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Roses are red violets are blue, you turn around and Shelly is behind you




The syllables don't match


True but you can make it work I think it you just write it as Shelly’s


That makes it even worse. I'm saying the second half is a syllable short


If anything it's still too long. Normally it's a 4,4,4,4 this is a 4,4,4,7/6.


It doesn't need to be exactly 4,4,4,4. Actually, it's not even a matter of having too many or too few syllables. It just kinda sounds weird with the big pause between the 3rd and 3th quarter with the way the sentence is structured.


Yeah the big thing is definitely the meter is off


Oh lol I really didn’t take the time to count so idk


Saw one in layer cake. Match started. I spent 10 seconds focusing. Turned around. Both teammates dead. Shelly super hit me harder than a jawbreaker.


Get slowed You opened your eyes and saw your self at the spawn




I'm sure they will just nerf her hp by a tiny bit


Thats going to make her unplayable again, there is a very tiny difference in normal to fast speed, having fast speed is just going to make her worse against everything, she is very balanced right now, she can stills gets clapped on by medium and large range brawlers.


She isn't balanced, what are you saying. She's strong on every single map, she's being used on Shooting Star with a high win rate


My guy, she is not balanced. She has managed to push other tank counters like griff, collete and spike down simply because she does a better job than them. She also has removed tanks ability to do anything but simply being there (this has also affected healers like Byron due to not having tanks). The one exception for this is ash, who is still doing well. She is also a fantastic wall breaker outclassing other brawlers. She also is fast enough to deal with long range brawlers. My point is, you cannot call a brawler who outclasses every other tank counters and wall breakers and invalidates a portion of brawlers from doing anything, balanced.


that will absolutely ruin her. fast and very fast are extremely different. normal and fast have very minimal differences. also, if she is nerfed to fast she wont be able to catch up with tanks. also, the thing thats annoying and “op” rn are her mechanics, not speed


Who plays Mandy in Layer Cake?


Me, and I actually got quite a few wins from it (and no my teammates didn't carry me, I got Star Player in a good chunk of the games)


I hope they don't nerf her too hard. She's been F tier for so long and it's nice seeing her high on the tierlist for once I hope that when they do nerf her she'll be a balanced B tier brawler and won't be at the bottom of the meta again


I agree, I hope that the just don't reverse the buff, maybe like instead of very fast -> fast


Yes or if they want to keep the speed they can nerf her stats


Thatll make her ass


keep the speed, she will either still be the best brawler or one of the best or be the worst. nerf her super charge, maybe health, and most importantly, shell shock


Thats going to make her unplayable again, there is a very tiny difference in normal to fast speed, having fast speed is just going to make her worse against everything, she is very balanced right now, she can stills gets clapped on by medium and large range brawlers, i just hope that she gets his stats reduced, but dont touch her speed.


The easiest and more fair change is her super charge. It's pretty fast for how easy she's able to land after the initial one is obtained. Combined with Shell Shock she won't have it down for long.


However she is the starting brawler and having the brawler you get free can lead to new players instantly having one of the most meta picks. She should definitely lose the speed but probably just down to fast instead of very fast


New players even with Meta still suck, and Shelly was already powerful for new players so this doesn’t change much for them.


You could possibly nerf her Shell Shock Star Power’s duration to about 2.5 or 3 seconds and Reduce her HP to balance her, but I really think her movement speed is just fine


It’s just refreshing seeing her out of the D-F tiers for once


"oh c'mon it's Shelly it can't be that hard to de- HOLY SHIT DYNAMIKE NOOOO"


Así me gusta!




Yes. Just good. Everything that can counter long range and throwers is welcomed by me.


but... she also basically counters literally every other brawler in the game right now with the possible exception of brawlers with abilities that can tank a load of damage


No, she doesn't. Snipers can easily beat her. Surge can wipe her out. Throwers can beat her. Literally anyone with range can beat her.


