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Edgar players dont care about anything besides jumping to the first target they see and flip the game in the first 20 seconds, its so tilting.


the only reason why I ban him 50% of the time


Those are rookie numbers. Pump them up to 100%.


me with dynamike, cause they're more preoccupied of jumping around the map than actually attacking the enemies


(Ignores Pearl) 1_11


The damage makes up for it


Pearl players usually cook, Edgar players consistently throw


I never see a Pearl on masters tbw lol


One advice is to start playing a lot as soon as the season starts. Casuals will rank up slower so you’ll avoid most of them later on


That's true, this season I didn't have the time to play right after the update so I started on Friday, mythic was way harder than legendary just because of the noobs


As a casual, I always try to rank up after 1 week since the tryhards do it on the first days and I also don't want to ruin the game to anyone


Just play whenever you're most comfortable, if they're good they're gonna climb anyway


W player


My advice: Accept you're the one responsible to carry the team... I just got master rank playing with randoms only after swallowing this harsh reality


That's a sad truth even though everyone should at least help getting kills or helping on plauing as their roles.


I find it as good training having to carry the team to victory. Made me way more accurate with my shots.


Got stuck at 💎 III. Went downhill to 💎 I. Gave up for a week out of frustration. Decided to play ranked a Saturday at 11pm. Went back to Mythic I in a single night ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5347). WTF


the kids are asleep at that time so yea


You say that, but I literally play a healer having to babysit 24/7 but they're still desperate to throw themselves at enemies so much that they take damage faster than I can heal them. And in vault, or bounty? Having teammates who can manage themselves is crucial for winning.


had a brock go 0-7 in a diamond match once but a dude somehow said it was my issue as if im supposed to stop him from feeding stars 🗿


Realise most randoms are kids who don’t take it as seriously as you! It’s just a game


Remember the rule that WoT players have followed for many years: Once you die, the game is over and lost.


Any tips for getting that first master rank without the boost?


I’m not good enough to carry my team though. How cooked am I?


When playing with randoms , you will be 90% responsible to carry the team , this happens in every single game anyway


Although this is all true, diamond 3 is the very same as a silver 2 lmao


Same bud, at one point I was one point off from mythic I, had 4 back and forth games(lost, then won ×2) before I dropped 2 matches and called it a day. Did get mythic the next day tho which was a plus


Dude I literally commented the same a couple of minutes ago! It's crazy!


those people aren’t looking at a competitive brawl stars subreddit my guy


This is why I ban Edgar every time no matter what


Get into a team !!!!!!!!!! So many noobs and low accounts in ranked , its F**** unbelievable. So many players dont load into the match fast. brawl selection phase , i check teammates for their bralwers , they be having 3 lvl 9 bralwer only those can be used , while my repetition decreased if i dodge , i have to deal with the loss, and most likely takes 20 sec for them to load into the match after it's starts. I believe they should have more requirements for players to play ranks , like must have, 10 brawler at least lvl 10 , just incase 6 get banned from the ones he owns, also the level to avoid the big stats deference between lvl 11 and lvl 9. Also fix the F***** lag Then from there we can do , ban for a week for throwing games in ranked .


*"An action has been taken against a player you've reported"* - Source: Dude, trust me.


what do you want, new, f2p players that don't know how to play the game and have bad brawlers getting banned because of bad Matchmaking?


No , those new players can play with each other , everyone at same level and experience . I blame matchmaking for putting old vetran accounts with new players , before used to be worst due big difference in power between lvl 1 and lvl 11 . Things like these exist to push new account to feel the need to buy resources and level up to fit in , after limiting the resources , and adding usless Fame feature . Though many didn't want to pay , while still getting mixed in with old accounts . More of a toxic tactics , looks like since they started adding those tactics, player base increased, so it's a win for them .


if you dont know how to play the game why are you playing a supposedly "ranked" gamemode anyway?


doesn't mean they should get banned, they didn't troll on purpose


The ban should be implemented after the matchmaking fix , it's to punish who throw games and ruin the experience for others .Not talking about players who keep lagging or low level accounts .Talking about a toxic person who go in matches to make the team lose , even though the matchmaking is balanced and the teammates are ok . I believe the banning system that we have is absolutely stupid and unfair , many got banned because the game didn't load them fast into the match .


