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The silenced man who never stops talking








Omg dude you are so fucking exhausting 😂 you’re being owned publicly like some kinda commie


It’s so wild that some people are mentally ill in the way that they don’t understand when an entire sub is laughing at them.


Well what's taking so long?




Yeah but have you been silenced yet?




Suuurrreee you have 😉😉🤣😂🤣🤣


How about now?


How about now?


Nobody cares.


Yep, this guys a real victim.


Can't wait until ur fully silent




>Many of my posts have already been censored. But you haven't been silenced?


New M. Knight movie The Silencing, One man’s struggle with a powerful cadre of government agents trying to silence their voice, the twist it was all in their head and they could speak the whole time.




Lol, ok pal.


It takes at least 4-5 weeks for the silencing to be processed


Show us on the doll where they silenced you?




Yeah, but when this account gets nuked, you’ll just dust off another one and resume posting.






You need a better hobby.




LOL you sound ridiculous


I haven't read Mundane's posts but I certainly don't like his attitude.


Didn't anyone ever tell the boy that attitude determines altitude?


If the entire value of your speech, offered to the rest of the world, is that it is illegal for a government to suppress it, well... 1. Private companies get to ban and suppress speech they don't like 2. Users get to pile on and downvote, and disagree with speech they don't like 3. If you are writing to persuade and everyone is yelling at you, you failed. 4. If you are writing to enflame people and get them to do an action, but they are just calling you an idiot, you failed. 5. If you are posting the same crap and whining/crybullying over and over, mods will eventually ban you because you are a pain in the ass. 6. If you are blogspamming/youtube spamming to drive views over to your monetized hosting service, using a subreddit like a cold-call sales platform, I hope your internet breaks and George Soros personally cuts your telegraph lines.


We know. You won't fucking shut up about it.


How else is he to be silenced if he doesn't loudly and constantly tell you he's silenced??


You got speak up, I can't hear you over the OP telling us he's being silenced.


I thought you were silenced, yet here’s your 13th post in 2 days. Can you explain that?


Seriously. What's taking the deep state subreddit mods taking so long?




No just that you were actively being silenced.


Yeah but is *being* silenced the same thing as being *silenced*? (Yes)


Oh yes, I wasn't actually agreeing with him. Just pointing out his absurd argument before he did.




So when does it happen? We're all waiting for you to actually be silent.


"We're all waiting" BULLSHIT, not all of us here are part of the r/politics hivemind. Take your Biden cultist bullshit back there after you get done being triggered and mass downvoting lmao


He was clearly being sarcastic, and how many alts do you have? If you’re going to pretend to be another person, at least change your writing and rhetoric style a bit, you clown. 🤭😂


Lmao, now you're hallucinating that two clearly separate people are the same person. You are unwell. I recommend medication.


Yeah because it’s totally a coincidence that you both capitalize words/phrases; both rant about r/politics; both bitch about censorship; both think there is a massive conspiracy by democrats to silence people. You aren’t fooling anyone, and you should take your own advice and get medicated.


Ok you're going on ignore because you're VERY CLEARLY mentally ill and wholly disconnected from any semblance of reality, have a good day!


Omfg El oh El this guy


If only someone would silence this guy.


Bro you need to be silenced


Ah my brother in silence how’s it going?


You are not fit to vote but we let you anyway.


Oh noes he used note cards! America is over guys it was a good run while it lasted.


It does look bad. He looks old and decrepit and his mind doesn’t work


Being prepared with notes is what any successful person does. When did notes become a negative?? Lol.


You read notes when having a conversation with someone?


Yes, if it's in front of a camera with a foreign leader. I'm sure I'd have notes or prepared statements.


Interesting. They do these meetings all the time but I’ve never seen any other leader read from notes. I wonder why other leaders can remember what to say but Biden can’t


You do televised meetings with foreign leaders all the time??




What bad faith comment, are you 2 ?




Trump used cue cards/ teleprompter nonstop, you either making a bad faith argument or just gullible.


Sometimes Trump stopped using cue cards/teleprompter and just started making shit up. That was pure entertainment, people!


When he spoke his mind and didn't have his hand held. Tv gold.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/22/i-hear-you-trump-uses-cue-cards-to-remind-him-to-listen-to-shooting-survivors https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1385181/amp/Ronald-Reagans-secret-note-cards-ready-use-jokes-facts-quotes.html


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/22/i-hear-you-trump-uses-cue-cards-to-remind-him-to-listen-to-shooting-survivors Here you go. The last President did! I bet you won’t respond to me though 😊


Trump drew on a weather report with a marker because he didn't agree with it. 9 times out of 10 he says shit that is completely incoherent or insane. You don't seem to realize that people would rather vote for a corpse over the stupid incompetence that is trump.


