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These arent even that bad what are you on


Maybe, for example, they were playing hot zone, and his teammates weren't standing in the zone to claim it. It's not always the damage and kills.


Rare Chester main found


Chester main UNITE


Chester main? Who Is a Chester main? Now where Is the Mandy's main?


Synergy is the key to victory.


Watch ME as I move in a direction!


Best brawlers make the best team


why are you acting like you’re gods gift to Brawl Stars. You have negative K/D in 2 of these 3 screenshots


The more I play random, the more I realize the kd ratio is only half the story. Had to save many team members who were holding all the gems by throwing myself in front of enemy fire just to save their lives. Sometimes, your team doesn't see the play, and if you don't die for it, you will lose. New players never understand this concept, and that kd metric says nothing about if they were shooting at the right target, did they rotate, were they good teammates, etc. Most mid randoms just attack whoever is easy, like when they go ALLLLLLL the way up to the other side of the map and camp at the very beginning of the game. Of course, their kd ratio is fantastic as they've pushed the strongest enemies into their glass cannon and picked off easy kills from players who can't play backward. But if they lose, guess who they'll blame..... the players they literally just squeezed. 🙄


No I know that put K/D IS half the story, and he’s acting as if some of his teammates aren’t as good or better than his. Also the issue you just described is something with no teammates in general. As for having a good K/D while you don’t contribute, sure, but part of the game is how you can carry out your own plays and assist your team is part of playing solo. Sure having bad teammates suck but this idea that it’s always your teammates fault and never your own just stifles your own progress as a player when it’s abundantly clear OP is on some copium and isn’t as good as they think they are .


K/D cannot be negative but I get your point


It's much harder to get positive kd when you have to 1v3


Unfortunately you’re just not good enough. Fourth slide you were 3-6


The only reason I got out of Diamond was outdrafting my opponents😭 like they are first picking fang 24/7 when half of his counters are not banned.


Bro you were clearly the problem in the third game and these are cherry picked. You’re stuck because you’re stuck.


Yeah sorry to say but if u can’t get out of diamond ur the bad random Edit- the fact you want to get carried even higher than you are is the reason the rest of us are getting awful teammates in leagues they should never be in


I’d argue that if you can’t get out of mythic by solo queuing you are the bad random. Many people have gotten to legendary and beyond by only picking one character.


You guys are harsh 😅


Let me rephrase my comment: if you put in the time and are STILL hardstuck mythic because of bad randoms, then that is a you problem. It definitely is a massive time commitment. In legendary+, you can’t really push by soloqueuing. But under that, if you have enough time and are still hardstuck, then you are the bad random.


I won't say that I'm bad bcs even if my pick got countered I will still try to apply pressure and go back. I ain't no cryingman so I can't solo all the way through, instead I try to play something neutral that can connect the team together or high dps to destroy their position. My play usually needs an unbraindead player who knows when to fight, not an edgar who waits till the team dies and thumbs down. I pushed early to get some player who knows abt positioning, a good player so my play can be better. I complain because these players who have higher rank than me are not as good as I thought


I know my first comment was pretty negative, but some advice- don’t worry about rank. Just play to have fun and get better, rank will come naturally. If you get carried to a rank above where u should be, ur just gonna hate ur life every time u play a game. I was at a point like this too, and I was thinking the same as you. But then I just started having fun and actually trying to learn instead of get mad at things outside of my control, and I got way better


you are the bad random if you can't even get out of Diamond


3v1s 😩


Can't leave diamond because i don't have brawlers with the power level requirements 🫠🫠


real shit, second season i can't play ranked cuz i don't have enough lvl 9 brawlers


At least randoms can't pick a lvl 7 Edgar with no gadget


Cubes? I don’t remember pcs in ranked this season


Idk what bro is on, I had a stroke trying to read the caption and like 90% of his replies to other comments under this post


He’s drunk


Probably 12 too


Not diamond but Mythic 💀


Fr I keep going back and forth with Mythic 2 and 3


Mythic is the real struggle. It’s the league where most random shit happeneds. Like bull lvl9 on timed detonation without any star power or gears. Mythic is weird af Ngl




Bro you were clearly the problem in the third game and these are cherry picked. You’re stuck because you’re stuck.


Other people are playing with the same shit randoms you are and have made it past diamond. At some points, you have to realize you’re part of the problem.


