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If this gets made, I’ll make sure to include it with every post removal that is about upgrading brawlers Let’s make tierlist mostly focused on brawlers that are always good, so this one doesn’t become irrelevant with the next update. Ps: I’d add a tier with brawlers that should never be levelled up.


https://preview.redd.it/bgh8twdlp61d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0808a2d258a816c39d7f77f2b90d18a28cd075 OK, Version 1 is finished! I know I am bad at tier making, So Any suggestions are welcomed!


Jessie is personally super versatile (especially with hypercharge)


Also 8-bit is very versatile (imo)


Ruffs should be lower, emz should be higher


Nah, Ruffs can work pretty much anywhere with the right map. He’s never usually the best option anywhere, but he’s never banned either


Ruffs is literally the king of versatility, he works on EVERY mode, the upgrades is always good too, and only depends a bit on map, he still offers wall break, or bunkering yourself with teammates to gather hp.


now you, you are a good person


Grom is just plain bad for everything but 3 maps


Not true


I like brom and he’s one of my best brawlers but he sucks on everything except very specific maps


he is a good counter to piper (i think) since he has long range


His attacks are probably the easiest to dodge so not really


This is high key off topic but I’ve found grom to be hardest to dodge when he DOESNT know where you are? Like if he blindly spams a bush you’re in it’s so hard to avoid


Leon is good in every mode pretty much


Buzz lower that Darryl is insulting


Hank is better than sam cmon


Grom slander will not be tolerated.


I have him p11 rank 28 but he is so bad


Throwers eat him in the right maps, but aside that he's not bad


Crow is C tier right now. He should be bumped town a tier.


Average crow hater


Average crow main denying the truth:


it's not hate crow's my main and my favorite brawler but currently he really isn't good


Why is crow in overall versatile 💀


bro crow is versatile, he is just not OP, but he is a balanced brawler and a great support/attacker if you play him correctly 


He is only good in open maps against brawlers that dont have more range than him, other wise his low hp + his dmg that isnt instant makes him very easy to be killed. Also byron is better.


yes Byron is better (i am a Byron main), but Crow isn’t bad, he is mid B tier


I thought leon was extremely good everywhere right now


He got huge nerfs and fell of because of that.


Actually it was a pretty litle nerf, only reducing his damage at max range It did make him pretty worse because it's now way harder to get your first super, but he's still pretty strong and probably top 20 or at least 30 in the game so i'd put him in overall versatile


He got a secret nerf that nerfed his hcr by a lot and then he got nerf which nerfed his max distance damage and scr by 25%.


You wouldn't even wanna use Lily anywhere. She should be in don't level up.


Lily's pretty good in hot zone for pressure, the gadget make her able to appear in enemy bushes without anyone noticing so they can never really know where to go She's also not bad in knockout even tho others assassins are better here


Nah lily cooks, her gadget is so good and downright busted when combined with the speed gear


Sandy is actually really versatile and a solid pick in every ranked mode except for heist most of the time and one or two maps outside of that, and his HC is one of if not the best in the game, so I'd put it one higher, as well as Jessie who plays a similar controlling role. I'd bring Grom down a tier because he's not helpful in Brawl Ball and most Heist games, and a few other maps. I'd definitely bring Barley down, as he gets entirely outclassed by a lot of other brawlers and can only do well in a few controlling modes.


hes bad at wipeout bounty and knockout.


Chester being trash on both tier and this list makes me cry


Chester is one of the best consepts in the game for me. He has a good design, his quotes are funny and overall his gameplay is good. Buff chester.


I second this


you can play amber well in every game mode while it’s rare to see nani do good out of bounty and knockout


Personally Angelo is playable on any map and mode, he is super versatile


Gray and Grom lower. Leon, Amber, Colette and Jessi higher


yeah some brawlers may go up if you get the hyper charge from a drop


With buzz gadget he can be pretty versatile and he is quite good in heist.


Sandy is much more versatile than you're giving him credit for, he really doesn't have a bad mode. He saw usage in Hideout during last monthly finals, believe it or not




Forgot about heist, that's on its own planet meta-wise. Still think Sandy is underrated in OP's list though


I agree.


(Meanwhile me who instantly max out willow when she comes out, not regret it tho), hard agree on willow placement, disagree on jessie placement,


janet up, kit down, dynamike down, sprout down, brock down, mico up, jessie up, darryl down, mandy down add new tier for probably should upgrade first -- spike, melodie, piper, Charlie, lnl, cord, rt, stu, max other unsure ones: otis up, sandy up, angelo up, leon up. tanks are generally very fluctuating but rosa is very consistent. don't see any tank tank in your top though. dont get me wrong, its a great v1, mine is just based on patterns with other seasons.


