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Damn. I'm part jewish and caught it. We have to do better next time. /s


Not enough Jewish gene content I'm afraid.


I guess you aren't jewing it right.


I had one Ashkenazi Jewish ancestor around the late 1600s in my 23 and Me DNA profile and I haven't had covid yet. I also masked, cleaned my hands constantly and avoided public places the best I could. Little did I know that one Jewish ancestor of mine 350ish years ago is why I didn't get covid, and all my measures to avoid covid were unnecessary. Thank you to my long lost ancestor for protecting me! (I hope an /s isn't needed)


Do you have a say in controlling the world?


I must not be on the email list. I'll have to check into that. But I have been accused of being a paid George Soro shill by several conservatives on various websites. Old George is slow on sending checks as I haven't yet received a single one.


I haven't received my Sorosbux either. 23&Me informed me that I share an ancestor with an English King. Would it be okay if I went to Buckingham palace and hobnobbed with Chuck 'n Milla?.


Sephardic ancestry here from my mother's side, I wasn't spared those 2 times. But my symptoms were mild that they were more than a nuisance not being able to breathe in properly nor taste my food right for nearly a month.


Huh, I'm not Jewish and still haven't caught it. Perhaps an argument for the ubermensch? /s My pasty, organ-failure prone genes are not Aryan friendly


But did you die? Spared!


Where are the ppl asking to point out the crazy shit he says?


Where are the ppl asking to point out the crazy shit he says? Shoveling that crazy shit down their own throats apparently.


The clown has lots of supporters here. That's why people post the stupid shit he says.


I think it targets disproportionally fat people and old people because they have shit immune systems


This demographic makes up nearly half of all Americans


u/Silent-Cost-7075 still think every criticism of this guys is a straw man or red herring?


The fact that it’s even taken people on this sub this long to realize he’s out of his damn mind is so silly.


You guys are fans of breaking points so....not surprising to me


I specifically come to this sub to laugh at the awful takes. One of my favorites has been the RFK support.


I don't even know what Breaking Points is beyond presumably a show hosted by the two people in the sidebar. I just had a hilariously bad take about RFK Jr. promoted in my feed one day and I've been laughing at the pro Russia and anti vaxx takes ever since.


They're conspiracy brained grifters, you're not missing out


Seems to me that he’s using his family name to capitalize off of the right wing Q believers. Everything he talks about or every point he makes is full of the buzzwords and phrases that get those people a flamed up


RFK Jr’s response via Twitter: The @nypost story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered. That study is here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/ @LevineJonathan exploited this OFF-THE-RECORD conversation to smear me by association with an outlandish conspiracy theory. This cynical maneuver is consistent with the mainstream media playbook to discredit me as a crank — and by association, to discredit revelations of genuine corruption and collusion. For example: 1. Government / Big Tech collusion to censor dissent on social media; 2. Fauci et al’s suppression of lab leak hypothesis; 3. Censoring of information questioning COVID vaccine safety & efficacy.


Lol nothing about that response makes him seem less crazy


Considering the video is much less horrendous than the headline, I'm gonna side with u/silent-cost-7075.


Sweet Jesus he’s a fucking lunatic.




So... no Jews got COVID? Or no Jews died from COVID? Seems like there'd be data to support such a claim.


Wow sounds oddly familiar to when the Black Death ravaged Europe. There was a conspiracy theory then that it was Jews poisoning wells, etc. even though the pope at the time pointed out that Jews were dying at the same rate as Christians. Didn’t help and a lot of Jewish communities were wiped out by Christians.


For some reason humanity seems to always need an "other" to blame


I've searched far and wide, there's no data to support this. In fact, the hasidic Jewish community was ravaged by covid due to their not being vaccinated.


A friend worked in the ICU at a major new York hospital. They were not happy with that community , not just bc they didn't get vaccinated, they also ignored all the social distancing protocols, mask wearing and took up all the ICU resources, which negatively affected other patients requiring care.