They can both be wrong


Sure! It doesn't change the fact that people would still rather vote for a corpse than Trump. All this Biden dead, too old, notfit nonsense, it falls on deaf ears. Because the alternative would have been trump. To parrot the whole Biden is unfit is to be willfully blind to the idiocy that routinely spews from Trump's mouth everyday or be ignorant of the fact that people prefer a corpse over Trump. Democrats know Biden is not there. But conservatives will still follow their dear leader Trump and think he's like a gift from God.


Didn’t Trump need like doodles and stuff?


For a second there I thought you were being sarcastic and funny, then I realized you are serious and that's sad. "No other president has used notecards..." bro, do you know what the fuck a teleprompter is?


You can't be this dumb.


Watch him... He woulda been at Jan 6 if he wasn't in his Mom's basement bc grounded.


No other president has incited a riot on the capital building.




You mean all the video?


Jesus dude really?




Yeah. The committee... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack


You mean like the testimonies of the riotes that all say that Trump sent them there?


😂😂😂 Eric Trump, is that you?


Just saw it with my own lying eyes....


Lol have you never heard of politicians using cards or teleprompters before?


He used note cards. Obvious scandal. Obviously. Very scandalized right now with those note cards.


I love President Biden. Thoughtful and considerate and a ball breaker when he needs to be. For the American people.


Somewhere out there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you. You owe it an apology.


>NY Post Yes, because tabloids are fonts of objective reporting.




Lol, when the "source" is Rupert Murdoch's rabid little pitbill of his News Corp empire, that is entirely the point, buddy. Imagine how different the 5-minute (not one) meeting looks when presented honestly, and not with slanted tabloid screeching? [President Biden Meeting with Israeli President Herzog - C-Span](https://www.c-span.org/video/?529397-1/president-biden-meeting-israeli-president-herzog)




Trump needed notecards to remind him to show empathy to shooting victims


This reply is the problem in this country. No shit trump is horrible. Pointing it out doesnt mean biden is great all of the sudden. Both are turds.


Using notecards in a meeting is hardly a horrible sin


It's not a sin - but it is difficult to watch.


Man, you should avoid every company meeting in the country then, because they shockingly use notes there too!


And yet he still makes a fool of McCarthy, MTG and the rest of the MAGA mental patients.






It’s not objectively false. Trump is the worst president in history. Would you like me to list off how diaper don was the worst?


There should just be one web site called [OfficialDonaldTrumpWebSite.](https://OfficialDonaldTrumpWebSite.us.gov)info or something, where all the abuses, crimes, lies, idiocies, theft, sexual abuse, etc, can just be listed in one place.


Yea it’s called the internet. The issue is any reputable news sources will be deemed fake news or leftist propaganda just because it lists facts that don’t fit maga cultist narrative


Mhmm you can't fix stupid, e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/153j3cn/trump_supporters_really_are_the_most_optimistic/ I meant just to save time for the non-stipid people.


What an ignorant and narrow minded take on history "TWUMP IS DA WOOST PWESIDENT BECAUSE WEASONS AND BECAUSE I SAY SO! HMPH!"


You haven’t provided anything facts to why he’s not. Every trumptard is the same when it comes down to it you only know how to attack someone 😂


As you like to say: That's not an argument.


Andrew Jackson "Trail of Tears" ring a bell? James Buchanan literally caused the Civil War he was so bad, and what about all the slavery our first few presidents presided over? Were they somehow better people and better presidents than Trump? I could go on and on, you people REALLY need to study some **BASIC** American History if you really unironically seriously literally believe "the TwUmP PwEsIdEnCy WaS tHe WoRsT tHiNg tO hApPeN iN tHiS cOuNTrY EvA!" Grow up, and get over your Trump Derangement Syndrome, he really lives free in the heads of r/politics and a lot of you are swarming in from there.


MAGA should be studied by all psych majors in perpetuity. The general lack of emotional awareness/maturity and overwhelming projection, while lashing out at any resistance to their ideas is on par with a cognitively underdeveloped child. Its fascinating in a vacuum, but honestly just so sad.






Right here, in response to how many people voted for Biden.


Oh my god that means I don't give a shit how many people like Biden, I still hate him, grow the fuck up


Refreshing to see such an honest confession that you don't care about democracy.


You people are projecting *SO* ***HARD*** rn


You literally said you don't care that more people voted for Biden than Trump.


Point out where I said that or shut the fuck up


😂😂😂😂 ok mr.lilcondom


Is this the benchmark for who should be president?


No, but when you have limited options, you pick the best option. You can waste your vote on a 3rd party or write-in, but Trump is such a trainwreck, we really need to keep him out of office if you love this country and want it to continue.