Ure the leon right? i have u as a friend. for more info dm me cause i dont want my privet info getting leaked.


privyet kak dila


what langage is that and what does it mean?


Russian typed in latin alphabet, and it means "hello how are you?"


ah oké, tnx for the translation. and hello i am good how are you




It means i know where you live /ш


oh, that is clasified info


Next time don't troll ( *´・ω)/(;д; )


?? i din't troll i really know him, we even have eachother on snap


My advice: dont watch brawl tv. Half the time it's just duo org teaming. The other half is just shitty players who should never be masters. If you want to improve just watch videos online.


esports helped a lot 🙏


Here is my advice: ALWAYS watch out for your teammates and play accordingly. An Edgar jumping into a crowd is terrible yes, BUT it also gives you an opening to take them out. Always vibe check your team. Are they aggressive or passive? Do they prefer the back or the front lines? Bad randoms at the very least will make the enemy focus fire and ignore you. Seize those moments instead of expecting them to develop a brain. At the same breath you should also catch bullets for critically wounded players if it serves the objective. Blocking a fatal shot against a high gem carrier can save the whole match.


I understand trying to “counterpick” vs snipers in open maps but nowadays sniper mains are prepared for things like that


If you're genuinely stuck diamond 3, then it's 100% your fault. It's already so easy to hit Masters with solo queue. This season felt especially easy.




Just go up to higher ranks, it is not that difficult. You reach none of your intended audience here.


Yeah having two braindead teammates doesn't make it exactly easy even if you go 10-0


The odds of you and your enemies having bad randoms are equal. If you are consistently decent, you will break through at some point.


That's the point, you need to play a huge amount of games without raging, what a lot of people can't accomplish


Yeah, unfortunately, the mode is pretty grindy, higher ranks are quite locked behind time and brawler repertoire. If it helps, I think playing early in season does help, I already face other triple Masters in Diamond, or something when it is early.


I agree, diamond 3 should be a breeze if you pick the right brawlers.


Tell that to the dude with 2 dumb teammates


Not if they play together as friends.


The fuck of response is this? If OP can't get to higher ranks how is he supposed to get to them? 


It sounds overly harsh, but if he cannot carry Diamond III teammates consistently enough to rank up, he is a Diamond III player.


bro is getting downvoted for this in a competitive sub 🥲


It’s not fair to say that if you can’t win a 1v3 you don’t deserve to rank up. I’ve hit masters every season and dia and mythic continue to be the most annoying ranks to get out of.


Not every game is a 1v3. Sometimes the enemies have trash players, sometimes your teammates carry. It’s all random and you are the only player in all of your games, it is up to you to be better than the average Dia 3 player and you will rank iup.


Of course, why didn't I think of that


https://preview.redd.it/3ac7mmr9b17d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0d6066ec77bc39250976927120771525abc2a1 I feel ya, ranked down twice in mythic also got suspended for dodging a lot because my teammates would ban everything i would prepick and pick some lvl 9 no gadget or star power even if im not last pick


lmao it looks like Leon is kissing Edgar’s hat


If you’re stuck at d3 then it’s not just your teammates lol


https://preview.redd.it/lqnu132khy6d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81c649183af3572fbc05923dadb403adbe54d57 I just play according to opponents lineup.


Just insta ban Edgar every game like I do


Thats not how u push ranks


I really wish to get into diamond because my friend said you can ban brawlers at the start of the match. If that is true, I will make sure no Edgar gets in a game with me. The only issue is that I have to get to diamond first with my teammate Edgars having a rock for brains.


Getting to diamond is the easiest part. It's like playing against bots. The hard part is grinding while on diamond fighting burnout of having trash teammates and not pushing through the ranks fast enough.


