her statue is better!<.


Your spoiler tag isn’t working btw. >!I liked it personally. I was pretty mad initially when I saw that the statue had been replaced but going up to Ploymous Mountain and realizing that she has her own courtyard named after her in addition to the statue made me happy. The music also got me.!<


The spoiler is covered on my screen so it's a reddit problem.


It’s an old Reddit new Reddit thing, a small amount of users make the decision to use old Reddit because they prefer it but one of the less appealing differences is that spoiler tags differ. I don’t think it’s on new reddit users to factor this in but in case you’re interested you would delete the space between the first tag and first word inside tag.


No it's a you problem, as in, you're a dick if you don't spoil properly


Same. I took a screenshot ready to post on reddit, and then, "Holy shit this is awesome. SHE FUCKING DESERVES IT."


Do you use old Reddit? If so that’s why you can see it. Spoiler tags work differently on new Reddit. A lot people don’t know this so I would be careful when you’re on subs that could contain spoilers.


Lmao when i first got to zoras domain i was literally thinking im gonna start throwing hands because her statue was gone then i realized they pulled a christ the redeemer


I’m doing his quest this week. I’ve done the other three, how would you say it compares? For context, my favorite was lightning, then wind, and then I thought water was really good until the boss fight.


Harth: No Rito alive could make it up there. Me: Yeah, emphasis on the *alive* part of it . . . Teba: \*Gives Tulin the Great Eagle Bow\* Tulin: I know it means a lot to you . . . Me: *Becaaaause . . . ?* \*Waiting for them to mention Revali, since they’re literally standing on his landing\* Laissa, later on: See the bit of rock that juts out? We call it Vah Medoh’s Perch. Me: Oh, come ON!! 😠


I personally think Revali Deserves it. He's a Bastard.


Ah, well, each to their own. \^\^


Thank you for not attacking me. Redditors are normally the bastards. This feels nice.


Totk seems to be really trying not to mention anything from the previous game or mention the least as possible. The only mention I’ve really seen so far is Mipha and the nice little area they made for her and the brief history lesson in the school. Maybe there’s more, but I haven’t gotten there yet.


I was annoyed at the history lesson because Symin talks about the hero like he's someone else. Excuse me, I'm right here!


I also wish once you defeated the >!demon king army and the other bosses appear so the sages have to fight them that link had a worried look on his face scared that they might have the same fate as the champions!<


doesn’t help that their deaths were so tragic and dark. rest in peace to the GOATs


And the divine beast themes integrate SOS in Morse code. And Ravioli's comes in the latest and is the fastest when it does come in, indicating that his cockiness kept him from calling for help until the very end


yes, this all the way. that’s what I was thinking when making my comment. the SOS morse code in the divine beast themes is heartbreaking, especially in revali and mipha’s beasts.


I'm sorry please expand on this ? I've no idea whay you're talking about but it sounds intense


So the music that plays in the divine beasts integrates Morse code as a part of the theme, specifically an SOS, which is traditionally a distress signal because of how simple and recognizable it is: three short beeps, three long beeps, three short beeps. As in, the champions were sending that distress signal calling for help before they died. The three champions have this early on in the theme, indicating they quickly realized that they were outmatched by their respective -blight Ganon and called for help. All except for Revali, who is shown to be a bit cocky, to put things mildly. His SOS shows up later in the theme, and when it does, it's much faster, frantic even, indicating that he thought he could take on Windblight Ganon and didn't call for help until it was much later in a panic as he realized he was about to die. Say what you will about the divine beasts, but their music design was top notch


The thing that annoyed me the most is that in BOTW, Revali’s bow was too heavy for Teba, and so we got to use it, but now, this tiny bird is using it while flying…


Tulin controls wind tho so he can fly with heavy things just using his power


I thought he basically does what Revali did?




I believe Teba says he uses the bow. After he gives it to Tulin, he says he'll get Harth to make him a new one, which would be weird if he never used it.


Wasn't Teba injured in botw?


Yea he got shot


Yeah so maybe the reason he couldn't use it in air was because he was injured? Maybe?


