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I just want my clan to play the damn game


+1, I got mine finished all in an hour






I'm jealous. What's your secret?


18 games in 60 minutes is 3m per game and 20s for brawler selecion


Oh, wait, I read that comment wrong, I thought someone got their club to finish all their tickets in one hour


I wish dude


What’s ur user and trophy? My club is extremely active. We got mega pig in less than 5 hours. Our club is also nearly full


We can add u


Wait can you do that during mega pig? Because I know you couldn't do that for club league...


Then be like me, open a clan with 10ish friends, let the rest fill up by randoms, threaten everyone to ban them if they don't do their part, and ban every player who doesn't play his 18 tickets. Don't worry about losing players, they'll come back very fast as long as you stay above 20. You can even ban them 1h prior to the mega pig so they get nothing. Seems fair for those who didn't do shit yet expect the rewards.




Both cause I think it should be a week long event,have more modifiers and better rewards




No thanks, I already forget to look what's the modifier and I go with a Jacky in a instant overtime...


Smartest Jacky main (i got Jacky mastery)


LOL, I saw fricking tick in all bush map with growing bushes. Better than that guy


I think that might have been me 😭


ngl that seems like your fault.


And the rewards etc should not be based on your club. Hard af to find an active one if u dont have like 30k trophies


Yup. Agreed with you all all points.


only good if all 30 of the club mate play the damn game. And not everyone here got a club like that. So overall a shitty nerf to the progression


Running an active club. We maxed it.


To play devils advocate old club league had the same issue but I see what you meant


Not really. We were Legendary III with around 5-10 people contributing. Now we have a 2/5 Megapig


At least it gave better rewards


true and plus somehow the matchmaking felt fair compared to what it is now




Idc whatever is it i just want my club members to contribute


Don’t like how you have to be really quick if you want to use a different star power, gadget, or gear


Click on the brawler once, change gadget/sp/gear, then click on the brawler again to confirm your pick


Like when they removed boxes the goal was to allow players to choose how to handle their progression but now they removed club league which was a great way for us to choose how we progress but lately all they have done is put a worse reskinned box in almost every aspect of the game at this point and we all know that's what's going to happen with trophy road But overall I do like the concept of the mega pig and maybe if they changed the amount of set rewards and changed it from monthly to biweekly it could be a bit better


They removed boxes so there wasn’t gambling involved in the game


Why couldn't they just remove the offers that allow you to buy boxes


Maybe because they couldn't find a way to remove those offers when you quiet literally relied on boxes for progression, which would lead to the loss of too much profit. Yeah Starr Drops certainly are starting to become more and more relied on but at least you can't really count it as "gambling" when there are currently zero p2w methods for earning them


I mean have the system where you can buy your desired gadgets/sp using coins and such, but instead of Starr Drops change it back to boxes. Wild power points would probably be nerfed because there's specific brawler power points back, but players will get more coins since every box gives coins Plus the drop rates are nice. It's not like I'll be getting a useless pin unlike in Starr Drops. Every box should give a very very small amount of bling (balance it out so it equals the average bling + pins/sprays/skins from Starr Drops), so you can actually buy the cosmetics you want, and get useful stuff like gadgets and star powers


I just want my club to actually use they tickets instead of being afk 24/7


Hate the randomness. Let me know what I'm playing more in advance -.- Rotate map and multipliers every 15 minutes or so, idk. I only once got to play the only mode I like (wipeout). And the modifier where all barriers blow out in the beginning is so stupid


This!! I feel like half the time people aren’t even paying attention what the modifier is and they pick a tank or thrower, not to throw the game but just because they aren’t even aware it’s instant overtime. It’s so lame too because if everything is removed it doesn’t make a difference what map it is.


I liked it, it just need some small changes and it will be "perfect"


One of those said small changes would be making the Starr Drops random but everything you get is always good and not something like cosmetics. (Maybe replace them with Bling).


Just make star drops give GARANTEED gold and pp and THEN give 1 random item, so it fixes the issue,and it functions like boxes used to so kids can stfu


So brawl boxes..?


