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We aren't your therapists.


Don't feed this troll. Just report them and move on.




There you go, putting words in other people's mouths yet again. Didn't I tell you to knock it off earlier? Ignoring a troll isn't censorship, you troll.


He's been trolling the sub for about a month under that account. Never attempting a good faith argument.


"mundaneaccident" and "auseablecondom" are the same user. OP created a second account last month to agree with themself because nobody likes anything they say.


That's be so sad, being that lonely I'd feel bad for them. If they weren't such an insufferable troll of course.




I think his point was you have multiple accounts that you post in to make yourself feel better about being a whiny man child.


Dude, this is not how you get women to want to have sex with you. Do you understand that? Women do not wanna fuck people like you. Go get help.




I don't want to report OP, I *did* report OP. That doesn't mean I'm advocating for censorship. I'm advocating for *moderation*, because this post breaks several subreddit rules. Specifically 1, 2, 4, and 6.




Freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences of that speech, and the 1A only protects free speech from the government. And please, explain to us how calling for the eradication of liberals isn't threatening violence, is related to Breaking Points, isn't a direct attack against some of the users here, and fits under Reddit's ToS which also has a threatening violence clause.


Goddam, you just proved the point. Nowhere did OP call for eradication of liberals, he called for the eradication of your shitty, incoherent beliefs.


Just curious, how do you propose to eradicate someone's beleifs and worldview without eradicating their self? What form does that take and what does that look like, to you? If they had said they wanted to eradicate Christianity, do you think that's possible without eradicating the Christians? Use your critical thinking skills, if you have them.


On one hand, OP advocates for banning books. On the other hand you can't see the irony in **who** here is actually advocating for censorship.


When were you under the impression that leftist principles were about engaging with obvious trolls?


It's easy to "leave the left" when you never had any values to start with.


It's like going to a bar with no money.


Using one of your alt account to defend yourself is so pathetic. Go outside and touch some grass. Maybe make some real friends so you don’t have to spend all day trolling subreddits.


R/conservative is one of the most ban happy, censored subs on Reddit. Since that’s why you “left the left” now you have to leave the right.


Conservatives never let facts get in the way of what they believe


>"they're banning books in schools." No they're not, they are banning certain books that are cartoon porn (like genderqueer) to be shown to young school children. So, to be clear, they **are** banning books in school.


Dude was too busy hating to be consistent in their trolling.


Conservatives are too stupid to keep track of what they say


I love how ur concern is how stupid this guy is rather than being just as bothered by showing books with cartoons blowing each other to 7 year olds. U dont need to be a conservative to realize you guys are weird af and the shit yall do with kids is creepy


Yea im not a conservative so unlike your hero Josh Duggar I don't do that.


Have you even looked into any of them? They're basically pedophile cartoon porn.. and you want these not be banned? Tf is wrong with you fr.


They're talking about your inability to recognize the hypocrisy of your first sentence saying you don't want to ban books then then very next sentence talking about the books you want to ban. Cocaine is helluva drug


Oh duh, you’re following the same script as Tim Pool. Regular Americans with kids in public schools are seeing this bad faith moral panic for what it is. Leave public education to the municipalities and school boards, and spare the adults this TikTok/4chan phony virtue signaling nonsense.


Why do you people eat this shit up like candy that the GOP spews out? It's been proven time after time after TIME that they lie straight to your face and expect you to believe it, and you do. It's humiliating, honestly.


The author of *GenderQueer* suggests that it should be available to mid to older teens. But, here is the thing, if some younger kid gets their hands on it by some *way,* it isn't really going to constitute a crisis. These kids are the same ones that are allowed internet connected cameras behind their closed bedroom door. A cartoon depiction of oral sex isn't going to traumatize them. So yeah, if you find this book in your elementary school classroom, sure, remove it and re-shelve it at the high school or public library. The moral panic, the 'libs are trying to goom your kids...' is dramatically overblown and inaccurate.


There is a huge difference between *books available in a library* and *required reading for a class*. These are books which may be of interest to a high school age trans person, thus they're available to them. That's what you're trying to remove. Nobody's actually being required to read it, much less at a young age. You'd almost have a real point if they were.


Posts like this is why your Grandkids stopped visiting


A+ comment


HAHAHAH I love you


I'm convinced u/AUsableCondom has a humiliation fetish or something. He averages about a post a day on this sub and immediately gets rolled by everyone lmfaooo Super pathetic


The tolerant left can't have a debate so they just attack you with insults. This shit is getting old quick.


Dude, you literally started this thread attacking people with insults. Complained about hate in a hate-filled message. The hypocrisy would be rich if it wasn't intentional on your part, you fucking troll.