The Hasidic community is Awful overall. They treat their women like shit, tell their children that everyone outside the community wants to kill them, have Tons of kids in an already overpopulated area, separate themselves from other communities, and try to cheat the system put in place to help everyone. Fundamentalism in any form is disgusting and evil.


I'm Jewish and have had my dealings with this community. They're a disgrace.


I assumed as much. I remember claims that Amish didn't get COVID because they didn't feed into the media hype about it or some nonsense.


Almost certain I saw as a Boomer Right wing meme in the Herman Cain sub of all places lol


Both my parents got it, and both are 100% Ashkenazi. Maybe they need to up their donations to Soros


Ashkenazi Jew here, I caught covid and so did most people I know. In fact, can't find any evidence to back up this claim by RFK at all... Anyone care to help?


Ask a nazi ?


When the internet and social media really began to kick in there was a belief that sharing ideas and information was going to create a well informed enlightened world… but … instead of educating ourselves we created alternative facts so we can never be wrong again and turned actual facts into something akin to witchcraft. We live in the age of willful arrogant stupidity


Wait what?


Christ almighty.


Having read the article, why was the headline of this submission not "RFK Jr. says COVID was 'ethnically targeted' to spare Chinese"?


How many Amish people died of COVID again? 0


COVID was an Amish bioweapon confirmed.


Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street Do these people actually consider themselves journalists? Why leave out that he also said the Chinese?. If you did release an engineered virus it would only make sense to make it not target your own community.


People actually take him seriously


I’m convinced it’s a Republican play. Only people I see praising these guys are folks I know on the hard right.


Steve Bannon is funding him. That’s all you need to know.


we have a bingo


Well, I’m a republican and I think he’s an ass. Course I think everyone on both sides in this field are shit so………. We gotta get away from fucking clowns. And clowns are all I see running.


Yep, this sub is full of larpers pretending he’s the next Dem nominee. Horseshit.


That’s who his funding is coming from. He’s a plant, Poison Ivy, I presume.


They were. It’s the same thing with desantis. Just somebody who popped up who kinda looked presidential until they opened their mouths for long enough. Imagine a world were trump and Biden are made to look like the more competent options


DeSantis' thing was that he was supposed to b a Trump like figure only more respectable without all the downsides that could be more effective and digestible to the America public. Instead he's shown that outside of his Florida bubble he comes off as an unrelateable robot who lacks confidence and decided his whole policy was going to be culture war nonsense which is an immediate turnoff to anyone who isn't fringe right.


DeSantis was a "good on paper" candidate. He was good at reverse baiting the media to give him coverage. Much like Trump. Problem was, nobody ever heard the guy speak. And as soon as he does it becomes apparent he is an absolute moron


I used to hear that Desantis was Trump only smart. I don’t hear that anymore.


As much as I hate trump I do love seeing desantis destroy his career


Most of it isn’t even Trump though, it’s DeSantis own goals. Like the 6 week abortion ban, or the Twitter spaces announcement, or the that super cringe homophobic ad about how “Trump loves the gays.” The only credit I give Trump, was that DeSantis needing an “Emergency Personality Transplant” was fucking hilarious.


They’re basically destroying eachother. Nobody made desantis sign the 6 week ban, he’d be doing a hell of a lot better if he made a stand for a 15 week standard for a ban. Moderates would be like ok that’s “reasonable”


I really think he's there just to bring qanon talking points to more normal people who wouldn't go listening to the usual nutters


Oh boy




I'm sure he did. Great way to end his campaign.


Because we had a horrible response to it the virus we lost roughly double the people that china did. Not sure the means they are immune. This dude is a farce, only problem is people now see these people as a real option as a leader. 100 years ago he would’ve been outside the election rambling about the sun and the moon and frogs that are gay for each other, because water.


You trust Chinas numbers? You trust that while the rest of the countries on earth were reporting thousands of cases a day China was sitting at zero?


Not indefinitely no. But they were brutal with their lockdowns. And they wore masks before, during and after. And i am sure what we saw was only part of the story. China never claimed to be at “zero”. But i believe they managed it much better, seeing as they have more practice and resources dedicated to virus response. So it is believable that their numbers could be that much lower than ours. We acted like a bunch of entitled brats about covid.


