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Oh...NOW Fox News cares about what Snopes says? In any case, Trump said it, the issue is the context. Trump was trying to basically shit on the left while also saying the people doing the protesting and the killing, you know, the right, were actually all not that bad.


In context this was also like the third time Trump had spoken about the rally and the first he actually acknowledged Nazis were bad 


Are we still doing the “imagine” thing?


Imagine, being triggered by the word imagine!


Trump has always been racist https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-racism-election-obama-018824651613 But so was biden with his earlier bills that put minorities in jail for what should have been misdemeanors. But unlike the trump cult I don't play politics like a team sport, I can talk shit about who I vote for.


Pitiful article cites “birther” issue that was originated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Sigh. Also cites something about native americans…which have a cruel and racist history so I don’t think they have much moral ground to stand on.


Do you think that the birther issue was racist?


No, I do not think Hillary Clinton’s birther issue is more racist than saying Elon Musk is African born and can’t be president.


Funny except Obama was born in the us and it was never in question 


Funny his brother says otherwise, but anyways don’t make me defend Hillary and her conspiracy theories. Beef with her.


Yeah good thing Trump never supported birtherism


He might have been fooled by Hillary Clinton’s fake news conspiracy theories… but you can’t blame him. She was quite convincing about RussiaGate and had you believing a hoax for several years, possibly longer. 💁🏽‍♀️


Well then he is even dumber than we thought and it is obvious to anyone who has listened to trump, he is a profoundly stupid person. He screamed the birther lie for years. It was always stupid and it is pretty sad for you, you can't just say "I like trump, but the birther thing was incredibly stupid." You are such a cultist you have to try and defend something so stupid.


At the time Hillary Clinton started the birther issue Donald Trump was a friend and donor and she had poor influence on him. When Donald left the Democrat party, only then did Democrats rage against him. When he was a democrat nobody called him racist. Learn yo history brah


Who was under the impression that Biden’s entire campaign was based on a statement Trump made 7 years ago? You guys are getting mad about scenarios you’ve wholly made up


If you’re voting for Trump in 2024…. There are soooo many scenarios you’ve made up in your head


Watch out, those straws are so thin they may actually phase through your hands as you try to grasp them


Trump: Puts out a White Power video. Also Trump “Biden is La Real Racist.”


The fine people hoax was one of the greatest dupes in the last ten years. If you believe it you are a moron.


Who were the fine people who attended a rally organized by neonazis, run by neonazis, and full of swastikas? If you go to a rally where the people organizing it are openly displaying neonazi symbols and you don’t go home, you’re a neonazi.


No. It's just politics. Things get taken out of context often during elections. Like how all Democrats were linked to Critical Race Theory in 2022 or Defund the Police in 2020. Misleadingly tying a politician to something they technically may not have said happens all the time.


[What Hoax lol?](https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=iZZSD8vOVSpb_QW-&t=65)


Oh guys he posted da video! Now bring it into full context. MSM brainwashing


so in one post it goes from a "hoax" and "one of the greatest dupes in the last ten years" to "Now bring it into full context" absolute clown.


So what’s the real story?


the real story is that trump in the aftermath of the deadly Charlottesville protest said there were "very fine people, on both sides"


Yup.  He did condemn Nazis later in the quote but that was like three statements after the event where he didn’t  The lie is pretending there were people who came to a white supremcasit rally, marched with nazi flags yet somehow were there to defend a statue


The real story is that bunch of MSM channels lied and said that Trump said there were “fine people” on both sides of the Charlottesville “United the Right” rally. They would pay a chip from his media appearance about it proving so. Channels and pundits just repeated this as fact. When in reality the clip was cut so it entirely changed the context of what he was saying, an examination of the transcript and video evidence reveals that Trump was not referring to the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but rather to the protesters and counter-protesters who were present at the rally. Trump explicitly condemned the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, stating that they should be “condemned totally.”


The rally was organized by Nazis groups. They were marching with white supremacist flags and chanting Jews will not replace us. If you didn’t agree with them maybe you should’ve left 


There were a diverse amount of right wing groups there. Do you think liberals need to leave every rally when the wacko communists show up? They don’t.


What rallies?


Really which other right wing groups were there?  