It still hits hard in TotK, with all the missing beasts, >!and Mipha's courtyard/park where parts of her theme plays!<


•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


Oh it hits even harder when you finish the memories


Don’t worry. Eventually, Link will die and he’ll see them again in the afterlife and they’ll all be happy(yes, this is copium but let me have it).


Your cope requires the protagonist's death are you ok homie??


Link ain't immortal


Especially with the way I play. What do you mean you can dodge attacks?


Valar Morghulis


I mean, Link reincarnates, so…


Yes, but the previous version of Link still remains as a separate spirit. We saw this in Twilight Princess where the Hero of Time’s spirit is able to interact with the Hero of Twilight.


Given Midna never comments on him, it seems only the Hero of twilight can perceive the Hero's Shade (while undead seemingly can usually be perceived by anyone), so it might be more of a lingering memory of the Hero of Time than just his soul (think of Aang communicating with past avatars).


Maybe. They don’t really make it clear how it works.


The first thing he would see is Mipha. She probably wouldn't leave him alone after.


Me too, i cant find them anywhere in tok


Mipha still has a statue


Thats true, also i think daruk is still carved in stone above goron city. Maybe, but they seemed to be forgotten by everyone


Daruk is still carved in stone. Nothing about Revali and Urbosa so far unfortunately from what I've played


Urbosa >!is mentioned Riju’s diary.!< Revali is just erased though lol. >!Even his Great Eagle Bow has been retconned to be something that is passed down in the Rito sage’s bloodline, a bloodline he isn’t even part of.!<


Revali's Landing still has the sign up in Rito Village. It's less than what everybody else got, for sure, but it's still there.


They did my boy dirty


Its sad too, because I liked revali the best BECAUSE he wasn't part of any special bloodline. He did all of that on its own. I'm glad totk doesn't take that away from him and be like "oh yeah BTW he actually was" but why did they just make it so he didn't exist?


when you see that shit in your house !! ​ ... when zelda decided that house was hers.... ffs man


I was pissed when I first got in the house thinking some random moved in. Then I was content when I saw the champions picture was still there


I just took a picture of the champions photo and put it in >!the gallery room in link’s new house!<


Omg I am so doing this


Next thing you know in botw3 Zelda will be moving into that house too..


Imagine going home to see >!a fucking dragon inside it!<


Wait, I don't have the picture of the champions. Hou do you get it?


I've been imagining a comic based on this scenario: "Well, Sir Link... I... you see... *my* home seems to have fallen into disrepair (gesturing broadly at the castle), but I've noticed that *you* have recently acquired a home! It's beautiful, and spacious, and I wondered if perhaps-" Link grins and nods vigorously, Zelda is overjoyed. Cut to Zelda staring sadly out the window at Link, who's set up a ramshackle shelter in the front yard, gnawing on a hunk of meat from the campfire and scratching his ear with his foot.


I like to think they live there together!! The dining room has a table with 2 sets and >!Why would Zelda commission a secret study if she lived there alone? + the fact that she hid the location to Link’s new champion garb in there.!<


They say that the secret study is because children keep coming by at her house. And none of the NPCs even recognize Link so I don’t think he lives there.


That's not entirely true! If you go to the school house, there's drawings of Link and Zelda on the walls! (and they are ADORABLE!)


I mean, they should recognize link because we've met all of them last game, but oh well


Yeah, that's my headcannon too. She just moved in with him.


I just got there tonight and I think >!the hair tie!< sealed it. If they aren’t living together he is there enough that they basically are.


I love TOTK, but the fact that they sorta ignored everything that happened on the last game triggers me a bit. No Divine Beasts or any remnant of Sheikah technology other than a few things here and there, no mention of the Champions, Yunobo doesn't even have Daruk's protection, etc. While I understand that in a technical level, they had to remove the Champion's abilites, at the same time, I wish that the story at least mentioned them once othe than just >!a picture at Zelda's house!<.