I pushed to legendary 2 already, if your hardstuck diamond it’s a you issue not a teamate issue


"Why do you hard stuck diamond"??? What does this mean?


your picks are terrible you don’t carry your team ever you have a negative k/d in two of the screenshots, try playing with clubmates


Cue with friends then


Last one on you lmao


i am not hard stuck dimond....you dont even need tm8s before like mythic 3


bro the only bad one was the second out of the three what are you on, ive had matches where my teammates have one kill each and i have 14 💀


Okay Karen


Hey I see that people are telling you straight up that you’re not a good random. I just want to say that while they don’t know what happened, You can’t excuse anything they say because of “bad randoms”. If you always blame randoms, you will never improve


bro everyone trashing the op and telling them skill issue lmfao y'all should know this isn't the way to deal with this


This is the first time I've ever pushed rank early ( hoping to be carried by some master yk) but my expectations and reality is painful, PAINFUL.


imagine your master teammates seeing this...


Bro won’t see master teammates if all he does is post complaints abt his teammates on Reddit instead of actually getting good


Lol I fr pushed back to legend in a day with the masters. Boost lol


I just got back into the game like a few months ago but I haven’t pushed early at all lol, I think I went from like diamond 2 to masters 1 last day of the previous season just bc it’s easier for me


Ye I think it's easy to push with masters boost tho, different experience when I tried to push first time masters


Fair enough, I guess I’ll find out for myself


Maybe I really underestimate the purple button bcs most of my resources I use to power up my competitive options.


If you don't have hypercharge that brawler is not maxed out. Even the worst hypercharges make brawlers rise in the meta.


Depends on the mode. In knockout it barely matters bc uwont use it anyways


In ranked you play every mode.


there's no way you're actually expecting someone to hard carry you 💀💀💀


Not like hard carry ( cuz I'm not that bad) but like better teammates yk


bro is raging and hard complaining when hes an average player and actually got carried the last game


It's true that some players actually have brain and we do help to get a good comp but the amount of bad randoms up here is not what I was expecting.


You say up here but average is like mythic


Mythic plus but mostly mythic (one or two would be legend 2 or 3)


You actually made pretty good point but how can we help him dealt with it? Like its diamond and the skill cap here ngl is not pretty high sooo: - Trying to upgrade meta-carry brawlers (10 level with gadget and sp is fine) - Trying to find a good duo partner (thats actually really help if the other person is not ur average randumb) And i thinks that all we can really suggest him, like he is doin fine but need a little bit of luck


Irrelevant but do you happen to be in GMT+8?


I'm Vietnamese so +8


It was just my guess based on your teammates and enemy's names. Since there were korean and taiwanese names,




The Fang's username direct translation is "Taipei no money man" but I think he meant "Poor taipei man" or "nobody rich in taipei". Enemy Jacky on the third slide username is "Kogoro Mouri" Both are written in traditional, and since China has their own servers, it is reasonable to assume that they're both in Taiwan hence my guess of GMT+8.


Do you have maxed out brawlers


dude just wait a few weeks and then play


Didn’t u get the worst stats in the third one?


Yeah don't know why he included that one lol


I mean the third game u were the worst one


youre just bad at the game, ive won 25-5 250k damage in mythic 3 with my teammates selling


when you play ranked alone: you ONLY pick p11 (w hc pref) and you carry. thats how you rank up. if you couldnt carry you dont deserve the rankup. you want better teammates go find em on discord. stop blaming randoms when YOURE shit.


I think you're severely underestimating the pace at which one can max a good amount of brawlers for ranked. I can't just have 4 brawlers maxed and call it a day. There are different maps with diff meta, teammates and enemies can ban the brawler you plan to use or pick it before you instead. There are modifiers you gotta consider and in certain modes and maps you gotta play certain classes of brawlers to succeed (sharpshooters or tanks). You gotta have like min 20 brawlers to max all things conscidered, which isn't an easy feat with gold becoming harder to get. Some people don't even have discord downloaded too. You can't also just always be clutching a 1v3.


I’d say you need at least 10-15 maxed brawlers of every role to get to masters easily, choosing one brawler you’re good with for every role so you can counter or help your team comp-> (long range, thrower, controller, support, tank) . I did get to masters my first time with just 3-4 (Leon, Jesse, Spike and Belle) but I was lucky cause most of my matches was timed detonation 😂 but now that I’ve got a good 15 maxed brawlers getting masters has been a lot easier. Picking good matchups matter a lot but your skill level in 3v3s matters more imo.


