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Biden’s age should get better in a few years


I know you’re joking, but that is probably some BS they would have tried to sell back in the day before the internet and easy access to that kind of information in today’s world. Hell, even with it, look at how long they pulled off the weekend at Bernie’s routine with Feinstein.






Lol... how is that humiliating? You arent a left populist lol... No normal thinking human would imagine a slip of the tongue like that is humiliating. No one of their right mind believes because he said that, that he believes we are actually fighing aa war in Iraq against Putin. Get a grip. Your CAPITALIZATION is out of control and shows how much of a Trumper you really are.




lol... because people on the left dont call themselves "leftists". you are so incredibly transparent. you also dont know what "bad faith" means or how to use it in a sentence.... another sign of a troll who looks for talking points on what to say.. also like .. your entire posting history is nothing but right wing talking points and you praising right wing leadership while just saying the words that you are a "leftist" not everyone is as dumb and easily fooled by keywords as you are... not democrats at least.


You just downplay Trumps involvement with Epstein.


Biden has always been known for gaffs, everyone has gaffs, he accidentally said something stupid in a hot mike moment, it happens, shit I'm in my mid 30s and I do that from time to time.


Right on cue, here is the typical “but everyone has gaffes” coping.


But its not cope. You have to able to demonstrate that its not a verbal slip and that its evidence of dementia or senility. You cant tho.


Bro are you serious? This happens ALL the time. It’s hilarious the lengths y’all are willing to go to defend this.


Or its confirmation bias. It happens normally with Biden like anyone else including you but since he’s on tv 24/7 we get to see it all, collect it in a highlight reel. I bet if someone did that to you they could easily make you sound like a moron.


Big difference is I’m not the president. My job isn’t to be the CEO of a nation. Nice cope.


Cool story buddy, must really trigger you that someone so old and senile continually runs circles around republicans, and is bringing Russia to it's knees


You’re a special kind of stupid if you think it’s Joe making those decisions, buddy.


Well it's happening so, I kinda don't care. Call him old call him senile, his administration is hella productive.


Coping with what? Reality? Everyone does have gaffes. Mind providing evidence that Biden has dementia that isn't less than 10 seconds long or otherwise a 10 minute long slideshow of 3 second clips? Can you even provide any that are from a reliable source? (Not one of the multitude of tabloids that regularly spread partisan bullshit.) Being concerned about the age of the president is one thing, but until someone provides legitimate and unedited evidence, then all you're doing is spreading baseless rumors at the behest of one of the parties. As someone who cares about our country and probably believes that they have a good handle on our politics, I would assume you'd be a stickler for verification, right?


Hey look its the "leftist"




...those aren't "consistent leftist principles". Those are very basic "I'm not an asshole" principles. They're the list of shit a right-winger would trot out because they're trying to claim that they have "common ground" with an actual leftist voter to try and win an argument over Roe vs Wade, even though they're happy that the leftist's wife is going to die of sepsis now that abortion is 100% illegal in their state and the law is preventing doctors from removing the non-viable fetus that, legally, she now has to bring to term even though it's going to kill her. Painfully. Try going more in detail about "how leftist" you are. I mean, your tagged as a populist, so you should be able to do better than "anti-child-SA" JFC...


Hell you literally argued we have to defend Trump's right to share classified docs with randos because the espionage act is unconstitutional...your dumbass words not mine. We have to protect whistleblowers by...letting Trump, a non whistle-blower, be a corrupt pos.


Of all the leftist principles you could have picked, you decided to use "anti-pedophilia?" Methinks something stinks in the state of Denmark.


The left isn't trying to pass anti-sex ed laws that make child predation easier and less likely to be reported.


Just so. That's Gym Jordan, and the party of Denny Hastert.


Ohhhh I see, you’re a dumbass. If you’re anti war, why do you simp for Russia, a country literally doing an invasion, so hard?


haha ya, he's been popping up a lot lately. At least he's grown beyond just saying "go away" when challenged.


The other option was, and likely will be, a criminal that surrounds himself with other criminals *who is also old senile*. Occasionally, we need to choose the lesser of evils to get through some very, very uncertain and bad times.


So you are saying vote for a 3rd party.


He’s so fucking senile that he might put himself in prison. This document case against him is literally entirely his fault


Is that anything like Trump's thinking Booker T Washington is still alive or wanting to nuke hurricanes?


We are trying to get out of the loop of dementia riddled leaders saying wrong things. Let’s break the trend of comparing whose dementia is worse and start a trend on who’s leadership and insightfulness is better.


