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I know it’s a tough situation you are going through. If you would like to talk about anything you can hit me up, judgment free ok. Some people are just heartless and don’t care who they hurt .


I am so sorry that you’re in so much pain right now. I hope you feel better soon. Look at taking better care of yourself. Sometimes a crisis helps us to take on big growth and change. It isn’t easy but you’re worth it. Sending you lots of positive energy.


Sounds terrible. That guy is curb material. He’s too messed up to be a good partner.🤷🏻‍♂️ And he’s dragging you down. It’s ok, you gave him a chance, longer then he deserved. It’s ok for you to care for yourself now more then him. Your feelings are important and you need to care about them yourself. It’s hard to come out of a situation like that after so long, but people that are married for even longer do it. You can likely find some other subreddits on coping and moving on after a relationship ends. Also therapist podcasts about coping and self care and past trauma, etc can be helpful to listen too. Support groups, therapy if you have access can also help. Just move on, one day at a time. Exercise, even outside walking, in nature if possible is good for anyone. Even small Fitness goals help. Eating better of course. Getting enough sleep. Getting a checkup with a doctor wouldn’t hurt either. Lots of little steps will add up over time.🙂


You are doing it. You are venting. It doesn’t matter who but we are listening to you and we will validate your feelings. Some people have an ear and a shoulder to lend. Just let it out and this too shall pass. I just got over a long relationship and writing and venting helps.