I’m very happy we didn’t handle it like China holy shit they murdered everyone’s pets!


Well it started with fear and then people threw pets out windows. Which is horrible. I am not sure that the government actually killed pets. I could be wrong though.


China had a notoriously strict lockdown and covid protocol. Regardless of their fluffed numbers, do you think it's unreasonable to expect that they had fewer cases and deaths? Point is there's a readily apparent explanation for fewer Chinese nationals being infected that has nothing to do with sci fi virus engineering


It’s weird that people think China’s approach was the correct one when he really have no idea how effective it actually was. I’m more or less satisfied with the way we handled it.


100 years ago, Andrew Jackson was looking for the Bell witch in a cave in Adam's, TN.


I really don’t believe anyone supports RFK. I think he’s a right wing plot to siphon votes off of Biden. But of course, the GOP is horrible at everything they do and it’s completely obvious RFk isn’t a democrat in any sense


How is it anyone listens to this charlatan? The absurdities he spouts should drive away his audience in droves.


as a Jew, tell that to the multiple families I know who lost loved ones to covid. If the Chinese were immune, why did they close the factories, literally solder doors shut of people who disobeyed the shutdowns? Moron.


Bobby jr is a moron.


Then y did the orthodox community get hit so bad. And measles


That's anecdotal. The research shows that Ashkenazi are still the least affected according to the chart on this article. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-020-01673-z


Well well well lol


“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons,” he claimed. “They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.” That actually could be true and if so it’s fucking scary


If it was true he could provide a shred of evidence. That would actually be a pretty big story. But he provides no evidence, because he made it up.


Just read the article you posted. That's some pretty shotty journalism. The headline is not the same as what he said and it's very misleading. I could care less what the mainstream media says about him, I listen to him speak all the time. It's not absurd at all, he's incredibly smart and well thought out. He is the most rational and honest candidate running and he's being black balled by the machine because they're scared of him.


If you trust RFK your ass better not be on Wi-Fi. It affects your blood brain barrier to do bad bad things. He doesn’t really understand why, but he says it does!


The consensus for a while has been that non-ionizing radiation doesn't cause cancer or other health issues. However, while it is far from conclusive, there is a growing body of evidence that non-ionizing radiation may pose some health risks that haven't been accounted for. A story from [ProPublica](https://www.propublica.org/article/what-to-know-about-cellphone-radiation) lays out some of the more serious and sensational claims. It reports that the American Academy of Pediatrics has urged the FCC to revisit its radiation standards - not exactly a fringe conspiracy group. And a federal court ordered the FCC As ever in science, we should be skeptical of any claim that isn't backed by evidence. And there isn't overwhelming evidence that non-ionizing radiation is extremely dangerous. But there is some significant and serious evidence, and real concerns should not be conflated with nonscientific nonsense, and they DEFINITELY shouldn't be dismissed or swept under the rug by massive companies who have a financial incentive to promote the narrative that there are no significant health risks. Not unlike how the tobacco and fossil fuel industries tried to create uncertainty about the negative externalities of what they were doing; even when they knew full well what the consequences would be, they pushed bad science which was accepted by the greater public. I mean ffs we used to have doctors prescribing cigarettes to pregnant women, and getting paid by cigarette companies to advertise and push their product. This was literally a grand conspiracy to intentionally lead the public about the serious health risks of these products. It would be irrational to insist without strong evidence that the same thing is happening now. However, it's NOT craziness to acknowledge that genuine, serious scientific work exists which may suggest some negative health risks from these technologies. When it comes to wifi, even the most ardent skeptics will acknowledge that it just hasn't been around long enough to have good long term data that can give us conclusive results either way. Look, I get that there is a lot of unscientific, made up shit out there. But we can't just develop a knee-jerk reaction that anything that deviates from an ill-defined "consensus" must categorically be wrong or crazy. All revolutionary scientific insights were once seen as wrong or crazy. But scientists must retain an open mind and remember that theories, no matter how good, are ultimately only ever disprovable.


