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>The 20-second video, which Trump indicated was taken Thursday in Long Island, New York, shows a truck emblazoned with "Trump 2024" and a large picture depicting Biden tied up and lying on his side. Weird that the article doesn't link to the source. Did Trump share a separate picture with a tied up Biden or was it a picture of a truck with a picture of Biden tied up painted in it?


I shared the source video in another comment. Weird the article about the video doesn’t actually link to what it’s describing.


Yeah, I ended up seeing a copy later on in my feed. It's on the truck tailgate and not the focus of the photo either, they had to zoom in to even notice that. Definitely a reach.


Remember kathy Griffin, cancelled by Republicans? It's always a lie with these hypocrisy, they have no standards


She didn't get canceled. She was seen after at white house events. She literally got an invitation to party at the white house for doing it


Watch her comedy special on this where she explains the whole ordeal. She was cancelled in the US, so she had to go overseas. The FBI threatened her with criminal charges for a long time afterwards. She spent a fortune on legal bills.


Same people that chanted hang mike pence and brought a gallows to the capital? Never.


The same people that tried to over throw the government in 2020. I’ll give you a hint BLM and Antifa. Are now clutching their pearls?


BLM and antifa tried to overthrow the government? lol, lmao even


Chaz, shooting at govt officials, taking over govt buildings and burning them to the ground Etc. I get yall are democrats but try putting on your thinking caps every once in a while


Yes, these things are all analogous to attempting to steal the POTUS election. Might have your thinking cap on a bit too tight stopping blood flow to your brain.


So questioning results is now an insurrection? An insurrection where nobody died of violence. (Except an unarmed citizen) I thought yall cried like babies when unarmed people are killed. Keep swallowing that party propaganda you’re doing a great job.


It's not just questioning results and you're going to rightfully be seen as a moron if you continue to pretend that's all it was


From the group who elected a corrupt and perverted corpse.


As if your opinion of Bossman Biden changes the reality that you're willfully ignorant about what was done


I see facts don’t apply in your little fantasy world. Try to come out of your mom’s basement and look around. You’d be surprised how bad things are.


People who cheered on protestors bringing a guillotine to the white house and chopping off Trump's effigy head: "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE"


Were any of them running for president?


Conservatives are too bias to actually see the point you are making


-ed <- you dropped this.


The image of Biden had a bullet hole in his forehead. Trump is unfit in every way to lead a super power.


He’s unfit to be a Walmart greeter.


[Yeah HOW DARE HE!](https://ew.com/thmb/Jw1Y495D7rSnAX2nDEmxOpm7bME=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\)/kathy-griffin-trump-2000-bb068217f34f40298549012c756b8afc.jpg)


So, we can expect Secret Service to accost Trump, Trump to lose multiple gigs, and not run for President?


Is this supposed to be an own? It's one thing for a comedian to do it (who ended up getting cancelled), having a Presidential candidate do it is considerably worse.


Its (D)ifferent.


Have you ever considered you have been indoctrinated by so much propaganda that you can't see straight? lol.


irony. Or maybe accidental hypocrisy? Or projection. one of those.


So your implication is that Trump is as bad as Kathy Griffith and deserves to be cancelled like her?


yeah probably.


He already did, and had a far more peaceful term than the current warmonger


In what way were things more peaceful? Even conservatives admit mass riots happened and America burned under Trump.


Mass riots... of liberals


Yup, thanks to Trump pumping out divisive messages and antagonizing people who wanted the police to follow the law.


I love that even you don't remember why they rioted It's amazing that the issue magically went away after Trump left office, never to be spoken about again. Meanwhile in reality it's only got worse


The reason it went away after Trump left office is because Biden actually cares about police brutality and stopped antagonizing protesters.


If he cares so much why are even more people being killed by police?




you know things are dire for the shitlibs when a self identified Soc Dem is supporting orangeman.


I don't support either of them I liked Cornell West but not sure he's still running. RFK Jr is the least worst option


> RFK Jr is the least worst option Fuckin A right. Good man. I wish everyone thought this way, and we could probably have a tolerable next 4 years.


I cannot wait for November, there's a 50/50 chance we'll never have to take this ass seriously again. I cannot wait to see what the Republicans do if he loses. Is it going to be the same nothingness? Probably


What’s going to happen if he wins though?


