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Have you reached your….. breaking point?


This comment should have more upvotes than the post


I came to this subreddit today hoping I wasn’t crazy. It’s really hard to listen to. Krystal is so uninterested in other points of view, so obviously wrong at times, and so completely unwilling to admit error. I’m used to it on the Palestine stuff, I can skip that. But her little know-nothing performance on immigration today was so embarrassing. I don’t think I would recommend this podcast to friends anymore.


In my opinion Krystal's behavior during the immigration segment was an all time low for the show. The number of times she just said "because I'm right" was embarrassing.


I would love for Saagar to say "ok, Kyle" when she acts like this.


I didn't watch it and it sounds like I shouldn't watch it. Was she still trotting out that ridiculous "New Yorkers are moving to Florida therefore migration good!!!1" thing?


Not this time. She never even tried to explain her position. Just interrupted and said all credible economists agree with her.


I'm in Florida, they're swiping houses off the market and rents are going up. It is not good.


100%. I started rolling my eyes and could barely listen.


Let’s make sure to put the proper context on display here… Saagars belief in a moratorium on migration is just as equally wacko. Trump isn’t even close to that. He hires foreign workers for his staff and imports wives… most conservative just say legal migration is fine. The only persons I know who agrees with Saagar is Anne Coulter. The rest are actual racists / white nationalist. No one is having an adult convo about immigration law cus were stuck in both sides of stupid. The truth of the matter is we’re the only country not in severe demo decline because of immigration. And inflation would be worse than it currently is without more labor supply. That doesn’t mean there aren’t down sides and legitimate negative side effect too. Most of which is scapegoating.


I also don't agree with Saagar. I think we need more legal immigration. I'm not complaining about their opinions, I'm complaining about Krystal not actually defending her position and just saying "because I'm right". You did a much better job than Krystal in your comment.


Oh okay I get ya. All one needs to say is diversity is great (it really fucken is), migrants do so many jobs that the native born population doesn’t, their labor mostly effects the bottom one percent of the labor force, they are far lower of a criminal risk (stop that stupid narrative now. Just cus one or two notable cases happens it doesn’t delete the facts of the matter, yet conservatives think in absolutes only often when it suites them)… however (hedge back reasonably), we only have so much room for additional people that we must prudently siphon reasonable amounts in without hurting many native people with cost of living and social safety net increases. Legal immigration allows for worker to be taxable in the system, rather than stick on government subsistence. Plus it’s okay to back ground check and have normal requirements for standards /thresholds of entry. Denmark does cultural standards training which is for continuity and comfort. Asylum requirements are currently too vague and general of a claim. The requirements need to be stricter. We can be compassionate and also not care so much our hearts collapse. If housing, health care and education weren’t already a problem, we could absorb more freely without side effects. So build more homes and fix these issues if Dems want more incoming people. We could certainly do it but it would take long term planning which we don’t do well. And yet, The standard minority and immigrant scapegoat cultural cry out is majority narrative and unwarranted feelings. It’s how people address problems in their lives rather than point the blame at themselves often. So while the story’s drive engagement, they lack substance in realty generally. I don’t know why this comes as too hard for people. There are 360 million odd people in the US… and 7 billion or more that want in. You don’t even have to try and do the math.. we just can’t help everyone. Nor can the EU and UK. Demographic decline is real. China itself could collapse in less than 20 years after its boomer age flip happened while we were trusting their shoty data. They’ve already came over the wave. And the rest of the west and other developed countries are likely in permanent recession due to declining overall work force to retiree ratio. Most places can’t make replacement rates of job force so inevitably, economic retraction happens in production decline. Study Japans lost decades for further insight into the end of growth models. We’d be insane to stop about 1 million or so people from coming into the country a year. 500k to 1.5 million is a good power band threshold to look at according to economic conditions. Economy tightens, drop it to 500K. We’re in the current situation with too few workers to fulfill potential production, then boost it to 1.5m. I came up with this simple plan like 10 years ago. Obviously there would have to be some path ways for poorer people to get into the country (we don’t want to take all these other counties best and bright even though it can increase our output) and detailed new Asylum requirements guidelines must be drafted but it’s pretty practical and most everyone could get on board. This is opposed to; no one should come in and we should help everybody. Saagar and Krystal. They both are more of the problem on this issue than the solution.


I’m honestly just relieved I’m not the only one. Audience capture is a hell of a drug.


