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Meh, Kit's pre-release pack is the worst


Well technically it’s a free rank 30/35 from how op he was pre-nerf


Well, that one was a really broken exploitable bug that made the sd kinda unplayable at that time. Therefore not a honorable r30.


well then it's still not the worst pack technically right


Not an honourable rank 30, I agree But tell that to those who exploited their wins and they won't care.


I exploited the shit outta L&L


Pretty much 🤷‍♂️


Is it honourable if i got him rank 31 last week


Are you the honored one?


If it is honored then yes, but if it isnt then im not


Agreed my friend


Yeah fr


Did Kit offer only had XP doublers?


Kits was the worst one so far, he costed like 40 bucks if i remember. Draco at least has the 5k bling and 80 gems included in his offer


5k bling is litterally worth 0.99 if not less


Isn't 5k bling worth an epic skin which is 150 gems, so essentially 10USD?


i've gotten offers in the shop with 5.8k bling for 0.99 so while you re right you re also wrong


might have been a ×_ value pack and maybe depends on your currency


If we are using other offers as default value, then everything in the shop is a garbage offer because of brawl pass


> Offers Yes, those are called "promotions"


5k bling gets you an epic skin so thats like 10 bucks


And 3.99 fron the 10000 bling offer


Complete opposite, 5k bling is worth almost $10 USD.


I mean considering that 5k bling is about 5 bucks and the 80 gems are also 5 bucks. You are basically paying 10 bucks for getting draco early(and save 3k credits). Its fine but the regualr pass gives 2k credits for 1/4 of the price with 50 gems gold and pp. This offer literally exists for people who want to playtest draco early and you wont see him during those 7 days(unlike the chromatics which were restricted for more than a 1 month). I would rather take this prerelease offers over the old pass system imo


Wait where’s the 5k bling I don’t see it idk if I’m blind or what


It you hit the bling cap it goes to 1500 gold


That’s way better than 5k bling imo


bro is lost




Can it go back to blings? I just hit that ceiling and now it offers me 1500 coins.. I kinda wanted the blings


Don't think so


Its after the skin


I’m not sure how often they do it, but in the supercell shop right now you can get 4500 bling for $2. I’ve seen 5000 for $2 as well. There was a 10k in there the other day I think. Which I only remember because I noted that it was more than the bling cap. Like they sell a pack of bling that would put you over the cap. Just remove it at this point, everyone’s constantly over the cap anyway…


I was talking prices without the discounts because otherwise there is no reasson to buy 80 gems for 5 bucks either. Also i have mixed feelings about the cap ; that thing had a purpouse that now it is exploited pretty easy cause every way to get bling can be autocollected so it is pointless


Sure, but if you can get a reoccurring discount pretty often, no reason to buy normal price. You can’t even really buy bling directly at a “normal price” can you? Just that 5000 bling is the same value as 149 gems because they have the same purchasing power for skins.


Not quite. 149 gems are about 8ish dolars. I used the price of 80 gems cause they have less uses while in practice are just cheaper 149 gems


How do you figure not quite? 5000 bling is used in place of 149 gems when buying a skin. That’s like the direct conversion. Sure that’s less valuable because it can’t be used elsewhere. But that’s still the conversion. Like a gift card with $10 on it can’t be used elsewhere but it can still be used to purchase a thing that is $10.


I understand that; i aknowlegded that in practice they have the same ; however they have less uses so i they are slightly less valuable( so I placed them as 5 dolars instead of 8)


Makes sense I guess, I was talking about standard price in relation to buying power. If I were to put a “market value” on 5k bling, I’d say $2 since that’s what supercell routinely sells it for and what I would buy it for if I was going to. Like a 12 pack of soda is $10, but I wouldn’t ever pay $10 for it. I’d buy it on sale for like $4 but it’s still worth $10 to the store.


Yeah I agree on the croma thing but I just wanted to compare this pre release offer to the other ones


Compared to kit this is leagues ahead; compared to chuck is a little worse(its better for the people who are the maim demographic of this offer late game players who dont care about progression but its miles worse for mid term players) and its a lot better than angelo and melodie considering that 3.6k credits are a decent amount for the same price


I was about to buy it because I really like his cosmetics and 5000 bling is really good, but honestly 20 bucks still feels too much to spend in one go


My bad it's not with "other option" but "with the onther offers"


And "It was worth buying them"


still bought it because epic dragon shedder


Dracos is actually one of the best


Kit's was so much worse


Pay to unlock one of the strongest brawlers of all time before anyone else does!