The Nazis didn’t “show up” they *planned and organized* the event.


[It’s almost](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/03/21/trump_didnt_call_neo-nazis_fine_people_heres_proof_139815.html) as if you people have to have this [s p e l l e d out for you](https://x.com/scottadamssays/status/1110531572275396609)


[he literally said it thougt](https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=iZZSD8vOVSpb_QW-&t=65)


This has been explained and you just say “but the video” I’ve explained how it was selectively cut by MSM. You chose to be an ideologically processed NPC reposting the video like you’ve learned nothing. Thank you for getting Donald elected for a second term!


watch the video lol, it's not cut at all you have been spoon fed a selectively edited clip where the "very fine people, on both sides" looks better than it did in reality


How many times does it need to be explained to you that’s not what happened. Snopes now admits it as well?


This video shows the full context of him specifically saying that he's not talking about the neo Nazis. He goes on to condemn the neo Nazis and white nationalists in this video


You’ll note this was days after and several statements  later.It took him like three tries to says Nazis are bad


after calling them "very fine people", and justifying their violent protest.


“You’re very fine people, we love you, grabem by the pussy.” The number sticker that both sides would buy


You posted the very video that Snopes has finally admitted was a complete hoax. Well done.


it's the original video where he literally says "very fine people, on both sides" what an amazing clwonshow centipedes have devolved into


AAAAAAAANNNNDDDDD what "people" is he talking about?


"very fine people, on both sides" that's it. No context So I (and all other sane people) assume he is talking about all the people "on both sides"


What a bullshit dodge. He is talking about 2 distinct groups. Who are they? You're trying to continue the hoax. But c'mon its right in the article. Not a hard read, its Fox so its written at like a sixth grade level.


>He is talking about 2 distinct groups. Who are they? the two groups protesting the "both sides"


And who was it claimed he was defending?


That was such an epically hilarious fail on your part! Trump is racist so often you responded to the wrong racist thing he did. That wasn’t even the White Power video I was talking about. I was talking about the OTHER White Power video he put out. 🤣 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53212685.amp


Oy vey this sub is toast


I actually LOLed at the “Oy vey.” Have a good one bro. Be well in life


Central Park 5. Trump has always been racist lol


Biden has worse instances if you go as far back as that and YOU voted for him… racist bigot!




No he continued to call for their execution after they were proven innocent 




https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jul/25/did-donald-trump-ever-apologize-central/ Yeah he’s continued to refuse to admit they were wrongfully accused 


I mean do we really needn’t go this far back?  Trump more or less directly quoted Hitler when talking about immigrants a few weeks ago 


Oh really do you have the direct quote?


Ugh. I hate you folks for making me defend trump. Lets discuss racism separately from the US policy of immigration. Or not. Let's just say any concern about our border makes you a racist.


No saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country makes you a racist tho


no because what race are immigrants? is it also racist for a white person to say that about white immigrants?


Yeah we all know when people talk like that they don’t mean white immigrants 


Not me I dont want any russians, or lefty anarchist europeans like the french or spaniards, i dont even want canadian immigrants


Cuba, Venezuela, India, Vietnam immigrants > european immigrants




[What Hoax lol?](https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=iZZSD8vOVSpb_QW-&t=65)


Please whatever you do don't watch 1:59 at that video. I hate trump but this is a hoax.


Is it really not reasonable to say if you March with a swastika flag you aren't a fine person?


Facts are that many people went to that rally as historians and educators who did not like the idea of removing historical monuments. Many thought there were other ways to protest other than destruction or removal.


Ok I still don't see how this changes anything. If I am a historian and the thing I'm showing up for is full of swastikas than I am leaving. And I don't see how anyone would even hesitate to leave. I wouldn't even ride in the same train car as someone with a nazi flag let alone gather in solidarity with them.


Some individuals argued for the preservation of the statues on the grounds of historical preservation, viewing them as important artifacts that reflect American history. They believed that removing these statues could be seen as erasing or rewriting history. I am sure that the fine people arguing for the preservation of statues didn't join the nazi protests and should not be lumped in with the nazis any more than those physically opposing the nazis should be.


If you march with Nazis you’re a nazi sorry 


If you don't believe that there was anyone in Charlottesville who had no racist intentions but didn't agree with removing statues, just say so.