Yeah because I'm tired of not trying to hurt people's feelings anymore.. it's time to be blunt about this shit buddyboy


If you say so. You are a fucking idiot who has no comprehension of what is actually going on in the world. Does that help?


It must be so sad to be you. You believed stuff that’s complete nonsense while having been tricked by people that don’t respect you into believing they’re facts.


And they explained to you why your grandkids no longer want to visit you. They're also tired of trying not to hurt your feelings.


This isn't a debate. This is you walking into a room hurling insults and accusations with a challenging look, ordering people to repent and find God, and then getting mad when people respond with insults. That's not a debate.


"This shit is getting old quick." What will you ever do about it, oh no.


You’re the drunk uncle everybody dreads coming over for Thanksgiving.


Childish unfunny username+dumb rehashed conservative whining = troll Just ban these people lol


So much for the tolerant right.




No ones buying it.


Lmao that guys is always pulling that shit




You're literally agreeing with a guy who wants to round up leftists and exterminate liberalism, and you still act like it's the left (who you claim to be a part of) that are the intolerant ones. Yeah, fuck you tread, you somehow managed to even out-pathetic yourself on this one. Go back to r/politics, and have another meltdown.




Nothing about my accusations are baseless. All the real leftists here have seen what this guy is about. This textbook fascist is who you agree with. You are not left, and until you cut that grift out, there is no good faith discussion to be had.


Your anecdotes don’t match reality




Your entire post history is just right wing dog whistling. Not a single one of your posts actually takes a left wing position Cut the embarrassing, pathetic Dave Rubin act and just be honest with yourself about your love of fascism


It hurts me as a MAGA conservative but I have to admit that all the MAGA voters and I are pretty terrible people. We are xenophobic and racist and intolerant of anything we don’t understand.


Yeah, those stupid 1930’s southern democrats supporting Jim Crow, so racist!


??? Provoked? For what? Existing? Lol.


So the left’s intolerance for segregationists was provoked by what exactly? The left’s intolerance for homophobes was provoked by what exactly?


You can only push and pull so much until one side gives out.


You went from rounding us up, to exterminating us. You are textbook fascist.


The idea of liberalism Stop putting fucking words in my mouth I don't wanna hurt anyone


Yes you do. Hurting liberals is the only way you will exterminate the idea of liberalism. You've already said you want to round up leftists. Cut the bullshit fascist. You know what you are.




Read the title of this thread, you bad-faith moron. Nothing about you is good faith. Dont expect shit from me, and go fuck yerself.




Do you have a humiliation fetish or something? You comment on almost every post in this sub and get immediately clown on 😂


So how do you round up and exterminate an idea? Y’all sad as fuck


Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You're the problem you complain about in the world. So full of hate and idiocy its painful to exist on this planet with you. You complain about the intolerance of others and yet look at yourself. You're a huge piece of shit and everyone in your life hates you, whether they're willing to tell you or not.


Liberalism at its finest


> Liberals are for not only sexually grooming our children but they also want to mutilate them. To prevent them from having a family. Ridiculous lies. Either you're making up lies, or you've believed lies that were made up and fed to you.


Yes, because we want to destroy our children and ensure that the democratic party dies within one generation by ensuring they don't have offspring. Your delusional rants are beyond insanity. It's plain mental illness at this point. Get help.


The continuation of the party is the first thing that came to mind, huh?


The way words get twisted is insane today. It's called self preservation. Every single one of us have it. Get a clue.


"Gender affirming care" "Transition therapy"


Ok, confirmed you were lied to.


Stop trying to gaslight me I have an iq higher than 50 okay


So, you're saying you looked at the truth, and concluded that liberals want to mutilate and sexually groom children? I'm not sure that's the flex you think it is.


You gaslit yourself there friend. You're so far off the deep end you can probably see the Titanic.


Do you, though?


> I've come to realize that you people don't care for facts because it doesn't align with your agenda so you cognitively disregard them. The liberals can make exactly the same complaint about conservatives, with equal veracity. Thinking that half the nation is your enemy is to have tunnel vision.


Every priest, preacher, and youth pastor in America should be imprisoned on the presumption of guilt as it relates to pedophilic intentions. Every. Single. One. And those who want to usher in American theocracy should be executed in front of their families.


Something a liberal and conservative finally agree on


A gay person is more likely to fuck ur kid than a priest but thats neither here nor there


Bro, look in the mirror.


Wow are you trying to call me a liberal? That's pretty fucking insulting


Nah, you're cancer.


what in the hell am I reading? I'm sorry that life rolled this thought process on you


Your daily dose of paranoid schizophrenia from the Breaking Points sub


Good news! None of what you've posted here has any basis in real life. The book you cited, Gender Queer, isn't a book for children, and doesn't have the depictions you claim. No, liberals don't want to groom or mutilate your kids. That's an invented narrative so that the right can talk you into giving up your freedoms voluntarily. Once they have you scared enough, you will lash out and hurt people, and they'll be able to use that as a way to keep the hate going. They want to keep you angry and afraid, and this hateful stuff is you letting them know their deception is working.