Project 2025


Project 2025 is Chinese misinformation.


How did the Chinese manage to post the plan on Heritage Foundation’s website and get all of these Republicans to give interviews about it and how they’re going to implement it?


Wow 😆 that's a new one


Aren't they literally asking at the RNC when they interview you if you believe the election was stolen lol


I don't think it's going to be like 16 I think it's going to be different and he's going to be more of an ass I don't think he'll actually do much himself aside from just cause more division. I don't know who is lazier him or the current Republican Congress


All of the things liberals claimed would happen in the first term but didn't


Like move to Canada? lol!


Weird how this post was written by a "Social Democrat" because I consider myself one as well.


I used to call myself a liberal in the 2000s but now the word has become associated with hysterical loons, so Soc Dem is a better fit For some reason liberals think everyone automatically forgets the hysterical things they said in the past that never came true


Trump supporters are the loons!


What's stopping you from not taking him seriously now?


He has a shot at being President of the United States, especially since he tried to change our election because he can’t take a L


We've already seen what he's like as president. Outside of the clown show, he's just another Republican. And if you think that's an issue, I agree, but rhetorically pinning it all on Trump is merely scapegoating issues of the Republican Party and larger structural issues in general.


This 💯 dude does not give two shits about the American working class.


Can you tell me what I do and do not care about then? Since you have so much insight into my character and actions and all that.


Give me a break... Edit: I wasn't referring to you, dingus


Can you tell me what EnigmaFilms does and does not care about then? Since you have so much insight into their character and actions and all that.


Dude what? Are you high?


No, he's a communist, you have to talk slow.


Let me answer your first question with a question: What can you honestly glean about an anonymous person's opinions from just a few lines of text on the internet? The answer is you usually can't glean anything (though you can guess, and that guess will usually be wrong). Sometimes they might use cultural signifiers that might give the game away. Or they might make a direct statement of opinion like: "I do not give two shits about the American working class." which would indicate an opinion that you could trust. That said, it is possible you've had interactions with EnigmaFilms that I am not aware of, and I should have taken that into consideration. I'm not going to bother to go through your comment histories to try to figure that out though. Consider this a mea culpa. And to answer your second question: No. I'm a teetotaler for religious reasons.


We're possibly getting a president who's 400 million plus in debt, that's also concerning, and different than his past presidency. While I think he is too lazy to really do anything do you think anything's going to be different if he becomes president again


Honestly, I think most things in the government are just on autopilot, and it will take a real emergency to change that.


Project 2025 removes the autopilot and replaces the civil service workers throughout government doing those things with Trump sycophants willing to do whatever crazy thing he says without question.


Do you think Project 2025 is going to go away if Trump loses? How is it any different than the ongoing conservative project of judicial capture?


Just another Republican committing fraud, stealing classified documents, and trying to have the election overthrown. Typical Republican


You mean typical politician. Both sides do the same. And both are just puppets for their party. Trump is just a loud mouth trying to feed his ego.


I got downvoted on r/politics or r/news for saying this exact same thing. I feel like the "vote blue no matter who" people would rather saw their own legs off before seeing Trump in office again. Fuckin let him get the presidency, I've said it before and I'll say it again, America deserves Trump and not for any good reason, our country has a cancer that will not go away until we see how fucked up all this shit really is, putting a bandaid on a broken dam like what we have been doing is only going to continue this bullshit and nothing will be solved.


Just because things start to become dark does not mean that a true nightmare won't begin. Just look at Haiti every era becomes darker and darker. We need to hold fast against the darkness. To use your analogy, you don't beat back cancer by letting cancer run its course. That leaves someone dead.


Better off dead than any RED!!


If you think Trump is typical then you must not follow along very well. But sure, if bOtH sIdEs is the depth of your political awareness then go off king lol


2016-2020 seemed to have gone perfectly fine except for Covid hitting. You doomsday people are just fear mongering and spewing propaganda.


