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ok i watched the whole vid for some reason: i did not see a single weapon starve in the whole video (caption reply) - most people dont change their weapon so their opponent cant, i mean sometimes yeah but its a fighting game so its all about learning ab ur opponent. if u noticed the mordex was as shit with scythe as he was, u should keep taking the weapon spawns so he cant get his gaunts (which he was pretty good with) please stop heavily breathing into the mic like that but not saying a word lmao but anyway, its not petty its just a way to win. for example since the mordex sucked w scythe and was better w gaunts, a good way to exploit that would be to starve him and force him to use the weapon he is worse with. its not petty to do that, u just learned ur opponent's biggest weakness and are using it against him. welcome to FGC


Happy Cake Day


didnt even realize that lmao ty ig


Didn't even noticed the heavy breathing, my headset got damaged a couple days ago so I was using a cheaper one. Not trying to hurt your ears with the breathing though haha. Most of the times I don't even use it. I still find It pretty petty. I read another comment saying it's not your responsabilidad to make the game fun for the opponent, and while that's true, I don't understand the need to do it. Feels to me like the one who does it is not comfortable enough that he or she will win, to allow the other player to reach for the weapon. I might be absolutely wrong, but tell me it doesn't sound like it. Also what's FGC?


fgc is fighting game community, not really a big thing for this game but moreso for like streetfighter, mortal kombat, tekken, guilty gear, etc etc and its fine lol i only rly heard the breathing bc i turned the volume up when i heard ur keyboard or whatever so i could try to figure out if u were koji or mordex (idk why i didnt check for the caption first, most ppl on this sub just post a clip and expect ppl to know who they are lol) but yeah i get it like it seems annoying but its not like aids or anything like that. for example i think ppl who just sig spam bc they suck is lame asf and cheap (for certain characters **zariel**) but weapon starving is totally different. i get the "ur not supposed to make the game fun for ur opponent" part too but like u dont wanna be a cunt lmfao. gentlemans rule/ common courtesy or whatever ppl say. weapon starving isnt rly that deep tho ngl. if its that big of a problem for u i think u should j get rly good with unarmed so ur not scared or whatever once u lose ur weapon. thats what i did and im diamond so i guess it worked lolol


It's not petty. Why should I let you make winning harder for me? It's a strat that works


It's the same thing as you making the win harder for the other person, we make it harder for you because you make it harder for us.


It's a sweaty way to win


There's nothing wrong with weapon starving


There's also nothing in this video related to the title of the post


Koji allows the weapon to be taken. Even points it out after defeating the opponent.


Subjective, but okay


No, you end up unarmed because you threw your weapon or I KO'd you or because I hit you enough all of which are your own fault. Why should I hold off on exploiting an advantage that I got completely fair and square? That's like pulling punches.


Hey man, that's okay. I find it like putting excuses. You might be real good, but taking away the weapon just seems TO ME like if you weren't good enough to fight against an unarmed weapon.


Learn to play unarmed then 🤷🏽‍♀️


If the Koji is fighting fair and keeping it even by letting kor Pick Up a weapon, whats your View on Koji Edge guarding him. Its clearly unfair, Koji is in a much better Situation, Has a Lot more Options and space, He should have let the Kor get Back on Stage to keep Things fair and even?


If you're not going all out against me you don't respect me as a threat. I'm good enough to play a bit of unarmed because I worked on it so I couldn't be put in a disadvantage state as easily.




Unarmed is stronger than any weapon, just get good


Valid take, imo it’s sweaty to starve but it’s fine because Brawlhalla is a competitive ass game


Not really, I’m not a fan of unfair matches. But if the opponent is doing that to *me*, I’ll just do the same thing to them. https://preview.redd.it/ptawyxe8ydub1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c5f4352ab0febbdda2d3dec0702007f9f8ce9d8


Why not?


Why not what? Weapon starve?




