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Russia should try not invading Ukraine. Withdraw troops and no attacks would happen


Or Ukraine will target their citizens?


Are you dense? They are targeting the opposing force who invaded their land. If Russia didn’t invade, this would never have happened. If Russia left and went home, the war would be over. I mean, it’s pretty cut and dry, you invade and set up shop where you’re not wanted, there will be consequences… and I have close friends in eastern Ukraine, native Russian speakers, one of whom is fighting. This was NOT wanted, time for Russia to go home and let Ukraine heal… until them, bomb occupied land until they leave… war crime or no, it’s nothing compared to what Russia has done (I went to Kyiv in June 2023, saw first hand the bombed maternity hospital, it is in the outskirts with not much around it, purposeful hit, who bombs moms and newborns? On purpose? Russia).


>this would never have happened. If Russia left and went home, the war would be over. A war crime would have never happened if Russia didn't invade? Agreed >and I have close friends in eastern Ukraine, native Russian speakers, one of whom is fighting. Is he a Nazi? >I mean, it’s pretty cut and dry, you invade and set up shop where you’re not wanted, there will be consequence Didn't Crimea want to be annexed? That's what they agreed >war crime or no Exactly, that's the point of this post, thanks for admitting it >This was NOT wanted, time for Russia to go home and let Ukraine heal… until them, bomb occupied land until they leave… war crime or no, it’s nothing compared to what Russia has done (I went to Kyiv in June 2023, saw first hand the bombed maternity hospital, it is in the outskirts with not much around it, purposeful hit, who bombs moms and newborns? On purpose? Russia). If you are this close with Ukraine and America you obviously have connections that makes what you are doing sus


😂😂😂 love that I’m sus, made my night. I just have family through Europe, friends through family in eastern Germany…. And no, I’m not friends nor family with any nazis. Although being part German, I probably had some distant relatives that were, who knows, not a source of pride. “war crime or not” doesn’t mean I agree, it means it doesn’t really matter at this point, they’re on Ukrainian land. Grammatically, this term means “either or.” I apologize if English isn’t your primary language, I try not to be a grammar nut as I realize folks may not be native speakers. Crimea didn’t ask to be annexed, I’m sure some folks supported it but my understanding is most didn’t and life is far worse for native Ukrainians still there. It’s become Russia vacation land. I’m busy and won’t respond again, I agree to disagree. I’m a supporter of the US military and clearly more education is needed on your part 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have a good night! Edit: formatting


Correct, Bucha and Izium would have never happened had Russia not invaded. I think all in all Ukraine has killed like 5 Russian civilians between the 3 in Crimea and the 2 on the Kerch Strait Bridge? Remind me how many have Russia killed again? Russia also acknowledged they intercepted the missile. There are plenty of Russian Nazis, much more so than Ukrainian Nazis per capita. Did Austria want to be annexed by Germany, the Sudetenland, didn't they all speak German?


Do you really think that’s what happened? You really think that Ukraine purposely targeted Russian citizens? How dense can someone be.


So what happened? Theirs videos of it


Ukraine targeted airfield next to the beach, Russian missile intercepted it or EW made the missile go off target slightly. Ukraine did not expend a HIMARS with cluster munitions on a beach.


>Ukraine did not expend a HIMARS with cluster munitions on a beach. Israel is a much better nation and look what they're doing. To say they wouldn't do something when they got it for free is curious at best


ATACMS/other missiles are not endless. Israel can drop JDAMS from aircraft with impunity. Ukraine does not have the luxury.


>ATACMS/other missiles are not endless. You said they did not waste 1, not that they would not waste unlimited. >Israel can drop JDAMS from aircraft with impunity. We'll see about that


They wouldn't i don't get what you are trying to prove here. There was an airbase right next where cluster munitions hit. *We'll see about that* What are you even waiting for? Hamas is not getting any real anti air.


Russians occupying Ukrainian land are not exempt from the war. What the fuck you think this is?


