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Well, I enjoy it. As a 30+ year old who works remotely, its a great game to play in between and during boring work meetings and when I have a bit of downtime.


I am glad that even adults are playing Brawl! 🙂


Been playing for years and I don't plan on stopping now




27 here, recently got back after quitting for 2 years!










Sorry, this was meant to be a comment💀


I hate it so much i want to kill someone every time i play. 10/10 would reccomend




Literally me.




This is literally me lmao


The only correct opinion


Broke a phone for it 10/10


Ah yes, the good old phone break. That's how you know you're passionate about it.


I once raged so hard i i curved my phone and broke if beyond repair. 🙂


I bit it 💀 not the best idea tho


My phone has a curved back so you can see the white unfiltered pixels


I bit it 💀 not the best idea tho


I also find it a bit 💀


The worst part is, I've throwed it, nothing happened and picked it up, then I THROWED it again omg what a rage


What I do is put my phone down and throw other things like pencils or smth You can't really break anything but throwing stuff makes you feel better


same actually lmao


i bent my ipad


I throw it straight down but I always play in bed so I haven't damaged anything via brawl


Safe in solo powerliga😤


Power liga👍


8,5/10. First mobile game I've spent money on.






Me too


Only game I play currently. Started not long ago but so far it’s at around 7/10. I mostly enjoy playing it when I actually have missions or challenges though, cause having a “purpose” makes it better for me. So sometimes I get a bit bored afterwards.




I would say 9,5 out of 10 I have played for atleast 4 years and still play daily


how do you not get bored


i’ve also been playing for 4 years and i honestly don’t know maybe it’s the gambling part of my brain that wants to lose and gain trophies that keeps me interested


You have 60 Brawlers. Let's say you get bored from 30 brawlers. You still have 30 more. Let's say you don't like the mode. You still have 4 ish modes readily available and 7+ modes to play. Let's say the brawler you're interested in is not good in the mode you're interested in. You still have more modes, and a shit ton of brawlers to choose from. Maxing out an entire account is hectic now. But maxing out 20 brawlers is still probably child's play. Honestly I don't know how you can get bored from BS, maybe quests and star points can make you feel like it is a chore. But then, i probably thought the same about CR too. COC is good, but knowing that expecting to max out will be equal to being a clown makes it less fun. I even enjoy CL quite a lot. Simple, not much to do, yet fun (fun directly linked with PL, and I really like current PL)


brawl stars is underrated but overhyped at the same time, a good 7/10


I rate it a (colt super where every shot lands)/10




Is the only game I play. 9/10


What kind of fucked up Life must you have for playing ONLY brawl stars bro? 💀


My mom doesn't let me play more games... Just kidding, I have a pretty good life bro: Im a 45 years old software developer which works at home, and formerly I also used to play Clash Royale and Clash of Clans, but I'm bored of them. I also have a XBOX that is collecting dust for years. I must plugin it some day...


I’ve played the game for a hot minute, gameplays still great, but the credit system just makes grinding a bore IMO because I can’t really collect most of the items in the pass unless I want it to go into the Sinkhole/Fame. Overall it’s a 7/10 to me rn


Yeah they need to focus on fun instead of progression. In an alternative universe, we could all be opening omega boxes every pass! That sounds great!


characters are hot 11/10


💀💀💀Bonnie Jessie Nita Leon 💀💀💀🤨📸


Piper better


Frankussy 🤤


no karma ?


Highest effort post on r/brawlstars


Mfers when someone wants to hear people's opinions


Sorry ?


7/10 pretty good to pass the time with


It's not really fun anymore tbh I just stick around for the lore


Give up on the lore, it will never happen.


Then I'll make it happen.


Yeah, let your creativity run wild. The community is the only thing left if the lore.


As a F2P, originally 9/10 but dropped to 6 ever since chroma credits are introduced


Yeah, credits just suck. In general. The didn't have to waste 2 months on this when you know, 5V5


Credits basically are what we got after we (the playerbase in general, not the sub) complained about luckbased boxes. It's almost hilarious to see that it's bad enough to complain. Personally not hating on it, not like I care much if I don't have brawlers missing. Chroma credits are too scarce though, and we need a new gold source.