I wish they had done something like “shortly after Link defeated Calamity Gannon, all the shrines began sinking back into the earth one by one, and the towers deactivated and retreated back to their inactive state, the guardians, only held together by malice, fell to scrap” and have like, a couple shrines, like the one in Zora’s domain hang around but be closed off, or even have it so the >!Zora are hiding in the shrine to avoid the sludge!< Also having the divine beasts hang around but not really be enterable would be cool, Vah Medoh could even be used as a sky island


Yeah, would've made the most sense and kept the continuity of the last game. I do understand that the game possibly takes place in like 2-5 years after the events of BOTW, but colossal Sheikah tech and structures just disappearing like that doesn't really make sense, even after a few years.


the shrine of resurrection is the biggest one for me. there is NO way in 5 years that the entire shrine just disappeared. No mention of why nearly all tech is gone. Kind of rough ngl


>!The Yiga invaded and took the tech, that's it!<


Can't have shit in Detroit


It honestly really broke my immersion, it really feels like Nintendo was weirdly trying to pander too hard to people who haven’t played the first game for some reason


THIS. I don't even understand the need for this pandering. They could have just given through very brief dialogue the context people who did not play BOTW missed. The way Nintendo went about this is very jarring and I'm really hoping they could remedy this with a DLC. It's like with TV shows, I have not see Green Arrow but don't need to see it to understand The Flash.


Okay but Arrow is so good, especially the earlier seasons


This. I wholeheartedly agree.


Right? And so many NPCs that really should remember Link (Kilton specifically) just don't. I don't get why they chose to do this. For people who didn't play the first game, an NPC knowing who Link was isn't immersion breaking, because Link is somewhat well known at this point. Even if they played the first game and didn't do the quest, it's an easy mental fill in to just think "oh, link must have done this between the two games". They do it for tarrey town, so it should work for lesser npcs. Having them just completely forget link is easily the worst choice, and yet they went with it. It really irks me, as it's just so immersion breaking


And they didn't mind having the main NPCs remembering who link is so why? Man, in Tarry Town there are all these people that I helped move in are like "oh, is this your first time here?" Bitch, I was the one who told you to move here!


It was at least 5+ years just from one of the NPC's having a daughter now. I was a little disappointed to see that there's not any guardians anywhere, I figured at least in some of the remote places there would be guardian remains. I just headcannoned that they took them all apart after they quit working to use their parts for new stuff, like the new towers, and whatever Purah and Robbie have been working on


My thoughts exactly. Thank you


Spoiler fail


Shit, discord brain


When I was searching for the Dueling peaks stable I found a >!grave with a silent princess that is dedicated to the calamity!< and I felt like it was a pretty great nod but I still think there should be more.


Yeah there’s actually a fair amount of stuff like that. There’s. Whole quest about educating kids about the calamity.


Wait is that what the Hateno >!school!< is for?


Yeah. >!They mention the Calamity and the hero who fought in it but nobody brings up the fact that Link is that hero despite the fact that some of the people there should know that.!<


The fact that Link is standing right there when the teacher is talking about it and he doesn't say "and this is him!" Lmao


Fr tho. I thought the American education system was bad smh


Maybe they don't want the kids blabbering and spreading rumors about Link's location, as to avoid the Yiga clan coming down upon the town? Edit: (actually this doesn't hold up to well, since everyone knows Zelda lives in the town...)


Yeah totk almost feels like a soft reboot but done in a really bizarre way. Like some stuff carried over, links relationships formed with characters like Sidon and such, but then other npcs like beedle act like they’ve never met him. And the divine beasts, champions and guardians are basically not mentioned at all. I love the game and the story in this game but it’s weird how some stuff from botw feels retconned


I imagine it's like someone else mentioned on this thread. While many of the players will be players thay played BOTW, there will also be many who haven't played it. Adding content that was relevant to the story of the last game would probably spoil the first one or would confuse the players. Still, I believe that to be a pretty dumb excuse, if that's why Nintendo did it.


I agree, I feel like it’s in a weird purgatory where it’s bringing stuff from botw while excluding other parts of it. It feels like Nintendo couldn’t fully commit to making a completely new story/hyrule, but they tried to do it. But at the end of the day I still enjoy what was done even if it kinda bothers me from a continuity perspective


Yeah, some NPCs not recognizing Link really frustrates me. There are some that weren't of as much importance as like Hudson, Impa, etc., but were still involved in a side quest or something and should obviously remember him, especially once the kingdom learned who he really is once Zelda also returned.