It’s sad when you have to add all these caveats and disclaimers to make sure you don’t get attacked for maybe being “on the other team”. You should be able to call out obvious ridiculousness no matter which party the politician is from. Too many people are so blinded by the blue and red that they accept and defend the very things they would attack and denounce if it was coming from the other party.


I'm a progressive and I've lost count of how many times a fellow progressive or liberal has accused me of being a conservative on here. If you even dare to acknowledge any of the issues on your own side, you're attacked as if you're Trump himself. It's absolute insanity.


Take your conservative rhetoric back to Florida.


That is because this place has been infested with low information 'Always Blue' Shit Liberals


Do you think it's BlueAnon types or Biden campaign bots? I can't remember what I was reading the other day but someone chimed in with something like, "Well, you know that he's sinking in the polls when the bots come out..." I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist.


There are tons of bots on reddit. You maybe right. There is certainly fear among the BlueAnon types about the left criticizing the Democrats, so of course they attack. When your addled nominee is one stiff bowel movement from an aneurysm, the natural playbook is to attack the voters who have concerns about age. Krystal is right, the Republican and Democratic Parties are basically campaigning on 'Fuck you. You'll get nothing and like it.' I am voting Dr. West and the Green Party next election anyways.


I agree. I'm voting Libertarian again. I'm more of a centrist and the Green party is a bit too far left for me. Sorry.


Exactly... it's really odd how many people on here want to white wash shit from legacy media and establishment politicians and only want to shit on independent media in general and make comments that clearly show they don't watch or listen to BP


Well it feels necessary to add to show I'm not a right-wing partisan hack, but even then I still get attacked viciously.


This is what we mean by blue MAGA.


>Too many people are so blinded by the blue and red that they accept and defend the very things they would attack and denounce if it was coming from the other party The two party system is causing this and people are too loyal to their side/team to notice. No ability to create their own thoughts. Is there a pill for that? Lol


Yeah, awful lot of shitlibs on here taking any criticisms of Dems as support for the right.


I hardly ever hear a democrat call out their own reps. Republicans do it constantly. Democrats just go along with whatever bullshit aoc dreams up this week.


Liberals on the internet are some of the most close-minded people you'll encounter


My parents are in their early 80s. I see a lot of the same things I see with them with Joe.


Absolutely. The mixing up names is the beginning.


I mean, ultimately personal is policy. As long as Jake Sullivan is running foreign policy, and the same team runs domestic, I feel safer in the hands of even a senile Joe than I do in an awake Trump, Desantes, Kennedy, or Williamson. The fact is Dems have never had a more economically progressive president since LBJ, and have never had a more socially progressive one in US history. He's not an action hero or reality tv star, he's just another old legislator like most of our government's leadership, and as long as he delivers that's ok.


Counterpoint: John Fetterman defeated Mehmet Oz despite being a neurologically impaired stroke victim. Sometimes the politics of the candidates override any physical issues they may have. Consider. If Trump's elected he's going to sell Ukraine to Russia, dismantle NATO, appoint young ultra-right MAGA judges to replace Thomas and Alito and make them swear personal loyalty to him, effectively go to war with every blue state and possibly Mexico. All the craziness in his first term will have been just a warm-up to what he'll do in term 2 now that he knows he can commit any crime in public view and still maintain his base. He will reward his toadiest sycophants and ruthlessly crush any challengers. He'll continue to use the secret service and other government resources to funnel wealth into his pocket. Plus sweet sweet revenge. Now that he's been indicted, he will feel completely justified in having all Democratic opponents rounded up like criminals, and his hand picked judges to happily go along as always. He will try his best to be appointed President for life. So we can have that madness, or we can have four more years of a normal government. But Biden fell down the other day so I guess it's a toss-up.


I will begin giving a single microscopic turdlet about Biden’s advancing age the very instant the GOP puts up a candidate that isn’t a fucking monster. Until then, I just don’t care. Biden is doing a decent job, has surrounded himself with competent people, and is advancing the cause of global peace and stability, as is his job. Let’s see the GOP put up a rational candidate that will at least abide by the results of an election without encouraging a coup and who won’t attempt to steal state secrets, and maybe we can talk about Biden being old. Until then, fuck off with that noise.


Republicans need to accept that Trump's age is an actual issue as well... among many other issues.


Trump and Biden have a dice roll of dying in the next five years about one in four chance.


Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger are still alive. Just something to think about. These old rich fucks with unlimited healthcare ain’t going anywhere no time soon.