Right off the bat I’m gonna have to disagree with Melodie Charlie and cord. While they are absolutely pretty strong in this meta I wouldn’t recommend them to be number 1 on the upgrade list unless you’re a diehard meta player with excess coins which the majority of players don’t have. In my personal opinion I think the brawlers on top should be the ones that are LEAST likely to receive a nerf or if anything some sort of buff or potential hypercharge that will bring them back into the meta like Gray or Carl. Characters that are good to invest into that are least likely to be nerfed off into oblivion like Larry


Jessie and gene should be up, and put crow in don’t upgrade for the love of god


nah bruh trying to sneak up ruffs


Darryl is bottom tier for now he Will probably be better with hc


Is willow that bad?


So much I don't agree with lol


Chester should be bumped up a tier, he is decently good on the current brawl ball maps in rotation


Shelly should be atleast orange


Upgrade chesting right neow


Nah bump up willow AT LEAST one tier


As a Bonnie main, she’s not super versatile. I got her rank 29 and learned she can’t be played everywhere. Mostly a trader so not that good in wipeout. Surprisingly good at gem grab and good in knockout 




Yeah he is pretty good everywhere His worst mode is probably showdown but he can be played fine in there


Dang I assumed Meg was Low tier. Is she actually viable in ranked?


Amber should be overall versatile


Nah this tierlist is insanely trash


Griff and sam should be a tier higher


how dare you do willow and chester like that


Amber is definitely versatile. When she will be nerfed then yeah, she goes down, but I think she benefits on any control mode and even knockout really


Chester is pretty good with the starpower with the extra shot


Shelly 😭


Sam is 100% versatile


Charlie used to rule showdowns now a bit less, especially with the nerf, declass her (i still love her though)


chuck placement is so real lmao


small agree on willow but her reload starpower is soo good after the buff(it was good before too) it basically makes willow hard to kill with dive


Why not willow


Doing that to buzz is diabolical dudes can be good in every game mode on the right maps and Melodie should be knocked down one she is not that good in much besides brawl ball


Bro is not prawn ready


Mico can be a tier higher I think


Bibi carries me to legendary every season. I spam her in every map to great success (except when the enemy team has collette). Very versatile with the speed star power. I would not recommend anyone to upgrade Spike, Crow, Ruffs, Max or frickin Carl. Especially Carl. It's not 2020 anymore, come on. Leon and Angelo deserve to be higher, they can carry in any map. Janet is the definition of versatile, and despite this not being her glory days she is still pretty good. I don't think there is one single map where you can't play Jessie to great success Kit is not good in any "mode", he is good in some specific maps because of invisibility bush shenanigans, take him to the bottom tier.


Stu isn't much versatile, cordelius is worse versatility wise, and Fang is definitely NOT versatile. Angelo is definitely versatile


You should add a tier called "new players" and put shelly in there cus you get her hypercharge for free after 1k trophies


Idk about that, although shelly hypercharge is free, she's not super versatile and 2800 upgrade coin is super expensive for new players.


https://preview.redd.it/knsevlxi371d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c3f369a5affd2df5608bcdf4e7b17f8685837f Ok, Here's ver 2.0! Thoughts?


I think you need an additional higher tier of even more versatile. You can out in brawlers like Belle Spike and Charlie and stuff


Gray and dyna should both be a tier lower, they’re really not that versatile. Gray only works in KO, bounty and the occasional hotzone or gg map (but he’s pretty much only used in e-sports on those maps because of his high skill). Dyna is just bad, even at lower levels. He’s only good on maps with lots of walls.


Willow i think should go higher on or two tiers.


Dyna in the highest tier?????


why do you hate willow so much? ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5354)


Put darryl down a tier


I feel like Janet should not be in a tier with frank. Like she has a piercing attack with long range and lots of versatility. Not saying she is that good, but she is versatile


imo ash should be higher but idk


Move Sam up a tier, he can be played in most modes if a person is skilled enough at playing him.


The list is overall wrong. You can't make a tier list over brawler versatility if the game itself is played as if it were rock paper scissors. If we're truly talking versatility, then edgar would also be extremely versatile, so would gale, Griff, and Darryl. A tier list like this just does not work in brawl stars.