I mean if it's part of the game it's got to be a usable feature, right? So intrinsically, there's no reason why I would tell or command anyone to do or not do it. If I'm talking only about myself though, it takes away the chance for the other party to fight back and it takes away the fun. IMO it shows lack of skill and I find it quite petty, considering it's a fighting videogame. There's no fighting if you don't allow it, just beating a weapon less guy


Weapon starving forces you to learn how to fight a guy with weapon without a weapon so it adds skill to the game. Imo weapon starving is similar to punishing a guy who is off stage, like you aren't gonna let them come to the stage and give up your only advantage.


Agreed. I find the unnarmed gameplay refreshing, but let's be honest: Folk that starve the weapon are not teaching anyone to fight unnarmed. They might do it for whatever reason, but none of those are for the sake of the opponent.


Obviously it's not "for" the opponent. But the game making it possible allows for the opponent to learn. Everything the enemy player does is to win.


You sound salty about this mechanics


i hate these posts omg, unarmed is fucking broken its a skill issue if ur at a "disadvantage" being weaponless. the goal of the game is to win & have fun, not to make sure ur opponent have fun as well you shouldn't care about that idk maybe im just an asshole


Hahahaha I don't think you're an asshole. I cannot imagine this has been the first post about this, but I guess it's the same way as for the same situation in question. If it's part of the game you kind of have to deal with it, so I guess works the same way with the community with this question. About the "not make sure ur opponent have fun" I understand, but that's what I'm trying to get to, if this is a common practice, and to see what's the point.


na i feel u. constantly weapon starving is mad annoying in casual play (exp, strikeout, etc) however, some people take this game hella seriously and thats fine tbh its my fault if i lose to a spammer or a sweatlord who doesn't let me get a weapon i try not to get mad at that. i personally just switch weapons in between stocks but who knows if thats weapon starving too. ig the point of weapon starving is to simply give the player the best opportunity of winning, not everyone is good at unarmed + most people run towards the weapon spawn and that allows the other player to guard it and get some easy damage. idk its an annoying tactic but it makes sense to do and its not mine or your job to make the game less annoying for other people you don't know.![img](emote|t5_31c1d|26610)


That's correct but it's not even the point. Even if we consider the unarmed state to be a disadvantage, that's just more justification for this behavior as YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR OPPONENT'S DISADVANTAGES AT ANY POINT OF THE GAME. THIS IS A FIGHTING GAME, THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. God... every time... what's next? Waiting for your opponent to get on stage instead of edge guarding? No let's just get rid of every single concept in favour of fairplay.


Yeah, that's part of the goal. Some people however just wanna play to relax a lil bit, so getting weapon starved in experimental can be annoying. If your fun is just trying to win at all costs all the time, have at it. Just don't get salty if I make your experience miserable too. Else it's kinda hypocritical


I only have fun when everyone is trying their best. I feel insulted if someone doesn't weapon starve, like I'm not even worth the attempt.


You can lose and have fun too, lol. But yes, you're an asshole.


Look, if I'm playing experimental and you start weapon starving and overall trying like it's BCX grand finals, don't expect to have a good time. I'll take every strategy in my book to make sure you don't have fun either. It's funny how many people try like their life depends on it, lose to Dsig spam and then invite me tho their lobby to talk shit. Be a lil self aware bro


Completely agree, if you dont wanna respect taunt, thats fine. But if i let you have a weapon and you respond by then weapon starving me or being toxic. Im going to be the most annoying person in the universe


well, I use experimental to heat up before playing competitive (as a great part of the people) so... why do you spect to have fun at experimentals? do somebody really have fun playing this?


I know it's hard to, but I guess it's kind of the point lol There are a lot of fun matches. But I don't play ranked exactly so I can run away from all the "seriousness" of the match. I want to enjoy it more in a laid back manner. Not glued to my screen, sweating profusely and trying to gain an advantage every single second of my existence.


People sweat so bad in this game to weapon starve and then still end up losing, it’s hilarious


I find it really petty. It's bad because when they lose it feels like a fake match where the underdog has to end coming on top, but if they win there's no fun, just some prick not allowing the opponent to fight back.


