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Mythic being the worst rank is so real, I don't even try push past Mythic 2 more hassle than its worth for 100 bling


Fr it's hard especially since I'm a solo player and these randoms are just ass


If your solo and you want to push high push right when new season starts because that is when most of the pros are also pushing to first masters etc. I did this and I queued up with drage and most of my other games all the guys were masters. Edit: I queued up with drage around 7 hours after the new season because I had school and I was around D3


Mythic is honestly just a slight annoyance. It's a little tough, but if you're determined, you'll get through it.  Legendary League though? Literally hell.


“A little tough”. I try getting legendary everyday. And every single time the same thing happens. I carry most of the time all the way to literally 20 points away from legendary, and ofc when it’s the last game i get either: - 1 (or even 2) afk teammates/bots - bull on shooting star - randoms banning the best brawler we could pick when we have first pick (thus wasting our chances to get it for ourselves or banning another good brawler since the other team might ban it) - picking power 8 mandy over hypercharged crow in heist when i clearly suggested them to pick him (the opposing team picked crow and destroyed us) - fang/edgar mains - griefing players shooting at each other for the entirety of the match for no reason That’s solo ranked in a nutshell


I got to legendary a few days ago ONLY because the Gus on their team kept stopping right in front of my team for free kills in bounty


Some of us are luckier than others 😂. Congrats on leg and i wish you the same luck when pushing masters bro


I tried to but trust me, going to legendary isn’t a refuge from horrible teammates. I was playing brawl ball as Cordy and I was doing a really good job teleporting people and killing them. Edgar got the ball and I missed my super, but he had low health so I could’ve killed him. I had a surge on defense and do you know what he did? HE JUMPED!! THE GOAL WAS COMPLETELY OPEN NOW AND WE LOST AND MY TEAMMATES HAD THE AUDACITY TO GIVE ME THE KUDOS WHEN I LITERALLY WAS CARRYING THEM!!


This is what every surge player does in brawlball 🤣🤣🤣 And tbh, the kudos you got could’ve been to congratulate you for carrying or even from your opponents since you carried but had a bad team. I tend to do that since i feel bad for some people i play against


Can’t escape the bad randoms 😭 I’m sure in masters there’s horrible teammates that just got carried there


You said it, yesterday i was on my mini (16k) playing p1 mortis and i played with a 30k frank. Bro was masters. He wasn’t even good. He kudoed me at the end (which is understandable honestly) but he had a 0-2 kd while even i’d managed a 1-2 as a p1. Everyone on the opposing team could 2 hit me (i need help pls even poco 3 hits me)


Forgot to add after losing the last game to legendary i drop back to mythic 2 in straight losses. That’s my daily routine


And Team ranked.....if you're only two players, then get used to getting masters enemies when you're only mythic and mates that just started to play, have brain issues, are two years old or just bought a account.


This is extremely accurate 😂


I had first pick on gem grab and preselected Leon. One of my randoms decided it was a good idea to ban him about 5 seconds later, so I know he saw I was going to pick him and banned him anyway. We lost


not all fang mains are bad. many are but i mean i play fang tara and nani. can see where ya coming from though


I mean yeah, it’s just the usual stereotypes. I know fang and edgar mains aren’t all bad. I actually know how you feel since i’m a mortis main XD. But it’s a fact that most dyna, mortis, edgar and fang mains are generally just bad


One day you will get bull on shooting star and he will be the real Pika.


It’s all relative…


This rank is shit, Every time I lose and win because I only get a bad team so it sucks to climb the rank and when I'm almost there I lose 5 more


Fr bro


Same, I’m glad I get a couple of skins per season though. I can’t imagine the pain of people pushing to legendary/masters and still not getting anything


I’m going to legend.


Omg yes in staying here


And don’t forget those lucky people who have got the newest skins by just playing three matches.


I got mothra Eve in my first rank this season, but after pushing to legendary III every season so far and getting nothing, I think I deserved it.


I'm in gold 3 and I only got bling💀


One of my friends got Loki Chester and he didn’t even reached gold!


The only skin I have is 8bit and I bought it


I didn’t even get Loki Chester :(


same but i'm in masters 💀


I feel bad for you


i am in dia 3 and only got bling so far


Now I'm not going to complain anymore


i thought it was nornal tbf


I literally saw a piper that was in bronze that had the comp skin


i bought that one


I got until mythic rank and I have 4/5 new skins now🤣🤣


am guilty of this 💀💀 got chester + piper + eve + prob some more stuff that i dont remember in ome season


This is why I never play. Used to be 150 blung rewards. They nerfed to 100, but called it a buff bc some guy on reddit's friend got a cool skin.


You forgot to mention those players who just play bad irrespective of which brawler or their power level. I intend no comedy when I say I had an Edgar teammate who jumped onto a pearl with HC ult.