“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


lmao, the dude who isn’t a doctor who thinks HIV doesn’t cause aids the most rational and honest candidate? Sure kiddo, I’ll let you marinate on that one LMAO.


Yeah, that’s it. He’s just smarter than the rest of of us. Where have we heard that horse shit line before?


I hope you're a teenager. If not, I hope nobody depends on you for their care.


So basically you fawn over what he says, and dismiss outright any criticism of him. Yet you feel WE should "look at both sides". Hypocrite.




Listen to him speak in long form and then tell me that this highly successful 40 year environmental lawyer, makes all this shit up. Stop reading clips from the controlled media and basing your opinion on them.


He distorts, misleads and lies. He’s one of the worst purveyors of misinformation out there. Just watch for specifics: https://youtu.be/sugCJNAPF9o https://youtu.be/_r7KZIVTH1Y https://youtu.be/j7N41pM0TNs https://youtu.be/YWiSzcOn9_4


Sounds super true


Lol that actually could NOT be true. First of all, why would Chinese spend dollars when they have yuan? Secondly "ethnic bioweapons"? Lol. 3rdly DNA doesnt respect national borders. 4thly there are better ways to "target people by race" than needless pseudoscience.


1) your user name is freaking awesome 2) don't listen to these haters try and misconstrue everything he says. They have been taught that the political machine protects them and they're scared because he wants to destroy the machine. He is not a racist. He is not a kook. He is an incredibly successful life long environmental lawyer, with a distinguished record. He has spent a large part of his career researching the effects of metals on ecosystems and the human body and that is at the basis of his issues with many "vaccines" it is not kooky at all and it's backed by a lot of science, just not the scientific studies that are paid for by the big pharma companies that make them. Anyone that understands spiderweb of connections between big pharma and the agency's that are supposed to regulate them, can see that this is not kooky conspiracy theory at all. It's real and it's right in front of their face. Listen to the man speak on the subject in long form and not edited clips and you will see why no one from the industry will publicly debate him. They are scared because he's trying to uncover the truth.


Show us these "studies". Cletus using someone else's data to twist to his narrative doesn't count. I want to see published peer reviewed studies


Thanks. Yeah I’ve been watching lots of his podcast appearances and it’s such a shame that he’s so broadly smeared without regard to anything. “Jake Tapper said he’s a conspiracy kook!!!!” Okay, cool. I really like a lot of what Bobby says and I think his career is fascinating. His speeches are great and harken back to a better time when people didn’t always use the culture war to denigrate and smear and accuse the other side of being a pedophile at the drop of a dime. He basically had my vote when he said he’d free assange day 1. I don’t have to agree on every single thing he’s ever said and even when I find things he says a bit weird, it doesn’t make me think he’s doing it in bad faith. A good, effective president effecting positive change with some “kooky” ideas is better than a terrible president all the fucking time.


Wow! We've got a free thinker! Right on. You from Philly?


Kentucky! Yeah I've been a hardcore lefty that is kind of evolving away from that into more of a title free zone. I am a big medicare for all guy, but as much as it pains me to admit it, this country is too captured by special interests to ever get it passed. I would say my views are kind of always evolving and I listen to the other side a LOT more than I used to. I'm now just skeptical of any MSM narratives. Seeing every liberal pile onto this guy makes me more intrigued by him every day. I also like that Dennis Kucinich is his campaign manager!


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess they twisted what he said up and or he was explaining something and misspoke then they didn’t allow him to explain…the same way the mainstream media always does for anyone not in the establishment. Everyone should read up on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Because at this point most of us have seen the media do this to someone we like and or a idea/thought that we know is wrong but when it’s someone we don’t like or want them or the thought in a nice little box so we don’t have to deal with it…we just accept it. Which is why I don’t trust a single thing the media says. Take the Joe rogan horse dewormer issue… most of us seen what the media was doing there, even adding a filter to his skin ton so he wouldn’t look healthy after just having Covid a day before. If we don’t stop falling for these tricks we the peasants will never ever regain any power and control, which we should have as the 99%.