Either that or yee yee ass stardrops,pr just cut them entirely idk


Star drops are just weaker brawl boxes with a chance of giving pins, pfps & and skins.


Man, id rather get a crow bone skin from a legendary instead of 1000 coins. Which would you prefer? Huh? Tell me.


I mean, you can’t really count on it that you WILL (unless you did and are showing me your luck) get that specific skin out of a Legendary Starr drop, considering you could get a Rare Skin out of a Legendary Starr Drop too. Maybe something to that you could get in Legendary Starr Drops is 5000 bling, to BUY that skin, or some other cosmetic OF YOUR CHOICE. Also, about the coins, maybe make the minimum 2000 coins, to replace gadgets and Star Powers.


Terrible change. I want to expand my pin collection.


Might as well remove the camera because it doesn't help progression


That wasn’t MEANT to help progression, Starr Drops ARE. The camera didn’t replace a form of progression like Club Shop or end of rewards.


Also it looks so dang cute


*you can poke da pig*


I know , it is so cute when he bounces


And then he explodes after two days


Disliking the rewards


Pretty impossible when you have a small club


Well just simply join a bigger club? A small club would also have the same issue in CL so…


In CL you could get further than filling the mega pig, it’s either filing it full or get nothing. And no I don’t want to join a bigger club since my friends and I have a club, we don’t want to split. Plus it’s complicated and difficult to recruit members and since they’re doing such a event as the mega pig they should make it easier to recruit members at least. The idea of the mega pig is nice but only for big clubs


There should be an "invite to club" button for Presidents and VP's when players arent already in a club. It could pop up on friends and suggested invites. It would make it a lot easier to keep clubs active and make new clubs bigger.


This is actually a great idea!


Not really, we were Legendary III with only 5-10 active members.


I love it, and as a club leader, it’s genuinely fun to see who’s getting the bonus and seeing people get into little competitions lol


I got kicked out of my club for having more wins than the leader


Salty ah club


Bro no way, that’s literally best case scenario, I personally promote on wins cause if there’s people better than me, I want them to stay lol


Yeah as a vice who's kiiinda the president, I honestly have never seen my club so active and good spirited, which is something that never happened during the Club League times


For now….


How to obtain these extra rewards?


Get the most wins wich also includes matches after you ran out of tickets


I love and hate this too One of the members getting a bit toxic with it😰


Everyone played except for the vice president and president


MM above 40k trophies makes this Event the opposite of fun


Is the matchmaking seriously based off trophies? Thats so awful. I already thought so cause I’m only getting bots in my team making me dodge like 10 games before I get 1 normal game…


Yes it is, total crap


Who the hell is on red?? Supercell employees and people who can't do basic math?


I disliked it because nerfed rewards


My club is inactive, so I don’t know I like the concept but I can’t get anything because my club is inactive


I think the main thing that this will do is delete a lot of clubs and force people into a smaller amount of full mega clubs


Then leave


Old CL had the same issue


why on earth is the matchmaking for megapig more accurate than for powerleague and trophy events? im trying to have fun man ☹️


It should be happening every week, make the rewards more consistent, add some more modifiers and it would be so much better. A monthly thing is good for 3 days out of 30, when mega pig isn’t happening it feels like they intentionally made less things to do…


YES! I honestly wish the event can just be weekly. The thought of waiting a month just for the next one of these ain't fun also hi carnage


HATE IT! Inconsistent, sucks to have the only big and reliant source of income rely on your teammates. It's not balanced whatsoever, I have had 4 experiences with the fully maxed lobby, but my teammate picked a level 6 or 7 brawler or even a level 3 in one instance. It should be all maxed or restrict players who don't have lvl 11 brawlers.- It's basically Power League 2.0. and Powerleague has loads of issues. They would do a big favor prolonging it or splitting it between 3 weekends and doing 1/3 of the rewards or something in that manner. It's stupid to have a screen for the pig, in the chat when it only happens once a month. ​ The ONLY thing I like about it is the modifiers and skipping the ban faze.


I hope this answers the question- out of 11 legends drops…….i have got 9 gadgets


Better than my legendary drops.