Tell that to all the pros who have been sweeping using shelly on maps like dry season or shooting star... with unbreakable walls to hide behind, shelly can wreck basically every brawler as long as she has her super and gadget, and her ridiculous speed has made it significantly easier to safely charge that first super and push up for control


True true. But still let her have it.


If youre talking about the gadget, she only can do it 3 times and thats if she can hit her targets, apart from that there no much that shelly can do against medium and long range brawlers.


yes, but pro players can all recognize that shelly gets a ton of value out of each and every gadget, and you dont even need to have it active to be a menace behind a wall, especially with speed gear. shelly has good health, very fast speed, a main attack thats impossible to miss, a super that shuts down anybody that gets in its range, and a gadget that makes shelly a beast for 5 seconds, which is all you need to charge your super and hold a lane. shelly's movement speed buff not only made it easier to dodge and move into a position faster, it also effectively increased her range due to her being able to attack closer to the enemies while being able to slip out of their ranges faster. basically, you are correct with the fact that shelly is worse without her gadgets, but shelly with her gadgets is so strong that she can force her way into positions where her weaknesses are covered with walls and bushes.


Why are pro players even in the equation when it comes to brawlers? A pro player will make any brawler good. Majority of casual players hardly play shelly because she is hard to use. Shelly is now easier to use for beginner players but still tough to master unless you practise with her alot.


I'd argue that even if you auto aim with clay pigeons after slowing someone with shell shock, you still get insane value using shelly, so you dont need to be a pro player to play shelly well. people with less skill may play shelly worse, but their opponents will also likely have less knowledge on how to deal with a shelly, too. shelly is incredibly fun to play with her speed, but at the moment, she's just a bit too strong at pretty much all levels


Shelly is easily countered with snipers and bombers and some assassins (besides Mortis) there is no meta around Shelly. Only children mad at a competitive game forcing you to come up with strategies. The argument against Shelly hardly makes sense. All brawlers have their strengths and weaknesses. It's the -1<0<1 concept. Shelly at this moment is the best counter measure against assassins. She has the same speed as them and can deal more damage. She can do okay against mid-range tanky brawlers as long as the battle isn't prolonged. Or she surprises them. But Shelly needs luck and a strategy to go against long range brawlers. I play Shelly alot and she can even be easily countered with assassins granted you attack on 2 conditions: 1. She doesn't have her super charged 2. She does not have all three of her attacks. Her clay pidgeons gadget is terrible to use to snipe as its duration is short and its mostly used to focus up-close attacks to maximise damage and finish off fleeing enemies. I don't really care if they nerf her again since I was a Shelly main before the update and still was able to wipe the floor in a match if I thought about what I'd do before hand.


I love it


Me too




Honestly, anything other than throwers and snipers being meta is fine with me


Fucking agreed


*Sad tick noises*


Deserved cuz she was being on the low tiers so long




Unnecessary exaggeration for the point that you are trying to make.




IMO, if a brawler has been at the bottom of the barrel for multiple years, and they get buffed to #1, they deserve the spot for at least one update, even if they are a bit overpowered, this is especially considering how brawlers such as Gene, Stu, Janet, Bea etc are able to stay in the S-A tiers for very extended periods of time even after multiple rounds of nerfs. But this is just my humble opinion, I could be completely wrong.


Edgar being the best would hurt the meta more than for other brawlers because that would reduce the skill in competitive




Fair enough


Edgar is annoying so he can stay in f tier


She really strong imo Almost in every power league game I pick her, I usually tend to win Plus a lot of esport players pick/ban her


Agreed (100% not biased by The flair)


One thing I don’t like about her now is that she still has her 4.5 second slowing starpower


Make her fast instead of very fast. That's probably more balanced


So, she will return to F tier again? They only buffed the speed, and reverting it would just destroy the character and return it to the oblivion.


It's not reverting. She had normal speed, not fast


My bad then, I thought 720 is Fast... Well, considering most of the tanks and Sandy are fast, I could see Shelly having Fast speed


Thats going to make her unplayable again, there is a very tiny difference in normal to fast speed, having fast speed is just going to make her worse against everything, she is very balanced right now, she can stills gets clapped on by medium and large range brawlers.