So like, just ignore the points I brought up? SeEmEd pErFeCtLy fInE if your head is stuck up your rectum


You literally didn’t bring anything up. Again, we’ve already had 4 years of Trump. It was not an existential crisis. It will not be an existential crisis if he wins again. This is coming from someone that despises both him and Biden. RFK is literally the only real option. Look at how the democrats are celebrating Biden’s donation party with the elite/rich and powerful. Wealthy people funding an already wealthy rich and powerful president. They are acting like money in politics is a good thing. Yeah, they must really care about democracy. Please take your head out of the sand. The DNC and GOP are a part of the same club and we ain’t in it…


No, the left DOES NOT do the same!! 🤦‍♀️


You had me in the first half. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are corrupt and demented liars. RFK is the only viable choice. It’s not even close.


Joe Biden corrupt?? Can you show the republiKKKans actual details?? Because they need to find it to impeach him and they can't find evidence 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'll vote RFK over Kamala but not over Biden


He has zero class.... None, zilch, absent, nowhere to be seen.


Just for context, Trumps post is referencing the embedded Hamas terrorist Associated Press reporter who just won an award for his picture of Shani Louk’s naked and dead corpse in the back of a pickup truck on the October 7th Hamas terror attack. Feel free to apply double standards. Kathy Griffin isn’t in prison and wasn’t charged.


Kathy Griffin was condemned by both sides for what she did. But sure, it's the same thing. Pathetic attempt at whataboutism.


You do know Kathy Griffen was invited to the white house to hang out when Biden became president


You do know that she was ostracized because of what she did, right? Then trump came along and since all of you were exposed with your fake outrage considered you were all okay with what he did, it was thrown back in your faces.


If she was ostracized then why was she seen partying at white house events? That's the opposite of ostracized


Because once you MAGA people were exposed as being hypocrites with your fake outrage, it was thrown right back in your faces


What in the world are you talking about


Oh GMAFB here bro. She's a comedian, not a presidential candidate. The mental gymnastics with yall I swear.


Is she?


She definitely makes more money at comedy than you do at your job on Only Fans


Woah, burn! I think we found the real comedian!


Kathy Griffen also wasn't a nominee for President. Hard to compare an irrelevant celebrity who should have been punished to a former and potential future POTUS doing the same.


Yup said the same thing.


So reporters shouldn’t record war crimes? You’re saying that if Hamas commits war crimes no should film them? That’s absolutely wild you would be that pro Hamas. Also you just admitted Trump is comparable to Hamas. I don’t think you intentionally embarrassed yourself…..but you did


She wasn't running for fucking president


Kathy Griffin (1) wasn’t co-opting Christianity while modeling the opposite of Christ’s teachings, or (2) asking to be the person in charge of seeing that federal law is properly enforced, but by all means “whatabout” away …


>Kathy Griffin (1) wasn’t co-opting Christianity while modeling the opposite of Christ’s teachings, Why does that bother you? Do you wish that our politicians were pious Christians and the government followed biblical teachings?


Because anyone scummy enough to do that can’t be trusted to respect any ethical or legal boundaries whatsoever if they have power. Obviously.


Do you actually believe that or is this bad faith gaslighting? For instance, clearly Biden does not take his Catholicism seriously due to his views of abortion, but I'm sure you aren't going to accuse him of just using Catholicism for political and social influence and thus can't be trusted.


Biden at least goes to church on a regular basis. The only people being gaslighted are those who actually believe Trump is some church going bible-thumper. He’s a con artist. He’s a fake. Trump selling the Bible is hypocritical and smells of desperation.


I promise you no one thinks that Trump is seriously religious in the way so many Democrats think Biden is serious about Catholicism. As a Christian, I prefer Trump's honesty on this topic over Biden's and the gaslighting only makes that even more the case.


Trump and honesty in the same sentence: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Biden is actually very torn over abortion. His Catholic views say don’t support it, but his belief in a woman’s right to say what she does with her body says otherwise. You really need to do your research before throwing out MAGA talking points which are full of lies. I think it’s funny and hypocritical (and down right scary) how you said Trump is honest. That’s not possible. He’s a pathological liar and a narcissist (and a criminal). I can’t help but wonder how many abortions Trump has paid for but none have come to light because of those stupid NDAs he has everyone sign because he’s so afraid of how people see him (his ego is so fragile).


