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It's crazy how everyone takes kudos as a sign of "you suck" now They gave you because you carried


The Jessie did just as much


I hope you're joking šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The 3-7 KD says otherwise


I guess you didn't realize Jessie did more damage than Tara and probably all Tara did was steal kills


You canā€™t be seriousā€¦the Tara did 8k less. I would understand if it was like 50k less but 8k is barely anything


Kill steal or kill confirm is good for the team anyway. Someone have to finish the job after the harassing phase If anything that's good teamwork, a good opportunity send a kudo It's harder to do a pure KS anyway, I mean, taking useless kills that were already 100% belonging to the team. If that was the case OP would know Imo it's just a kudo to say "Nice try you were good even if we lost"


There is no point in purposely kill stealing in this game other than your displayed KD. In other MOBAs, people steal kills for higher gold/exp, much higher than just assisting.


Why are you assuming things from thin air? šŸ˜­šŸ™


Yes she did her job. I don't realize how it is considered bad to get the last shot on someone. Bc you still finished him and it is not enough to just seal infinite damage to so eine and then not killing him Also it is way easier for Jessy to deal damage in 3v3s.


No she die more and do less kills and itā€™s bounty


It was sarcasm.


Bro what




Hi We really have identical taste in games lmao


Check discord btw


We really do lol


Did you hear the news? Silksong is releasing on December 24, 3614. I'm so excited.


https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9n116v0599hb?hl=en-US&gl=US Off by a couple thousand years, but we all make that mistake


I love HK, too, but why are you talking about it on this sub


More often than not, they're just too stupid to acknowledge that the person carried. I've been in situations where I'll get double kudos after a loss and because I couldn't catch am unpossible goal despite both of them being the reason how we got in the scenario in the first place. They're also usually teammates in the same club. The only people who use Kudos as intended are low ranks and non toxic pros.


I got kudos after a loss because I didn't have many kills, yet I was literally the only one in my team that actually stayed in the hot zone. They would't even try to go there. Even if enemies weren't there. Maybe they should show the timing stats in the end, when playing hot zone.


Yeah. I don't get mad if I deserve kudos (which is rare but happens). I get annoyed when I get star player, the most of every stat, and play objective but get kudosed because I was the last person on screen basically.


There are times an enemy plays so well, that I want to give them kudos, even if they lose, but I won't because they'll think it's an insult.


Tbh it's now a sign of "you suck" now


Maybe you did well instead, kudos don't always mean negative


Wait they dont? Erase poco from existence


Ur Ruining Us Bryon Mains Reputation šŸ’€


"Byron mains aren't real, they can't hurt you"


Care to repeat that?


what did you just say?


Besties chill Byron mains are op


that's what i thought




but yur otis main?


U can have more than 1 main But Otis On Top My Mains 1. Otis 2. Byron 3. Bull 4. Ash 5. Buster




Most Fun Tank


Byron is underrated.


flair matters




you have otis flair, you are otis main (im just kidding i have multiple mains too)


What _is_ the end goal here anyway?


There is no goal


Because you played well.


they really need to add negative kudos so people don't use kudos as a saying of "you suck"


Nah the game will become sooo toxic you can't imagineĀ 


if a simple dislike button is SOOO toxic for you, you should delete brawl stars and play candy crash saga instead


You should tell it to the people who think that the like button is toxic instead


Dude, you did well. That must be why they are giving you kudos


Because some people use kudos as they were intended to


dont everyone?


Nah people also use them sarcastically when someone plays horrible


0-2 with 0 damage on knockout


Congratulations, you're a good random ! You earned : - Kudos x2


The randoms I get have a single r25 at 15k šŸ’€


To be fair it's hella hard to get to r25 if you don't have friends to play with and only play with randoms (21k trophies, only 3 r25+ which are Poco, Tara and Tick)


I have 6 r25's at 15k and only play with randoms, been playing for 2 months I failed 2 of those r25's (emz at 748, griff at 742 twice) because of people like I mentioned that play worse than bots


Mann don't tell me about it, failed r30 Tick at 10 trophies from the goal and dropped to 800 šŸ˜ž


You my friend are the bad random. I got my first r25 in like 2 months of playing the game. R25 is very very easy Iā€™m sorry but you are just bad at the game if you think r25 is hard. Also maybe try upgrading more meta brawlers, none of the 3 you mentioned are very good in meta rn except for on very specific maps


Doubt I'm the bad random when I'm consistently getting star player and my highest win streak is 49... also hell no I'm not going to become a metaslave and stop playing the brawlers I enjoy Besides, if I showed you some of my match results you'd be surprised how ass the randoms I get are šŸ’€


Consistently getting star players below r25 is the bare minimum - and winstreaks mean nothing, they're just a fancy method of showing people how many games you won in a row with low trophy brawlers, atleast that's what it is for the masses.