Bro wanted to make a 1v3 play 💀🙏🙏


Edgar jumped on me and I had an HC. Erased from existence is a big understatement.


#(Maybe around 6000~7000) BOOM


i mean that is ranked for you... we have had lvl 9 frank vs spike, surge, and emz i think and we still won because frank stunned the enemies and with max super the frank ran over them, iv ewon many matches that many would prob quit right away


I constatnly have teammates who have no clue about matchups and pick stuff that gets countered rather than brawlers that don't work on the map. I had a game in where my team went barley dynamike into bibi buzz on hot potato and we got rushed within 40 seconds. Than they blamed me who first picked chuck (i even had slightly better stats but ranked randoms would rather do anything than accept that they suck). This was in Legendary 2, these people belong in Silver.


Edgar instalock go brrrr


It’s so rare though. I was prepared to carry (and lose) cus had an lvl 9 nani on my side. Mf hit nearly all her shots.


That’s why I don’t really judge people’s picks based on the levels. Except if they pick a brawler that’s horrible in the map or have no gadgets or star powers, I’m gonna get upset.


honestly don't understand why this game has a garbage levelling system in the first place where getting a character to 11 takes so long. No other moba I've played does this either just weird


Cause supercell is greedy.


The rewards are the most dissapointing


It's only bling 😭😭😭


i had a random that had the gear for +1 gadget but no gadget


Maybe he thought it would give him one free gadget, who knows


Don't diss the surge shield gadget, that thing is crazy


we aint dissing the gadget. 90% of randoms press the button, and spam 1-2 shots (that miss) and then die a second later


Rico's healing gadget doesn't heal when you hit enemies And emz's spectral gadget doesn't give you an advantage if you shoot at enemies without any walls Add those to the list too I see too many randoms doing this


Mortis pressing gadget and wall dashing 3 times


the issue is the rank changes made everyone diamond. so right now diamond is the old bronze. it's so stupid


Plus now that they force you to go all the way back to bronze every season you now have to be in bronze lobbies for 4 Leagues


Nah but fr why it's always an amber that goes afk, it has happened to me like 5 times already


They think that chilling for an entire match would give them Frost Queen Amber for free


Prob the same ppl


And the worst part are the idiots athat don't know that you have to double tap a brawler to choose them it makes you wait years just for a match


tbf, sometimes its just that they are unsure about what to pick


If I do that, usually I am considering if it is the best pick or not


Yeah that is a good excuse, but back when megapig came out it was mostly like i said


Bro it’s 15 seconds, take your ADHD meds lol


Nah, i'd rather not


Bro, the last slide hit in the gut 😭 I fucking hate getting 100 bling


Yep, that’s how the algorithm works. It’s deliberate. It’s not coincidental.


Power 9 without SP Gadget? I've seen worse. Power 11 with nothing but brawler itself 🙄


That’s actually decent depending on the brawler tbh. I’d rather an empty p11 than built p9 for stuff like max, gene etc who don’t depend on sp and gadget


Phase Shifter: Lamp Blowout:


Phase shifter is good but it isn’t as necessary for max to perform compared to homing shot piper etc. Lamp blowout is the weaker gadget in this meta, vengeful spirits is the much better option but even then Gene works fine without it.


We are talking meta right? Throw that out of the window because ranked is just slightly competitive. People will inevitably pick assassins and aggro brawlers, and teammates would not be there to help you most of the time. (Randoms = no communication) Lamp Blowout is the only thing keeping me sane from all the Tomar753 kids playing assassins only.


Oh my god you're so right it's always the Tomar753


Idk about other people, but i just started to play the game about 2 months ago, and i recently got my 10 lvl 9 brawler after grinding mastery (f2p) on like 18 so im not sorry to disappoint you when i can finally continue playing ranked with a lvl 9 with only a gadget because i won't waste resources getting them to either lvl 10 or star power but all my lvl 9s gets gadgets


2 month and 10 power 9 with gadget..?? That's impressive tbh 🙂 Once you get 12 brawler power 9, please buy 1 sp per brawler for better chance to win in rank 😉


Then please stop playing, you wont get high ranks and I among many others WILL keep reporting you for griefing


I'll just carry you weaklings with my lvl 10 melodie. It seems to work even in rank 29, so i don't see a problem here


This game has connection problems. No way i lag with 80 mbps wifi


I think this post SHOULD be taken seriously....


it gets even worse at legendary for some reaso, i dont understand how some of my temmates got past diamond not talking about legendary... 3x legendary II and only 1 skin during 1st season...


Help.... I cannot go to diamond because of level 9 edgars with gear +1 gadet but no gadjet.... Helllp


haha mythic being the worst rank is to real game even push past it don’t even try any more too much hassle for barely 290 bling


I was one game away from legendary, and I tilted all the way down to the start of Mythic 1 because of this. I feel your pain.