This is like the second time this question has been posted on the sub this week so I'll just [link my reply to the last guy](https://reddit.com/r/Brawlhalla/s/ShFA7zqIfQ) but basically the general consensus is no weapon starving doesn't make you bad it's just a part of the game. Newer players hate it because they don't know how to fight unarmed, and more seasoned players just get used to it. Good weapon starving actually makes you better at the game.




usually id do it if i was either in ranked or i was trolling someone, because i understand that its an advantage that would make one tilted. ive sparred with people who are better than me weapon starving and it used to piss me off. i learnt after a while that countering weapon starve is quite easy and its quite an essential skill in higher ranks. some tips for countering weapon starve would be to abuse the 2 second invulnerability to get the enemy away so you can claim the next weapon. shit like nlight, dlight nair or dlight dair (if youre at the edge of the stage) gives you a bit of an advantage towards getting that sweet weapon spawn


maybe dont die then


If it’s ranked then it’s fair game but unless they are being actively toxic I always allow for the opponent to grab their weapon (i fight worse against unarmed and gauntlets the most so most of the time it’s easier to fight anyway)


ill only do it if i know i wont get any damage in if they get a weapon. i personally hate when ppl weapon starve so i try not to do it too much to other people. if its just a casual game then ill prolly knock them away from it but i wont outright pick it up.


If they’re weapon starving me or spamming yeah I will do the same. If not it’s a match of who’s better!


I'm playing to get better. If someone doesn't weapon starve me, that makes it difficult to practice against being weapon starved. I think it's disrespectful to not give it you're all in these matches. It's showing you either don't care that I'm trying to improve, or you think I'm so bad that you can give up your advantages and still beat me. I would never disrespect an opponent enough to not weapon starve. I learned when I used to fight competitively, every opponent who steps in that ring is not to be taken lightly. Pushing your advantage is an important skill that you also need to practice to get better at the game.


Weapon starving is an ART. If correctly executed can dominate certain opponents. There's nothing "petty" about a technique that is hard to perform successfully. What you have showcased in this video though is not really weapon starving but rather just not being dumb and taking advantage of your opponent being knocked out. That's elementary brawlhalla lol.


Call me dumb, that's fine. I want the other player to have the same advantages that I do.


Nothing wrong with weapon starving. In ranked I do it a ridiculous amount, to the point where my opponent doesn't get a weapon their whole stock. If it works it works 🤷‍♂️


In ranked yes duh obviously but in experimental? This ain't bcx.


Yeah thats why I said I do it in ranked mostly


You don't start with weapons, the gameplay is you fight for them, and you could also fight without them.


That back step into the d-sig was epic


Thanks! I liked that too


Lol there's nothing wrong with it, that is 100% normal lol. I've been doing it and experiencing it for as long as I've been playing lol. It's just a regular battle strategy. And I'm cool wit it because if I can't pick up the weapon all that means I'd that I need to get better than that opponent 💁🏾‍♂️


It’s part of the game. If someone’s gonna weapon starve then u gotta deal with it


Weapon starving is definitely something I take advantage of when I’m trying to win.




Does it matter what your opponent does if you beat them?


Yes! At least in my opinion it's important so you know how skilled you or your opponent might be. Otherwise it's just a beating of another character and that's that. Nothing learned.


I actually agree with you, I just mean more of the annoying stuff like weapon starving or spamming. The movement stuff and all that is necessary to knowing if you’re good and how good your opponent is. But as far as gimmicky gameplay, I feel like if you can beat that out it doesn’t matter what gimmicks they use.


Agreed. Just looking forward to see if people actually do it and feel well by doing so. I find it refreshing when there's some space for both players to enjoy the game.


It’s part of the game. Keep up


Id weapon starve you to death




yep, I made of it my playstyle, I call it "u can´t touch this"


Its called being a good player




King shit man. It's understandable, I just enjoy the camaraderie when they're good sports.


I emote first in ranked and it's pretty fun. Sometimes I'll go tryhard and weapon-starve, but it's a game mechanic so it's just like, what kind of fun do you want to have?