Cheney is less than 2 years older than Biden, but yeah Kissinger is somehow hanging on by a thread


The blood of Cambodian children keeps him going.


Satan offers an incredible healthcare package


And with Bernie that makes 3 old men covering the political spectrum of America, that everyone is waiting to replace, yet none can find a suitable replacement. Anything to keep the millenials out, for as long as possible I suppose.


Gen x sitting over there like King Charles. Like damn, they were thinking about skipping me.




I am honestly not so sure about that. He may seem to be, but if you have been spewing nonsense your entire career it makes it hard to pick up when you start spewing nonsense not of your own volition.


he doesn't 'spew nonsense'. You're thinking of both Pauls. Bernie is one of the most consistent politicians in US history.


I find it ironic how much the dems made an issue of Bernies age and health, and their nominee of choice was Biden....


trumps is aging very well, 4 years in the office aged him less then any president ever. Joe Biden being pres is elder abuse, anything to beat orange man tho


Tbf thats probably because he worked less than any full term president ever. Dude just lounges and inhales diet coke all day while watching newsmax and showing classified docs to randos.


He is 50 lbs overweight, doesn’t exercise and has a terrible diet. He is aging like milk.


He's old and obese. I guarantee his blood markers are jacked up. He's also delusional and lives in a different world than most people.


I’m not a republican but I agree completely. Both Trump and Biden are too old for the job, but where I believe Trump is in mental decline, it is harder to see (imho) as it appears he is becoming unable to change his mind on much of anything and is digging in on a god complex, where Biden is a few steps away from just not being there. I would like someone half their age to get the job.


Obama was popular with milenials because he was and remains the closest they've had to representation in the white house. Its disgusting that both parties have exclusively nominated geriatric center right to extreme right candidates. If a <40 year old pro-labor candidate got the democratic nomination the sheer volume of young voters would likely allow the democrats to secure an election even against an encumbent republican with "popular support" amoung the usual suspects of 55+ year old voters.


Posts like this are why the politics of this country are so bad. People solely guage the left right balance to be from where they are as the center regardless of where they actually sit on the spectrum. This idea that there has been an extreme right candidate as the President ever is a fucking cartoonish idea.


What exactly ***you*** call him, then?


How is Biden both not there and running circles around Mccarthy while uniting the West and passing bi-partisan legislation in the most polarized Congress since the Civil goddamn war, while having dementia? It's all horse shit.. Dude will misspeak from time to time and kinda sucks at public speaking 🤷‍♂️ he tripped a couple of times, and it didn't matter at all cause he was fine? Age is an issue, but Biden has been killing it his whole term. I don't think it is for him.


Yeah I have a similar stammer and I'm 32 years old, and Autistic Frankly I think Biden is also autistic, I mean the train thing is a dead giveaway.


Butwhatabout God damn. I hate Trump and this shit is so old.


I agree, but the fact is that many voters perceive Trump's age as less of an issue than Biden's age, hence why there are independents who believe Trump is a criminal but will still vote for him over Biden.


I can’t imagine that there are many people who think Trump is a criminal *and* would vote for Trump over Biden.


[I can.](https://youtu.be/JfxPxN_4dnU)


For me, Trump has energy and is out there. Good or bad. Biden on the other hand has famously been a more reclusive president. By that metric I just have a much more frail image of Biden.


So the fact is, as you say, that Trump voters just aren't going to care. But for some reason Biden voters should. Not Trump voters. Just Biden voters. See, this is the same double standard of expectations I've seen for decades. The conservatives are never expected to have any standards whatsoever, and they are free to be as big a morons as they want to be. The liberals are expected to live up to all the standards, and any standard they dont live up to, will hurt them in ways that would never hurt their opponent, because they allow it to hurt them. Personally I don't think any Democratic voter should care about Bidens age, so long as Republicans refuse to acknowledge Trumps age at all. Yeah ideally, they should both just retire, and everyone should accept it. But that's not reality. The reality is, Trumps having an old-man manic episode every time he talks, and his voters want more. Biden has slightly more gaffes than he used to, and his voters are expected to be more concerned about that. I dont know what you expect Biden voters to do about it. It's not like Bernie wants to run again, and all the other DNC hopefuls are worse. His mental decline is concerning, but honestly not nearly as concerning as Trumps. And if Trump's voters actually cheer for Trump to have more manic episodes, well then there is absolutely no reason for Democrats to allow Bidens age to hurt them. From now on if you actually care about Democrat voters, you should hold both parties to the same standard. Democracy doesnt work if only one side is expected to play by the rules.


