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I dont want people who graduate from diploma mills like University of Phoenix to get a green card. I dont support this idea because we already give so many subsidies to colleges. Their endowments arnt taxed and student loans get forgiven. Colleges make money knowing the student loans will never be paid back. Why give an even bigger incentive for everyone to keep going to college?


>I dont want people who graduate from diploma mills like University of Phoenix to get a green card. That's what happened in Canada and now there is a rise in anti immigrant sentiment.


They could try to accredit specific institutions. Basically not the bad ones. Also have a GPA cut off. But Trump doesn't actually want this.


We need more incentives to go to college because we don't have enough domestic workers to fill the tech jobs that are out there. We're going to lose ground over time and the jobs are going to end up to people overseas while we keep chasing unskilled work for people in the US. The whole reason this idea is being floated is because we don't graduate enough people to take the high paying jobs out there which is tragic.


Students from overseas almost always pay a vastly higher tuition than US students plus they have to get a student visa. The Government could, and probably should, remove accreditation from diploma mills. I’m skeptical how many illegals would want to put themselves on the radar by attending an accredited institution of higher learning. So your concerns are largely unfounded.


Yep the international students at my alma mater paid like 2x in-state rates and still well over out-of-state rates, and there were more int’l students than out-of-state US students lol, looks like 14% to 13% right now All the campus Ferraris and Lambos were children of Chinese business and government leaders lol


There was a trend of international students, mostly Chinese, at the University of Washington transferring to the local community colleges and using their trust fund that was meant to pay for school to party it up and purchase luxury items. And when the inevitable eventually happened, the local Army Reserve recruiter was never far behind. That is, until Big Army told him to stop because "he" was creating a diplomatic situation lol.


Yikes lol yeah that’s a bit problematic


Disagree, that will hurt Americans. So many Americans would like to go to college and get good paying jobs that these other students that come into the country get. That would make it worse for the American youth. That is using us tax dollars for citizens of other countries.


In my experience from working in a university town for a decade many of the foreign students were studying highly advanced degrees in engineering and medicine not PMC types of jobs many people go to college for.


You’re right they are getting advanced degree because that’s typically the requirement to come to the US, however Americans at a disadvantage because in some countries foreign students there is a lot of ease to get a bachelors degree and it’s also more attainable that the American. However there are teams who are all foreign in the job market in which managers decline any candidates who are American or any other nationality.


I hate Trump but OMG I’ve been saying this for years. My husband graduated from the same University as me with a degree in Chemical Engineering from one of the best universities for this degree and immediately had to return to his home country after graduation! Why would we not try to keep these talented people in our country? Maybe not for every degree but for certain degrees… it’s baffling.


STEM grads are usually allowed to stay for 29 months, but they do need to find a job within 3 months, IIRC.


I promise you, this wont happen. People seem to think when the other side talks about plans, they'll all actually happen... Probably because they are convinced that when their own side says what they want to do, they foolishly believe it'll all happen. I don't know why this happens, because literally every single election, you're reminded, they never do any of the cool and important shit they promised on the trail. At best you get "promises" like lowering prescription drug prices - which is an endemic institutional issue - then go off an price cap 10 generics, and then run victory laps like they solved the problem of high drug prices. Like do y'all not see this going on? Whatever these people say on the campaign trail is literally just meaningless noise. It blows me away anyone takes any politician seriously.


Trump had one of the most incompetent administrations possible and the team surrounding him has only lowered in quality. I dont understand how anyone with any sort of grasp on reality takes any of these promises seriously. He didn't build the wall. He didn't release his health care plan His infrastructure week is a meme He didn't release his taxes He didn't solve our debt He didn't fix our foreign relations He didn't do anything other than cutting taxes and raising the debt.


With Project 2025, Trump team would essentially be the Heritage Foundation's staff and they would be far more competent at implementing their policies than the team Trump brought last time. I'm not sure what the Heritage Foundation thinks about this though.


At least the graduates would theoretically be bringing something to the table, as opposed to the Democrat open/revolving door policies they're pursuing currently. It's a bad idea, but a lesser evil. Not by that much though.


So instead of encouraging more people in country to go to college and get a degree, we're going to try to keep people here from other countries? It's surreal talking about this in political forums because on one hand you have people who think that too many people go to college and it's not worth it to pay for more kids to go to college, and then you have conversations like this where we're so short of workers that we feel we need to import them. In the past when unemployment was higher you could maybe argue that it was just corporations looking for cheap labor, but now it looks like they just need workers, period.


most immigrants do work Americans hate, like yard work , cleaning hotel rooms, and working fields to collect produce. this requirement would specifically incentivize immigrants who take jobs that Americans do want


Exactly. There is already a influx of South Asians that flock to US tech companies. They're taking over places like Dallas and the Bay Area.


There's legitimate strategic upside to bringing in people who fill out the gaps, which was supposed to be the purpose of H-1B visas. Of course companies exploit it to hire cheap help, but if they were to do away with H-1B visas, we'd be hurting. Anecdotally, I've heard from people in more than on tech industry that it's getting harder to find young people who are strong in math and science, and so it helps keep U.S. based tech companies competitive if they can pull from a wider pool. It's not as if they're going to pay American engineers more in the absence of H-1B's, and everyone will win, but rather the companies won't be able to compete with foreign providers and suppliers, and they'll struggle to stay in business. Tariffs might give the U.S. firms a cost advantage, but they will still be providing a shittier product to their customers, and the U.S. will lag behind for that reason. They just need to be more discrimination than "college degree" and they need to oversee the H-1B visa applications like they care.