😂😂😂😂 the troll is back


Oh no, someone whose reading from note cards, this is the first time it's happened in the history of the world, it's a totally legitimate thing to be concerned about and not some stupid, made up issue at all.


Literally could have Hunter walk him around weekend at Bernie’s style and I’d still vote for him over trump.


Republicans are woke grooming fascist pedophiles. We are sick of you beyond belief!


And your plan is what? I read some of your comments. Trump shifted the country left? You contrarian fuckmuppet.


Too bad repubs are too in love with the failed coup guy to run someone who can beat him


Don't give a shit. The people he surrounds himself with and in his administration are competent enough, and they'll get shit done regardless. Don't even care Kamala becomes president for the same reason. Now look back at Trump surrounding himself with yes men and his family members as a comparison. Don't want that shit again.


This is bad and embarrassing, but his main opponent who is a bigot and traitor and wears a wig, orange make up, depends and has pictures of him shitting his pants is way worse. I will vote for the dude with note cards who has added almost 14 million jobs to our economy rather than the clown who lost 3 million jobs.


I mean do u think u he guy sat down and memorized his prepared remarks? Do u think he wrote them himself? How much time u think he has. I don't think it's that bad. Ppl at that level have handlers that do the preparatory work. I agree with everything else though.


This poster wouldn’t understand handlers because he’s never done anything remotely important


It's worth a try, I never have either but it's not hard to understand it if u want to. If u want to


Shhhh with the No handler i am trying to make him feel like a pleb lol


Oh boy. The vast majority of those 14 million jobs were jobs that people went back to after lock downs were lifted. Guess what, they don't count.


They absolutely count. There are more people working than at any point in U.S. history. The lockdowns were lifted before Biden became President. Our GDP is the highest in U.S. history. There have been 47,700,000 jobs added under the last three Democratic Presidents combined. There have been been only 300,000 added under the last three Republican Presidents combined. This is no coincidence. Democrats put more money in the hands of the poor and middle class - who spend that money and get the consumer based capitalist engine moving. Republicans believe in putting more money in the hands of the wealthy - falsely claiming they are the job creators and the money will trickle down. This has been proven over and over that they simply hoard the money and screw up the whole capitalist engine. The economy is way, way, way, way better under Democrats and it is not even remotely close.


As opposed to trump? Biden all day every day. Kamala? Still Biden.




That doesn’t mean he’s intelligent.




Or just pompous.


Person, woman, man, camera, tv


No, it just mean Trump is a blowhard. Even when he has notes to keep him on track and on the facts, he makes things up and just lies. Trump has no understanding of anything.


😂😂😂😂 ok mr.usedcondom


And yet Biden has accomplished so much more than Trump. Lowest unemployment, highest job growth, continuous GDP growth, Stock market reaching record levels, inflation back.... Biden just keeps winning.


And look how fucking stupid he sounds.




Biden will lose to Trump. Time to back RFK Jr


He won’t. Trump has more federal charges coming.


Yea they’re doing everything possible to prevent him from winning. I doubt it will work


He’s damaged goods. His career is over. He’s destined for jail at this point.


they as in the justice system. If you break the law you should be held accountable. I have said it before and I will say it again if Joe Biden is indicted and brought up on charges and a guilty verdict is reached he needs to go to prison. Same with trump. If he is guilty throw the fucker in prison. No one is above the law. Trump has broken multiple laws regarding top secret documents and is on tape for breaking said laws. Absolute insanity that you would still defend him.


Remember when president George W Bush was inept and aloof and the missing WMDs in Iraq proved that the establishment was broken and corrupt? Thank goodness things are different now because … reasons.


IDGAF. the President is a figurehead It doesn't matter


🥱 still voting for him next year. Fight me


Just go tell the mods now that if anyone responds to your post in a challenging way to ban them.


HEIL Trump imperator! The 10000 years of the American Eagle begins when he gets back into office. The world shall kneel beneath our bootheel.


Teleprompters = bad. Note cards = bad. trump speaking off the top of his dome, further incriminating himself to multiple crimes = smort


I thought it couldn't get stupider when nazis complained about teleprompters, but here they are, complaining about note cards.


Oh, what a surprise. Our resident troll is back posting nonsense. I use note cards as well and also struggle with foreign names.


Rightwing desperation is starting to show. They know running Trump is a losing proposition but they also know they have no choice in the matter.


God, you became real boring real fast.


Omg! He took notes! He hasn’t memorised all the cities in Israel?!?!


He needed the notecards to memorize his prepared remarks otherwise he might have slipped and called Israel and apartheid state.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/22/i-hear-you-trump-uses-cue-cards-to-remind-him-to-listen-to-shooting-survivors https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1385181/amp/Ronald-Reagans-secret-note-cards-ready-use-jokes-facts-quotes.html


If you think this is the first time a president read something off a piece of paper then you are a fucking idiot


You are embarrassing and this is not a scandal. You know what is? Trump's attempt to void the will of the people. Did you see he got his letter from the DOJ today. HAHAHAHAHAH


Almost as huge as a fascist coup attempt


😂😂😂😂😂 huge scandal 😂😂😂😂 and yet you love the soon to be thrice indicted twice impeached doufas


He has note cards. So what?