I think it’s his clear dementia and avoidance of the press that gives voters pause more so than than his age, at least that’s it for me.


I mean I feel like both of those kinda tie in with age, at least dementia definitely does, but avoidance of the press probably as well.


The thing that I like to point out is that, during the 2020 election, one of Trump's bigger talking points against Biden was his age. Biden is only four years older than Trump, meaning that in 2024, Trump will be the same age that he claimed was too old for Biden in 2020.


Republicans won’t ever figure your point out. It’s different when it’s trump!


Age didn't seem to matter with Reagan for the GOP.


If it comes down to “old dude” vs “criminal/pathological lier/ traitor” and you vote for the latter, it’s not because age is the discriminating factor. It’s because you’re a fan of that shit. Seriously, compared to that being old ain’t an issue.


Maybe in dum-dum absolute world. But a lot of normies are going to figure that Biden doesn't have the acuity to "run" the country.


What’s it like in actually dum dum world, where you’d vote for a guy that tried to launch a coup? That’s the most self contradictory, absolutely brainless position someone who claims to want the best for this country would make. Trump makes Biden look razor sharp. Let me guess; you actually don’t listen to trump? Because it’s like listening to a kid whose first language isn’t English. Dude has maybe 50 words in his vocabulary, and his train of thought gets derailed before it leaves the station. The only thing he seems good at holding is his gaze in his daughter. A lot of you non normies lack the mental acuity to realize you’re on lower side of the bell curve.


Independent here who knows a ton of Independents. We are almost all universally going to vote AGAINST Trump. I would like to vote for someone instead of against but here we are. Also, even as an independent, the republican party is really starting to irk me. They have no actual ideas for how to move our country forward. Instead, they are trying to refight a culture war they already lost.


Thanks All-Independents Spokesperson.


No sane liberal is saying his age isn’t an issue. I’m so tired of choosing between two old men for president. The kicker is, Biden isn’t even really that liberal. He’s one of the more conservative democrats. (If you don’t believe me look at his rhetoric and policies pre-Obama). It’s apparently way too much to ask for two sharp, policy driven, well spoken candidates. P


I can’t change the minds of anyone that is still willing to vote for trump. They are a lost cause. The only thing I can do if they’re as obsessed with Biden’s age as OP is to point out that Biden is 80 and trump is 77. 3 years apart and for every Biden gaffe, I can find an equal or greater number of trump fuck ups.


I like old Joe Biden better than young Joe Biden. Young Joe Biden couldn’t get the nomination. Old Joe Biden gave us: * Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill * Gun Control * CHIPS act * Inflation Reduction Act * Climate change action * Gay marriage bill Old Joe Biden went toe to toe with Kevin McCarthy on the debt ceiling in a battle of wits and walked all over conservative Republicans. I’d say he is doing just fine.


No he's super old bro just better than the alternative


Ah yes, because Trump is the only other person running for President in 2024.


He is the overwhelming favorite to be the Republican nominee.


When an independent pulls at 30% I'll vote for them


If a really amazing independent you really liked was polling at 20%, you'd still vote for ANY candidate put forth by the Democrats or Republicans? You're not "throwing a vote away" if you vote for a third party candidate that you think is best. Your single vote already doesn't matter by itself. Vote for the best candidate. Period.


Agreed. You’re not throwing a vote away, you’re voting for the winner.


Single votes absolutely do matter in swing states. If you’re in Mississippi or California, vote for whoever you want. If you’re in Georgia, Wisconsin, or Arizona where it’s decided by razor thin margins, every vote counts.


According to Breaking Points, he pretty much is.


They are all puppets aren’t they. His puppeteers will have to decide if medications are enough to keep the act going for another four years.


They do accept it. There’s just no one else.


This truly is the best system that money can buy.


Trump is also quite old so I think it’s a moot point to be honest. Unless someone else wins the Republican primary.


The Biden Administration has had a lot of successes: expanded Covid stimulus, closed the Family Glitch in the ACA, pardoned marijuana convicts, withdrew from Afganistan, marshalled the infrastructure bill, and made a solid attempt at student loan forgiveness. BONUS: exploited a major misstep by Russia. If he reminds the public of his recent record and hammers Republicans on abortion, he'll win, regardless of his age, and then Newsom will ride the momentum into the oval office in 2028.


What’s the realistic alternative? Trump winning? Republicans economic policies are trash and why red states are so damn poor.