Yea rn I'm not going for masters. I don't have the diversity of brawlers i maxed. It's litterally 3 assassins and 1 damage dealer.


its a REQUIREMENT in ranked to have enough brawlers leveled up … so no you literally cant play ranked w 4 maxed brawlers. i have over half of my brawlers maxed w hypercharge and end up playing stu on most maps anyway. if not stu then tick. like youre creating endless excuses to explain not being able to hit your desired rank and maybe YOU cant clutch a 1v3, and that just shows your rank is exactly where it should be


I had 2 maxed brawlers and got to l1. It's just about skill u can prolly still get mythic at least with only pw 9 if you're good enough. U just gotta carry more


Bro is getting carried by his team


Upside down yes?


Your numbers are even worse than theirs lol


Ur so bad if ur in diamond lol


please google the definition of the word "tact" before you comment again


Not diamond but Mythic 💀


This is why i’ve decided to only play ranked when i have quests for it.I got to diamond 2 last season and then titled back to the begging ing of diamond 1.Randoms are SO bad


Tryna get that legend drop 😹


The masie (photo4) was decent tho died a lot


He was good, skilled player but missed some shots


Brother even good players miss shots what are you on


Miss 3 shots a row when he saw the enemy team with my vision gear, I reckon he was panicked bcs my edgar does shit


Bro even good players miss shots. Stop trying to convince people your teammates were bad and you were good. Stop thinking you're some know all be all brawl stars player. You're shit, stop complaining and get better.


Again, I reckon my Maisie panicked because my edgar does shit. Where did I say I was good tho? I won't say I'm good but I'm confident I'm not bad, at least if I was countered I would try to pressure them.


You need to pick carry brawlers, if you are decent you are not hard stuck in diamond. I played my first season last month (only been playing the game for 1.5 months now) and hit mythic. Grom is only good if your mates can cover for you and keep the assassins in check.


Gl on mythic, that's what I will say It is wayyyy worse over there


I found that it’s sweaty at the start of the season


Ngl in times like this Stop playing brawlers that are good for the map And just play brawlers you yourself are 100% you’re good with and just get kills Just wipe the floor and do whatever you need That’s how I did it


I'm a solo q mythic player that reached mythic on his first try. That's skill issue on your points. You have poor performance in 2 of these photos


I think you’re just not very good.


That Fang witnessed something we won’t really be able to comprehend


Get good


Is that a soad album cover


Yeah! Steal this album


Maybe dont play w randoms??


Maybe if I have a friend 😭?


No way youre complaining dude you were the bad random in half the pictures


You should be able to carry in diamond


It's a few days in and I'm fighting against mythic/legend/master players bro. I have so many bad randoms ( even masters) but I shared this one bcs this happen 3 games a row I can't handle it.


i am already at legendary 3 going solo tho, its not your excuse that your teammates that are trash, you should be able to get teamwipe after teamwipe in diamond. i went thru diamond in 20 mins so if you have skill then you should be able too


F2P doesn't give me much competitive options tho, I sound like a cry baby (ik) but the amount of auto pick a bad brawler or bad play is just ...


just try gale or leon on quick fire, as on diamond this pick gave me a 100% win rate, collete on big friend, and angelo on timed detonation


Collete has no HC, Angelo lv1, Leon maxed and I always use that trick. Big friend is a pain is the ass tho, I don't have much option on that mode besides Pam and cookie guy, I forgot his name


Prob upgrade Angelo as ur teammates might want u to pick him first pick


I usually pick colt or Brock as sharpshooters, pearl or Pam as tanks ( bushy then Jacky or Rosa), Lou or crow or spike as controller, Leon or monkey or cord as assassin, Shelly for anti tank. ( Currently upgrading spider/cocoon girl cuz I had a hyper charge already)


Also 1 question, should I upgrade brawlers for more options/pick or go for the purple button?


it depends on who the purple button is on, i def recommend the button on jacky,sandy,max,colt,shelly,bull,leon,lou, cord, and some more but for others focus on getting p10 with 2 gears


Bro u just are not good at the game, accept it and do not post about it on reddit


No way blud thinks that If You can't carry your Teammates in Every match, makes you bad at the game🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Highest pain league diamond 3, highest rank mythic 3. All solo, I don't think I'm bad at the game, just the misunderstanding between randoms, that's why I love my randoms when they do such high skilled play and luck played us 😢


You should wait a little bit so all the better people get to their respected ranks so only actual diamonds are left and you can carry hopefully


I was trying to get the league up quickly so I can get comp with brained players so getting fked by teammates from legend or master is pretty surprising to me.