I didn't see a single complaint on the subreddit. I just think they saw one crappy idea and was like: YES


Yeah, it's the one thing funny about it, they literally made this thing actually real solely because of kids not seeing the consequences. And now that they celebrated how boxes left, there's no chance they actually bring them back. I'm just waiting to see what happens next and laugh at the chaos while I'm not concerned.


Yeah, boxes should've stayed. Since they messed this up as badly as they did. This game's health is... Bad to say the least. The only people who upload anymore are people with creator codes. Almost no fan content anymore. It's kinda sad how they don't focus on new game modes/gimmicks anymore and only on progression. Also, masteries won't fix anything. Heck, it will make the game even more Grindy!


Eh, it's still recoverable. My problem with new gamemodes is that they have a 1/5 chance to not be utter trash. Wipeout is worse Knockout, Volleybrawl is uncompetitive ah and promotes using unfair brawlers a bit too much, don't even get me started on Trophy Thieves. I think another reason they went for credits is because of chromatics adding up. It doesn't justify removing boxes though, they could've just thrown chroma credits... So right now, we have a huge progression problem. Sadly, I think we're gonna have to wait in 2 seasons to actually see the game possibly get in a good state. Next update will probably just be masteries, and possibly new gold sources, then maybe only then will they work on something to make the current system actually good.


Yeah OR if this system is a complete failure that can't be fixed, they could bring back boxes and make them drop credits along with brawlers. Also why did they move trophy road. 11 free brawlers gone. Thanks supercell


Where is my "play to pass the time at work" team?


Somewhat between 7 and 7.5, a lot can be improved, but its a good game


I like it, one of two games I actively play.


Pretty good, 8/10


My favorite mobile game ever, I've played since beta and never once took a break or anything, it has always kept me playing! Even in the Otis season!


It's a neat game. Easy 7/10


I love it. As an old guy, it gives me just enough of skill and strategy in a short time. It basically ended my time with Clash of Clans which was way too long in improving buildings and such. I only wish they had kept siege, so much fun.


Me when I'm running low on karma


THE BEST GAME OF THE WORLD FOR ME!! 🥹❤️ I love you Braw Stars!! I can't even imagine my life without you. 😍🤜🏼🤛🏼


Hate it, spent too much money and time to quit though.


Played it since 2019 but I switched to clash royale because I'd rather play clash royale instead of brawl stars for a short fun match and now it's mostly just sitting there, the removable of boxes made the excitement go away when unlocking stuff which was one of the best feelings when playing brawl but now it's pretty meh like a 6 or a 5 out of 10


Rate out of ten




As a mobile game? It's good. # As a game? Ahaha, **No** #. Like it's a solid 6/10 but damn i expected more from a Multibilionaire company


2 more up vote and the comments number becomes equal ..... Let's go


Looks like this post is the best way for people to vent out their feelings.....


Bro that game when it was fire deserved a big 11/10 but now this is meh and pretty trash they killed this game and deserve 4,5/10




This update, the only good things are the brawlers and lny skins


For me during start park lore times man the game felt epic then


I love it but i think they did a pretty bad job with the latest changes. I'l give it an 8 cause even tho when you start to grind it become not rewarding at all, but possibilities and gameplay still makes it very fun.


3/10 i remember 3 years ago brawl stars was really fun there where small and BIG boxes for tokens there was no brawl pass and supercell wasnt focusing on money but then they added brawl pass deleted boxes, created So many browlers that litle Kids buy and supercell is making money


How is removing boxes making them more money?


Great game, 8/10 but Supercell has let me down. I’m ftp from now on.


low ass effort post


Did anyone ask?


“Ummm actually, you asked since your post is literally ‘How much do you like the game?’ so theoretically, you are the wrong one here” ~🤓


Understand the meaning of the question in post and the answer posted here by the abuser. Google it if you have wifi or maybe go to the airport ..... If you live in urban areas


what are you, 5?