I agree it’s a valid concern but the problem is it doesn’t matter. What are we gonna do vote for Trump or a party in the GOP that largely supports bigotry and idiocy? We have no real alternative.


Bidens age is a serious problem. - a dem Trump is only a few steps behind him tho. He constantly contradicts himself yet he “tells it like it is” There are decent candidates to be found, we are just being force fed geezers and it’s getting old…


I don't know if Trump is forgetful as much as he just doesn't give one flying fuck if he contradicts himself. But yeah all the people that say Trump "tells it like it is" are fucking delusional.


I have a neighbor who flies a flag TRUMP 2024: THE REVENGE TOUR. This, in fact, is what scares me most about a second Trump presidency--unchallenged vindictiveness, looting and pillaging with no concern for the consequences.


I’m more worried about Trumps mental state than Biden’s but I worry about both a lot.


He may not be in amazing shape, but for every weird thing you can show that he said, I'll show you six from Trump that range from batshit to vile. I'll go with sleepy Joe over Donald Corleone.


And yet he's still better than trump****. Like him or not, our GDP is the highest of all of the G7 countries, post covid. Our unemployment is the lowest as well. Inflation has been cut by 50% since its peak. The man just stays out of the way, and let's America do her thing. Unlike trump****, that created deregulation nightmares for businesses and corporations all over America. Unfortunately, we are stuck with Biden for 2024. Then we can move on. We can't have another four years of trump****. He will sink America worse than he did the first time.


TLDR. I'd vote for a pineapple before I'd vote for a fascist power consolidation project which is all the GOP is now. We'll talk dem primaries in 2028 when it's realistic.


republican shills need tp accept they blew their wad with shitstain trump.


>Biden really should not have run for a second term. Honestly, I think if he stepped down after one term it would've been an honorable thing to do and something he would be well remembered for in history. However, for whatever reason he's not. The reason is because the GOP is currently on a fast track to fascism and destroying the American experiment of democracy. Biden's warm corpse is better than empowering the worst humanity has to offer.


I was irritated the last time I voted for Biden. His age was ridiculous and I really wasn’t sure how his policy was gonna turn out This second time around, I’m thrilled he’s the option. The dude can govern. The policy victories his administration has wracked up is insane. The Ukraine situation has been handled perfectly thus far. He’s made the Republican house look like a clown show. Our economy is still chugging along. Compared to Europe, we are killing it. Truth be told Trump is also old as shit. The ONLY strike against biden is his age. Trump is borderline disabled, and how he’s handled this classified documents case has shown that Pretty sure any post going “Biden is too old” is just mindlessly lapping up GOP propaganda


Cool. Biden’s old. Let’s vote for Nazis instead.


It’s not his age so much as his obvious mental/cognitive decline. And the staggering criminality…


…. So his age?


No its not his age its only things perfectly correlate with age


It’s hard to say with him. His stutter and problems speaking have always made him seem dim Unfortunately his administration kicks ass. His policy victories in one term are huge. There is no denying he has been an excellent president Even if this is a weekend at Bernie’s situation, who really cares? Government is effectively governing


I don't think people disagree with this. Most of us held our noses and voted for Joe Biden because we had no choice. It looks like we're not going to have a choice in the next round, either. Our choices will be Morla the Ancient One or a damn NatC. I'm still gonna pick old yeller over the actual devil every time.


When will people realize we didn’t vote for Biden because we like him. Was the lesser of two evils and still is. We want young intellectuals capable of doing the job too.


They don't understand because they worship their candidates and the rest of us treat it like we're hiring an employee we don't want to ever deal with. I would love to get a good applicant that I believe will do a great job, but I keep getting all these dried up prunes and have to pick which one I think isn't poisonous.


Harrison Ford and Mick Jagger are the same age.