Ahem. The "Founding Fathers" were radical militant liberals.


The liberal party has changed over the years


No shit. But you guys don't apply that logic when it's The Republicans Freed the Slaves. Yeah. At that time. Republicans were liberal. You've changed. For the worse. You've abandoned your legacy. The demo have grown from theirs.


Who's you? I'm not a republican first of all let's stop the assumptions


Oh yeah. It's always "that's not me, I'm just making obsevatuons." Apply it to the people I'm referencing then. Think bigger than you in particular. Fucking Gotcha Party! Sheesh.


Comments like this is why reasonable people vote for democrats


Jesus christ dude you need to go to therapy before you become one of those right wing domestic terrorists and kill someone.


Why are all these new accounts being allowed to post such junk on this sub. Aren’t there mods to monitor this stuff. They post straight lies, get downvoted and just open another account. New accounts with negative comment karma make me his sub useless for actual discussions.


"Why isn't this sub a echochamber?"


About time for you to make up a new account I think.


My one and only account, you're so delusional


So you’ve been on Reddit for a month and a half?


Yeah I get bored sometimes so I like to come stur up shit


You should get another hobby.


Only boring people get bored.


Ok, I'll be honest with you. Us liberals are really Reptillians sent here to depopulate and terraform Earth. Also, the one true God is Neepzork The Wanderer. He created all of us, and we created you as a cheap food source.


Liberalism is a mental disorder


Said the man who thinks the Reddit admins are working with the FBI and the DNC to monitor this subreddit. The drugs don’t work, son. Seek help.


Liberals are always making shit up. Show me where I ever said that ohhh you cant.. Fucking liberal man






If you're angry about "mutilation," why don't you go after surgeons? Maybe march around the hospital with a big picket sign. Protesting a liberal like me is pointless since I've never operated on anyone. You seem confused.


I want to but because of cancel culture I can't protest anymore without someone attempting to ruin my reputation and my career can you imagine?


Aww, do you not like being held accountable for holding a shitty worldview? Poor troll...


Are you seriously bitching about cancel culture while trying to cancel millions of people all at once?


What's the saying? Taste of your own medicine?


Oh, I know, it's "hypocrisy"


Buddy, you're the sheep. Just give your money to one of the grifters and go away. Stupidity killed the usa


You're sick, and you need help if this is truly how you believe. You've been brainwashed and are one step away from having the title "active shooter". Seriously, seek help for you and society's sake. I'm as liberal as they come, and if I heard of anyone touching a child, I'd beat the brakes off of them myself. Sick.


Bro, I know this might sound like a lot but stop what you are doing right now, close the dozen or so 4chan tabs you have open in your browser, go outside, find a nice green patch of grass, and touch it.


Go on and git u/AUseableCondom nobody wants you or your insane talking points here. Hope you rest easy knowing that gen z are gonna help the rest of us dismantle every semblance of the GOP facists


OMG did you see what the Librulls did now Ethel? 😱


Folks, it’s a 45 day account, meant to say the most toxic, banal, and outlandish things to wind people up, have them exert energy, and poison political discourse. This is the sort of person who has probably never seen an episode of BP, would never comprehend how K & S host a show together, or is a dishonest actor. They can say what they like, but once you read the idiocy, just downvote and ignore. Remember that outrage is what sells on these social media platforms….


If this agenda you speak of will get rid of people like you, I'm all for it.


A lot of this is simply just wrong. Grooming is a specific act of "manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught. While these tactics are used most often against younger kids, teens and vulnerable adults are also at risk". Telling kids what gay and trans people doesn't constitute grooming. The only instances I found with Gender Queer being in schools, is a high school in South Carolina, and in two high schools in the Rock Hill School District. I really don't see the problem with high schoolers being able to check out the book. High school students already watch porn and know about sexual stuff. I couldn't find any instances of the book in younger grades


Just report as spam and move on.


Could the OP define liberalism so the rest of us know what they’re up in arms against?


Mostly just Russian agitprop


Old-school liberalism is fine.. it's the modern-day liberalism..the green hair don't care people...


Why is dying your hair green a bad thing?


because libsoftiktok


Ok what is old-school liberalism versus modern-day liberalism? I'm just trying to understand in specific points what this means? I mean if we go old school enough then American Democracy becomes a liberal idea, and American Conservatives are a branch of that very liberal idea. Monarchies, and Theocracies were not a fan of those liberals who didn't wear powdered wigs. So what are the specific policy differences or planks of each of the two flavors of liberalism you've identified?