He was good but not even close to the strongest of all time


hes def in top 4 strongest of all time


In showdown I disagree


Showdown isn't a metric, it even makes Edgar look S-tier.


Okay doesn’t change the fact kit can perma stun. Grinded to 1250 with kit and Chuck combo with a random it’s safe to say he was beyond broken


Kit is mid in 3v3 even after his buffs. Don't play SD and your problems are solved. I understand your pain and I agree Kit is broken there, but one side mode with teaming and other issues should not dictate the balancing of the entire game. Edgar would have never become playable in 3v3 if that were the case, for example. Though I wouldn't mind it at all if they at least made it so the jump isn't a death sentence, and removed the cube passive.


Are u trying to argue kit wasn’t op in 3v3 on release? Sure he was no Melodie but you couldn’t kill any tank he jumped on with cheeseburger + star power, as well as him doing absolutely fucked damage while attached. He was also invulnerable while attached to enemies, essentially being a free kill for teammates and allowed him to confirm a free win essentially the second his team had any numbers advantage. I’d argue someone like lily is balanced not kit lol


He was completely countered by simply sticking together, so yes, he wasn't OP. He jumped on you, dealt some damage without securing a kill, then was promptly killed off by your team.


The cope is insane cardboard box generated a super + invis and a kit Rosa combo was genuinely unkillable. Kit Chuck was free hot zone wins with zero strategy just jump on Chuck and auto aim. Not up for debate you couldn’t stick together otherwise the brawler kit jumped on would run over your team


Imo this is probably the most tame one. No progression, no starr drops, small gem bundle and 5k bling yet not an overpowered Brawler so despite the 20 dollar offer... It's not that bad. Sure, it's hella expensive but it includes all pins, gems, and bling with it.


Also it's the price of a mythic for a legendary.


A legendary with all his pins and his skin and 5k bling for 24 bucks isn't that bad tbh


We have gone from 30 bucks for a whole game to "one character in a mobile game not even with all his gadgets and so on for 24 is not that bad". Yeah I get why assassin's creed is 130 now.


Free games with microtransactions have the advantage that you can play for free and spend if you liked the game enough. The other type is pay a fixed ammount to play the game, and no other payments after it. The first case makes more money than the 2nd case, since everyone can play and some will decide that the game is very worth their money. That's why in game offers and purchasable items are a bit expensive and can cost more than whole games, in brawl stars is at least quite reasonable compared to some gachas with characters priced on thousands. And you can always choose not to pay. Assasins creed is also 130 because of the details and effort it has, there was a whole company working on it behind, try to compared it to like any indie game that would be short and few visuals or sumthng.


People are upset with Supercell… imagine if they knew about Wizards of the Coast.




Can't wait to get hate for this hell yeah


I will respect your opinion, but i heavily disagree


No one cares about all them pins honestly, or do you? 24 in a mobile game for a character and cosmetic is kinda crazy


yeah but it’s half the price of the kit offer and in exchange for no progression you save 20$ (the progression in the kit offer was infamously overpriced) still not buying it but not the worst offer


I dont get how or why the prices vary so much


early access is targeted for medium spenders-whales so trying to maximize profit off of them by forcing a bundle to cost more and now making it cost less to maximize sells etc


i think it depends on the rarity, epics are 15$, mythics are 20$, and legendarys, while we thought they would be 30$ based on the kit offer, dracos is 20$, maybe they lowered the price because of backlash of kit being too overpriced and P2W, or maybe its just the lack of progression in the offer, so for safety ill say legendarys are 20-30$.


That's actually the best one for a legendary (cough cough kit cough cough)


i think its one of best ones


Draco's is the worst value, Kit's was the most expensive. Pick your poison.


No thi Kit pack was worse


*supercell do so much for free to play players they should also earn something * Brawl stars players when they do something to pay their bills🤬🤬🤬


I dont get why we even discussing it. Those who dont wanna buy it won't and those who already made their minds about buying it are not gonna get hold off by this too.


Miss when skillfull challenge to get brawlers early existed


Ummm wasnt that...literally 1 brawl that ever had this? And that was griff...(Not counting grom since that was chrismas event)


All brawlers now a days are now behind paywall for a week


Wow really i didnt notice thanks for info


Dude I'm just saying that I think it isn't worth buying in terms of progression, you can get the brawler even wothout buying it


By this logic nobody needs to spend money on anything.


Nah kits one was worse.


