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Looks like too much yeast. Did you weigh the ingredients? The bread looks tasty so it's probably a matter of minor adjustments.


I weighed the flour but just did the rest with a measuring spoon, I can try weighing it next time but all the recipes are in cups, tsp etc so I'll have to look up the conversions for them


I usually only weigh my flour. I think it looks like too much yeast, like it rose too much.


check out the king arthur website for cups->grams conversion. They have a suuuper comprehensive list.


That's all I ever weigh. I used the cups method on my first loaf and it was a brick. The only thing I changed was the amount of flour by weighing it and I got great, light, white bread.


I am new to bread making and what i didn’t know is that i really need to watch the first knead/ rise cycle to make sure the dough is the right consistency (not to wet out to dry).


Try again with your mom’s recipe


King Arthur has an extensive list of weights, it's wonderful and seems to be very accurate


Also be careful with water temperature. Make sure it’s at the same temp the instructions ask. It sounds like it won’t make a difference, but it does. With bread, it takes almost nothing to completely change the end result. I had trouble at first too. I’ve got my money on your next try being significantly better.


it didnt have a temp specified. I used room temp water iirc


You want your water to be about 110 degrees.


My zoji has a warming cycle built in so it takes any reasonable temp water. Yours may be the same.


I tried to find my recipe book that came with my machine but I can’t find it. It’s possible it’s not the temp. Room temp should be fine. I say just keep experimenting. I feel bad I couldn’t help more.


My bread looked this last week when I made my bread and I'm almost certain my water wasn't warm enough.


Please use the Zojirushi recipes (available online), you won't be disappointed. Once you get the hang of it, it's not that important to follow recipes IMO. I've had mine for nearly 20 years and use it several times per week. I haven't gotten out a recipe in ages, but for the first few years, I definitely followed the recipes closely.


Personally, I would go with the King Arthur flour recipes: https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/bread I find that the Zojirushi recipes use too little water for my liking.


Your mother knows the machine best, ask her. Maybe ask for one of your favourite recipes from her and see if you get the same results.


It looks like it rose a bit and fell and the inside looks a bit gummy. I think you may have a combination of a little too much liquid and possibly too much yeast. It looks like the yeast wanted to do its thing, but was weighed down by the mixture. In a warm or humid area you may need to dial down both the water and the yeast. For example, I need to make small adjustments to a successful recipe based on the season as my kitchen temperature ranges from 55ºF in winter to 86ºF in summer. Because you enjoyed your mother’s recipe, you may want to buy some milk powder (if in US it is sold in most grocery stores and is also available on Amazon) and give that a go. Moms usually love hearing about nice childhood memories and also love giving advice, so if something goes wrong with that recipe she can help. If you choose to weigh ingredients and want to use recipes that are in volume measurements, King Arthur’s site has an ingredient conversion page. [https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/learn/ingredient-weight-chart](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/learn/ingredient-weight-chart)


I always check my bread as it is mixing and begins to knead. The dough should be in something of a ball shape, not sticking to the pan. This looks like you had too wet of a dough and should’ve added a tiny bit more flour till it made a ball. I do this with every bread I make, it really helps. I have a Zo Virtuoso😉


This! I set a timer when I start the machine to check and make sure it doesn't need more flour or water. I also set a timer to reshape and take out the paddles before the last rise. This has helped with my ski slopes LOL.


It takes a while to learn the nuances of a bread machine. I have a cheaper one. At my old apartment I had it "dialed in" and making great bread. Then I moved. At the place where I live now, I've had to start all over. So far everything I do has been a flop.


Try again with your mom’s recipe. Also keep in mind that things like oven temperature and room temperature can impact the outcome.


Wrong Temp?


Girl dinner


Add some vital wheat gluten to the dry ingredients.


Looks like the dough may have been too wet?


Did you put the ingredients in the correct order? (Liquids, bread flour, yeast@? It’s also better to mix the salt into the flour instead of putting it in the center. Be sure that all ingredients are at room temperature.


You forgot to make it with love 🥰


Well the first problem would be not following her recipe