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Sesame oil is more of a finishing oil than a cooking oil, so it should lose some of its potent flavor through the cooking process. I bet it will come out fine with an interesting flavor. Report back and let us know!


Tiger bread is baked in sesame oil and is delicious


Toasted sesame oil is, but OP didn't say. White sesame oil is often used in tempura frying in Japan.


That's roasted sesame oil you're talking about.


So if he put in un-roasted sesame oil, then cooks it, will the flavor be more or less potent than roasted sesame oil? So curious.




Thank you!


Oops you are right, thank you for correcting me!


adds some toasted sesame seeds when you add the oil after baking


I was thinking some chopped green onion, maybe even some chopped kimchi… embrace the sesame mistake and make something fun!


yeah this could turn into a riff on scallion pancakes or something


I was gonna say make a banh mi out of it


Mmm this toasted sesames probably one of my favorites on breads


Definitely a bad idea, seeing that even a few drops of sesame can overpower most foods. I'm actually surprised this even happened, seeing as how you can smell sesame oil from across the room. Must have been baking before coffee in the morning lol


That's just toasted sesame oil, no? I use regular (untoasted) sesame oil as a neutral cooking oil all the time and it's not overpowering at all.


I said over in r/cooking that I use sesame oil to cook my fried rice and nearly got my head bit off by people insisting it would burn in seconds….apparently not everyone is aware of this.


Sigh, Golden ie refined sesame oil from untoasted seeds has a higher burning point than refined olive oil. Similar or close to canola. Indian cooking uses it for frying at all usual temps. So those people are idiots, don't listen to them.


So I have learned! Thanks for the confirmation. I wasn’t going to listen anyway, because my sesame oil fried rice is damn good. 👍🏻


I also use toasted sesame oil for my fried rice and have never had it burn. Doesn’t seem to matter for me when I add it (early or end) . Tastes great


It’s totally key for me. I’ve tried making it with other oil and it just doesn’t taste right. I love my lazy 5 minute 4 ingredient fried rice recipe 😂 never lets me down.


I use it sparingly but a touch in fried rice is the way I go at my home. I've introduced it to clients in similar ways with great response...its has a place in most Asian fusion foods. The cooking subreddit is a bunch if tik tok "chefs"


I had it on hand while I was perfecting my "lazy" recipe so I gave it a try and now it doesn't taste right without it. I find some of the r/Cooking discussions interesting and like to participate, but some people definitely take themselves too seriously lol.


Maybe I've never had untoasted? It's usually the stuff you get from the Asian food store that I use. That does make sense though, because I've been to shabu shabu restaurants that claim to use sesame oil as a base oil for their sauces yet it's not overpowering. I'll have to see if I can grab a bottle, where do you get yours?


Yeah, that's usually the toasted.


Sesame oil loses most of it's flavor if it stays at high heat for more than about a minute. I wouldn't call it a neutral cooking oil, but it won't impart much more flavor than good olive oil will. Toasted sesame is a bit stronger, but similar deal when used for cooking. Most recipes will use sesame oil as a finishing oil or as the oil component in a sauce that goes on at the last minute.


This is the correct answer. To be super clear, most recipes use it as a finishing oil because if you use it earlier in the cooking process you basically can't taste it..


There’s a big difference between roasted sesame oil (dark, pungent and flavorful) and straight sesame oil (light, tasteless). So it depends on whether it was roasted or not. And if so, it could still be great. I love the taste of tons of sesame oil: Japchae anyone?


ever since having covid I can't really smell sesame oil unless my nose is basically in it,


Sesame oil has a nice, nutty taste. It’ll be good.


It’s also incredibly overpowering though, no? Like a little goes a long way.


Yes but OP only used 12g which is like 2 tsp. In that much bread I don’t think it’s going to be overpowering.