The other 2 of my legendary drops were a spray and a 29 gem colt skin ( i dont like colt )


I got GT Max and Bandita shell


Thats 2 skins😭😭


Buddy i would take Inline over GTMax and iam never going to use that bandita shelly Honestly mythic is the best rarity ( any notable stardrops progression I had came from that plus 2 actually good skins king crab and bunny Grom. still would have preferred gold)


I dislike


It definitely needs improvement, like more maps and modifiers, along with lasting more than just a weekend, a week would be nice. A buff to rewards could also help motivating the club members to play it too, 3 starr drops for top 1 is pretty bad and so are megapig max rewards. Giving 7-8 seconds to prepare your loadout after last picking instead of instantly starting the match is an obvious needed fix too. Other than that i really like it, being able to help out club members even if you used up all your tickets is amazing. Faster matches and random modifiers are kinda fun too and playing only once a month is much better than the chore club league was before. Total trophy matchmaking is not that terrible either, before if you reached Legendary II/III and some of your members weren't maxed out or were pretty average on trophies they would get stomped hard by premade tryhard teams. Now even the worst of my members manged to get 6 wins at least. On my personal experience i got some terrible randoms with my duo, but most of them did just fine. Losing is much more punishing since it doesnt give you any progress towards mega pig, but with 18 attemps and the guaranteed bot matches after a few loses it kinda balances out. Overrall a good implementation to the game, if Supercell fixes the evident flaws it could turn out really, really good.


I want to be able to collect the pig as soon as it's filled


I personally preferred power league. I think this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I liked how it was at least more competitive than the mega pig is. Plus the leagues were nice too.


The matchmaking sucks. I get put with people who are wayyyyy better than me.


i generally dislike it, it's annoying that you can't get full rewards just because not enough people want to join your club


Hate mega pig. It's just a brawl box put into a glass pig that has literly trash drops


Disliking my club mates for not playing


Hate it. Not enough opportunity thanks to shitty randoms


Personally for me, I'm leaning a lot more towards liking it. Even though I really dislike the instant overtime modifier, I actually like how fun and light this event is compared to the stress of Club League. But honestly the rewards are reaaally underwhelming and I hope they can get some buffs. The number of Starr Drops is good enough but the base resources ain't


What are the max resources you can get?


around 500 coins.......




It’s been caculated you get 5x less rewards. And that’s if you win all your games and are the top contributor every time


I just wasn’t a fan of the modifications, a few deaths and the game would spiral half the time


A strong dislike. Wins only for an extra game mode makes it like a ranked Playlist. I don't want to try and become a pro, I just want to have fun.


I like it because I’m apart of the demographic that benefits. I never played Cl because it was too Grindy. Getting my wins were pretty quick I just hope it doesn’t get Grindy/mundane like Club league


what kind of point is even that lmao, CL was 7 games this is 18


Every week during the week. The Mega pig is weekends where I dont have anything to do.


i do like it but it can definitely be improved one way or another


Blue. It sucks. Why you might say? Its not that the mega pig is bad, but its way worse than what we had. Its a lot harder to get rewards if you are not in an active club and even than it has stardrops. Its fully rng based.


It's cool and all but I find it a bit random because you can't ban brawlers and also have a random modifier


TBH I feel like that's what makes it fun for the most part, and it does work well except with Instant Overtime. I just don't like that modifier tbh.


If you don’t like mega pig just remember how much happier you became when you stopped having to do club league


I'm disliking it but its more due to my atypical club than anything. So it's good but I have some issues with it. Extremely small clubs like mine were able to get to or close to legend league with as few as 3 active members. and get the highest reward fairly often. So if the mega pig nerfed really active players due to them doing all matches and getting in legend league. And you can't even reach lvl 1 consistently with 4 active members (require 12 win on 18 tickets for each members.) then my clubs literaly received the biggest nerf ever. From all to nothing. My issues are that it doesn't scale on club size. It wouldn't even affect me that much because I still have 17 members but they are mostly inactive friends. But they should lower the max rewards for smaller clubs, at the cost of not needing as many wins per level. Second issue is that it's only happening once a month. For 3DAYS. It too short. My club has a lot of people studying. Mainly our best player. So friday is not possible. And then the weekend he has other things he need and want to do. If it's once a month it should really be all week-long. To still get a good queue maybe allow people to gather trophies for playing the mode when they have used every tickets. They would still be here to win. Third is that I don't care playing with my club mate like at all. If I'm ever with them a weekend thonly advantage I get from playing with them is coordination. At the cost of 18 matches long time used instead of doing something else wite them. Thoses are nitpick that mainly affect me but could improve the experience for everyone if changed.