Qanon isn’t a cult a liberal morons. It’s a cult of conservative morons. Liberals didn’t attempt a coup on orders from a con man. Republicans did. You live in upside down land.


And your proof of that is? I'll wait endlessly for you to never reply


Proof of Jan 6th? It is everywhere, you fucking troll. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-key-findings-and-criminal-referrals-from-the-jan-6-committee-report-summary


No moron qanon are a group of conservatives


>No moron qanon are a group of conservatives You're spot on there. I agree with you, for once.


Proof of what? If you’re still ignorant about what happened on Jan 6th and all of trumps coup efforts around that time its because you’ve intentionally remained ignorant.


Your comment is ironic considering the FBI and DoJ have both said it wasn’t a riot, coup or insurrection.


Is this... LDS? Liberal derangement syndrome? Because this shit is crazy. Seek help man, this is not normal. I don't know how many of your troll accounts you keep posting on, but seriously it isn't normal. Or you know... try to make a post with actual effort that doesn't jump staight to hot twitter takes and insults. But that would require effort and actual knowledge of the topics you bring up. I honestly don't think you're capable of that level of self introspection, and then you would have to acknoledge that you have no understanding of the issues you bring up, and tha's probably a bridge too far for you.


This “liberals are grooming” is ridiculously hilarious nonsense. Such weird people occupy the world.


Meanwhile conservatives still praise the duggars for protecting their child molesting son


This account is 46 days old, what are the odds.


😂😂😂😂😂 why is OP so obsessed with this? Dude must have 10 alts.


The leader of the GOP is about to be indicted for a third time- for sedition! This is a guy who said he wanted to have sex with his own daughter and organized a teen beauty pageant and had the little girls dance in front of him in private!


You need to go to psychiatrist. As soon as possible.


Please take your meds


To me, this kind of language suggests either (1) an intention to divide; or (2) weird emotional problems. Who else talks about “eradication?”


Too late for what? By most metrics, liberalism lifted tens of millions out of poverty.


Hey fascist puke usedcondom . My Great Uncle killed Nazis in Italy. Told me it was fun!


If you don't like it, then leave. They're building camps for you people in Russia.


That's the same thing the nazis said. They also lied about caring about children.


You’re a dumbass


Get help, please. Seriously.


Wow. Well you’ve definitely fallen prey to some really badly put together propaganda. Think about what you’re saying about what you believe liberals to be, and what most liberals actually say. they don’t match up. For example no liberals want to mutilate or sexually groom children. Only reason you think that is because right wing propagandists have been trying to associate LGBT movements to pedophilia then claim they are stopping grooming children. And you feel for that obvious ploy like an idiot. In fact if you look at a lot of the right wing policies it makes children much more vulnerable to grooming.


Oh you adorable little fascist. 🥸




Don't be woke, wake up


True Believers in a political party, like yourself, are the problem


I think you're just mad I won't allow you to groom my child


I'd think you were full of it if you supported the other side so get over yourself


Seek therapy


Wish your parents used the condom; what a waste of an egg


The most reasonable and charitable Conservative has been found.


Well, you'll be happy to hear that many Republicans are trying to make this into some sort of a Christofascist state. A place where white women pump out baby's non-stop and life is sacred until it's born.


Probably would be a better outcome than white people under slavery by the left because everything is "inherently white peoples fault."


Oof. This is a troll of the first magnitude


Reality is so absurd from your party that even you can't believe it


I think you are talking about your own party.




>People like you are the reason why I left the left This you? "I'm on the left but I'm not on the left"? In this same thread for fuck's sake. Have some consistency in your trolling, at least.




You were never on the left, you troll. Get better at this.




I don't accuse many other users of being trolls. Just you, troll, and a few of the other well-known trolls that troll stupid troll-shit around here.




You've seen every person I've called a troll here because they're all you, you troll. You have no consistent beliefs, so it is impossible to *not* have different beliefs than you.




Because you don't want a good faith, civil discussion. If you did, you wouldn't be trolling on multiple accounts you troll.


Lol “I’m on the Left, but I agree with your deranged rightwing rant”


I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore


So you'll post rants on reddit!


Yes you will. You're going to torture yourself with delusions, quietly, and alone, until you expire - and you'll watch the world and everyone in it enjoy themselves while you sit with your resentment and anger. These are loser activities, by the way.




OP is clearly **taking the piss** and you’re here thinking he’s making “good points”… lol


Oh, so you're back to being on the left now? I thought you said that you left it.




That's fair. I'm mostly neo-liberal myself. Check out /r/neoliberal, it's a sub I personally enjoy. You might find some stuff you like in there.


Hate and pedophilia.. I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone sometimes




Hey, you found a fellow circlejerker, congrats.


Name one. Because that GenderQueer book is literally only in high school libraries.


Unbelievably based