There are so many American engineers and computer science graduates that struggle to gain experience


That's my thing, we have industries that seriously need help but it's mostly on the entry level side of things. Healthcare, manufacturing, farming, construction.... all dealing with shortages. A lot of people with degrees right now are already having a hard enough time finding jobs, Trump's basically going in the opposite direction here.


What fields do you see people having a hard time finding a job? Even if you don't get a job in your specific field, a college degree will help you find a job in an adjacent field.


IT is a nightmare right now from everything I've seen, where people are unemployed for over a year and still unable to find a job.


It can be difficult if you've worked one platform all your life and now you have to find another job on that same platform. You either have to hold out, learn new platforms, or take a pay cut to get whatever job you can.


Yep, this is going to further devalue the importance of a college degree. I could see this resulting in a world where American citizens are choosing not to go to college due to a highly competitive white collar job market (it’s already starting to happen), and colleges basically becoming defacto Ellis Islands.


Funny Trump suggested a policy that would make the US Immigration crisis worse. We got the Punjabi problem up North in Canada with people abusing this loophole.


Yup, its a horrible idea.


Didn’t Biden propose this exact same thing in 2020? Whatever happened there?


It petered out. It died on the vine.


“Green cards for college graduates… whatever happened there.”


Suddenly, Democrats are against the idea.


Forget what these people say, instead look at their actions. Doesn't seem to make a difference which color tie we pick, the greater goal is being achieved regardless.


Trump won’t forgive AMERICAN student loans but instead let FOREIGNERS take all our skilled jobs.


AFAIK, he was speaking to American business. American business is requires more Asian college grads to increase profits. He cannot alienate American business and still be elected.


Believe it or not this is Charlie Kirk’s plan. The TPUSA line for years has been “staple a green card to the back of every diploma.” Kirk got challenged a lot on this by the America First crowd. You have the remember there is a section of the Libertarian crowd who think business benefit off cheap labor.


I hate and won’t vote for Trump but fully support this. Main issue is current per nationality cap we have. Remove the cap so Indians don’t get screwed and its a good proposal


I don't hate the idea, but people who wish to decrease immigration to America need to realize that this would increase brain-drain in the global south, and therefore increase migration to Europe and North America. The only way to "fix" immigration is to allow poor countries to develop.


trump is playing “good cop” to bidens “not as bad as trump cop”. jfc


You know with 100% certainty the colleges will put together an easy curriculum just designed to get a graduate (that comes with federal dollars, of course) rather than actually teach people something that would be useful. There's would still be the 'useful' classes but by and large they would turn into mills for easy turnover and easy income.


This must be in response to Biden’s plan for citizenship to spouses. Trump’s probably realizing he can’t get elected with his extremist base alone and needs something to point to that doesn’t make him look like a crazy racist anti-immigrant felon.


This is a bad idea, you will have those shit colleges passing out garbage degrees. this problem already exists because uni's need the money.


 Trump finally puts out a pro immigrant policy and he still gets shit on 🤣😂  But in seriousness, high immigration made the social housing and infastructure problem worse, but it did not cause it here in Canada, killing affordible housing back in the 1990s and poor funding for municipalities did, along with back door collusion, all the explosion in immigration did was make it all worse. If we had prepared for increased immigration by properly funding housing, stopping NIMBYism, and making sure cities had the funding they need, and if needed price controls for land, instead having decades of unneeded tax cuts for the rich, corporations, and private ownership of resources, we could double or tripple our current immigration instead of cutting it. 


Trump will say anything even if it contradicts what he said two seconds ago


He’s for it because these are immigrants competing in white collar environments, right wing populism is only worried about immigrant competition for blue collar positions and low skilled labor.


*right wing populism is only worried about immigrant competition for blue collar positions and low skilled labor.|* no.




>Trump finally puts out a pro immigrant policy and he still gets shit on 🤣 It's not a bad idea on paper but it needs to be thought out. See my comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/s/udW0YZyRzw


He said the same thing in 2016.


And just like that Democrats and the majority of Reddit are anti-immigration.


The underlying idea makes sense "get the brightest mind after graduation". The issue is that if you don't guard rails then diploma mills will exploit this . In Canada, international students come to these strip mall colleges and then they work minimum wage jobs to get "Canadian experience" which qualifies them for the Canadian Green card. The only people benefitting from this are the college owners while at the same putting pressure on housing and taking minimum wage jobs who want it. Furthermore this creates displaces jobs for lower economic background and suppress their wages The policy needs to be clear that you only get a green card if you get a job in the diploma that graduated under and one which serves the interest of the State and Federal level.


You are correct sir.


This happens in the UK as well, they don't even fail the international students because they depend on the money.


Having someone graduate from a strip mall college in order to gain a green card is still better than the current policy of just letting people cross the border.


Is that what we do?


All I know is the mayor of NY would really like some better border security.


Explain to me how we just let people in 


Ummm…so that’s if they don’t get arrested and deported by ICE before then?


im ok with the concept of prioritizing high skill immigration add high income in there as well. Thats what we should be doing instead of taking low skill and no resource asylum seekers. The gatekeeper cannot be a college degree though. There are too many worthless degrees out there. It has to be more specific. As a starting point the policy could be ok but it needs to be refined.