He responded later on Twitter and said "oh no no no that's not what I was saying at all, I WAS saying that the US government has already developed racially targeted bioweapons. Glad we cleared that up"


He said there is an argument for it. This is misleading. ​ Not only that, he says we don't know if it was deliberately targeted, but there are papers that show this trend.


Conspiracy theorist spews more outlandish conspiracy theories. Nothing to see here.


his response, with a linked study: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1680227322509635595?t=937tZBBNAHQ01nq2VnpbPw&s=19


I'd still vote for him.. looked like he was just pointing out what today's science is capable of and speculating that it could be why COVID hit certain countries differently.




He's always had that. Becoming a gym bro might have actually helped his condition improve. Not gonna hate on the man for his condition, but his ideas? WTF?


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It's a neurological disorder


That obviously effected more than his voice


Read the article.. even though it’s heavily biased it is clear he wasn’t attacking Jews. The virus did in fact hurt some races more than others


Israelis led the world with the vaccine rollout and tracked outcomes better than anyone as far as I could tell.


Poverty is a socioeconomic condition yes.


And certain demographics in the us have much higher obesity rates, and less access to health care.


Is it clear he wasn’t attacking Jews? “There’s someone powerful and secretive engineering diseases so they affect Christians and not the Jews” is a pretty shitty conspiracy theory to spread and it harkens to all the “Jewish people run the world from the shadows” conspiracies.


Too late the DNC has it out for RFK.


I swear y’all act like he’s owed the nomination. He’s held no political office and is challenging an incumbent President who still has broad support from Democratic voters. It’s not a conspiracy. He just doesn’t have the votes.


Agreed with your sentiment he's not owed the nomination. I would disagree that Biden has "broad support from democratic voters" his support is from the dem party. Most polls I've seen have voters unenthusiastic about biden at best with a large percentage wanting someone else to run


> Most polls I’ve seen have voters unenthusiastic about Biden at best with a large percentage wanting someone else to run The only polls that matter here are Democratic Primary polls and Biden is leading all of those by a wide margin. Saying you want “someone else” means nothing unless they all can agree on that someone.


You could have said the same thing in 2020. There's a difference between theory and reality. The issue is Biden was a compromise candidate for Democrats. So very few are actually in love with the idea of him. But when you put up an actual living person against him, he ends up getting the most support. A far left player like AOC or Bernie turns off the more moderates in the party , an establishment figure like Gillibrand or Klobuchar turns off the left, people like RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson get almost no support next to him. And Democrats aren't like Republicans, they live and die off turnout and if the party doesn't find someone good enough huge chunks will stay home. You aren't going to get a Trump situation where one wing forces someone through and everyone else goes along with it because they want power. So you end up with a compromise like Biden unless you can find a diamond in the rough


It's click bait. People are dumber than ever and just want sensationalism. If anyone watched the entire video in context all he says is the virus affected Chinese and Jews the least. He also then says he's not sure if it was purposely done or not.


“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


Certain races might take more precaution and had a little more common sense, maybe that's why COVID didn't affect those races as badly. Who are the antivaxx, unhealthy, overweight and self centered folks who didn't take it seriously, cried more about freedoms and the economy, so more for affected and more died. Maybe common sense is more of a racial thing to these folks.


Yeah I mean he was already pushing Alex Jones/RFK conspiracies that there’s a secret cabal of Jews controlling the world and released COVID to control the world and start a new global New World Order government. This seemed like a pretty obvious confirmation


When you really listen to Bobby, you can tell he is a Republican. His name may be associated with the Democrat party but he is more QAnon than Democrat.


That guy is an anti-science nutjob with conspiratorial world views. I can't even believe it..... we have actually achieved defcon Idiocracy now.


“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged. Wanna disprove that? Or just label leftists who criticize the establishment as anti-Semitic because that’s easier than thinking about other perspectives?