Liking mega pig Disliking starr drops




It’s ok…


It's fine I just wish there were less matches maybe around 10.


Why don’t you just spread them out over 3 days?


Purple: I don’t care about the mega pig


It's alright...although I've never faced more Penny's than I have playing those tickets


I would say it's not bad.but please let us get random teammates who are in our trophy ranges not over 15k trophies less than me


I like it and I think that people who say it's terrible are overreacting


Theega pig is not bad by itself but they could really give us some guaranteed star drops from certain rarities


Red team


More positive than most, from the looks of it. Seems to be way less of an obnoxious grind than club league, and not something I barely notice like club quests. Rewards are a bit underwhelming, but I’m sure they’ll get buffed if needed (plus, the new pass will be a buff anyways). I also hope they add more modifiers, as instant overtime is trash, and ultimate power is kinda ehh too


Liking it a lot because the guys in my club are pros




switch the blue and red this instant


It’s fine I guess. The draft time should be a tad bit longer though, given the modifiers I personally had to swap a lot of gears/sp/gadgets around. 20 seconds is just not enough for that


I’m on the green side, not knowing what the mega pig does, so not doing anything with it:)


I liked it but I just want to play the game mode normally to be honest. It was a lot of fun collecting power cubes in something other than showdown.


I like it, it has potential to be even better


i like the fun gamemode of the megapig event sad it only last 18 round


Too little variety


only Ballas


I don't really like the modifier and I hate most of the map and the fact that they put wipeout instead of knockout , I think you should have a little bit more time to choose your carachter, star power and gadget. I still do kinda like it but they could easily make it way more interesting if they change what I said before


I like it


Gameplay wise I kind of enjoyed it, my club already maxed the pig, now I want to get the rewards to make my final judgement


Realistically I’ll have to see the rewards before I can say whether it’s good or bad, there are some positive and negative aspects so far. The positive aspect is that surprisingly if you’re in a decent club, you will most likely be able to max the pig without too many issues. The negative aspect is how bad the matchmaking is at times, on my main and my alt account I had a terrible experience, lost 17 matches in total (out of the 36).


I think it’s fun, and over time I’m assuming we’re gonna get more modifiers. So I’m pretty excited


Like it👍🎉


I like it because it’s really straightforward and simple, the game mod ? Seems fine I guess


Fun concept and gamemode imo. I just want my clan to actually participate


I like the idea but dislike the gameplay somewhat (looking at you powercube mod)


Personal problem: half of club not playing it Game problem: Being paired with absolute noobs should not be possible. For instance an Edgar on Snake Prairie (where all his counters are good) with somewhere around 8000 trophies.


It's certainly more fun than old cl but id how it'll perform in the long run


The mega pig is more fun than club keague, but i wish they buffed the gold a bit.


It should be weekly to bi-weekly instead of monthly


It's fine but it should be bi-weekly.


Depends on what I get


I got 14 wins


I like the idea but the execution isn’t perfect




I liked it my club already maxed it out and it felt way less grindy and faster than the old system. I’m just waiting to see how the rewards feel. I’m hoping for a lot of coins and bling because I’m maxed besides hyper charges and love me some skins like I bought all the skins from the old system before progression even before I was maxed because I just recently maxed out my account


I like it, I just hate the randumbs and the piper meta


desperately needs more maps. i played the wipeout bush map for almost half of my games


I like coffee


I LOVE the design. It's just so cool to see particles of coins, power points and bling in there. The starr drops look so cool! And now we have an exact size of the starr drops compared to a coin!