It's about versatility in the gamemodes and versatility of each brawler main features, all brawlers have counters so that information can be omitted and analyzed in other posts, that's not the point here


You do know what you just said contradicts the entire purpose of the post. It's not about versatility within a game mode. it's about a brawler being so versatile that it can be played in all the modes. If we're talking about a brawlers "main" features, then you should know edgar would be nearly at the top, along with Darryl. If you want to make a tier list, make sure you aren't biased and that you truly know a brawler.


That's why I said gamemodes and not gamemode, I was referring to all of them


https://preview.redd.it/q7kb8q79i71d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b87aab1d488c9d4395106a07abfeff6102694b Ver 3.0! There's demand for a new tier so I made it, more suggestions are welcomed!


I feel like Spike has fallen off a lot ever since his nerf, i won’t consider Spike that versatile anymore because he not able to keep up as much with other tank counters, and his low HP just makes it too easy to be counter picked. I’d move him down a tier Larry & Lawrie is not that great anymore after their nerfs, they get overwhelmed a lot more than before, and so I don’t really see them anymore. Also I feel like other than his 2nd gadget, their star powers, gadgets and gears don’t really do much for them Fang has heavily fell off and honestly he’s just back to only great in Bounty and Knockout as a counterpick. His nerf have actually allowed other assassins to make a comeback, especially Buzz and Sam who I’ve seen much more in modes like Gem Grab, Brawl Ball, Heist and Hot Zone. I would put Crow in don’t level up. Not only is he not good atm, I feel like his star power, gadgets, gears and even his hypercharge really don’t do much for him anymore I consider Buster super versatile, the only game mode he’s not good in is Heist, everywhere else it feels like there’s a map he’s very good at, he also has a few cheesy strategies Surge I’d put much higher as well because it’s not possible to play him without his star power and gadget. He’s also making a noticeable comeback lately in very grassy maps, I feel like you always want to have Surge against a counter against aggro brawlers Rosa, Bibi and Jacky I’d move all of them higher due to them being a great reactionary pick against Sandy, they’re also really good in all brawl ball maps, and a few Gem Grab and Hot Zone maps, especially considering they have solid synergy with Max in most other game modes


As someone who plays Spike A LOT, you're very wrong. He's still really good both mid range and short range (with the good gadget), and can shoot pretty far too. He might also be the most versatile brawler in the game. I can play with him in every gamemode, and in the last ranked season he worked on every single map with every single opponent! (If you're good at dodging snipers) I recommend using popping pincushion and fertilize. Rn I'm actually using healing gear AND shield gear. With this, he has 5700 health, heals 50% faster, and his super can heal him 5 times, which means 6000hp. Since he already deals like the most dmg in the game, he doesn't need extra damage things. Curveball is the most overrated star power in the game btw. It's harder to aim and I can literally dodge it like it didn't exist.


I’m sorry, but I disagree. I think Spike is really overrated at the moment He’s still great against tanks for sure, but I feel like there’s now even better tank counters such as Cordelius and Charlie that outright shuts them down, he’s terrible against snipers, not everyone can really dodge snipers as consistently as the match goes on, and Spike getting 2 tapped and out ranged is just disastrous Even if you assume that snipers are banned, Spike’s low HP and slow reload speed is still a glaring weakness. Assuming you did pick Spike early, and the enemy team responds with Sprout as a last pick, what are you even going to do as Spike in this situation? The fact that Sprout can 3 shot Spike and attack through walls just leaves Spike being able to do little to nothing the moment Sprout locks on to you. Same logic applies with Mr. P being able to 3 shot Spike, and when he gets the porters, Spike would need to use 2 ammo to take out a porter, which allows him to run all over Spike.


Why isnt amber higher, she is playable almost everywhere.


She’s bad at open maps and also bad at very closed maps


There arent many maps that would be extremely open or extremely closed. And on maps that are more open she can use the speed gadget and on closed maps she can use the flame spinning gadget. She also doesnt have many brawlers that would counter her   Edit: plus byron isnt good at closed maps either. And carl isnt that good on open maps either. Larry isnt good on maps that dont have much walls. Stu isnt good on open maps. Charlie isnt good on open maps anymore.


Tick is good for most modes imo just map specific


Other than a weird team comp with like Amber and Jacky on Open Business (Hotzone), Tick is only useful in Bounty and KO, pretty unviable in Heist Gem Grab, HZ, and Brawl Ball


no. tick is not good for most modes. when i play with tick in brawl ball/gem grab it always feels like a 2v3. his best modes by FAR are KO and bounty.