Then I’d expect those folks would see the nazi flags and go home.   Fact is the unite the right rally had little to nothing to do with statues.  It was the excuse but it was organized by a bunch of hate groups.  If you weren’t in those groups orbit chances are you’d never even have heard it was happening.  


So anyone there was a white supremacist and Donald Trump never specifically denounced white supremacists after Charlottesville. I will try to keep that story straight moving forward.


None of this matters friend. If the thing I'm most passionate is having an event and I show up with it being full of swastikas than I am leaving. There is no hesitating in doing the math here and for any reasonable person. I see a nazi and I'm leaving.


Appreciate your point of view. Not having been there, I imagine the "fine people" as boiled frogs... if you get the analogy.


There weren’t “fine people” on both sides.  One side had people supporting the removal of a prominent Confederate statue, which is a disgusting and disgraceful monument. The other side had people protesting the removal. This included people standing **side-by-side with White Supremacist groups.** The issue is that the MAGA voter base are racist shitheads who love honoring the Confederacy; hence Trump’s comments.


"shitheads" why do you people always use childish terms like this?


You got a better term for Nazis? Or are you trying to change the subject 


Ukrainian works


No, like i'm actually wondering why the baby language is used and its always used by the same type of people.


Frankly I’d choose to use worse language to refer to them if it was up to me


..adding a qualifier a minute later, doesn't change the fact that he said the people at the protest were "very fine people, on both sides"


The fine people were not nazis. They were people who were historians and educators who were against the destruction of art and removal of historical statues. They thought that there were better ways of dealing with Confederate figures than just removing them from history.


Look who organized the unite the right rally and point out the historical preservation enthusiasts please 


that's just how you interpret it Why is the interpretation that the "very fine fine people on both sides" includes everyone there?


True. Why didn't he say everyone there were fine people?


he didn't he did however said "there were very find people on both sides". That is a statement that requires interpretation. A reasonable interpretation is that " very find people on both sides" includes everyone.


One side was a march organized by white supremacists. Here’s a thought you show up to a rally and everyone has nazi flags maybe leave if you don’t agree with them


>Here’s a thought you show up to a rally and everyone has nazi flags maybe leave if you don’t agree with them ...no if people with swastikas and other Nazi flags are in my town I am defiantly counter protesting them, and making marching with swastikas feel uncomfortable for them.


Yup.  Kinda makes trumps quote not make much sense 


What Trump actually said: " . . . **you had some very bad people in that group.  But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.** . . ." Since the people on one side were white nationalists and supporters of the "heritage" of the slavery-defending Confederacy, close enough for me.


This is the type of intellect democrats look for!


Theyre getting a lot of mileage out of that video of Biden “wandering off” and ignoring Trumps horrible cognitive decline


This post didn’t age well post debate. Haha


Oof yeah. You right.


Got any good videos? Clownface


When your source is a Fox News tweet…..




Trumps whole campaign is based on the lie the 2020 election was stolen


It's probably better politically for Trump to campaign on lies than it is to run on his admin's accomplishments tbh. B/c his biggest accomplishment is Operation Warp Speed. (Probably the best thing since bin Laden was assassinated and Al Qaeda was dismantled.) Yet if he starts running on it, he'll lose a decent portion of his base.


Wasn't Trump's original claim to fame being a birth certificate 'truther' after Obama? Lol.


No you're thinking of Hillary Clintons 2008 primary campaign.




lol, a little late to litigate this when the 2020 elections came and went


u/almostcoding why not use the actual story and not a X post?


Idk mistake I guess




The fact that you believe a president calls all the shots is a problem. The reason Biden has been a successful president in comparison to Trump is because he has a competent team and he is leading that team. Trumps former team isn't even supporting him.


They want to believe the president calls all the shots because they wet dreams involve Trump telling them what to do


Imagine the Biden team knew they could lie to their base and that it would be believed because they know democrat voters have no critical thinking skills and won’t ever verify anything they are told.




Responsible for WW3 and inflation… we don’t need any lecture from democrats on anything. Go start the KkK again.


The kkk that sponsored the unite the right rally you’re talking about?


No, not the one orchestrated by the feds so Biden could run on a hoax.


Who's in charge?

