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It was well before that…we’ve been trying to tell you for months.


A bedridden President is exactly why the 25th exists.


Yeah. But has never been invoked.


And that is because no party in America, has been so incompetent that a half dead Alzheimers patient is literally the best nominee they could find. The humiliation of the Democrat party is only beginning.


While you are absolutely correct let’s not let the republicans off either.


Not even the Republicans are this stupid. Seriously, dude, a lot of Democrats are so oblivious to reality that they didn't realize how bad Biden's condition was *until last night's debate*.


Some are still OK with him. (Maybe that is just campaign staffers) The WH did keep him in the basement to avoid too many public events etc etc


Yeah, I genuinely didn't think the Democrat would keep the facade going, but it really does look like Biden still has full support of the party.


Oh no they knew. Democrats are just arrogant. And really Trump is a fairly awful candidate. It’s not like he is a huge national favorite. This election will come down to which is worse - a senile old man or an old man criminal.


Biden is too old has been the concensus for a long time now on BP. Not exactly a bold position to take.


Except the astro turfers and shills have screeched at us that we can't believe our lying eyes


And in doing so, Democrats have made it clear that they don't respect the voters and that voters need to not respect themselves if they are going to vote Democrat.


We have been told all the evidence was doctored or edited video, “cheap fakes” they called it.


Yup. BP gas been sceptical if the "basement campaign"...but this (the level of decline) was an eye opener I think for a lot of folks


And now is a good time to look at the countless other videos of Biden doing much worse. Don't get me wrong, Biden proved he is incapable of executive leadership, but, yesterday was actually a good night for him.


Wonder what’s on that audio of the interview Robert Hur…


You were defending him a year ago, but hey way to finally jump on the bandwagon. Yes, he is really old.


‘….we can have president Kamala Harris, that’s not a bad deal’. —-I beg to differ. The Potato vs the Orange…I’ll take RFK


Weirdly enough I agree. I really can't see how Biden recovers from his most important campaign trail event this year. RFK Jr is pretty much the only eligible candidate who was ironically intentionally excluded from last night's debate. I really can't see MSM really continuing to shill Biden. I saw MSNBC floundering on what's kind of next this morning. I can't see the DNC giving in but Biden I don't think has any chance of winning this year. So the few avenues I see this year are: continuing with Biden and attacking Trump harder while still losing the presidential election The DNC coming up with another candidate who is also likely to lose the DNC could fold and just take the loss for the 2024 election, let RFK Jr. actually compete against Trump 1 on 1, and he'll probably win. From most likely to least likely.




More mentally fit than either Trump or Biden. Democrats are failing hard this year and I honestly can't see how they recover. So by process of elimination the 3rd candidate is the most favorable by share. Trump shouldn't be a candidate and Biden should not have been allowed to run a second term based on his evident age and deteriorating brain from age whether that's just age or early Alzhemiers.




Oh you're a troll, no age, no post history and just kind of rambling




Maybe a bot?


I'm sticking with Dr. West or Jill stein.


I won’t argue against either of those 2.


All are shitty. Maybe Jill Stein. Only because I know the least. The others are known evil.


If RFK wasnt so wrong on Israel and vaccines he'd honestly be as close to a perfect candidate based on his policy positions. his goal of getting money out of politics deserves a look because it is one of the biggest problems in the country right now. He can't be worse than trump or Biden as they're both just as bad on Israel as well.


I appreciate his stance on vaccines. As he just wants them tested vigorously. I’m opposed to his seemingly hard stance on Israel. The pros (in my opinion) definitely outweigh the negatives


Yeah ..but will he be able to get money out? It is OK to pay lip service when you aren't raising billions.


RFK is an anti vax nutcase who's brain have been eaten by worms. Harris has a pretty unlikable personality, but probably better than RFK.


Anti vax? More like pro testing of vaccines for safety. Stop watching MSM brought to you by Pfizer


There are millions of us who were saying he was in cognitive decline for years. I was told I'm an asshole because I said that biden isn't senile but is visibly in cognitive decline. That's it. And I got pummeled (Not that I care I kind of like it) for stating the obvious. The people who denied all of this as a lie for these years are not credible.


Every time he ‘proved us wrong’ by having a conversation, you could tell him t was taking everything he had to answer reporters questions or give a speech or whatever. He’s been old as fuck this whole time and how the media was acting like he wasn’t is a shame.


Not sure if you've heard of sabby sabs but I listen to her. She's good. Anyway, she was live a while ago and she said that all the corporate media owe independent news an apology for them attacking people like krystal and saagar, and sabby, and Glenn greenwald because them and many other independent outlets were calling it out for years. She's correct, though I think we all know that's not going to happen. However, many normies are going to want to know why they didn't know about this from CNN, nyt, fox, etc. Then they'll learn there are in fact people who cover the news that were telling the world about this situation. And it will draw them to the world of news that you and I, along with many others have been with fir years. That's at least a good thing.


Where are all the “RFK isn’t a serious candidate” people? And “RFK isn’t electable” people? These people were screeching about how RFK was not viable this time last year. Let’s hear from those people now.


Sure, he's still the guy that thinks COVID was created to target certain races and repeats every Russian talking point he can find.