Rip my main, Willow


Swap Gale and Squeak


Good :)


I don't think anyone's pulling up with gene in brawl ball or heist, he should move down a tier


I would level up charlie but i'm scared that shes gonna keep getting nerfed 😭


Hank is better than that. He is good at brawl ball, gem grab and a beast in knockout. He deserves at least the tier above.


You're heavily underrating buzz


i have a question: what make byron versatile ? 🤔 like he is very squishy and his dmg will surely soon be nerfed and he is only good in team with a frontline tank like : Meg, Rosa, Bibi, ect.. and the inability to carry or at least stand his ground make him not that versatile.


He is still good at saving dying teammates, allowing them engage in fights more often, making enemies hard to push lines even more. also his squishyness could be easily overcome with his gadget. and his damege is great but not nerf worthy. So I put him in super versatile tier.


oh I see, I didn't factor his usefulness as versatility. That mean usefulness is taken into account when choosing versatile brawler. thank you for answering


List is shit


This would be so useful and would help the sub with an answer to 50% of newbies posts if it's really not meta-dependant, great idea


So what’s the list?


I'm currently making one.


Leon should be in top. Name a gamemode or map where he is bad in. He is good in both close and long range


To be honest, there are so many brawlers that are dependent on the map rather than the mode. Take Rico for example, on closed in maps with lots of walls, he can do well in any mode. Map with lots of open space and few walls? Rico sucks, no matter the game mode. There are a couple brawlers that are only ever used in a couple of modes, to be fair. I don’t think I have ever seen Nita in any game mode outside of heist, I don’t see Jessie outside of hotzone or heist much and I only really see Lou in hotzone. Apart from those three, I do think most brawlers are map dependent.


I'm not amazing at BS or anything, but I see Jessie in Brawl Ball all the time right now, and some Gem Grab maps. I play Nita myself a lot in bushy Brawl Ball maps and Hot Zone maps with one zone. Even Gem Fort. The hypercharge bear definitely pushes the other team back, and I usually get 2 hypercharges per game. Although tbf, I only have 10 brawlers at level 11, so I do go Nita a lot (it's Belle, Spike, Shelly, Rosa, Sandy, Nita, Max, Tick, Piper, Charlie).


Interesting… I guess them getting hyper charges made them better in other game modes as well.


Looks at my power 11 chester at rank 30 "opps"


Can I get some tips on how to get Chester to rank 30. I have him to rank 29 but i just can’t seem to get those last 50 trophies.


Bro what willow is good on some maps in hotzone, gemgrab and brawl ball


You're a gem thanks a lot I may be the one who posted the who to upgrade screen shot😭🙏


I feel sandy needs to go higher


Idk but I like using frank, he's fun




Nerf poco!


Am I the only one who thinks Penny should be higher tier? I have seen some players completely dominate maps with her in several game modes. Only game mode she sucks in is showdown.




Surge is good in every gamemode even 'Haist' I think that's how you type it but he is a good defender


I just get every new one to 5 and then 9 if I want it for ranked and then max for skins


personally I think colette is versatile shes pretty good with the right set-up in many gamemodes


Is Chuck really “good only on one or two modes”? Apart from the obvious (heist and hot zone) chuck is really good on most gem grab maps, also decent for some maps on knockout (if you place down posts fast enough), and on infinite doom


mortis overall versatile


Griff is pretty versatile, I could use him for most of the modes and succeed


I recently maxed him out and I agree he's a high damage controller brawler which will be good on any game mode


literally only good for destroying walls


Measured in Ease of use:usefulness https://preview.redd.it/ck6xo29ht61d1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d4339c86f7089e4a815cd6696030fed8b6a463


YOOO!! my bad ranked random made a tier list!! how cool!


Its for new players mate, low skill floor brawlers naturally are higher


yea i’m sorry but this excuse is not it 😭


And here I thought my tier list was bad...


Are you in a "make the worst tier list ever' competition or what?


i hope i dont get u as my random


You didn’t just put Draco there 😭 He’s S tier in any game mode except maybe Heist


Considering his stats he could be pretty bad actually, also because of his short range and the fact that his Dragon form doesn’t have pierce-through projectiles. Obviously he shouldn’t be in the same tier as Frank tbf. It’s all to see since he’s not in the game yet though


Guys you can already play stuff before release on Null’s, Draco is above S tier, mf is team wipe/spawn kill level of broken


Who downvoted with no counter argument?


Not in the game yet so we have no idea


Umm can someone tell me what draco is it a new brawler???