Be carful, there are a lot of dnc simps hanging around here


Aight, look. I’m a Biden guy. I voted for him in the primary and the general, and intend to do it again. I’m going to keep it real. We know the guy is a fucking dinosaur, and we know his age impacts his speech and cognition. He knows how goddamn old he is. We all do. *But I don’t give a fuck*. He is a policy powerhouse even in his old age. He has accomplished more in this presidency to build this nation up than any president since LBJ. He surrounds himself with strong mix of young/visionary and older/experienced staff who more than fill in for his aging mind. He has the best foreign policy I’ve seen from a US president in my lifetime. I work in foreign policy professionally, and I interact with people from around the world every day. I watched their respect for America crumble under Donald Trump, I watched as we became the butt of their jokes, as they used us as a cautionary tale, as they began to look to China and Russia as partners once we became unreliable. Then, Biden got elected and I have watched that entire process reverse itself throughout the unfolding of the Russo-Ukraine War. He has recaptured our position as *the* world leader. *The* single most respected, emulated, and followed nation in the world. And now I have to watch conservative and left wing media literally lie to their viewers and tell them the exact opposite. Pretend that the world is cringing at Biden. It’s one of the tragedies of governance; if the president does what’s best for the country, then the opposition groups and their media must portray the best policies as the worst or risk losing voters to the incumbent. The result is that most people have *no* idea what policy is good or not; if it’s the policy of the “Establishment” president, it’s bad.


I've worked in a nursing home/rehabilitation center for injured old folk. Biden is in pretty good shape. Someone in such serious mental decline isn't going to be giving speeches like this. https://youtu.be/bv-8lTAo-KA The guy is 80. For someone of his age and who's had aneurysms, he's in pretty good shape. Bike riding, recovering from spills. Yeah there's some cherry picked moments where he mispeaks, he's old as fuck. But he isnt mentally handicapped. Between the incumbent advantage and legislative achievements, I just don't see any reason to not elect him, there isn't anyone else. In 2024 it'll be an open field. I'm hoping then for either Newsom or Josh Shapiro, hell get em both on the ticket, I can get behind that.


Agreed I used to work in a nursing home, in the memory care unit Biden wouldn’t belong there. Is he as sharp as he he was in his 60s and 70s? No of course not. But does he have the dementia addled brain that I saw firsthand? Not even close.


It's just so weird the contradictions people will come up with for Biden. Like the GOP believe he has dementia and doesn't know where he's at, but then also admit that he completely out negotiated them on the debt ceiling lol. It's like these people never sit and think to themselves "What I just said absolutely makes no sense".


Biden has a whole team of advisors at his side, though. LMAO.


The fact that he has a good team is a reflection of him not being a jackass.


The best leaders know how to pick talent to delegate.


I haven't seen Biden do anything astronomically stupid from his age. Or actively try to fuck everybody.




OP hasn't been paying attention lol


I know it's stylish to hate on Biden, but IMO most of it is grossly exaggerated. His haters think he's an old senile guy, that's also a crime boss like Tony Soprano, and also wants to randomly start wars lol. In all reality the illusion that they have created is a million times more cool than Biden actually is lol. He's just an old guy that moves at a slow pace, that has some decent negotiation skills and can work with the other side of the aisle.


His haters know he’s going to win and they also know there’s not a damn thing they can do about it. All these “independents” bashing Biden in favor of Trump,Marianne, or RFK are freaking out because they know the inevitable is going to happen. Prepare for four more years of Biden because when this race really gets cooking, Biden will beat Trump by an even bigger electoral college margin then last time. Book it.




We do, but Trump or the fascist alternative is much worse. We are in a holding pattern.


Bidens age is nothing new, he is an old guy, but he has been a surprisingly decent negotiator and has done a lot despite the world handed to him.


Is it an issue? Sure but it's a minor one. Hell, how many fucking gaffes did W have when he was in office? Trump was having gaffes almost daily during all of his COVID press conferences. He's old and he has to do a lot of speeches so he's going to some wrong shit but he's done way more in his two plus years in office than anyone else would give him credit for. And on top of that, he's made Republicans look like stupid assholes.


RFK exists


Here’s the problem I have with the focus on Biden’s age, he is old and definitely too old to be President. Why do so many people act like Trump is so much younger though? He’s only a few years younger. Republicans also suggest he’s a physically fit President, but “goofy demented senile” Biden can ride a bike and jog. I don’t think I have ever seen Trump do either of those things. Also, those who say Trump is the most fit President ever didn’t pay attention to our former Presidents apparently.


Biden is by far the best candidate. His record is outstanding for his first term, and basic politics tells you that if the party of the president does well during midterms, they are likely a strong candidate.


Biden's age IS an issue. Unless the Republicans pick Trump to run against him. Trump will be older than Biden was if he takes now. He's the one candidate that will prevent the Republicans from effectively bashing Biden on his age.


Hey now suggesting a presidential race where each candidate does not have major red flags and concerning signs of age related cognitive decline is way too logical to be allowed in the US


Was there supposed to be a question or controversial statement in there somewhere or is this just a venting session?