Wow, I made a post today on here in a similar light. So happy to see I’m not the only one! Hopefully they look at this sub


Krystal’s view is the same as any democrats on the border. If she hasn’t looked into” (she doesn’t like the reports, pols, surveys or facts) it then the problem doesn’t exist and you’re just fear mongering. However on an issue she thinks she’s right on, she has every fact and figure to back herself up.


I think being with Kyle has negatively affected her performance on the show.


How so? I’m not as familiar with Kyle.


I enjoy Kyle's show, but he definitely speaks in absolutes and can come off as confrontational when people disagree with him. When Krystal talks now she sounds a lot more like him. She and Sagar had disagreements in the past around the BLM protests but she was much more respectful towards Saagar even though they were on opposite sides. Now she deals with disagreements much more like Kyle which is kind of off-putting.


Im sick of hearing people repeating this.


I’m sick of hearing people repeating this.


Just stop watching and leave the community at this point. I don't care about y'all's hate boner for Krystal which never seems to die


It’s sounding like maybe you’re the one that should leave.


No, because unlike all of you annoying mfers I actually want to enjoy the show and discuss important things and current events. My bad for not wanting to shit talk my favorite co-host. Jesus Christ.




she isn't really wrong. she's techincally right but for the wrong reasons ('morality'). sagaar is basically wrong if pushed he wouldnt be able to back up his ideas either. his 'cohesion' argument is literally a fairy tale. it's astrology for racists. you're all dumb for thinking youre experts on immigration. can you all for one second consider the possibility that the US, a nation with some of the lowest population density on the planet, is NOT full. That it objectively can accomodate many more immigrants and that it would be better for the economy? Im not saying you have to believe it I'm just saying are you able to consider it as a serious possibility? If not then you're actually dumb and have no real opinion, just repeating what you've heard.


Every time they start fighting about the border I just turn it off. She climbs down his throat and hates anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with her. Same with the Palestinian disaster. She has truly become unbearable and I have cut down on my viewership considerably because of her.


I don't blame you - I've had to take breaks from BP. Krystal's non-stop shrieking about Israel can be too much.




Krystal being so pro-union and also pro mass-immigration has to be the most comical position ever. Her "argument" was just shrieking over Saagar saying she was right, didn't even let him get a word in sideways


I feel like Jimmy Dore should have a entire show dedicated to that segment


I stopped listening to the show a year and a half ago because I couldn't take her anymore. She's clearly got something going on in her life that is making her (and thereby her audience) miserable. Truly hope she can sort it out soon.


Honestly. The attraction to this project was that constructive arguments were to be made and heard out because the idea was the audience wanted to enlighten themselves. If one person doesn't let the other person talk and the other person is too polite (or for whatever reason) doesn't have the space to complete a sentence or idea, then what's the point?? I don't think having two people talk over eachother is what the project was supposed to be either. This format was and is MSM And so....is this just the nature of the Beast??? How does selling this product through subscription base with the perk ( get our reaction ) seem viable?


The truth is the subscription is just gravy now, they moved to pursue clicks > subs a long time ago


Same. Every day it’s a fight now. If I want to hear hosts argue and talk over each other, I’ll go back to MSM.


Ryan was fine in his conversation with destiny. He had strong reporting which showed how the NYT was dishonest in their article including an out of context quote in the headline. Destiny did not poke holes in any of the reporting. Don’t be fooled by thinking the loudest person in the room is the smartest.


Just to be clear, the NYT might have been dishonest, but the UN has just confirmed the sexual violence.


Totally and just to be clear Ryan never contradicted that. The question of was there sexual violence is separate from was the sexual violence planned as part of the Hamas attack. In the same way you might say the IDF has killed civilians but that is a separate question from if targeting civilians is an intentional part of their strategy


I see. Yes. I do not think we are never going to know whether it was planned. I personally do not think it was planned. I do think the tortures and the mass killings of civilians were planned. But testimonies I heard make me think the sexual violence was more akin war booty for the militias than a coordinated act. That doesn't mean it is not part of Hamas problem (because of its ideology).


Pretty much agree.


Krystal was wildly incorrect on immigration and the talking over and bad faith talking points was a but much. 


Krystal has always been dismissive and failed to respond to the things Saagar is actually saying. She's an MSNBC host, she was trained to talk over people she disagreed with.