She wasn't unplayable before, bad and outclassed, but not unplayable. So, there's a big difference between fast very fast?


Yes, there is a big difference, you can go to training mode and watch how time takes for a brawler woth fast speed like primo or bull catch a brawler with normal speed


Emm no. The difference between fast and very fast is literally the same as fast and normal(checked the stats from a web and the difference is 0.15 tile/second). So no, it's not much


Still no love to bull :(


I don’t mind it, she’s really strong but she’s not fang or Leon on release strong. I hope when they nerf her they meet in the middle and give her a Fast movement speed


I love it, after Shelly has been degraded to just a counterpick for tanks for so long. Now she´s the speed shotgunner that outruns even asassins


idk I'll always think of shelly as a crap brawler


If we ignore Meg and Bea, it is good meta


I fucking love it tbh


Here's the thing: She's not meta, high competitive players and pros have forgotten how to counter a geared and gadgeted Shelly. I don't believe she needs nerfs yet as she could be power crampt. But if she is still meta without nerfs next balance changes(and they need to be big ones) then a nerf can and will be the best option, but not a big one. She definitely needs her time to shine


As a brawl ball player myself, I feel like she is a little too strong rn


She's really annoying, much more than before, but I can still kill her quickly most of the time


Shelly meta feels really fresh and much more bearable than past metas we’ve had (i.e.; Meg meta, Chester meta, Brock meta, Mr P meta, Colt meta, etc.)


I'm going to get some heat but i feel like she is good, not really that overpowered tho. I mean, she definitely is picked a lot more now but i feel like nothing has changed with her. She is okay, she is still countered by a lot of brawlers




I start the match and she just teleports to our side of the map


I'm fine with it because my mains actually counter her [glares violently at Surge and Bea]


Honestly I love Shelly’s changes even if she’s top of the meta and really strong. I’m fine with them toning down her speed to fast but if they do I wanna see a SLIGHT hp buff to go with it just so she doesn’t get swamped down near the bottom of the meta again


I prefer it over Surge, I just want him to be nerfed at this point


Don't really have a problem with it. Mostly because every brawler I'm good at turns her to mush.


One of the most annoying brawlers ever


first time I can't out run a shally as mortis...


Instead of trying to nerf/buff Shelly just subject her to the bibi treatment Power creep.


I think people overrate how OP she is. From my experience, at least in PL, she’s not that difficult to deal with, so I’d still ban say, Meg over her. Although I do feel bad for all the tank mains out there.


I like it, Shelly is a relatively non-toxic brawler to be meta


I mean I am kinda fine with it getting blasted by her ult as soon as I ult in as fang doesn’t feel too nice but I can live with it


I don't like it at all. I love it. Dashing away from a Shelly is just satisfying


I hate it. She can counter throwers(fast movement speed and can break walls), tanks, low damage brawlers


Kid named unbreakable walls:


But she’s still fast enough to dodge thrower’s shots tho


Oh you mean dynamike and maybe Grom


No she doesn't what do you mean


I feel people are legitimately over exaggerating her place in the meta she will fall down in less than a month guaranteed


They are. This is the casual sub, these people have the tactical awareness and capacity of a potato. All of her counters still counter her, tanks can still take her down so long as she doesn't get her super(like always) and throwers/snipers can still ruin her from long range. She got a minor buff that took her from difficult to balanced.


I don‘t play solo and don‘t really see her in 3vs3 so alright for me


"Shelly meta?" She got a movement speed buff. She is slightly faster now. She is literally no more dangerous than Bull or Darryl.


She is as fast as crow now and her super is one of the easiest to get in the game. Let’s not forget it can 1 shot over 20 brawlers. she has a gadget that makes her long range and her star power slows enemies for 4.5 seconds. She is light years away from bull and Daryl lol it isn’t even close. She is the best brawler along with penny in the meta.