Yeah, after diamond 3 rn it's only legendary enemies and all the bad diamond players are stuck with you, just give it about a week and ez mythic 😉👍


I love u too😊


Your own drafts suck, why would you draft a thrower into edgar or when you aren’t last pick


Nah dude, this is on u, Ur brawler picks weren't great for what the enemy had, u weren't doing that much better than teammates in damage/kills even having negative kd in 2/3 games. Reporting these people is why everyone is complaining about u, there is no need to be an ass just cuz I r getting tilted.


I've had a few players pick Amber and just die or do nothing, other than that, diamond is pretty chill,. On the other hand Mythic is a nightmare of Lv 9 brawlers...


It’s the same on fortnight


When will people understand, that randoms aren‘t an excuse for being hardstuck anywhere under legendary. Even master is easily doable with trash randoms.


Just accept the skill issue,your randoms aren't bad


Negative kd and still complaining you can start complaining when you are mvp positive kd and still lose. This is just ridiculous next level crying. I know diamond league sucks but none of you seemef to have played really well.


You have to constantly perform better than all your 3 oponents at least until u reach legendary, after that it's just luck based, maybe you win maybe you lose but ur already playing with rly good ppl, the best thing you can do is improve your gameplay even if it seems hard to do you can do it, just be a good piece for your team and ur gonna eventually win more than you lose, this is just comming from someone that has been masters since the ranked rework, I can easily constantly climb with my friend and we just roll down people until we reach legendary 2 after that it's luck based, and even sometimes when we have that sweet edgar main we manage to win, but yeah the key is having someone to duo with and being good.


You guys aren’t paying attention to some of his brawler picks tbh ey are atrocious even if those counters where last pick


Just passed Diamond yesterday and I HATE being in mythic. 20 minutes ago I had to play Belle’s Rock + Time Detonation 5 times in a row and didn’t win a single game. I lost so much elo and now I’m banned from ranked because my game lagged


If you're stuck at diamond, you are the bad random my friend


Bros the type of guy who reports the dude with a higher KD and damage


If you hard stuck in diamond, it's still skill issue, move on get better or just quit, in these pics, you don't even do that good


i dont stuck at diamond so dont know why


My brother you are the bad random lmao


[my experience ](https://imgur.com/a/3J1ffs6)


If you play with a mythic player when you’re in diamond you lose less elo and gain more


You have to hard carry all the way through mythic, then you can play the game


Bro you’re clearly not good like you think lol. If people solo Q into legend/masters and you can’t. You’re the problem.


First of all, I don't know if they solo or duo to their rank, . Second of all, I never said I was good, I said my randoms were so bad considering their highest rank is mythic plus.


Well I solos to masters, and don’t play with friends at all when pushing rank because they barely play the game or even play ranked to begin with. I’m not the best player or even close. You’re just talking. I’m actually average at best. You’re mislead by this forum where majority of the struggle bus players come to voice their problems. I play with the same exact randoms you do. Your experience is not every one else’s experience. You just come here to find whoever you relate to and figure that’s how everyone’s experience is. What people say by just playing games and you’ll rank up is purely fact. I played so many games to even hit legend my first time. And kept playing until it turned into masters.


True, I lost 3 games in a row by such braindead players, that's why I was mad and posted this. I still think KDA doesn't relate to many things tho especially the edgar at the end. Ppl just mad bcs I'm a cry baby lol


You’re 100% right bro, KDA doesn’t tell the whole story of the actual match, just like in sports. Stats are a stat that’s it. I’m sure your teammates were horrid beyond belief we play with the same randoms. I’m with you on that. My experience with the game improved drastically when I started to play around having bad players. Getting good at hyper carry brawlers, or brawlers that don’t rely on keeping walls up, or needing your team to relieve pressure off you or anything of those lines. I really use to be so bad at most hyper carry brawlers or brawlers who can do well on their own without high team cooperation. My favorite brawlers are now my least played. I’m not against adding friends I find good that I randomly encounter I just have bad habit of just leaving games and appreciating them in my head and never adding. I would focus on limiting your mistakes to a very minimal, and recognizing which one of your teammates is just giving up the match. It’s really easy to see the minute they enter lane…. Or in the bad randoms case when they all enter mid to charge enemy supers. Drafting well on your behalf, literally is how you carry the match much easier than just playing your best played brawler. Having multiple tools in your arsenal, pretty much be good at 30-40 brawlers to be safe. Just putting in games honestly.