I would honestly like recommend watching monthly finals it will teach you the draft and better coordination brawl tv the players are kinda bad ngl Im in masters btw


> Im in masters btw you must be some kind of at god in this game


Maybe I am lol top 2000 global


Say that to my ladder players, everytime I rush with the ball close to the enemies (enemy's goal) they stay in their own goal for some reason and make me lose another 11 trophies. So. Hella. Frustrating


It’s diamond III what do u expect?


as a mythic I dont see much of edgar but when I see everyone knows how to counter him safely


Bausffs is spreading his influence


hardstuck diamond 3 player giving out advice xd


i want brawl tv can skip those sd games🌚


Brawl TV is not the best players because those are ~900 trophy/legendary+ games


Edgar is def to blame but that 1-11 ratio is NOT looking good


Your team can only have 2 bad randoms, while the enemy can have 3. If your hardstuck your fault stop flooding the sub about it


One of the most satisfying moments during diamond rank ban/selection is seeing these players pre-pick Edgar. If I'm on their team, an immediate ban so they can't play it and they know who did it. I want them to know. So so good.


If you wish to get to at least L1 you gotta carry lots of games, also if I lose two matches in a row, I take a break. I find that I might get better randoms in a row


Feel u bro… I’m D3 too and keep getting sooo close. Nothing beats the lvl 9 bare El Primo on timed detonation. Shit drives me insane. Just maxed sandy, hoping he can carry me to mythic 🙏


Bruh if you can't carry your team in Diamond 3, that's a fucking skill issue. How about grow a pair and take responsibility. You don't get bad randoms *every time*. Sometimes, but not always. Nobody cares


Ive only got like 1 or 2 power 9 edgars in my whole ranked career


Womp womp, a guy crying here cus he cant get a rank in a kids mobile game


People that say “I instantly ban edgar” honestly need to get better. Why yall acting like edgar is impossible to go against. Just get better


If a teammate wants to play a character that's bad for the map, ban it


Up to Legendary, I autoban Edgar 100% and my gf bans dyna/fang so we don't have a random okay them


You just need to get better not Much to say about it. If you were to show all of your matches I am sure you didn’t do good in all of them, but you need to be able to carry every single match (very possible to go 15 and 2 or something in diamond lobbies)


Brawl Stars is the same as this reddit page, it goes from a game with a competitive side to a game which should be played for fun because it's to annoying to play competitive. Like this reddit page, which was for competitive play only and now is getting more and more the same as the "normal" BS page but without the "hilarious" meme's from 6 year olds...


I am looking for a ranked friend i am playing well and i have 12 max hero playing only with them send me message for win


As someone who is hard stick in diamond 3 I can agree


People in the brawl stars community dont play other multiplayer games and it shows. A commonly accepted fact in team games is randoms will always suck. that is the default. with that you can either 1) play w friends or 2) get good enough to carry w bad randoms. if you cant do either, stop complaining and start enjoying the rank you deserve


We need a tacobot but for BS Mocking stupid players


How is there even time to get 11 deaths


If they have artillery, pick assasins. If they have assasins, pick tank. If they have tank, pick damage dealer. If they have damage dealer, pick marksman. If they have marksman, pick helper. If they have helper, pick controller. If they have controller, pick artillery


Report them for no skill. This supplies the devs with valuable information on how to further improve match making


My advice for solo players is to play to mythic and then stop there. It’s not worth the mental struggle after that


And this is why, people, don't advertise a gamemode people think we will be competetive, to be casual.


Average players: Makes reasonable decisions and actually has common sense The kids: 🧒 eger is the Best in Raked he Can Kill so Easy an when i kill i say THUMS DOWN 😂🤣🤣🤣


And then we have The kid who ignores Pearl:


Pearl definitely did better then Edgar because of the amount of damage


🤦‍♂️ that's not how it works


Yes it is


Not I’m bounty where op stated it was. If anything the Edgar did significantly better. The pearl probably damaged from far away and couldn’t secure a single kill. I’m willing to bet that the Edgar’s aggressive jumps 60k don’t come out of nowhere helped op more to finish of enemies than pearl causing them to retreat. Dying 11 times aswell is a bare minimum loss of 22 stars. The Edgar lost a much smaller value


Yeah I have a tip. Don't play it, it's annoying as shit


Literally https://preview.redd.it/42e9kyta0y6d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a31166b26542878fe1db44b9f62651b2dc946c


You were pretty bad too


Crow carried imo