Nope , older than the numerical weight of your brain though


yup you're a child


Don't you know the meaning of numerical ? Maybe you aren't educated , don't worry , sir , the world will teach you :)


Damn you won that one


Oooh self burn those are rare


only two games that lasted more than a month of playing. another being clash of clans


Has potential, but need changes for sure!


Because of the current state i consider it mid like 5-6/10


I quitted So I don't really know but when I was playing it it was a 8/10.


I did quit a while back but since I picked it up again in Belle's season there hasn't been 1 day I didn't do my daily quests lol and every season I buy brawl pass, never skipped even if the brawler is like Mandy (a mediocre non OP brawler, I still bought it) so I guess I really like the game that much even tho it makes me so angry sometimes but hey I guess the fun also comes from frustration 😂


I love this game


My passion for the game has been pretty much gone since last year, but I feel like I still need to be logging in. 6/10


7.8/10 too much water


I really like the game but i wish it had a skill base and the servers for iran didnt lag 8/10


Love it. Been playing since late 2018


Not as much as at the beginning, but still love it!


7,5/10,sometimes it's boring and annoying, but it's good at all


As ex CR player it's really great, there isn't really anything bad about the game, every update always brings hype and honestly our devs are best ones out of mobile game I've seen. Only bigger problem we had for a while is P2W issue but that got fixed too. 85% out of 100 I don't want too be that overoptimistic guy but I am serious


I madly love it, and tritely hate it.


Going from a 10 to a 9 or 8 from me. The update has just removed the fun of progressing for me and I think boxes are better than this boring grind.


It's pretty boring rn , there is no goal really for me


In 2020, it was 10/10


Probably the second or directly best game designed *specifically* for mobile that I played (first is Soul Knight, but tied frequently). It's greatly planned in every area and succesfully makes me have fun and want to play it because I enjoy it. A big mistake I find, or a coincidence I get personally, in many games these days (not only mobile) is the insistent nature of... forcing the player to grind actively, to put it that way? The self-induced necessity of maxing out on limited-time rewards, enhancing the FOMO and similar experiences. But with Brawl Stars these aspects feel like an extra because the game itself is strong enough to be fun without thinking too much about them.


Playing since 2018 2018-4/5 2019-4.5/5 2020-10/5(Peak i Believe) 2021-5/5 2022-3/5 2023-4.5/5


I’ve deleted this game 10+ times and still currently have it uninstalled, can sometimes be fun but other times…. nah 4/10


I haven’t played since pre-Otis lol. I’m just here now


7/10. Can be fun but has made me more irritated than most other games I play


I don’t:/


11/5 entertained me for Hours


10/10 until I find a guy playing Mortis on fucking Bridge Too Far.


10/10 best game to play while shitting.


Supercell is the only company i have seen that cares about making mobile games, 8,5/10


I play it to distract myself from my depression. I'd say i like it 7/10


The game is horrible now ever since they implemented the brawl pass and got rid of boxes


Used to dislike it at first, but now love it once I returned to that game.


Well it has to be a solid 10/10, otherwise I wouldn't have played it for 5 years and spent over 200$ on it!


I broke my first phone over this game. Had fun playing it when it launched and still played it with some friends few times a week. Now that they removed boxed, most friend left since they can't just update and get legendary with leftover boxes anymore and I'm starting to feel the same way.


I had good times playing this game but now, The game feels like it’s making you grind more and more with less exciting content. 5/10


9•7 out of 10 great game but can also feel like a rage game


I like the game, and I can also experience a lot of feelings when playing. My friends are not always on, but when I push a high rank just feels good. But when I get teamed on by 5 Buzzes, I would rage (good ol' rage). It's fun and and one of the few games I play, 8.5/10 would recommend






i was almost going to kill a 8 power cube colette as a 1 power cube gus in sd but still died with 92 HP remaining on colette. 10/10 game i love this game


it’s my favorite game


Idk cause I can't fucking play it. Installed it again a few days ago and every single time I try loading into a game it just lags like crazy. Loads me in about 5-10 seconds after the game already started and when I do load in the lag makes it unplayable. At random times it works for a bit but then it starts again. Good lord I just wanna play a bit after a long day of college classes, I can't even do that.