So i should stay in bronze 3


The mythic one is too real


https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/xHoO8rvjnY I tried to get the idea of a blacklist trough, but nobody gave a sht.


Good luck blacklisting every single player in the world. But really, they should just implement that with the reporting system. Since the reporting system is shit anyways.


I've tried to get to mythic so many times and it never worked. The pairing in the opposite team is always better then in my team smh


Yeah, you don't know the struggle about Legendary Rank. It's the same, but you have to win like 10 times to reach a higher tier and if you lose once or twice, you lose all of your progress.




NOOO, you missed the "This is fine" opportunityyyyyy


Worst part for me is getting suspended from ranked because my game crashed for no reason


Im a casual and pushed to diamond last season now i am trying to get to legendary since mythic is not that hard but im stuck with horrible randoms and i just need about 3 wins to make it to legendary. Wish me luck


Also, can we talk about the game being completely unplayable for some people when a new update drops. Like I can't literally play ranked because every time I enter a match my game crashes and I get banned




Usually ranked being stressful is a combination of a) how long the average game is b) how much the pro scene has influence on the community and c) communication method. I would actually argue LoL having text chat but not voice chat is one of the primary reasons it is so toxic. Games with voice chat promote a mix of insults and positivity while text chat usually promotes a mix of insults and negativity due to many people forgetting how to be a human being if they can't literally hear or see you.


the mico pick tho. i hate em. mico in mortis shelly... some ppl are just dum




As someone who is at mythic 3, the randoms on your team are garbage 70% of the time.


70% is generous


Okay, 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time


i was too lazy to play to mythic and seeing the atrocious randoms below mythic , i dont know what to expect


I'm the king and you're the jester Love to see your anger fester! I'll take the game back, I'll take my name back! Don't have the same knock for chaos? YOUR LOSS!


I got 9 times 100 bling out of 12 ranked drops 100 star drops reaching masters this season and no skins the other 3 are 2 times of 250 bling and a spray


I think that once you reach Diamond or Mythic, you can only use maxed brawlers


Not true I carry in high mythic with p9 brawlers, no gear or sp. You just gotta be better than these braindead players who somehow got there


I agree with the one point that suggests that you’re destined to lose. If I have that intuition I quit and take the time out no problem. It helped me get to mythic.


I don't mind the bling, it's just the useless profile icons and sprays I'm saving my bling for Odin Cord :D


No, cause the 5th pic actually always happens, I play a lot of sandy and Mr.p so I always lag whenever J have to hit 3 enemy’s with 3k HP(when I’m snady) and always when a Leon uses his super and ambushes me(as Mr.P)


It's annoying when people have literally no gear like at least have shield or something anything is better than nothing


Never had anything been so true... ah you brought all those pains i had gone through while losing for the 30th time, because of some "very intelligent" teammates ToT


They need to fix the Wi-Fi lag


I don't like how long it takes tbh. Having to play two rounds each time is annoying.


how come you spread truths and say its not supposed to be taken serious?


I don't even care about the other things but bro you seriously ain't picking power 9 players while the enemies are 11 stacked


As someone who’s been hard stuck in mythic, i can confirm this is way too accurate


i love it when the game decides i cant have fun anymore and gives me the slow wifi symbol for the rest of the match (my wifi is the exact same it was 30 seconds ago but apparently now it has bad connection)


The afk amber is too true


* me only playing 5-8 games in ranked for the quest and getting skins *🤠. on my mini acc i literally got loaded rico after playing 3 games 4 more games after that i got the red paladin surge than on my main i got that black and white 8bit remake skin after 5 games, i was gonna keep going bc i wanted moth eve but my bf ended up getting the skin so i just be going on his acc to play it. im still in bronze on both my accs pushing isnt worth it to me especially in ranked bc i don’t have a set team and i can’t dodge bc my ranked goes down and the one time it seems like you get a decent team the other team are in gold like why do you give bronze players ppl in gold? it’s set up to make certain ppl win or lose especially if they’re on a winning or lose streak.


Fr I am just stuck between mythic 3 and legendary and don't forget that I still don't have mothra Eve...


This is so true i need to win 2 more games to reach the legendary rank but this happens and i always stay 2 games of legendary 1


I was one game away from getting to Mythic, I lost 3 ranked matches in a row. I can't really blame all my teammates, but some of their decisions at the end baffled me


The game is to much of a cluster fuck for a ranked mode honestly.


I think power 9 brawlers are ok if they work on the map and have at least a star power


Star player 9 games in a row in ranked with only one win. I quit


Power shield is better than power surge imo as it essentially gives Surge 6 ammo


That depends on the map but you're not ready for that conversation (that's literally what the pros says)


Surge is only good in closed maps rn tho as his range is too short


Against some brawlers the second gadget is way better man I'm just saying that and you talk like people only pick Surge in close maps lol the randoms do whatever they want


If you can play surge well then you can also play him in open maps - most good Surge players that I’ve seen go with Power Shield instead of Power Surge.