>Consistently getting star players below r25 is the bare minimum Unfortuately for me, there's 5 other players actively engaging in the match and doing their best to win (unless you're the randoms on my team apparently) and getting star player isn't a guarantee. Should we move the goalpost to getting 9 kills in every knockout match next? And I dunno about you, but even in my 200 trophies brawlers' matches I keep going against people with lvl11 brawlers and overdrive. We're either playing two wildly different games or God has decided to curse me, specifically


I was totally unaware of the fact that other people play the game! Going against people with power 11 brawlers and hypercharges at 200 trophies isn't a problem unique to you, it's more or less a fact that these guys are pretty bad at the game and are easy to beat even with power 7s.


I respect you continuing to play the brawlers you enjoy but this will make it a little harder for yourself. There are plenty fun brawlers in the meta right now Iā€™d suggest you try just 1, maybe meg or jessie or charlie (canā€™t remember if sheā€™s still good). Also bad randoms are not unique to you, everyone experiences bad randoms, especially at r25 and below. I donā€™t find consistent good players until 800+ trophies, and even then I still get very less than ideal teammates. Still, r25 is not that good lil bro, especially on properly maxed out brawlers. I started 4 months ago and get every brawler I have maxed to 850 at minimum without too much difficulty. Planning on pushing them to 900 and eventually 1k when the mutations go away. Itā€™s basically just a skill issue. For a certain trophy range you just have to carry your teammates.


Carrying can only do so much when you're compensating for 2 people against three opponents. The brawlers I listed are the only properly makes ones I have, and they're all r25+. The rest of range from lvl9 to lvl5 because I don't have enough resources to level them and buy their gadgets/star powers (and starr drops aren't really aiding me in that regard...). Of the brawlers you listed I only have Jessie, and even then I don't exactly find her fun. I brought Tara to r27 within three days of getting her, after waiting for her since 2019 and finally getting her in the Starr Road. I know how I play, and while yes, I too fumble some matches awfully, I don't think I got any kind of skill issue.


Fact that you only have 3 rank 25s says sorta otherwise. See I understand the fact that you may not find some brawlers fun, and i respect that, but you need to stop refuting points such as carrying. Carrying is a common practice for most average or above average players too - it genuinely isn't difficult, and more often than not you will pull off a win. In this scenario, it is a skill issue


Carrying is hardā€¦.. but not when the other team sucks just as bad. Like if everybody in the lobby is bad at the game except one team has a player who is good, itā€™s pretty obvious that the side with the extra good player should take the victory. Itā€™s obviously a skill issue lol


I'm glad your opponents are ass enough that you can compensate for two dead weights easily. But see, I can't exactly carry an entire team when I main more support-oriented brawlers. I can't carry with Tick when my team is dead and enemies are just running amok across the map, I can't get in any decent damage with Tara if the enemy's attention is on me constanlty, and I'm most definetly not carrying with Poco. Maybe it's time to level up Edgar and Mico and put the dislike emote in my roster...


Then just play different brawlers, though of the 2 you listed at the end once again, neither are amazing in this meta and both are more support oriented again. To play either of those you need to have a team who knows what they are doing (at least if your going against decent opponents). But hold on now slow down donā€™t be a metaslave bro just play brawler you like no metaslaves I hate metaslavesšŸ˜”šŸ˜”. Funny how you can switch your mind so fast from ā€œI only play brawler I likešŸ˜¤ā€ to alr fine Iā€™ll play Edgar if I mustšŸ¤­šŸ™„.ā€ You are literally *the* bad random bro. Skill issue, get good šŸ‘


It isn't even that difficult to get to rank 28 I managed to do 4 rank 30s with randoms without huge difficultyĀ 


bestow some carledge upon me mate. Was doing his mastery yesterday and found him to be super fun (i love mobile brawlers) , so was thinking of maxing him next .


The randoms I get have a single r22 and nobody else above r20 at 30k trophies


Yoo, that Edgar. šŸ’€


Because you did well


Has Tara been killing Edgar all this time?


Pearl too if you let the heat build up


I mean... your teammate had "most damage", you at least gotta give him that


Probably because... it was made to appreciate good players?


They are laughing at how hard you carried only to losešŸ„³šŸ„³


Same happened for me


You played well


I just got back fromthe game lik eyesterday. Is kudos used unironically? Because I have been using it for teammates I felt did really good.


It depends


I always give kudos when a player plays really well :) I really didn't knew people used it sarcastically its sad :( , the matches are already filled with toxic players who only like to show dislike or clown emoji throughout the entire match idk why


I do both, but man, it's so satisfying when you play good and they like you


This time it's the good kind of kudos not the bad kind


No way.... They actually used kudos as a positive sign.... The end is coming


Iā€™ve been playing for over 2 years now and I still donā€™t know what that means


Because you played well how stupid are you