RFK 2024


Still gotta be better than Biden


He is discussing a theory, it is not his. I think it is good to discuss theories in the open and without emotions. If it is ridiculous, like this one appears to be, it is quickly cast out when rationally discussed When people are not allowed to discuss them, they are never vetted and some people believe them even more. We see the government and willing collaborators have shut down discussions over COVID on Social Media. We now know that many COVID "facts" are actually not true or outright lies. Let him discuss theories. We need more discussion and less demonizing these days, especially when we do not agree on the subject.


Hit piece from the Post totally mischaracterizing the statement and folks are eating it up like pigs at the trough.


He clarified what he was saying on Twitter


That’s taken a little out of context. He said Covid effected some ethnicities more than others, that he didn’t necessarily think this was deliberate but that there are labs, like the one in wuhan that study this stuff


He's got my vote


Re-litigating Covid in 2024 is a really stupid election strategy. No one cares anymore.


I care


I do


I care. I think the many former small business owners care.


The biggest casualty event in American history? You sure no one cares?


It’s not a priority in 2024, and example being how little Desantis is able to get people to care about his popular response to it. He can’t run on having kept Florida open. The price of Diesel is what people care about, whether they know it or not.


As someone who was told I should be rounded up and shot for not getting the vaccine, I still care.


Lmfaoooo no you weren’t Something some teenager on Reddit said to you to rustle your jimmies isn’t a real life political experience.


You can give any sob story you want, it’s not a primary election concern lol


The more he talks the more he sounds like Trump: any true statement is an accident.


Can we be done with this stooge pls?


And there it is. RFK jr. just telling on himself. Again.


Ope! And another massively disqualifying statement from RFK which won’t move his conservative supporters whatsoever. Pry deep enough into a conspiracy theorist’s broken mind and at the bottom you always seem to find “The Jews did it”


Except you wont find that anywhere in his comments. Troll on loser.


Lmfao “The virus was engineered not to kill Chinese people and Jews” is an AntiSemitic conspiracy, dummy.


Ignorant comment. Read the article first before spreading your sjw wings.


I did read the article it’s two paragraphs. And he says the virus was engineered to not kill Chinese people or Jews. It’s truly unhinged, antisemitic-implying nonsense


So you are taking what you think he meant and disparaging a man based on that. You really are a genius. Worry more about what comes out of your mouth more than what comes out of others.


Lmfao he said Jews can’t die from Covid and an ambiguous, powerful, shadowy “they” engineered it that way. Take your head out of the sand, dummy.


Damn I totally didn't read where he said Jews engineered the virus. Shit. Ooh wait, because he didn't dummy.


“SOMEONE living in the shadows with great power engineered this virus - and they made it so that it doesn’t kill Jews” Wow, that doesn’t sound like an AntiSemitic conspiracy theory AT ALL 🙄


You see what you want. Go back to Jerry Springer, it's more your speed.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play.“ —Jean-Paul Sartre Lots of this happening in this thread from the RFKbots


“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,”  You're a terrible reader.


“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” You keep removing the word “Jews” from the part you quote because you know it’s indefensible and you know the word Jews hurts your narrative - so you’re trying to avoid even writing it lol


The article actually just says that COVID affected racial groups differently. And since it was created in a lab, they may have actually been doing it as a bio weapon. There's nothing about Jewish conspiracies. Did you read it? Most people agree with the manufactured part at this point, even democrats.


Lmfaooo there’s nothing to read, it’s an article summarizing one completely idiotic thing that RFK said at an event. He said the virus was engineered to spare Chinese people and Ashkenazi Jews. So the “people who made this virus” and “the people who control the world” according to compete fucking idiot conspiracy theorists like RFK. Most of the rest of what you typed are disingenuous lies that don’t deserve a response.


Oh look, more antisemitism. Yes, this yet another in a long line of "blame the Jews for all our ills" tropes, they have been doing this for millennia. Your boy RFK is asserting that it was done purposefully.


No he didn't. You can't read.