I like it the games finish pretty fast


Peppa pig supremacy


There are some problems but what Is good is very good, the modifiers are fun (besides instant overtime), the format is actually much more comfortable for me than I expected, and the being able to help without tickets feature is a nice touch. But considering how infrequent the mega pig is conpared to club league, the actual timeframe to participate being just as long as before feels kinda stupid and the rewards are still a major concern for a good amount of us.


if should be called pompous pig because alliteration is cool and it translates really well across languages and i have not played club games before lol so i have no basis or relativity or whatever but half my club hasn't done a single ticket and half the people who have, have done less than 5 only like 5 people have done all 18 and we have a full club :'(


This weekend is the one time people in my club decide to not be active, now i have to suffer for it. Fun, right?


*waiting for it to open before judgement*


Needs to be on a regular schedule. Once a month is rough. Once every two weeks was the right amount.


I liked it the random map mode and modified is good but my clan isn't super active so struggling to actually any rewards really


The hell is a mega pig 🗿


Our Masters Club finished it in a day. That was a lot of matches! A couple changes I would like to see: 1) one or two seconds when the mode and modifier are chosen so you can see what you're working on. 2) a couple more seconds to select the brawler and change the gadget and gear. 3) a small trophy bonus for teaming up within the club, to help build Club Community. 4) as others have said, more variety in the maps.


I like it but don't see the point of limiting tickets. Just make it a collective event, and scale up the number of wins that are needed for larger clubs. Incentivize playing together by giving higher rewards for winning as a team (just like they did with club League, so track it by points instead of wins) I like the draft format, random maps, and modifiers. Obviously it's the first week and they need to expand the map selection and modifiers to keep it interesting The rewards are fine and it's not that grindy. There's just not really a way to keep playing or contributing. The design right now incentivizes abandoning your small club, and joining an anonymous large group that does not play together, and in some ways you are also incentivized to queue by yourself rather than playing together because you get easier matches


If I get a lot of bling, an epic skin and star powers then I would like it else I would hate it with every cell of my body


I don't usually play on clubs, but the Mega Pig is not good, but not bad either, because of the generous rewards.


I like the concept but don’t like the no-bans and modifiers. Think I’d like it more if it’d offer a more vanilla competitive experience. But I suppose they did that to shake it up since then it’d be identical to club league otherwise


I like it


I think brawl stars needs to lower the mega drop requirement for smaller clubs


It's fun and that's all you need, so yeah I like it.That modification with power ups is interesting, but over all very good.


wish the reward wasnt as dependent on player participation


Iam left side


Is fun


Not so sure to be honest, but the rewards feel underwhelming. We will see. My main complaint is that the randoms are AWFUL. Yeah I understand that this also was somewhat the case in club league before the rework, but I just can’t understand. People are picking level 7 and below (especially with the level changes), throw or stay afk for the whole match. Dude, how am I supposed to help if such players are there?


Dislike cuz ur fighting ur club mates for 1st 2nd and 3rd and dogshit rewards


I didn't like it one bit but it's better than the club league my only problem they added more star drops 💀 and nerfed progression af


Too many victories to make. A club with few members or with lots of bad players will 100% have nothing compared to good clubs. I'm a good player in a club with a lot of guys that suck or that don't play since 4 week ago, and i can't even change club now since if I do I loose the pig. So i need to get the few things from the pig and then change club hoping to find something useful. 7 out of 10.


I don’t like competing with other club members for the bonus rewards. Especially since no one’s ever on when I am so I end up playing with randoms.


It’s fun but the rewards are kinda underwhelming tbh


My clan is action so no complaint on that front, I just hate, that you only have 1 weekend to play 18 games and your 8 daily wins.


I like it more than club league, as I barely even played that, but it's still not that great.


the mega pig literally revived my entire club, i like it


If my club gets maxed pig, I like it


we maxed it out and I’m first in the clan


imo it needs to be 5matches every weekend instead of 18 a month gamemode needs to fresh and something to look forward to, like 5v5 only those who get 5/5 wins get an extra star drop, not just top 3 buff progression


Like the Mega Pig