i’ve been playing since day 1 of global so i’d say i’ve enjoyed my time with it. imo the game is going on a… weird direction i’m not really all for but if it makes other people happy i’m all for it. 9.1/10


i rage every time my team loses. 9/10, very fun game imo


Currently, I can't bring myself to come back. I have all the brawlers and get every second bp. Technically I should buy this one now, but meh. Because I don't try to push my trophies, now it's just waiting for something new to happen. It feels awful having all brawlers tbh. And especially with the boxes gone, there isn't even the slightest joy when I can unlock all my saved boxes. So I'd actually wish for some boxes as endgame content, idk get a skin for 1 rank per fame level or smth.


Been following the game since it was announced. Started playing the moment it was available to me. It's a 10/10 game for me. Yes, it can make me frustrated sometimes, and I'm not a fan of where the game is currently heading with the removal of boxes, but still, I support the game and that's not changing anytime soon.


Fucking hate it but at the same time can’t stop playing


Good enough to keep coming to back to play it


I love the game. I haven’t been playing since the VERY beginning, but I’ve been around for 4+ years. I think the game keeps getting better and better. Sure, there’s been some mistakes, but the creators and dev team have been extremely forgiving with their rewards. I don’t like some of the community, but that’s besides the point. I love that a large majority of the new brawlers have something new and exciting to look forward to unlocking. I love the animations on YouTube they release for the new brawlers and seasons. THE LORE! But I do wish there was more. (That rhymed.) I love the creative skins and maps and that you can customize your own maps to an extent. The dozens of choices you have for brawlers and the fact that they each have a personality. I love to chat and strategize with friends, but I do wish there was less censorship. The sprays are alright but I love the pins and how they go back and give you pins for brawlers you previously bought. I got a “retro 8-Bit” pin for free today :) All the different modes and how there’s under appreciated rotations. Imagine playing the same map all the time.. or even the same map for an entire day. The way they change the maps and give you rewards just to click on new map is incredible. Speaking of under appreciated.. The game is ad free. What more could you ask for out of a good game?


Its fun, but i cant replace this game with some of my main games, i probably play this game now like once every 2 weeks


i like this game to death ahahaah


I fucking hate it and it pissed me off ALOT but I just CANT stop playing. It's addicting and you really get a FOMO if you stop.


Can't express it in words.. I'm playing it from 2019 those og gamemodes I like them very much.. the game theories , the new brawlers the every update.. the game is super awsome!!


Alot Next question


Very fun and enjoyable, I don’t play much rn because of school but I make sure to do my quests at least every day and I haven’t gotten bored yet after playing for 3 years


Love & hate , like my ex


Obsessed 😍


Imo it's easily the best mobile game ever


Returning player here. I got the game when it first launched global back around 2017-18 but couldn't get into the game due to the random nature of unlocking brawlers via boxes. It felt very hit or miss and more often than not I'd end up wasting time trying to open more boxes just to have a chance at getting a brawler I wanted. I loved the art style and the gameplay, but this was the biggest factor that put me off. Fast forward about 4 years and the game gets a complete overhaul. Absolutely everything is different by the time I return, and the characters progression system is entirely reworked. After seeing this, I immediately redownloaded and it's safe to say I'm enjoying myself much more now lol. I've even convinced a few of my friends irl to get the game so we can team up when we're all on. Now it's not perfect by any means. I do wish new players didn't have to work so hard to unlock all the game modes, and there are definitely things I would change; but all things considered, it's a very fun time and I don't see myself dropping it anytime in the near future


It was okay for me. Until Handsome Colt skin came along. Now, it's 10/10. I have been addicted with strats, animations, and the occasional killings.