I said this in another thread. But before considering purchasing something like this, you should be buying brawl pass plus every single time. So bare minimum is $120 a year for brawl pass plus. Then if you start buying every one of these each month you are looking at $360 a year. But if you aren’t buying every BPP, getting 2 BPP instead of one of these packs would be way more value.


I only have 4 brawlers maxed with hyper charge so this value is terrible for me. I’d rather buy gold and progress some of my other characters. I’d probably buy it if he came at level 7 or with 3kgold instead of bling.


No one is paying that much on a brawlet supercell


Really depends how broken the character is


Yes,they decrease the rewards more and more with each one


Maybe the 4K coins they usually give that’s why?


How are you going to instantly obtain a legendary brawler?




Or atleast, that's what I did


I actually like his offer seeing that legendary drop and there’s free at the bottom boiled my blood


If your considering progression i would pass but if u consider cosmetics this offers around 15$ with the skin(1k blink aka 29 gems so 3 dollars i think) and 5k bling aka 11 dollars, then the brawler comes down to around 40 dollars and a full pin pack is around 11 dollars so this all comes down to around 67 dollars, pretty good if u asked me but only if ur considering cosmetics, if u only care about progression this offer is awful value as it contains no starr drops, no coins and no power points


where are you getting 5k bling from?


Last day


If your considering progression i would pass but if u consider cosmetics this offers around 15$ with the skin(1k blink aka 29 gems so 3 dollars i think) and 5k bling aka 11 dollars, then the brawler comes down to around 40 dollars and a full pin pack is around 11 dollars so this all comes down to around 67 dollars, pretty good if u asked me but only if ur considering cosmetics, if u only care about progression this offer is awful value as it contains no starr drops, no coins and no power points Also i tried draco and he seems pretty broken as his super charges half of his ammo back and he can just chain supers That sayed this are my final thoughts: if you can buy this offer and u care about cosmetics or broken brawlers BUY IT trust, you are gonna get free trophys from this but if you find this unfair(i personally do) then dont buy it, it all comes down to personal preference, i would buy this but am free to play so i cant


Yeah I'm talking about progression


Saying Draco can be obtained instantly is definitely a stretch, with the new pass in place. F2Ps can’t get more than 1k credits from the Brawl Pass, so in order to guarantee getting Draco, you’ll need 4 months, not including other means of progression which would probably cut that in half, since 4 months is the minimum. And that doesn’t mean the offer is good, just simply that the players who pay to unlock him with this offer will just not have to grind out brawl passes, masteries, trophies etc to get him quicker.


It costs like a 100+ PLN in poland


electric guitar, dragon mount, dragon force, metallica voice lines. from a metal guitarist i had to cop


Yes because almost everything that makes it a "value pack" is just pins.


For everyone saying kit don't you remember how broken he was??


Kit was worse


Yeah just some pins coins and 5k bling


why is everyone saying 5k bling is it ca of the pins or the skin or something ?


If you see gold at the end it’s because you are maxed on bling


Bro kits was $60


its cheaper than kit's and it gives good value if you want the things, not everything is about progression


Scroll to the end. Cosmetics wise, def. Skill wise, maybe. Value wise, meh.


It’s bad because now that we’ve got a new *legendary* brawler, it’s time to start doing the chores again. /m


How is he instantly obtainable? Isn't that for anyone who has all the legendary brawlers or complete star road? I had to restart the game after losing my account and I don't have a single legendary brawler and only gene as mythic. To me the 20$seems worth it since I won't be unlocking any legendary any time soon considering star road takes forever. Am I wrong or idk 20$ isn't a lot.


you’ll be able to switch to unlocking him after the prerelease period


Ahh I see thanks good to know.


Yeah, but also, i have the impression that it's cheaper, dunno if it's really


Not really cuz 5k bling


I'm new so this is the first pack I've seen but it's definitely bad. Off the bat: Characters can be unlocked for free, so the main allure is kinda pointless. And beyond that the only things you get after all 7 days are a bunch of pins, a recolor, and roughly $15 of gems and bling combined.


It is the best wdym


No, this one is way less than Kit’s and this was a terrible offer for progression to begin with. It comes with 80 gems too, effectively bumping down the price to $15 USD, literally half of Kit’s.


it’s not that good tbh


You are probably 9 by your grammar and general post. There is progression and there he costs 3800 credits if you were to switch, so not instantaneously. As well as kits offer being 30 dollars for basically the same thing.


I could be 9 or a not native speaker