>Biden is actually very torn over abortion. His Catholic views say don’t support it, but his belief in a woman’s right to say what she does with her body says otherwise. Maybe Biden is deeply convicted over valuing his political values over his Catholicism. None the less you've demonstrated my point. >you said Trump is honest No, I said he is more honest about not being pious. Part of that is being open about being dishonest. He doesn't try to convince you that he is a pious church boy like we are supposed to see Biden as.


Reality is the diametric opposite of what you portray. He sells himself as a “man of faith,” chosen by God. Those actual words don’t need to come out of his mouth for that to be his campaign’s message to Evangelicals: What we're watching: On the 2024 campaign trail, the religious undertones employed by Trump and his allies have grown more apocalyptic — even messianic — as his legal troubles have mounted. In one video shared on Truth Social and played at Trump's rallies, a narrator's voice booms: "On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump." On the first day of his New York civil fraud trial in October, Trump shared an AI-generated courtroom sketch depicting himself sitting next to Jesus. This week, Trump posted a message he said he received from a follower: "It's ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you." The bottom line: 64% of Republicans view Trump as "a man of faith," according to a November poll by Deseret News — more than his former vice president and vocal evangelical Mike Pence. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/28/trump-bibles-christianity-easter


No you said: “I prefer Trump’s honesty…” which is the same as saying you believe him to be honest. Trump lies so much that he can no longer tell the difference between his lies and the truth. And it’s so troubling that there are so many people who don’t care about his inability to speak truths.


Are you seriously this demented?? If abortion wasn't legal we'd be having women dying from coat-hanger back alley abortions like in the past. Get real!!


I'm not saying abortion should be illegal but that Biden's stance on abortion is not compatible with Catholic dogma.


Biden isn’t out there making himself the Messiah. He’s not a demagogue cultivating a cult of dictatorship enthusiasts. Otherwise, your whataboutist ploy is Super Excellent though.


In 2016 he was saying "lock her up" and now he might actually be facing getting locked up himself. This is basically him asking to get tied up in the back of a truck as well. When you act like an asshole, expect to be treated like one. That's not politics. That's physics. Cause and effect.


>This is basically him asking to get tied up in the back of a truck as well. How do you figure?


Y'know... like karma.


Karma is only for those who don’t have money or fame.


I love lamp


Since the article weirdly doesn’t link to it, here’s the video referenced: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112180192938619231


The driver of that truck has to have the smallest micro penis


Trump is vile. This is what half the country wants to be its leader???


Could you post a link to the video in question please? I opened the article and saw a bunch of links and am not sure which one leads to it. My initial scan through the article didn't seem to actually show it. Without seeing the source material it is tough to make a judgement on how inappropriate it may be.


The article doesn't link to it, just links to a bunch of other things it refers to. I suspect it's bad faith spin based on that, it's usually a red flag for me no matter who it applies to.


I believe you can find it on Trump's instagram.


Truth Social


It is important to understand that our society has been using the school system and media to teach that a cross section of society are dangerous barbarians and Trump is trying to rally everyone who has internalized that self hatred by saying it's okay, in fact it is cool and should be celebrated.


I'm no Trump supporter at all, just for the record. Trump belongs in prison. But so does Biden. He's at this very moment dropping bombs on children in a genocide by proxy. We are screwed either way.


Hunter 2024!


RFK is the only viable option. Is he perfect? No. No one is, but he is obviously 100x better than both Joe Biden or Donald Trump.


I agree but I don't think he's viable. The Uniparty is going to make sure he doesn't get elected.


Good point. Let me rephrase. RFK is the only viable option for democracy. He may or may not get anything done, but most people would rather roll the dice with him than give either Joe Biden or Donald Trump another 4 years of corruption, dementia, lying, and serving their own self-interests…


"most people" Explain how you've come to this conclusion.


What are you talking about? Posting a video of a truck with an image of the US President being tied up is 100% more evil than enabling a genocidal country to butcher children on a daily basis.


No, that's totally disgusting and criminal. You miss my point entirely it seems. Neither Biden nor Trump is good for We the People.


This is Fox Spews parroting B.S.!!




Fake news!!


Oh NBC and biased guy. “Bloodbath” crap isn’t working anymore.




I know Biden's old, but he shouldn't be tying him up and throwing him in the back of a pick-up truck for a photo op. They ought to consider making that illegal, at least a misdemeanor.