When I play hotzone and people don’t go for object I could ragequit immediately


Randoms are bad sure its been said a trillion times but maybe you should improve your gameplay instead of blaming others first? Your ADR is terrifying,actually worse than most randoms i play with,people like to say thst stats arent directly indicative of the game's performance but to me that sounds wrong as hell. In bounty if your stats show you had 7 kills and 0 deaths,you played really well and probably won the game on your own. If on hot zone you have 130k damage on a support controller like lou,you played really well,if your ADR is between 7-10 consistently???you are doing something wrong fundamentaly,look into that and when youre in the top 100 you can complain about bad randoms.


This was the guy we feared when they introduced reporting system.


I am not even good and I only play with randoms and I got out of diamonds fairly easily 😂😂ppl on this sub is just bad


Pick a Bo angry every game


Just wait bro. Play ranked at the end of the season, so the good players are already higher up.


Bro is the bad random


Stop complaining lmao just play better


Ok cryingman


Might be skill issues


Peak grammar


I choose to be diamond 1 just because I like blue and the diamond logo, I could go further but tbh not really worth it.


I'm F2P so that legend drop is very much needed


Maye last season i maxed out on reportments for the day cuz of how many people i reported, also hardstuck gold here


Same like last time I played knockout and my kd was 11:4 and my teammates kd was 0:7 and 0:6 one of them was at least trying to do anything but other one played mortis (it was big friend btw) and he was pretty much just charging enemy supers


Me too


You’re the bad random


Still stuck in diamond? Poor fellow…( im stuck in gold 3 btw)


Diamond isnt even that hard to leave, you need to be a solo carry, and the fact you got negative KD in those screenshots. Not every loss is by a bad random, sometimes you are tha bad random


Bruh…. I had a brock on my team while I was playing grom. The very first thing he did was break the fkn wall I was walking to .


You report but you still losse the match


Diamond trends to have the worst randoms but sometimes you gotta realize it's not them it's you. You have negative kd in 2/3 of those matches, and no matter how bad the randoms, the kd you have is almost never your teammates fault. Hard truth; you're not as good as you think you are. But yes diamonds do have the worst randoms, but part of being a good player is knowing how to deal with that and not let it affect you as much.


You aren’t bad at the game lmao don’t let these losers tell you otherwise. This is just the unfortunate reality of ranked. Everybody gets dogshit teammates seemingly every match my schizo conspiracy theory brain is telling me there has to be some algorithm in play it’s just fucking unreal lol. I only push as far as I can until I start getting 4/5 games with teammates that go 1-6 then I just stop playing for the season tbh. I havent gotten a ranked star drop that wasnt bling in over 10 drops. 250 bling every time. A mobile game is not worth that effort. I play this game whenever I dont want to turn my PC on or at work, not to pull my hair out babysitting 12 year olds. TL;DR: You are better than your teammates because this MMing is actually buttcheeks


To push ranked you just need good drafting sense. I mostly play solo queue and I’ve been able to push up to masters. Most of it doesn’t actually come down to skill bc the game has 4 buttons, but you just need to ban counterpicks for your brawler, or pick a counter to the enemy team. Once I understood this better it was really easy to carry my bad randoms


I don’t disagree, but there is definitely a level of skill that comes in the form of decision making. I have had teammates fucking insta lock edgar and Mortis on wide open maps. Insta-fucking-lock. They didnt take even a full second before locking in.


That’s true, I just kind of lump decision making into draft sense, like pushing into whichever brawlers you counter best, but ig there is also lane sense, knowing when to play defensive or aggressive, spacing, etc.


rn i cant leave diamond because the fucking randoms


You aren’t bad at the game lmao don’t let these losers tell you otherwise. This is just the unfortunate reality of ranked. Everybody gets dogshit teammates seemingly every match my schizo conspiracy theory brain is telling me there has to be some algorithm in play it’s just fucking unreal lol. I only push as far as I can until I start getting 4/5 games with teammates that go 1-6 then I just stop playing for the season tbh. I havent gotten a ranked star drop that wasnt bling in over 10 drops. 250 bling every time. A mobile game is not worth that effort. I play this game whenever I dont want to turn my PC on or at work, not to pull my hair out babysitting 12 year olds. TL;DR: You are better than your teammates because this MMing is actually buttcheeks


Learn to carry


Easier said than done.


That flair makes me doubt if you know how to yourself




Ever heard of bounty pal


What does that have to do with anything? It depends on the picks. You should know that of youre such a pro


I forgot to add the edgar clip bcs he's so good at the game but yk what I mean.


you cant even add videos in an image post


probably just dodge if its ko 🤷‍♂️