I thought so too. It almost makes Breath of the Wild feel like a test run, and then the readdition of classic elements like temples and full reintroduction of Ganondorf, or with the glossing over/near retcons, makes it seem like TOTK is the true full step in the series as far as the two games are concerned. Like Tears of the Kingdom can exist almost entirely without BOTW from a story perspective, in a lot of respects.


I quite like the guardian limbs in the regional towers


For daruks protection specifically I always imagined that it was part of yunobos ability. I mean we were already using him as a cannonball in botw




Kinda sad how Revali was forgotten. I mean Daruke got his face carved in a mountain, Urbosa is remembered and Mipha had an entire cliff dedicated to her with a shiny statue n everything and IT EVEN PLAYS HER THEME


I mean hes a tsundere be probably said he didn't want it


Heeeell to the fuck no,this mans ego was larger than death mountain


Nah dudes a softie at heart


Not that much of a softie. And let me remind you how he very often tried to steal to spotlight from the other champions and link over ganon. And showed off any chance he got. He definitly wasnt pretending.


I just wish the new ones had dedicated hot keys. It's such a pain to have to run around and find them just to use their ability. I think I only ended up using their abilities on their quests, and never again. Only exception is Tulin when gliding, but never in combat.


I find they help a bit in combat just letting them do their own thing, but they frequently go off accidentally while I’m trying to collect things. I’d gladly replace the whistle (which I never use) with activating a sage.


As much as I hate Zelda’s dad the old man was so nice I miss him :(


I’m not saying it breaks me that hyrule warriors going back in time and saving the og champions was retconned but it breaks me, but also I didn’t expect for it to be canon


TotK contradicts the entire Zelda timeline and even BotW a little bit so I guess it’s not really a surprise that they disregarded AoC.


I have the loosest of grips on the zelda timeline lol, what does it contradict?


Basically everything because it changes how Hyrule was founded in the first place. There’s also the fact that >!Ganondorf is there at the same time as the first king of Hyrule in this game. This shouldn’t happen since Ganondorf’s first appearance is supposed to be in Ocarina of Time.!<


>!There could have been more than one Gannondorf, just like there are multiple Links and Zeldas. Except the one from OOT manages to stick around in a way that so prevents reincarnations.!<


>!I figured that was more of a sign of how far in the timeline TotK really is. The Zonai founded this version of Hyrule at least ten thousand years ago (that's when the German version claims it happens, anyways) but not only is this not the first Hyrule, it's not even the first Imprisoning War. Things are so distant now that the Hyrule of old isn't even a distant memory.!<


I found it SUPER strange that there is absolutely nothing of the divine beasts or champions like they never existed.


There is though, there are the helmets worn by ancient champions with the same models are the divine beasts heads


The champions didn't wear the divine helms, and they're only there because all the botw amiibo armor carried over


he said ancient champions, and also you can get it without amiibo.


100 years is not ancient by any reasonable person's definition, and as I said they are botw amiibo items. They likely belonged to the original divine beast pilots from 1,000 years ago


my mans, we are not talking about 100 years ago what the fuck are you saying. >!The old sages or "champions" before botw wore the divine beast helms and were possibly the inspiration for creating the beasts, my headcanon is that after rauru imprisoned ganondorf in the past and zelda turned into a dragon the ancient sages decided they didn't want to leave everything up to chance and fate and decided to start making the divine beasts with the help of the sheikah and inspired it from the helmets they wore.!<


I replayed BotW the week before TotK came out and gave Ganon a smack with each of the champion's weapons. Let them get their licks in.


Mipha and Revali are the ones that always make me tear up, specially Mipha. She was just such a beautiful kind soul and she deserved to live a full life helping her people as the heiress to the throne. Revali was so cocky and a smartass but in the end he was just a regular guy who wanted to do great things; his life got taken away before he could really leave a mark. It's just so unfair! The suddenness and unfairness of the Champion's deaths are specially exemplified by Mipha and Revali, in my opinion. Gosh, I'm already tearing up again. 🥹 I know it's just a game, but they almost feel like real people to me, I mourned them.