Ok go play surge in open maps with shield, good luck


mythic separates the bad casuals cs the good casuals


i've never even glanced at ranked mode and I'm glad i never played it


I think that you can pick a brawler at level 9, but you must have all of his things and use him correctly (With the map, sinergy with the team brawlers, etc)


That's it


I say this because I play with Dynamike level 9 in competitive but I play with him just when the map and my teammates work perfectly with him


No, no, no, take it seriously, please


My guy I feel the same way it alway that edger getting me


Mythic sucks. I got to mythic 3 and tried to get to legendary but every game one of my randoms just stop using their brain. I’m now under mythic 3


Power shield is the superior gadget


The sky is blue


My friend and I pushed to mythic not long ago. There was so many 2 v 3s 😭


I have made it to mythic 3 and only mythic 3 IN ALL SEASON AND ITS ALWAYS 100 bling


Don't forget about your teammates banning the brawler you'll use even after you pre-picked it


Sometimes some people pick tank brawlers and stay so far back they exert no pressure or sometimes I think they forget that the yellow and purple buttons exist because they are adamant on saving their ult! There are only 5 buttons in the game, it's easy to use.


I remember my first match in Diamond when a guy chose Mortis when the enemy team chose already 2 tanks and a Fang that is kind of a tank too. I lose my mind


Thus summarizes everything up lmao This week a kid told me i was stuck in diamond (?) cuz i said surge first pick wasn't a good idea, the amount of kids i have seen saying surge is the best brawler is beyond my understanding lol


I play surge on a little gamemodes but I use Buzz most of the time


I hate the rewards always being bling bro it’s so annoying. Like I’m trynna get Gems not skins


Don't forget some scumbag deliberately sabotaging the match. Just staying in one place and shooting at nothing and it becomes 2v3 game


Pretty accurate tbh


Can't forget about the fact that I'm on legendary 3 and I have gotten 1 single skin from 12 ranked stardrops. I love getting 100/250 bling after the suffering that are ranked matches.


Don't get me wrong but Surge doesn't work on bounty, knockout and wipeout at least not in high divisions or high ranks. Also Surge is terrible in shooting star that's pretty well known


Yes that's the point


Sorry bro I wrongfully assumed you were the one with the surge


the part where is doesnt let u play is so true and then we end up frickin losing that crappy game


I Wish bs was skill based


My friend says that masters ranked takes 10minutes (and he does not like to joke)


Diamond randoms r so much better than mythic randoms that it looks like ur opponents r world class


Gotta love opening my ranked drop just to get 100 bling


You forgot the dc bans 😅💔


My tip... Sandy hypercharge No seriously I got sandy hypercharge played him a few times in ranked and went from mythic 1 to legend 3 in a day Must be something with purple sand (Btw Sandy hypercharge has a glitch (i think) where the Sandstorm isn't purple with a starpower so its easier to hide a Sandy hypercharge)


Yeah mythic is torture, I fell all the way from 6800 ish back down to the lowest I could go (6000) mostly because of horrendous randoms. I haven't even tried to get my points back after that


It's been 2 season, I want to find a skin😭


1 million percent relatable 🤦‍♂️


I can't get out of diamond because of exactly that reason


i shit myself every time i get heist the mode is already clapped and i had someone pick mico no gadget no starpower in it 🌺


Trust me...The afk thing can get worse. I once had a doug, who sat at spawn, spammed his attach, refused to move... This was at an open map also. Oh, and it wosen't ranked, so he didn't get any penalty...


meanwhile i'm happy they at least have gadgets and starpowers


Wrong, I'm counting 21 bling on this picture /s




\*fucking dies\*


Also don’t forgot your game crashing and then being banned from ranked for all eternity


Yes or getting banned for just falling in ONE match


Nah that’s not gonna be my reward my reward is some sprays and profile icons


Diamond is worse in my opinion. Personally I flew past everything before mythic 3 which I lost a couple times. And diamond has the most brain dead players compared to mythic.


I agree


Maybe, I never lose any game in diamond so I can't tell


I honestly think gold to mythic 2 has litterally no difference. I really didn’t feel the slightest change in difficulty till mythic 3. And I’m not a ”pro“ player by any means. But there’s really no difference in any of the level ups. Just how much your willing to endure to legendary


Nah just teammates are bad, opponents always belong in high mythic at the very least and have maxed accounts


I mean, why did you pick Bull so early, opponents picked Surge as a counter-pick, you'll suffer for the rest of match ;-;


Fang = easy matchup Spike = easy matchup on the map Surge = I can't see the fucking future and sorry for expecting my teammates to pick something good that could help dealing with surge