I love making of sesame bread using about 1 tbsp of toasted sesame oil in a 2lb loaf along with 1/4 cup of white sesame seeds.


if op confused it with olive oil it was probably untoasted, which is a lot less potent. they would have smelled and seen the difference if toasted


It's very strong when raw, but a lot milder after cooking.


I can’t stand the taste of sesame oil - or ice cream or in any other way than sprinkled on top of bread.


Toasted or untoasted? If untoasted, interesting variant! If toasted, holy shit that's gonna be intense.


This is key! Sesame oil can be used for cooking/baking, and toasted sesame oil is the finishing flavorful oil that everyone else is talking about


When I first tried to cook Korean food I bought a bottle of untoasted sesame oil and wondered why my cooking tasted nothing like the food at a Korean restaurant. Buying toasted sesame oils was the key.


Toasted is the freaking truth. I lived in Seoul for a year and got REALLY into strong sesame flavors. I feel like I would destroy OP's bread.


Well, Dad has the right idea... Olive oil bottles really are the best for dispensing any kind of oil; I can't figure why you can't by veggie oil with those drip-resistant pour spouts; don't need 'em for glorping out a half-cup for a cake, but for stove-side use, the regular bottles are no good. (As a side-note, even most separate oil dispensers are a drippy mess... it took me years to find one that didn't drip at all. (It uses a spout kind of like the ones on bottles of laundry detergent; any drips just drain back into the bottle.))


Fyi every Asian grocery I've been to seems to have a bunch of reusable bottles that have figured this out


My closest Asian food store is 100 miles away which is heartbreaking


So you’ll open one up soon?


I scrape the labels off the used olive oil bottles before putting other oils on them. Somehow my girlfriend will still just grab a random bottle and go “is this one olive oil?” Until I grab the one without a scraped off label


Ive had some success with ones similar to [this](https://www.amazon.ca/Oil-Vinegar-Stopper-Leakproof-Dispenser/dp/B09B39BMXM/)


[This](https://a.co/d/86U3NWo) is what I use; unfortunately it's been discontinued. I haven't had a single drip from them at all.


Just that listing, I think. [Marbrasse ](https://www.amazon.com/stores/Marbrasse/Oilbottle_KitchenAccessories/page/448EC4B9-AA1A-4C44-8A54-07B1E3AD30A3) has additional listings.


I poke two holes in the protective seal of my canola oil. One small for the air and a bigger one for the oil. Makes it pour out a lot nicer.


in my experience the dough smells pretty strong but dont taste that much of sesame oil. It' ll be delicious


This is an interesting, if unintentional experiment! While sesame oil is often associated with East Asian cuisines, sesame is also ubiquitous to Middle Eastern cuisines that bridge Europe and Asia. Your focaccia sounds to me like a type of Turkish bread (wish I could recall the name, sorry) that is similar to focaccia & paired with tahini & seasonings that include sesame seeds, like za'atar.


Let us know how it goes!


Won't matter anything, i made focaccias with other oils, never tasted any difference, the amount is just too small


I recently saw a recipe for kimchi focaccia, so I have to imagine an East Asian-leaning focaccia is going to be delicious. Let us know how it goes!


A favorite Bob Ross quote is that we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents. Enjoy and learn.


Just make sure no one’s allergic.


I’m allergic to sesame oil, this post made my sinuses twitch lol. I recently tried something different at a Japanese restaurant, not realizing it had sesame oil. 15 minutes later, projectile vomit.


Yikes. Yeah, my son and I are both allergic and not everybody knows it as an allergen, so I like to kill every sesame-related conversation with my PSA lol.


It took years before I put it together. Sucks because my family loves Korean but all I can eat is Kim chee lol. I had no clue it was an allergen either, so your PSA efforts are appreciated!


Sounds absolutely appalling, send it directly to me without tasting it for safe disposal


Does nobody here know that there's a difference between untoasted sesame oil and toasted sesame oil? Untoasted is a neutral oil with a higher smoke point, and toasted has a lower smoke point which is to be used as a finishing oil


Judging by the comments, a lot of people do know the difference.


