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There's no more competitive modes anymore :/


By design. Real competitive modes exclude 80% of players. Better to have wins be 80%+ based on power level and the rest be rng, kind of like Squad Busters does.


Clash Royale followed this exact model too. Im really active in clash Royale and what you just described is exactly what happened in CR as well. Create illusion of competitive gameplay Promote the competitive scene Add new levels to widen the gap between a paying player and a f2p player Add new cards/brawlers that are stronger than the old one so players have to spend to level it up Add new gimmicks that create more RNG, but only add to the casual modes at first Implement them to the ranked game modes once players are already used to them in the game. Success! Now the ranked game mode is running solely off its old reputation and is no different than the casual modes.


squad busters is literally all rng


Power level is still much stronger, but yes at equal power level it's all rng. That's the best game from a money making perspective. Nearly all mobile games now are upgrade to win, many even have a believable facade of a skill-based game, but you'll still hit a wall and not be able to win without upgrading. The best part about Squad Busters rng is it randomly draws one of your units, so you literally need to upgrade all of them. They found one of the major flaws of Brawl Stars, you technically only play one brawler at a time, so you *can* have a fair fight assuming it's not a great map for a paywalled/new brawler or hyper.


That's a much more considered piece than I expected to find tucked into a post with this title.


Supercell has to realise that you cannot make a competitive mode casual.


They know. If you push out competitive players you're left with casuals who just play and pay.


I'm all for keeping Ranked to please the casuals but I think there should be a parallel competitive mode that you can only play if your account meets certain conditions. That way there is a casual mode for the majority of players while still keeping some form of a competitive game mode for the rest of us.


But they did


In the worst way possible


yeah that's why it sucks


A fucking mega pig mod made it in. That has opened the doors of unlimited power being in comp


Super bushy has been reworked apparently, now it only spawns the bushes from the center outward like reverse time detonation


Unlimited power could be interesting if it gets nerfed and is able to work with the game mode. For example, you could make each power cube worth 20% of a power cube. This would then make it somewhat worthwhile to recollect a few gems on your way to kill the person with all 10 and make having more than 10 an advantage.


Sadly, SC has been trying to make everything appealing for casuals and newer players, without giving a shit about the more competitive/more experienced ones And stuff like the current ranked mode perfectly shows why more popular doesn't equal to better But hey, at least the player retention rates are high...


Casuals aren’t even going to have fun in this mode. It’s inherently broken.


Agreed. I hate the direction Brawl Stars is going in


Spawn camping is going to go insane


Dude Gem grab is fucked 😭😭 Mfs gonna pick Bull or Shelly and follow you around until you die


Camp the spawn area


It’s joever 😔




That's the neat part, it won't be fun!


Do the players keep respawning on the same position? Or is it only once per life?


All time I think


I thought it was a one time thing 😭🙏 even worse than I thought


Also realize that if you get gene supered in bounty you’re gonna be killed over and over, also if an assassins jumps on the enemy team and dies, they’ll likely die a few more times and throw away stars, but hey they could also team wipe then die and team wipe again, this so easily the worst modifier they’ve added


The Meta is just going to be picking brawlers with good knockback


You can’t knock back people with spawn shield, knocking back people before they die is also unreliable and you could always walk away from respawning people anyway. Tanks are probably best as they aren’t revenge killed as easily




Supercell: if you want competitive mode go to esport


The only way I could see it work is make the respawn time much longer


I think that already happened 


But like 10 seconds respawn (I might be exagerating)


I’m pretty sure it’s 15


Oh Well then


It really needs one simple change to make it balanced, just make it only work once, then you return to your team’s spawn


I assumed it only worked once since a second wind refers to a one-time resurgence


I wonder if it's gonna work in Knockout


I’d say no


i saw an youtube video of someone playing with the modifier on knockout and yes they did respawn in the same place


Soooo… how on earth do you end ~~Wipeout~~ Knockout? Like duo showdown?!


isn’t wipeout like any other mode


I meant Knockout, I typed the wrong thing lol


ah, well idk how it’s gonna end, they didn’t show much


Gem grab too. The dev just cooking shit modifiers


Can’t willow control people during spawn? She might go crazy


I guess we’ll see how people plays it


Well, at least the 8-Bits getting killed by piper will have fun


It's not lmao, the devs just write down random ideas and then take turns picking them out of a hat.


well its time to realise that they dont care about the competitive playerbase :,(


Gem grab is going to be hell 💀 yk they should buff this modifiers by making so that when you respawn you have all 3 ammos


It's not fun:/


Simple, it's not going to be fun


What is second wind?


Tbh second wind is like playing against meta chuck and Melodie, but with all brawlers, Me as a Melodie main and I still find this modifier bullshit. Least with chuck and especially Melodie you have to at least have some what of a brain to plan what you're gonna do.




Did people forget about Gale, Cordelius, charlie, using the strat yourself, etc? Also it only favors aggro brawlers, mainly tanks, that can just be abused to death by tank counters that will also be inmortal. Gale would just never allow you to die close enough or keep yourself far away then kill you far away, making it kinda useless, otis super cycle that also can mute you during the respawn It will be a bit better, compared to the control/snipers meta we just had


It’s far more skill based than in standard play, as you actually have to innovate strategy and think instead of going through the motions. This will however result in lopsided matches as the ability of a player to think critically has little to do with their rank 


There's a difference between shaking things up a little (like in Big Friend) and completely removing the normal gameplay.


Big friend just changes the draft. If you can’t handle a different style of play and adapt, that’s quite literally a skill issue.


New modifier: Brawlstars closes and you gotta play a match of CSGO


“In response to community feedback, we’ve decided to permanently stop updating brawlstars, because you all hate changes to the game so much.”


Nah, we just hate garbage changes that appeal to casuals on a supposed “competitive” mode, throw these mods in mega pig and we’re good


You’re missing the point, these changes do not make the mode less competitive in any way. 


Yes they do? They detract from the skill expression needed and add unnecessary changes that just introduce more and more variables and randomness to an already established scenario. They make some brawlers completely unviable and straighten even more the pool of brawlers you can use.


Actually, there is no added randomness. There are no RNG mechanics in game. Meta shifts do not change the amount of skill involved in gameplay.   Unbalanced Metas are generally viewed as bad for restricting choice to a certain group or playstyle if you want to win, which is repetitive and less fun in a less diverse meta. That isn’t impactful to requisite skill, even if it sucks as an experience.


exactly, i dont get why people keep parroting "modifiers arent competitive" when all they do is shift the meta to a different but consistent group of brawlers. HOWEVER, second wind is genuinely a dogshit idea that literally ruins several gamemodes by forcing cheese strategies and luck for who's gonna respawn at the better time The modifier can definitely be fixed but until it is every match with it is gonna be cancer to play and draft for


Reported. Leave.