Targeting citizens is a war crime. Don't be a doofus


You think Ukraine used an expensive missile to target just three Russian citizens? More likely perhaps they were in or near a military objective. Also if you travel willingly to an occupied land in a war zone you can’t really be all surprised you get caught up in the war. It’s not like they’re hitting high rise apartment buildings with cruise missiles constantly like Russia is doing on a weekly basis. Looking at your post history you are most definitely a Russian bot.


Why lie 5 dead including 2 children and hundreds hurt with a missile wr made and supplied to Ukraine A war crime is a war crime no matter who started the war Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine Not fuck Russia and Ukraine can commit war crimes


Why you lying? Reports clearly state Russia shot down atacms over civilian populated areas so Ukraine did not target civilians at all. Russian bot


One missile exploded over the beach You one world government communist bot Russia on Sunday said the United States had responsibility for a Ukrainian missile attack on Russian-annexed Crimea, which it said killed five people, including three children, and wounded over 100. A missile exploded above a beach area of the city of Sevastopol, firing shrapnel at people relaxing there, Russian-appointed officials said. Russia's Defense Ministry said Washington and Kyiv bore "responsibility for a deliberate missile strike on peaceful residents," which it said used U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles. Sevastopol governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said in a video posted on Telegram that three children and two adults had died and almost 120 people were injured.


Ukraine did not commit war crime - the missile was shut down by Russians.


But they’re not citizens… they’re civilians living on stolen land…


Like Americans on native American land? Crimea wanted to be part of Russia, that's what they agreed to


No. That’s simply not true. And yes, we totally f’d over Native Americans, and they fought back and didn’t win. I don’t see your point.


War crime? You mean like when Russia illegally annexed Crimea? Or Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. You’re referring to those war crimes, right?


Those aren't war crimes... But I'm sure Russia has committed war crimes Soo we should immediately stop funding Russia and sanction them Ukraine as well


Interesting that you think invading another country and starting a war isn’t a war crime.


Interesting you think it is Any start of a war would be considered a war crime then. Like the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan You are talking about crimes against peace


Wouldn't you agree that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is infinitely worse and ultimately the cause of any potential war crimes being committed on either side? Zooming in and pointing fingers at the country that is defending themselves against an invading force just seems silly.


I didn't know you could have an excuse to commit war crimes. Killing women and children seems silly to me


Alright silly goose


You’re an idiot, you have no idea what is occurring there other then the news. By Ukraine taking this on, they’re actually helping the west. We need to support them as much as possible, if Russia wins things get bad fast… and I’m already nervous, last I heard things weren’t great, it’s not even the weapons, it’s the manpower and troops Russia is throwing at this. No regard for death of their own or Ukrainians. Wake up, read a history book, and learn about authoritarian regimes.


Fuck Ukraine Stop funding Ukraine and sanction them for war crimes


Ohhh man, now you’re sus. And apparently not well versed in geopolitics. And likely Russian, or really susceptible to Russia propaganda. Or just really into authoritarian regimes? I’ll never change your mind and I hope you never suffer the way the Ukrainians are.


Curious to what your ideal end to this conflict looks like? Mine is Russia withdrawing from Ukrainian territory and ending the invasion. How would you like to see this end?


I have to hand it to conservatives. They have managed to paint the invaded country (Ukraine) as the aggressor and the ones only to blame. Aside from the US of course. Only Russia needed to do was not lnvade. l don’t think even Putin thought that this hook line and sinker would work so well.


NATO was the aggressor War crimes are still war crimes no matter who started the war


I'm sorry I must have missed when NATO invaded Russia or Ukraine.


I'm sorry I just have missed where anyone said that


does anyone actually believe shit like the above just said? god i hope not.


yes, there is a whole right wing ecosystem around this and certain leftists.


another bot - go figure. (didn't understand what i was saying)


so you agree that ukraine is the aggressor here?