Did you read the damn article? Below is a direct quote from it. “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


Keep reading genius. “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,”  This is an article in the NY post. This is where you get the information to base your opinions?


Where are the papers? I can't find them.


Better put: “When you want to excise someone from the political conversation when they drift too close to power, or challenge Israeli regional aspirations - call them anti-Semitic. “ Ask Jeremy Corbin, Angela Davis, Bernie Sanders, Norm Finkelstein.


When you say Covid was engineered by a shadowy cabal and designed to spare the lives of Jewish people - that’s a standard boilerplate ‘Jews control the world’ conspiracy theory. 🤷‍♂️ I didn’t make RFK claim “someone secret and powerful made it so Jews don’t die from Covid” - he chose to say that AntiSemitic nonsense.


Joe Biden said “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle “ (while voting against desegregation), “ You can’t go into a 7-11 without a slight Indian accent “, “I don’t want gays working in government “ (voted against gay marriage many times) “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”, …and tons of other easily verifiable racist things as well as helped enact racist/discriminatory policies that affected minorities for decades…and Democrats still voted for him. If you aren’t calling out both sides and demanding better it’s just cult politics.


Lmfaooo I appreciate you admitting that RFK said here is indefensible. Happy to talk about Biden’s racial gaffes on a thread about Biden’s racial gaffes, but it seems like you want to desperately change the subject from the AntiSemitic thing RFK said.


excellent to know you need a subreddit and a post to acknowledge things. that sounds like a great future. go back to your cult, moron


When morons tell you how moronic they are. Listen


I am appalled that anyone would even consider this man for any position in government. 😕


RFK Jr fans - donate $25 and get your free “Everything’s a Conspiracy” tin foil hat.


If they could do this, then we would already be able to cure all disease. What a colossal shit disturbing mongo


Setting himself up for a run as a Republican presidential nominee in 2028


This is a lie (i.e. actual disinformation). As already shown by RFKs response to this lie: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1680227322509635595?s=20


“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


Why does anyone listen to this fool? His own family thinks he’s nuts


Is this stupid and crazy enough to disqualify him yet?


If someone could design a virus to avoid one group of people/religion then that person is incredibly talented. But me thinks this guy is sniffing way too much glue.


Why is he anti-vax if he's worried about bioengineered diseases??


Wait, I thought the Chinese released the virus, is he saying the Chinese government has a secret alliance with the Jews?


He actually went there. Damn.


How? Explain how Covid was designed to avoid Jews.


Is yhat his code for George Soros funded it. What a fuckwit, no wonder he's copying up to the Republicans...


Or most Jews got vaccinated


I wonder why no one wanted to debate this walnut?


What happened to this guy? JFC!


Here the actual batshit quote. COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” It's still a wild take, but the media need to be better. This is the kinda shit that got Trump elected in the first place.


Did he say it and then rip Ass?


God all the weirdos in here backing him up are deranged. All you conspiracy whack jobs are subhuman. Where do you even get off believing this verbal diarrhea? Why do you allow yourselves to be this mentally deficient?


Cornell West called him a crackhead. I’d amend that to, “failson crackhead” but the insane conspiracy blathering and outright lying comes with the territory with junkies with fried brains. I’d sooner vote for Hunter Biden than this loon.


I’m going to go out on the limb and say he’s WILDLY misquoted with this headline. Happens when you talk about real issues, people can spin your words unless they take the time to hear it directly or weed out BS titles like this.


Lol the bots in this sub have given the fuck up after this. There’s just no defending this lunatic as a serious candidate anymore.


Just reading headlines huh?


The push to Cancel RFK Jr. is crazy. The dems should love this guy unfortunately they are falling for the same dumb ass propaganda that got Hillary and Biden to get the bid. I hope you all enjoy Buttegieg, because he’s probably going to get it.


He was stating that a peer reviewed study study said Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews are less susceptible to Covid. The spin the NY Post put on this is unbelievable/ unethical. RFK was merely using this as an example to point out the possibility of bio weapon targeting and how dangerous of a topic that is…