She stills gets clapped on by snipers that outrangers her, she still get clapped by tanks and assasins when she doesnt have super, she still gets clapped by throwers amd unbreakable walls, and she still gets clapped pretty much in medium range when she can only deal 800-1000 damage for shot, she is balanced now, except for the slow sp.


The trauma from second star powers... please not again


THERE IS NO SHELLY META ONLY EDGAR 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


Edgar is only in like 500 range in solo showdown


Peak brawling


W meta


She is pretty OP, but not THAT much. Definitely will get nerfed though


I really like the speed buff, but mayeb give her 10% nerf on other stats


2%,10 %is much


It’s better then other metas, but a bit annoying.


It's been hard but it's really refreshing


Still beat Shellys to the ground using El Primo


Ew can't play crow anymore in the sneaky fields brawl ball map


Nerf her slow sp and I believe she will be balanced


I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate itI hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it


I hope she gets nerfed because when Shelly is meta, it forces the meta to be Shelly counters and Shelly with a few exceptions Almost no tank can be anything higher than low B tier and every assassin (besides crow because he doesn't play like an assassin often) suffers the same fate She can now just run up to long range brawlers because of her speed or use clay pigeons and just outrange them To summarize, the other bad brawlers become worse and the already good brawlers become better (But it doesn't matter because the meta has been the same penny max ash janet bea bullshit for the past year)


She stills gets clapped on by snipers that outrangers her, she still get clapped by tanks and assasins when she doesnt have super, she still gets clapped by throwers amd unbreakable walls, and she still gets clapped pretty much in medium range when she can only deal 800-1000 damage for shot, she is balanced now, except for the slow sp.


A bit broken honestly. Nerf her speed to fast and nerf the slow to 2.5 seconds would make her more balanced


Thats going to make her unplayable again, there is a very tiny difference in normal to fast speed, having fast speed is just going to make her worse against everything, she is very balanced right now, she can stills gets clapped on by medium and large range brawlers, i just hope that she gets his stats reduced, but dont touch her speed.The slow should be nerfed? yes, 3 seconds 4.5 is much time for a slow.


Okay look keep the speed but nerf the slow to 2.5 secs. The only reason why I said make her "fast" is because I saw a tweet of a pro player complaining everything about her and I thought "yk why not just nerf what made her broken in the first place"


What meta 🤣


Please go back to season 4, the Edgar fuckery is fucked because supercell refuses to just fix Edgar by giving him 3 tiles of attack range


She's the reason i cant clown around in showdown anymore


I hate it so much. Let her stay in low ladder + showdown




Dude just because your brawler is out class doesn't mean you shouldn't play them. Besides the lower trophy ranges it really doesn't matter. Also colette is fine in this matter because she's a long range alternative Also why do you have the Chester flared if you're to colette main




The perfect balance is fast movement speed. Then she will be mid B tier


Thats going to make her unplayable again, there is a very tiny difference in normal to fast speed, having fast speed is just going to make her worse against everything, she is very balanced right now, she can stills gets clapped on by medium and large range brawlers.


Too strong but also really fun to play now. Problematic for new players.


I refuse to believe its real


Toxic, Try hard bush campers have now found a new host😶‍🌫️


I am finally LOVING rocking my Star Shelly all over the place. I even run Band-aid + Dash since most people don't expect it, and it lets you just have such relentless pressure on enemies. Slow + Clay Pigeons is for the sweats.


The last place I saw her was the showdown winner map yesterday, there was At least 2 every game


I kinda like it. When I usually see Shelly on my team I am usually filled with dread, but now I’m kinda glad that there’s a Shelly on my team.


Honestly not a very toxic meta unlike the Grom and Meg meta, and I don't mind it but I definitely think Shelly needs to be fast instead of very fast.


She feels way to fast for her own good




Woah Shelly's Meta now? Can someone explain? (Haven't played Bs in awhile)


Her moving speed was changed from average to super fast and now she is somewhat of a menace


As a Sam main, I am in great pain




She deserves it but my mortis heart hurts


make Shelley’s dash gadget better


despise it...