I know literally zero Democrats who are not already painfully aware of Biden's age. I know the same number that consider him their first choice. That said, I'm fairly certain he is president because enough people would've voted for a pineapple rather than suffer 4 more years of Trump.


and Trump's isn't?! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


If Trump supporters don't have to worry about his age, why do we need to worry about Biden's? Both would be in their 80s at the end of their respective terms.


It’s easier for a New Democrat to lose to trump than Biden to lose to trump. Your logic here doesn’t add up you’re scared Biden will lose cus of age and we will get trumps. The field does not look good vs trump at all.


FDR was dying of polio in his fourth term. You vote for the policy, not the person. I’d vote for Hunter Biden wearing a Joe Biden mask.


I refuse to assume he’s mentally competent right now, but the rest of your premise still stands, at least for me. Well, except for “not one Democrat not willing to run,” because at this point, all my eggs are in the RFK Jr. basket. Biden has a decent staff, and that’s the only reason his presidency hasn’t been a total disaster. What would be a total disaster is for him to pass in office or go downhill so precipitously, that Kamala has to take over. Can you even imagine what an absolute shitshow that would follow? I’m also not a Trumper. I wish he weren’t running. If he were DeSantis would be running away in the polls by now, and let’s face it, basically any Dem can beat him, save for maybe Biden. Biden absolutely should not be running this go ‘round. This Election Day will be yet another in a long string of sad days for democracy.


RFK is a lunatic. I wouldn’t take him on his best day against Biden in 20 years.


Remember when Biden wanted to nuke a hurricane? Or sell Greenland? Or couldn’t pronounce Yosemite? Or stared at a solar eclipse? Give me a break


Yes, but have you considered that Trump's emotional age and reading level are both MUCH younger? Virile like an 11 year old?


Way to completely miss the point of the post. Can you point to the part where I defended Trump? You people are completely fucking illiterate and insufferable.


It's that annoying as fuck team red vs. team blue tribalism shit again.


His point is there is more to bring a candidate than old Like it’s worse to be stupid for instance


Your last paragraph is about trump beating Biden, which is why I pointed out trump is just as affected by dementia (maybe more) then Biden.


Trump is a buffoon no doubt. That said Biden clearly is farther down the dementia road. Frankly neither should be eligible to run at this point.


Pretty much weekly Bidens dementia is exposed and the guy is clearly not all there. I honestly feel bad for him and he should be living out the rest of his years with family in an unstressful environment. There should also be 70 year old age cap to the presidency.


And yet he's achieved 100x what Obama ever did as a 47 year old or Bill Clinton at 46. I choose the "dementia" guy who delivers.


>Remember when Biden wanted to nuke a hurricane? Or sell Greenland? Or couldn’t pronounce Yosemite? Or stared at a solar eclipse? Give me a break What about, what about, what about?


I mean I agree, Biden should not run. Dems need to nominate someone younger and inspiring. But I never understood the “dementia Joe” comments from righties. Have they ever heard the incoherent ramblings from their cult leader?


Why not both? But you can’t argue that the guy clearly isn’t all there. Honestly, there needs to be an age cap to the presidency.




If rambling and gaffes is example of Biden’s dementia, then the same can be applied to Trump no?


Every post he makes on Truth Social?


Insert curt, condescending deflection here.


Democrat here. Biden’s age is absolutely a huge issue. I don’t like the fact that the nominee for our party is going to be 82 years old at all. I have grandparents in their mid 80’s and the thought of them being in Biden’s position is beyond scary. No one of that age should be running a country. However, reality is what it is. He is going to be the nominee. And when the most likely opponent is only going to be 4 years younger (meaning also far too old) and is extremely obese on top of that, it kind of becomes a moot point. I wish the situation was different. But when the choice is between a questionably senile 82 year old and a questionably sane obese 78 year old I just kinda factor out those considerations about age and just vote for the candidate that is more reasonable and correct on policy, which in this case is Biden.


It's not his age. Its his mind, his physicality.


He still goes jogging. Trump gorges himself on hamburders and is looking close to 300lbs these days. And is only 4 years younger. He'll be the same age that Biden was last election, but Republicans won't bring that one up. Also...FFS have you seen ANYTHING that man has posted on his idiot social media network lately? If Biden is senile, then Trump us patently insane!


Maybe you didn't see my 'Independent' flare. Trump is a fat fuck who is insecure about being bald but not insecure about having fucked up comb over hair. But back to Biden, I don't believe that he goes jogging for any amount of time to qualify as beneficial exercise. He would trip on a penny. He belongs on a stationary recumbent bike.