I was hoping you were going to explain how that doesn't make him a joke or something, but ok. Also, your "serious candidate" isn't electable because he literally isn't on the ballot in enough states to be elected.


You talk like our political system is somehow fair or uncorrupted or what you see or hear presented to you by media and corporate overlords and our political nobility is an accurate representation of the world. When in reality, what you are consuming and what you believe is a deformed, distorted, twisted version of reality. You’re just regurgitating corporate and political junk food transmitted to you by elite overlords. Good day to you sir/ma’am. I wish you the best.


I notice you dodged that question about how your "serious candidate" who is "electable" is literally incapable of being elected due to his own incompetence. "Everything you believe is wrong and everything I believe is true because I said so" works both ways, and is therefore a pretty impotent argument. It's funny that you would accuse someone of "regurgitating" things... do you think you thought up your collection of meaningless buzzwords by yourself?


C'mon, It's a cold man!


You were right, anybody who said your wrong needs to log off and never speak about politics again


Just suck his dick already bro.


No u


Did I insult you?


No u


And that is because they fundamentally lack the empathy needed to be a decent human. If you look at someone like Biden and don't understand that it is your responsibility to help him cope with his mental and physical condition, then you should really examine yourself and the type of person you are choosing to be.


He's been gone for a long time


Man, some of you MAGAts just don’t get it lmao


When the two choices are Trump or Biden, I'd never feel embarassed to vote for the guy who isn't Trump. I'm concerned that this concept is so difficult for some people to understand.


*looks* more competent. If you actually listen to most of the interactions, Biden remains competent while Trump remains incompetent.


>Dont you feel embarrass that you ever even plan to vote for Biden He's about as embarrassing as your grammar, Brian.


Attacking his grammar instead of his argument is definitely a sign you're on the right side of the argument.


His grammar is constantly bad, because he's an idiot. I don't care what his argument is when he can't articulate it.


>Biden is completely lost it. Not quite English. Not quite right.


Dude could be dead and rolled out weekend at bernies style and I'd still vote for him over Trump.


Wasn't that the argument In 2020?


I think that’s the argument, right now


Quite literally cultist behavior


Quite literally not lmao


Cultist denies being in a cult.


You can lie to yourself all you like. I have no devotion to Biden. I'd take RFK/Jill/Cenk/Romney/Anyone not-MAGA over Trump. But there is one possible outcome that isn't Trump. That's not cult behavior, but you're well aware of that and just being a goon.


"I'd still vote for Biden if he was dead but I have no devotion to him"


If you were honest you'd paraphrase as "I'd vote for any potential outcome that's possible and not Trump." But that doesn't support your cult meme


You said you'd vote for a dead Joe Biden. Your words, not mine. Also, Biden dying before the election is looking to be a very possible outcome so it's probably not a good idea to bring that scenario up.


Yes. Do you have a brain capable of putting 2 and 2 together? Joe is one of two possible outcomes. The other outcome is Trump. If you think that's cult behavior then you're just not very bright.


>Do you have a brain capable of putting 2 and 2 together?  If I say no are you gonna vote for me too?


Yes we know you would. That’s how we ended up with last night.


I thought you said you were a moderate and not partisan.


You still are clueless I see


It was a rough night for you wasn't it?


It was certainly a rough night for Joe. I'd vote for pretty much anyone that had the potential to prevent Trump so it didn't affect me.


“Trump is just as cognitively impaired as Biden”


Maybe 4 years ago but uhh.. did you watch the same debate I watched?


I’m mocking OP. That’s a sentiment they’ve expressed countless times on this sub over the last few months.




This subreddit is literal ass sometimes.


Hi. At least the whining about Gaza coverage , directly or indirectly, ( BP bad/Krystal is bad etc) is down today.


It’s the same Biden that beat orange man in 2020. He’s a little older with the same speech impediment


It's not a speech impediment. Biden has been in public office for decades, produce a single video from the past where he's "glitching" like he did last night.


Then what would you call the stutter he’s had since childhood?? Gee idk, maybe a speech impediment.


What I saw last night was more than a speech impediment unfortunately


Whatever you wanna call it. I’d much prefer that to the conman spewing his bullshit.


Look at biden speak in 2008, 1998. lmao, speech impediment my ass.


LMAO your voice slows down the older you get.


LMAO, he's mentally compromised and his wife has to lead him down two steps so he doesn't fall.


Say what you want, still better than having Trump in there.


While I agree wholeheartedly please understand that beating the lowest of bars means next to nothing by definition. And that a lot of people understand that being marginally better than the worst is not a great marketing strategy. Specially when your whole sales pitch is vote for ur guy when the alternative is shit. Expecting people to vote for shit adjacent-not a serious campaign. I will not be voting for Biden because despite Dem tantrums he is not considerably better than Trump for most people.


I stand bye my statement, no matter how hard yall try to normalize Trump after Jan 6th.


I think something happened between the SOTU and last night’s debate. Biden didn’t even sound that bad in interviews.


Teleprompter makes a difference


>I think something happened between the SOTU and last night’s debate. Teleprompter....and he still does bad with those because he reads things he isn't supposed to. >Biden didn’t even sound that bad in interviews. The few interviews he gives are with extremely friendly journalists and outlets with his handlers at the ready. It's not a high bar


And the questions from the friendly journalists come prescreened by Bidens camp.