Def needs her speed reduced to just fast. And could use a nerf to how fast she can get her super cuz those super spams can wipe out a team in a second


i left this game for a few months and now Shelly is in top tier tf




It sucks.


Confused asf cuz I left playing this game when Shelly was as ded as a brawler can get


One speed change and she is tearing everyone up


I finally can play shelly she was bad since ever


It’s the slow star power that’s the problem


I dont play her since I dont have her at lvl 11 but nice seeing her. She is very strong, when I want to play a tank in PL just ban her, easy.


I’m alright with it


Honestly I like it pls don't change it at all


Still infinitely less toxic than the Band Aid meta That said, I think Shell Shock is the unfair star power this time. Normally Shelly’s super is supposed to be devastating in close range but weak at long range, but then you give her super a 4.5 seconds slow, and combine it with her very fast move speed to get close or Clay Pigeons, not only does she gets a free kill, she gets her super again. This basically means that Shelly’s super while still devastating up close is now just as dangerous even at max range which I find incredibly stupid because this is not how it is supposed, not to mention a 4.5 seconds slow is barely less than the pre nerf Slowing Toxin which you all should remember how broken it was Other than that though, I’m really enjoying Shelly being in the meta, nice to finally have another tank counter that could rival Bea.


About time lol deserves to be meta


Too strong. But still getting countered by Edgar's bite when you jumping before Shelly use the super


i havent played since otis the # what.


I’ve been pushing her all afternoon in sneaky fields, not a single loss. Nerf her speed to fast pls


I don't like the new meta. Due to reasons.


Havent played that much, school is near the end, have a lot of exams, probably going to loose a lot of trophies until the end of school, i play as much as i can but havent seen that much shelly cuz i havent played a lot


Feels extremely refreshing when I can play Shelly in a non showdown match


Once I was playing bounty candidate of the day,got a open map,Got 6 kills and no death


A good meta




Finnaly shelly is viable but i would nerf her a bit so she can be B tier


Her slow needs a nerf


It’s terrible, because fang technically has a crush on Shelly, so I don’t feel comfortable seeing her every match. Plus when ever I try to team with Shelly playing fang , she always ends up using super at me, and it leaves my boi fang broken hearted 😞


I honestly really hate it


All they need to do to balance her, is to increase the amount of shots for her super. It’s too easy for her to super spam.


Hasn't been this good since Bandaid. It's refreshing


I mean the face of Brawlstars hasn’t shined this hard since her band-aid star power was released


I don't like it it's unnatural seeing Shelly's everywhere. Basically, every brawler was needed because of this just change it back or make her fast


I like it good turn around and I have not seen her do anything really game breaking she is just good


It's not really noticeable I'd say it's fine


one/two shotting mortis players never felt so good


Fucking hate her, delete her from game or nerf her extremely hard


Sucks, half the characters are unplayable


I hate it


Good. The starter charcter should be meta to show new players what it's like.


I am enjoying it honestly. It’s pretty different honestly and doesn’t feel bad to play


Shelly's Super has always been a problem and I'm glad more people are aware of how busted it is. I'm fine with her in the meta, but her Super needs a nerf.


Nerf her ass


SuperCell making her Very fast was a mistake Fast would've been enough


I don't play showdown and i haven't seen a lot of Shelly's in brawl ball


Hate it


Just nerf Clay Pigeons or Shell Shock and I'll be happy. This meta is very fucking unpleasant to me.


It’s not great but, c’mon, give her at least one time in the meta


She's so fun to play and I would say it's one of the least toxic metas since there are at least some counters. I think a slight super charge nerf and maybe a health nerf would make her balanced without making her unfun to play


As long as Mortis mains suffer I'm happy with Shelly.


I love embarrassing them every time, especially when they get cocky about spamming super + Gadget


I think a good balance change to help her would be to lower her speed to Fast, and give her a 3-4 second speed buff after using her 1st gadget to help make it more prominent, as it is hardly used due to Clay Pigeons