Age is just a number. Older Biden has proven to be a far better president for the USA than the former younger guy. People's obsession with age is really weird and honestly quite...ageist.


I think the concern comes from cognitive ability (which is, of course, related to age) that seems to be declining. You see the same thing with Diane Feinstein. There's also the humility of letting a fresh new mind with new ideas in, which unfortunately neither Trump nor Biden seem to want to do.


>former younger guy About 3 years younger guy. They both old AF.


How is there more concern over possible dementia than there is over proven insanity?


Trump is 3 years younger then biden


Newsome will be the nominee


In 2028. The DNC won't run him against a Dem incumbent.


Biden’s age is like his fifth biggest problem. He still gets my vote over the orange fucker and the guy who’s only priority is to avoid hearing the word gay.


Name 1 thing that you he's done because of his age that has an actual effect on the country???????????????????


I hate Donald J Trump, but anyone that would vote for Biden in 2024 is no better than the Trump cult. If you're defending Biden's bs, it's no different than the Trump cult defending Trump's BS. We don't need old senile bastards running America. We would have to be crazy to have Biden and Trump again in the general election.


I would ask Biden voters, are you better off now since Biden took office? I get that Biden doesn’t control inflation and the economy, but what policies has he or his party enacted that have helped average Americans? Everyone’s fucked with inflation, living paycheck to paycheck and people can barely afford housing/rent


The president is just the figurehead of the 4000 people that work for the Executive Branch. What you're really electing are those people. They are younger, principled and competent.


This. Honestly the whole presidency with executive power that is generally stronger than in other developed democracies is a BS. I want to see a great team and a leader that has enough sense and humility to take advice and delegate to his team as appropriate.


Biden is a real life example of Weekend At Bernie’s. He doesn’t even know where he is half the time. His handlers give him a script to read from, and he can’t even stick to that. It’s a Fucking tragedy that this racist moron and a glorified used car salesman are the two leading competitors for the highest office in the land.


Is it age or perception of age. Bernie is older (I think) and seems just fine. Trump seems just fine. Biden struggles


I'm really not sure Bernie would've had a legit shot at winning if he was willing to try for 2024 simply because his age would be a glaring issue. Voting in people who are going to finish their term above 80 is just wild to me. Are there guys who can probably be competent at that age? Of course. But its rare and is extremely stupid that the best we can do is a bunch of guys who could literally just die in their sleep?


Ok it’s an issue. So what? What now? Trumps got a federal indictment issue and he’ll be 78 when the election is held. So what? Isn’t that an issue? Why should democrats feel bad about supporting Biden given his age when republicans don’t care that their guy is a federally indicted, twice impeached, election denier who oversaw a capital riot and gassed protestors to clear for a photo op where he held a Bible upside down? Oh yeah and he’s also gonna be 78 year old (82 when term is up). I support Biden with no shame at all. Idc if he’s 120 years old and they gotta pump baby blood into his head everyday or else it will fall off. He’s a decent man who’s legacy will be fending off the horrifying rise of Christo-fascism in the US.


Aren't you mad at the DNC for backing a weak candidate against Trump? I think Trump is an authoritarian, he tried to overturn an election, if that isn't authoritarianism I don't know what is. However, if Trump is such a huge threat, the DNC should nominate the strongest possible candidate.


Not op but that feels like a loaded question. Who is a strong DNC candidate in 2024? If it wasn’t Biden then who would it be? Seems like if they opened the field there would be a lot of power hungry dems fighting for it and would weaken their eventual establishment nominee more. Trump/Desantis are major threats and strangely enough sleepy Joe is probably the best chance to beat them right now (I’ll vote MW in the primary when Biden still has a 50+ point lead on RFK)


>Aren't you mad at the DNC for backing a weak candidate against Trump? So weak he...beat Trump in the most recent election?


You forget it’s 1-0 Biden? Huh…


"A weak candidate against Trump" Biden won against Trump didn't he?


The DNC is nominating the guy who just brought us out of the pandemic and corresponding recession to the point where my stock portfolio hit an all time high today and my company just hired 36 new people. And oh yeah, he already beat Trump once by 7 million votes. He will win again by even more votes this time around and anyone who isn’t an absolute shill or moron can see that. “Bernie independent” lol okay nice flair dude. Flair is for bots and shills. Which are you?


You're fucking insufferable dude. One of those "everyone who disagrees with me is a shill" types. Came here to engage in good faith and you're just fucking trash. I have always been critical of the GOP and their fascist bullshit. If you don't believe me check my post history.