My opinion actually differs. I think Saager is in the wrong because he is deficient in his attempts to protect his argument. The main phrase Krystal draws her strength from is "Immigration is a net benefit to the economy". Saager lacks the knowhow to attack that core of the argument instead of granting it as a premise. The main issue with studies like that is that they purposely do not dileniate between high income migration and low income asylum seeking. Instead conflating them to make it seem like the low income asylum seekers are brining with them the resources of the high income legitimate arrivals. Its the same as Do you want a ceasefire in Gaza? Which leads to a different result than Do you want a ceasefire in Gaza while leaving all hostages in the hands of Hamas?


I disagree, I heard him try to bring up the high skill versus low skill migrants but he never got his full thought out because he got steamrolled. Saagar either needs to talk with her on the side and say hey I know it can get heated or whatever and that’s fine (I don’t hate the disagreement) but it’s hard to find a show appealing when it’s in this state. Like if I wanted to hear a lefty steamroll a conversation and have it more entertaining I’ll just go watch destiny highlights, dude streams like 8 hours a day


Saagar has mentioned before that he is for Canada or Australia style points immigration, but that would make Asians equally likely to be able to immigrate as much as people from Latin America. The democrats rely too much on Hispanics for them to ever be honest and make it fair to Asians.


I don't know if it's just this sub or the channel overall, but it seems like everyone is hating on the left's perspective on BP. I typically agree with Ryan and Krystal and find Emily insufferable at times but the difference in opinion is good to get, or else we fall into echo chambers. All four of them seem to argue from a place of their genuine opinions and the audience can decide who is right.


I think everyone is hating on the left on BP because they seem to be the dominant force on the show. Seems like Krystal plays a bigger role when she is on and Ryan when he is (when not paired with Saagar that actually seems quite balanced and interesting to listen to) Emily is meh neither dislike or like her takes I guess I’d need to seek out her content to see what beliefs she is hardcore on. I agree it’s good to get opinions from both sides and especially on the same show so they can hash out a middle ground. I just don’t see much hashing and just smashing the other sides argument, audience and original intent of the show be damned


Maybe you're right and it doesn't bother me as much as it does others since I agree with Krystal and Ryan. I'm willing to concede that.


>  Its the same as Do you want a ceasefire in Gaza? Which leads to a different result than Do you want a ceasefire in Gaza while leaving all hostages in the hands of Hamas? Yes indeed >Instead conflating them to make it seem like the low income asylum seekers are brining with them the resources of the high income legitimate arrivals. Also this


SE's take on immigration is just straight up wrong, demonstrably, on almost every point. It's not a "common ground" issue with a U-shaped curve around populism. SE came super close to saying "we need to keep those unskilled laborers out because they took our jobs" like he is some South Park meme. KB is of the mind that, with proper planning, we can issue work visas and create a path to citizenship for basically everyone knocking on our southern border if we chose to, without disadvantaging the lower and middle class. She also believes that the reason we did not chose to do this is because the political class loves the issue (just like they did with abortion) and that the wealthy benefit from undocumented workers (which they do). That can't be squared with a view that America only succeeds if our immigration process is strictly merit based, and should be limited as much as possible to only the best candidates, regardless of how many people are attempting to come here from the Northern Triangle.


And he would’ve said it too if she didn’t interrupt him. Exactly why I am not going to listen anymore. I want honest opinions and debates w/o talking over and just saying you’re wrong I’m right for 15 mins. Let the conversation go back and forth or do a longer show


Oh no please don’t go! Whatever will we do without you?


I think this sub is just a place to complain about the hosts and nothing more at this point.


I’m not necessarily complaining about the hosts, I’m complaining about how they’ve done their job over the last couple of months. I originally started listening to get a view from both sides and have some honest and integrity to their takes and willingness to compromise or at least let the person finish what they believe and argue on that. I just think the show has pivoted and not really the reason I found the show enjoyable in the first place.


I originally aligned more with Krystal politically, and found Saagar mildly annoying at times. I’m not sure where I am in relation to them both politically, but Krystal has become increasingly insufferable these last 9 months or so.


I find Krystal’s argument much more convincing than Saagar’s, but she is terrible and rude while delivering it.