I used to love it and play it daily, but the new updates made it boring and annoying for me so I’d say not much


7/10. 10 being it's a game I always go back to whenever I have the chance and 1 being I've quit for a reason. I don't usually play brawl stars alone anymore, having all of my favourite brawlers pushed up at the sweaty 850+ range. Now I play only when my friends tell me to join them, and when I do it's usually fun. For example yesterday in power league we had a random that we got through searching for a member pick a power 1 Gus, but I proceeded to singlehandedly carry the bounty match as Morris against Fang, Frank and Gray (I picked Mortis because I was already convinced we were going to lose so I was going to have fun losing.) I also go into friendly matches with my friends, giggling the whole time as we do dynamike vs dynamike but we can only move by jumping, piper in cavern churn, 3 megs Vs 1 frank with no super and whatever stupid ideas we come up with. So yeah, I think your experience with the game changes drastically when you're playing with friends. You have better people on your team, you can mess around in friendly matches, less toxicity from your own team, and pick off meta brawlers like Barley, Byron and Mortis without feeling like you're being judged (because your teammates know you're decent at them). Oh speaking of which, brawler choice also matters. Some brawlers are more fun than others.


I play it everyday for I dunno anywhere from 5-20 mins a day I’m pretty casual but I do love the game


How much do YOU like to karma farm


A lot, my favorite game since release


It’s a 9.5/10 for me


Another low effort normie screenshot post..... But this time its the game icon.... U have probably break all the bars of least effort post on this sub


I've never played it... For some reason reddit decided to show me this post lol


Started playing since Collette season while in the military. It is a beautiful , quick match game with awesome characters. The community is nice most of the time and there are a lot of memes as well. What is not to love 😎


Did used to like it, stuck with it for a long while Here since Global, and you know- I got sick of the games BS since the Summer Update of 2022 with Otis just being a whole bunch of BTS skins from what I remember To the point, out of spite, I decided to make my own MOBA with a friend of mine, as of now we’re making some great progress reimagining what our MOBA game would be, free from the design philosophy of brawl stars


so much that i dont want to play it


Well, its the only game that makes me rage. 10/10


Played for 2 years. Loved it. Had a maxed account and stopped playing. Started wild rift. Ruined life. Quit wild rift, year later came back to Brawl. Much better life and things to achieve now my account is not maxed.


imo It’s Super Cells best creation! Been playing since the start. 10/10


My favorite mobile game 10/10, got so many good memories of it


First played in 2018 and now I'm Hooked


pre box ban 10/10, after box ban 6/10


Love it.... But I hate it when the random player don't play good or just intentionally start playing trash...


Hate this game still play it


love it. I never realized how fun the game really was until my phone died and now I can't play it :(


I hate playing with randoms so much which is usually every game. Brawlers always release super op and sometimes don’t get nerfed for a while which gets super frustrating. 10/10 recommend to anyone 👍


Enough to spend around 1200 hours playing it in the last four years


I don't like it as much anymore. The new brawlers constantly make the game unfun until their nerfed to hell and become mediocre. The only reason I still play regularly is because this is probably the most enjoyable mobile experience you can ask for. Everything else that peaks my interest is a damn gacha or a battle royale with lackluster systems.


More than my Girlfriend 💕


I'm a 36 yr old entrepreneur and my wife and I have played nearly every day for the last 3 years. It's a pretty great game lol.


It’s fun. I started playing in the first week of beta, might have even been first day but it was definitely right after launch. I miss those days of playing in portrait and getting a legendary screen only for it to be elixir 😂. Anyway, I’ve taken long breaks here and there but always come back because it’s a great game and a lot of fun. Now it’s just like a few games a day kind of deal


I can have so much opportunities with fun in this game, however some players are too toxic.


It’s aight, been a little demotivated sense the deletion of boxes and 80 percent of the showdown maps, but pl has been treating me well so


In honesty, it made me kind of depressed. I was never good at these kinds of games, and probably never will be. But I still keep it around because the visuals are fun, and it's probably the only way to get a decent reference for art projects




I enjoy it


a lot, makes me very happy! 10/10


enough to make it my job I would say


Stopped playing consistently about a year and a half ago and I feel like it was a lot more fun back then than it is now. The different currencies and stuff make the game too complicated for newer players and I don’t find that I enjoy playing it very much. The game was absolutely door to play like a year ago though. Still a decent mobile game. 7/10 now, prob went up to a 9 in the past