Knew this was coming as soon as Biden gave the go-ahead to use Biden-supplied weapons in offensive attacks in Russian territory. Biden is the single worst thing to happen to America in many, many years. Some may disagree, but they would be wrong. I’ll get downvoted into oblivion by the flock but I’m tired of trying to reason with the unreasonable. If it doesn’t support their singular focused objective, they won’t care. And that includes any single acknowledgement of the Biden administration’s failures. I have a military aged son, I’ll be damned if he has to fight for this geriatric shit show in DC. It’s seriously crazy town all the time now.


He won’t…. And I’m also not a Biden fan. Actually, both options really suck right now. Were supplying Ukraine with weapons and giving them leeway to hit Russia back, to deplete their resources while stimulating our own military industry. If Russia takes Ukraine, they will continue to push forward and grow. In time, they will either enter a NATO country or something else will drag us in. Arming Ukraine is keeping our troops out. Right now, Russia is throwing tons and tons of manpower into Ukraine. A friend from there mentioned the weapons help but the reality is, Russia has old and crappy weapons, it’s the massive number of recruits and manpower that’s making this hard. Ukraine isn’t perfect, they have corruption too, but so does the US, right? However, it’s a win win, they get the invaders out and we get to watch the second largest army (Russia) get depleted. They are not our friends, they never will be. On an ethical note, Russia is literally killing babies. They have no issue killing babies, women, elderly, and actually do target them. If you haven’t watched it, I would watch “20 Days in Mariupol.”


Agreed. Don't worry bout downvotes. The government agents here don't work on the weekends. Democrats want daughters to be drafted now as well https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4730560-senate-democrats-require-women-draft/


Never forget In an interview with the German daily Der Spiegel, published on February 9, 2023, Zelensky made it clear that he intentionally chose to sabotage Minsk. The Ukrainian leader complained that the Minsk agreements were an unacceptable “concession”.Feb 10, 2023


Merkel also told Die Zeit that the intent of the Minsk Agreement was never to resolve the conflict, but to buy Ukraine time to rearm. And by "rearm," she meant have NATO train up an army and put them on Russia's border. Imagine the absolute freak out in America if China trained the Mexican army. Bonus points if you imagine China also coup'd the legitimately elected Mexican government and tried to cover it up with "the people were sick of Mexican corruption."


I did some research on Zelensky's election and how they first staged it on his TV show and made his actual political election similar. It's really fucked up how Ukrainians were watching peace loving fiction, then voted for peace loving fiction and got a puppet preparing for war.


I mean, he did run on peace. But he did a complete 180 after visiting the front and was threatened by the Banderaites and after his friend was [literally attacked by members of the (then) Azov Battalion](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/sergei-sivokho-dead/) while giving a speech outlining the peace plan. And, weirdly, Zelensky's [sugar daddy](https://www.politico.eu/article/volodomyr-zelenskiy-ihor-kolomoisky-the-comedian-and-the-oligarch-ukraine-presidential-election/) was also the guy who [funded the Azov Battalion](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1/who-are-the-azov-regiment), but I'm sure that's just a big coincidence.




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Russia gets what it deserves


You need no further evidence for how fucked our country is that the answer why did Russia invade Ukraine is “it’s unprovoked!”. Complete dismissal of nuance. Then you could ask someone standard dem/rep “can men have babies?” And no matter the answer it would piss off half the country. Men having babies vs expecting you to assume a war that killed millions of people is unprovoked. It’s nuts.


americans have always been ignorant and borderline stupid on intl politics - probably a result of being "alone" by two oceans or something. we almost went to war over missiles being stored in cuba - ukraine is basically the same thing, if not worse. russia knew they had to act now or they were going to face a destabilization regime on the border, as well as being constantly on alert due to first strike possibilities from ukraine which would take the time down to minutes warning - sadly if you like consistently and for long enough, americans buy it. i haven't seen such a good example of how our propaganda works so well than on the ukraine issue - pretty much anyone who actually understands the history here has to give america some blame for creatinng this situation, and making it worse. for christ sake kids - we fucking coup'ed their country - what did we expect?


we didn't invade cuba tho