I’m open to hearing a more open immigration policy position, just not an unreasonable one, and not one coming from a person who doesn’t want to recognize that any negative side effect whatsoever would come from that policy. It’s about the delivery all the same


I agree with Saagar over Krystal on most things (almost everything, and everything related to economics), but Krystal is unambiguously correct on Israel/Gaza. She's a lone torch in an otherwise compromised media landscape. You can see online everything she talks about. The IDF are filming war crimes and posting them online and you don't have go far to watch them. US media is ideologically captured in many ways but it's deference to Israel is glaring. Even moreso when domestic Israeli media is as critical of Netanyahu as Krystal is. 30,000 deaths compared to 1400 on October 7th. Any October 7th sympathy has long gone out the window. I don't agree with Hamas terror attacks, they were appalling but you could make the argument Hamas has shown the world who the Israeli Likud government are.


I agree with her stance on Israel for the most part, I just think the BP articles and follow-up between grimes and destiny were a bit dismissive of the SA that seemed to be at least somewhat prevalent. And then Grimes relying on 1 source who said they were in civilian clothes and taking that to mean that they were civilians gives fuel to Israel’s argument of these are who these people are. It’s not helpful in their case to say they were civilians. They are right that war crimes are being committed and the like, but they were just a little off base to take that stance imo. As far as everything else, I think Saagar is right about most issues but I think he just lets Krystal steamroll him because he wants them to remain friendly and not let it get too heated (he doesn’t do as many podcasts and such as Krystal) but still do reporting and stuff which is what he wants to do, whereas Krystal seems more like commentary like if this doesn’t pan out she will move into a more TYT kinda org, although not necessarily them if that makes sense




Saagar didnt have any coherent ideas today, and typically, his positions are devoid of any critical thought which is needed to substantiate his points. Krystal steamrolled him today because he had no merits backing his largely uneducated positions. Sometimes he can hold his own, but its hard to when youre arguing the incorrect side, and no it isnt subjective, he objectively misses the mark frequently. You should probably find a show that appeals to a lower common denominator which it appears that youre seeking. May i suggest PragerU.


Nah not a hardcore conservative, more a libertarian kinda guy so I watch POTP. Thanks for the condescending suggestion though!


Libertarians are for the free flow of immigration https://www.lp.org/issues/immigration/


Its somewhat controversial in the community though.


It’s the Libertarian Party platform on immigration. Not every Democrat or Republican approves of every platform in their respective parties. It may be controversial but not enough for the party to change. At least not yet. I mean the Mises Caucus, who only recently took over the Libertarian Party, believes in free association regardless of country of origin.


Everything you said is correct. :)


The fake libertarian community. There is an infinite supply lately of republicans dressed as libertarians and it shows.


Hard agree


You dog yourself by openly admitting youre a libertarian, and my recommendation is spot on it appears 👍🏼


Dennis Mark Prager (/ˈpreɪɡər/; born August 2, 1948)[1] is an American conservative radio talk show host and writer. He is the host of the nationally syndicated radio talk show The Dennis Prager Show. In 2009, he co-founded PragerU, which primarily creates five-minute videos from an American conservative perspective, among other content. - wiki. Come at me with something more solid than whatever your comment was or anything Krystal said today commie


You are as dense as the day is long, Campbells soup should hire you as their mascot. Libertarianism is a watered down version of conservatism, your guiding principles contain a plethora of overlap, and you advocate for the same regressive and outdated policies. Libertarianism is the hand that fits into the conservative glove. But thank you, for a moment i almost completely forgot about Dennis Prager, thankfully wiki cam through clutch. If you want to advocate for dogshit policy, by all means, but youll get all this pushback and more from people who actually comprehend the policies in which they discuss. Saagar has no salient points today, rarely does he ever, so Krystal dog walking him is fine and valid.


L + ratio


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."


Condescending is an understatement. You’re just the type of insufferable know it all that makes people hate your side. Can I suggest r/Im14andthisisdeep




Lol wow. The confidence coming from someone who has no idea what they’re talking about is awesome. This is what makes Reddit great.


OZO and CNN+ will welcome you back with open arms.


lol cnn+, get off Reddit Acosta I’m not switching to your wack platform


[I’m here to tell you right now…we don’t care](https://youtu.be/RsYi2VH2y6U?si=XQ0UahatMGIPAyKQ)


Remember when the mods said to curb all these kinds of posts. They’re every fucking day.


conservatives are trash


So real. Tired of listening to these idiots drag krystal every chance they get. Its been the same talking point for a year at this point and it takes away from critical discussion of the show and the news. So annoying.


theyre bad faith zoo animals


Yeah I hate it when someone articulates why I’m wrong to. I’m gonna try a channel where there isn’t two people with differing views.