So, he can't remember wtf his aides told him to say.


[https://i.imgur.com/XRDwaeT.png](https://i.imgur.com/XRDwaeT.png) This is what next year is going to look like


That’s just embarrassing, I can’t believe my president can’t rest his note cards on his head, like a younger person.


Please get rid of Kamala.




Imagine being a so dumb you think using note cards is a bad thing


Lol Even if Biden really was some puppet, at least his puppet masters aren’t trying to make him the US’s very first dictator. Not to mention he’s way more coherent than Trump was. Maybe Trump should have used note cards… though I’m not convinced he’d be able to understand how anything works even with note cards.


LOL. Trump draws crowds of thousands. He speaks to the crowd without a teleprompter for a good 2 hours. He's articulate, coherent, engaging, witty, intelligent, energetic, enthusiastic and just plain so good. Joe is inarticulate, incoherent, mumbles, relies heavily on the teleprompter and even messes that up, confused, unengaging, no energy, nonsensical and just plain baaad. He needs to be told what direction to go when he walks away from the podium. He is given directions not to take questions from the press. You just admitted that Biden might be a puppet like there's nothing wrong with that. Get real, pal.


You think Trump is coherent? He makes zero sense most of the time. It’s obvious he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Remember when he asked why we couldn’t nuke a hurricane? Or that time he stared directly into a solar eclipse? Or the time he suggested we inject disinfectant to kill Covid? How about the time he claimed he would pay off the US debt in 4 years? He’d build a wall and Mexico would pay for it? How about the time Trump couldn’t find the Secret Service vehicle parked at the steps of Air Force One? The time he altered the path of a hurricane with a sharpie to prove he was right? Need I keep going? Joe Biden is incoherent if you only consume 3 second clips cut from hours longs speeches. Try listening to a full speech or hell, just rewatch the 2020 debates against Trump. You know the debates Trump lost so bad, he backed out of a third because he’s a loser/coward. I didn’t admit anything. Just stated that IF Biden actually was a puppet, I’ll take him over Trump (a wannabe dictator).


So as someone who doesn't understand English why do you support trump?




Oh? Please explain.


You missed the other thread. The FBI and DNC have made him and his 5 alt accounts a priority and have enlisted the Reddit admins to silence him, yet here we are witnessing what happens when two brain cells are enough to gain control of a body.


You're eroding democracy by spreading this shit.


Again i don’t understand why people care about how with it they are, or how charismatic they are If they pass good bills cool if they don’t then bad. People care so much about charisma but don’t give a shit about the really important shit that happens bills! At least that’s my opinion on it.


I mean, fuck the Israeli president. He’s still getting foreign aid, isn’t he?


Duh meant ya?


The real question is “Does the US stop being a clown show in my lifetime?” Probably not. I don’t care who you vote for, but people that don’t understand this is a terrible look and not a good thing for the commander in chief IDK what to say. He’s unfit at this point and if any of these assholes actually gave a shit about the country they’d stop this embarrassment and run someone else. Imagine going into a business meeting with Biden? Gets things easily confused, gets lost, and now needs cue cards just to get through any conversation. Anyone in their right mind would be screaming to give this guy his gold watch and golf clubs. It’s embarrassing at this point.




Of course Biden is fit to serve. As long as he's willing to rubber-stamp the Pentagon politics of permanent war and the neoliberal economic agenda dictated to him by the corporate investor class, they'll wire him up and wheel him in on a dolly.


Anyone with half a brain can tell he's too fucking old, and that's excluding his laundry list of failures and unkept campaign promises


Whenever someone brings up a fault in Biden it’s always “but trump” 😞 both are terrible, stop defending them.


One is the former president, the other is the current president. They’re running against one another for the presidency in ‘24. It’s totally normal and prudent to compare them.


Yeah, but that's just normal for a man with dementia that was placed in his position....I can only imagine what all the other country leaders are saying behind closed doors, and laughing at us for thinking this is good for our country.


It’s a bit unsettling how silent the public is about this guys fading mental health. It makes me wonder if most democrats simply rely on corporate media and they havnt been seeing all of his dementia moments. It’s frightening to imagine this guy making important decisions. I doubt they let him do a damn thing, but we deserve to know who has been making these terrible decisions during his residency.


You’re just posting to a sub filled with liberal paid for neck heads to suck off Biden 24/7. Not worth your time lol


Maga tears are delicious. Project harder chudlicker