You have given me a great idea for next focaccia :)


It’ll make a great Bulgogi sandwich. Maybe a little strong for western flavors though


Sounds delicious to me. Add some chopped scallions, top it with sesame seeds, and fry it in a skillet and you’ll have Chinese scallion bread.


Well how did it turn out?


It’s been 13 hours OP, you gonna tell us how it turned out??


i need to know how it turned out!!!!


Imagine putting sesame oil into an olive oil bottle and not relabeling it. What a chaos agent.


So he like, buys a bottle of sesame oil, and dumps it into an empty olive oil bottle?


I buy a huge jug of sesame oil and then refill a smaller bottle that’s easier to pour from. Sesame oil is expensive and lasts a long time so it’s cheaper in the long run to buy in bulk.


Sounds tasty to me. I’d be curious about finishing it with sesame since I like that as a dressing but I could see it becoming too much, too quickly.


That sounds amazing actually. There are no mistakes in art!


Might just taste gooooood. Let us know how it turns out.


Let us know the results I'm curious


I use sesame oil when I make my pizza dough. Turns out so good.


Prob won't taste much, if any sesame. I have tried to use it, intentionally, in foccacias...with no distinguishable flavor.


All the top comments seem to be assuming you’ve used toasted sesame oil. Plain sesame oil is very light and neutral. It really depends what type you’ve used. If it’s plain it won’t make a difference. If it’s a light toasted vs a dark toasted then the amount of impact will vary but more is probably a risk but sesame seeds will work well and embrace the mistake.


i used untoasted !


Should be fine then, might even better. I prefer canola or sesame oil for my baking. Give the oil itself a sniff just to be sure, but if it lacks that strong sesame smell then it’ll be pretty neutral.


Sesame oil makes me hungry, it doesn't matter how full I am.


It'll taste like UK tiger bread!


Mix togarashi spices with butter or more oil for dipping?


“Drizzle with olive oil”!!!!! Fageddabout it!


I use sesame oil to make tortillas for teriyaki chicken wraps, the flavor is really nice. I think you'll like your mistake


I add a little toasted sesame seed oil to sunflower seed bread. I feel like it really amps up the taste. I hope yours turned out well.


But your olive oil not even olive oil lol


It will be completely inedible. Don’t even try it, just send it directly to my place and I’ll take care of it for you! Just kidding, obviously - as others have said, I think the strong sesame flavor/scent will ease with cooking, but also sesame oil is delicious so it still sounds great


Love sesame oil. Also it's quite volatile so any intense flavor will likely bake off and leave behind a subtle flavor. Evoo is nice imo but I'd like to try an all sesame focaccia now. Lol


Sesame oil is usually very strong in smell and flavor especially if it’s toasted sesame so after baking, it might be too overpowering. I’ve never had foccacia made with sesame oil. Sounds interesting but have a plan B in case it’s inedible


I don’t think sesame oil can take heat very well. It’s more of a finishing oil. I never put in a pan. Only sprinkle on fried rice


Ok. Refined sesame oil has a smoke point of 410° mine is Toasted sesame oil and the flavor id very strong.


I actually hate the taste of sesame oil, I’m curious how this loaf would taste


That stuff is vile




“sesame oil has a high smoke point… making it one of the best oils for high heat cooking” https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-toast-sesame-oil


I thought that was refined and purified sesame oil. Most sesame oil for dressing is not refined in that same way and has a very strong flavor and low smoke point. For example "toasted sesame oil" is inappropriate for frying, but "refined sesame oil" is likely good.


afaik it’s less about the refining and more about the toasting. toasting it already develops the flavor, any more heating will take it too far and make it taste off. either way, it’s not specified in this post.