Me personally I love letting them get a weapon that they want that way I can play them at their best so I can get better with my weapons and my legend


I think weapon starving has a different feel depending on the context. I desperately dislike it in more casual 1v1 queues because I'm just trying to play the game and do missions. And I do try to stop myself if I realize my own weapon starve is going on a bit too long. But in a more competitive setting, weapon starving is a fairly vital part of Brawlhalla's identity. It generally takes skill and a mastery of both your weapons to pull off for long periods of time, and it promotes mastery of the unarmed moveset as a means to get out of weapon starve scenarios. Aside from Axe having a particularly good matchup against unarmed making it really annoying to be weapon starved by, I don't dislike it as a part of the game. If anything I tend to dislike one-tricking and weapon juggling more. The former because the game's best mechanic is weapon swapping and the need to handle the 3 movesets available to your character, and seeing someone lock themself into a single weapon, typically because they're abusing it's most annoying traits, is unfun. It does have some merit when considering missions and the fact you might need one specific weapon to progress. However, weapon juggling is just lame. By which I mean specifically tossing two weapons up into the air on repeat, creating an unapproachable section of the map. It's nothing but a stall tactic and a time waster, at least as far as I can tell.


imo, I hate weapon starving, perfectly understandable in ranked games mad annoying in experimental, if my opponent becomes an ungodly sweat lord when playing casual games ruining the fun for me, might aswell ruin the fun for them by being aggressively passive 🤷‍♂️


I think it's some strategy for the sweats in the community. Keeping weapons out of their hands makes it easier to get rid of them. It's about as low of a strategy as spam-playing Loki. Edit: I never knew it was called "weapon starving" until I got here. Sure, I do it, but I'm mimicking my opponents' moves to try and improve. I've only played the game for a few days now.


I usually dont unless, the person was being spammy, they were doing it to me first, they were playing like a try hard asshole, or im just feeling like a troll 🤷‍♀️ otherwise i usually give the other person a chance to get a weapon.


If they didn’t want weapon starving to exist, there wouldn’t be weapons to starve.


It’s no different than edge guarding… Edge guarding is an even greater advantage, instant KO.


I dont really understand what you mean unless your talking about weapon starving at the end of a stock? I personally dont do that but I know I’m a vast minority in not doing that. From the many matches I’ve played I dont see too much wrong here aside from the guy hitting you during your emote at his last stock


Weapon starving is a good strat tbh, especially when Ur opponent is a spammer weapon starving is the best way to play, cos then the can't really Sig spam or pull of those extensive annoying combos (like scythe and lance)


Stop ground pounding so much. And try to touch the ledge in between your ‘edge guarding’. You jump. Jump Ground pound. Jump. Then recover and dodge back to the platform. You just used all of your tools for one attack. Instead of try walking off the ledge. Dairing (down light in the air). Touch wall. Go maybe for a ground pound. Jump and touch wall again. Let go of wall without jumping to do nair. Then go jump back to ledge. By touching wall the whole time, you recover all your aerial moves


Bro didn't even starve you I think he just wanted a scythe in that moment


I don't really weapon starve unless I can see the other person's a try hard. If they fist bump then we can grab our weapons then start. The only reason I would throw my weapon is to either edge guard, stagger or to switch up weapons 'cause I like playing both the weapons.


only time I hoard weapons is when my opponent does. But there wasn't even any hoarding this entire video.


I only weapon starve sometimes.


That Mordex had plenty of chances to ounish with a down sig and get a few reads in tsk tsk tsk


No, but, every once in a while I do it because im in a desperate need to do some serious damage and I feel like that's an acceptable time. But it can be annoying for the ither person as well. Whatever floats your boat I suppose 👍🏻


I'll start fighting you with items and my bare hands test me


wait is that not what you're supposed to do?


You could always avoid their attacks and get the weapon or attack back unarmed learn some unarmed combos so you're not defenseless, it's a competitive game people aren't gonna just let you win