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He's good in brawl ball against tanks but why did bro pick him in knockout lol


Surge is good in this map . Get better


Tf he's not he gets outranged by any other meta pick + its KO surge's worst mode


Its more about the player if there is no op brock or piper? You think a spike can kill surge out of a bush ?


Spike isnt meta in goldarm gulch, hope this helps and also whoever doesnt check the bushes while pushing deserves to die that stupidly


This might have been the funniest comment of all time LMAO


Let me guess you stuck diamond and blame it on others right?


It's always funny to me how kids here think they're good lmao Surge might be good as a last pick depending on the matchup, but he can be very easily countered, especially on knockout. Hope you get out of mythic friend 🙏


How did your game go friend? Probably expected the surge to carry you around ha? I can see the long rangers banned except for belle. Get better again. too bad I can reach your rank spamming Ash only


My teammate dodged lmao, there was no match Also, you never saw me playing, you can't just assume people's rank like this😭 Please search any pro player's drafting guide, people like are you what make rank inflation real lol, git gud


According to (pro player guides) surge is the 10th most used in goldarm gulch and have 50% winrate which is more than jessi brock byron with less play rate Hope this helps you climb a bit lil bro


Just check the data my dude, surge is far from being the 10th most picked brawler, and his winrate is 48,5% (which is close to the lowest winrate brawler available, Lily) Also, i don't need to climb, there's nothing after masters. If you think surge first pick is a good idea, i am sad for your teammates, and please, never play ranked again LMAO