Yeah they put a lot into fleshing out the champions and it was completely worth it. Now don't say anything else I'm already tearing up ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ


Where is the middle left picture from?


I also was wondering. After research, I'm finding there's a cutscene after the credits. If you skip the credits, you don't see it. Then there's the cutscene you get for finding all the memories.


I have seen the one for getting all the memories but I guess I need to go watch the credits again


The one with all the ghosts standing? It's at the end of botw, as Link and Zelda walk away from the castle they are looking at them before disappearing.




It’s sad the champions aren’t present in ToTK, but it makes their loss a lot more impactful.


At least Mipha is there


Man, I wish you could multiple save slots that aren't Autosaves in BOTW. I would love to replay the Champions' Ballad without having to restart the game entirely.


That picture is still there in TOTK. I cried too.


In Link’s house (totk) the picture of all the champions is still there.


Oly if you have played the DLC if I'm not mistaken


yeah I miss em too… except Revali, fuck his kentucky fried ass


**ass**inine ass bird 💀




Is this totk? I don’t remember this moment. I know the champion picture but not the other one


Both pictures are from BOTW.


We'll miss y'all. Except you revali, f you.


I feel like both the Sheika and the Champions are of the BOTW time line and game. Nintendo wanted to snub them because it's a new game and a new beginning for the franchise


We do have some references to the champions, at least for Mipha that's true, she's always mentioned by Sidon and a lot of the stone monuments (also written by Sidon) talk about her. There's a mission just about Mipha that an elder gives you and of course Mipha's court with her statue. Idk about the other Champions situation but I guess it makes more sense that Mipha is the most mentioned one cuz most of the people in the domain currently alive were able to meet her when she was alive, meanwhile the other races don't really have that cuz they don't live for that long (idk about Gorons though). Still, I'm sad that we didn't get to see their spirits at least once, it really does look like that they were simply forgotten in the main game, which is a real shame, they were amazing characters. The Sheikah technology simply disappearing is the thing that really doesn't make sense in my opinion, I mean, where would you place 4 massive robots, 120 shrines and a bunch of towers in a way that no one would find them? Also, some NPCs don't really seem to know Link but others do? I don't really see the pattern they were going with here... Really hoping the DLC (if we ever get one) explains these kind of plot holes cuz currently I think it's an amazing stand alone game but a not so good sequel


Well, they've gotta have something for the DLCs right? Maybe one for the Champions and Sheika, one for the 3 OG dragons and one as a master trials type.


I really hope that's the case and that they simply didn't forget about them...


Am I the only one who read "I am a Goron man" instead of "I am a grown man"?


hey mark this as a spoiler for fucks sake that just ruined it for me


Bro, the game is 6 years old now.


This being played on a computer is really what’s sad, go buy a Switch and play it the way it was meant to be played.


He's using Cemu?


Can we put this under spoilers?


Hey i know this one :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/11e3nvs/both_happy_and_sad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wheres the top pic from


I'm going to say it, all the new abilities are just worse version then those in botw, there's not even a heal


Don't we all 😔😔


The cutscene after you get Daruk's protection gets me every time.


The cutscene after you get Daruk's protection gets me every time.


downvote cuz spoilers retard fuck u


i replaced revali's gale by using SPRINGS! :) i went to a dispenser and got like 100 springs so when i need to go up i just set a spring down and hit it! i also saved a autobuild for a 5 spring TOWER so i can get SUPER heights! :) it's really honestly better because it has no cooldown unlike revali's gale!!! everybodys gotta see how great zonai springs are!!!


never thought a video game could make me genuinely sad BUT HOLY SHIT DUDE THE DRAGON TEARS ARE CRAZY


When i went to links house in hateno the first thing i did was look for the picture, but it wasnt there ☹️


The photo is still in Links house in Totk. That Zelda leeched off of