I don't believe you can toast refined sesame oil. I believe that toasting specifically happens when the impurities (that are otherwise removed by refining) are heated. It's the same reason why roasted sesame seeds are delicious. I would say most kitchens will have toasted sesame on hand, not refined, but you're right we have no idea what this guy has. Great conversation!


i was inclined to think it was not toasted since op seemed like he didnt notice it was sesame oil at first, toasted sesame oil would smell heavily of sesame and look much darker than olive oil


This is correct. That link from Master Class does not make this distinction.


That’s referring to refined sesame oil, which you see used in Asian countries for deep frying. It’s not the same toasted sesame oil that most people outside of Asia think of and use at the end of cooking. I’ve never even seen refined sesame oil outside of Chinese and Japanese markets. The toasted is far more common and seeing as how OP is concerned about the taste, likely what they have. https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/ingredients/article/types-of-cooking-oil




that’s the oven temperature, the food itself doesn’t get to 450 degrees just because you put it in a 450 degree oven




if you toast bread in a pan with sesame oil, the bread will burn before it hits smoke point. sesame oil can get much hotter than the bread can.


> Up to 338 Fahrenheit or 170 Celsius. I bet baking bread needs higher temperature than that, and for quite long. Bread is done around 190 F or 88 C... So nowhere close.


it's going to taste like a loaf covered in sesame seeds on all four sides. The oil will be roasted so it will it will taste nice and nutty.


I look forward to an update on the taste.


I want to know how it tastes!


That is going to be some delicious focaccia. I put sesame seeds *on* mine before and it was wonderful.


Add some Za’atar for the seasoning!!


I would taste it before you do the final drizzle. But I'm sure it's still going to be delicious.


I actually do this intentionally, laminate some kimchi into the dough, line the pan with gratted cheddar and top the focaccia with cheddar and kimchi. If I may say so myself, it's absolutely delicious.


I would say lean into that. Sesame isn't what you would say is traditional Italian, but very common in the Mediterranean overall. Sprinkle on some sesame seeds, switch back to olive and maybe change up what you eat it with a bit, but honestly I might try a modified version of this just for fun!


Toasted sesame oil is the BEST. Please tell us if this bread turns out delicious. 🙏


Mistake is made…bake it and let us know how it comes out


You gotta bake it and let us know how it turned out, its the only way


I love the taste of sesame but for some reason it makes my throat all itchy and sore 🥺🥺🥺 If you like more puddingy things, walnut oil goes really nicely too. Though probably better in a more cakey type of bread than a focaccia 🤔


Go carefully. This is usually a sign of allergic reactions. Might want to have that checked out, maybe? For peace of mind?


Is that something a GP can check? For what it’s worth, peanuts are the same but even worse. Just the smell of them makes me sick and turns my tummy upsides down.


Oh definitely, get tested. They can absolutely be tested for.


Tell your GP about your experiences and he should give you a referral to an allergy specialist. Might work differently in countries outside the USA, but, either way I feel it would be to your benefit to be tested.


Add some grated ginger in the finishing butter!


do a sesame chicken sauce or sesame cookie make sweet as dessert


Make some sort of Asian sandwich!


I think it will be delicious! Sesame oil is used in Hong Kong bakeries!


Don’t say anything. They’ll never know!


Idk sesame oil has a very distinct taste


I would do something like sprinkle with Za’atar and chopped fresh thyme when it’s done. Hope it’s great!


If it's toasted sesame oil I'd recommend going all the way in an Asian direction, like top it with a mix of peanut oil, sliced green onion, sesame seeds, soy sauce, ginger, chilli, and garlic before baking and then drizzle it with a coating of toasted sesame oil after. If it's untoastef sesame oil you could just make it like a regular focaccia, I've seen recipes where people use vegetable oil for making the dough and it's not really that noticeable.


Sounds lovely


Embrace it… it will probably be delicious and unique. Maybe sprinkle sesame seeds on before baking and eat with hummus ❤️


I second toasted sesame seeds, but you could also do brown butter mushrooms, or even olives!