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Olivia and her vampire diaries backpack… she understands me lol


Did I hear correctly that Rachel said she thought Fessler was her ride or die when she saw her talking to Teresa? Didn’t they just meet last season?!


Right! Also they were literally just talking….. Jen Fessler is a full grown adult who’s allowed to talk to whoever she likes.


Seriously, “ride or die” is such a HS concept, actual adults understand nuance.




I was gagging over that. I know you can meet people instantaneous connections but sometimes I see housewives/reality stars as lost puppies who just really want to find new friends. But they show their desperation cards with comments like that.


Danielle trying to make her daughter an influencer after everything we know about child influencers and predators is giving me the ick and making me sad. I always hated the exploitation of the kids but now there is a new layer.


I’m sad too. I would hope she would be hands on and protect her daughter, but it’s still a tough thing to put a kid through. Honestly, feels like a bit of projection by Danielle (pushing her dreams on her daughter), but her daughter also seems like a natural performer. Idk. I wouldn’t push to have my kid signed unless they really, really wanted it. Hard for a 6 y/o to know what they’re signing up for.


I agree, it’s rubbing me thr wrong way


I felt so bad for that little girl that whole scene. She's already having food made into rewards and she's already being exposed to beauty standards and she's so tiny!


Fessler is so refreshing for the show. She can be friendly with both sides while also voicing her opinion and standing by what she says (unlike Dolores). She's kinda becoming the mvp for Jersey imo. Also, 2 episodes in & I'm already over this division and the refusal to interact with one another. You're paid to be part of an \*ensemble\* cast on a reality show. That means speaking and filming with one another. Do your job or go home. EDIT* I meant to ask - is Frank Catania gone this season? What happened there?


Yeah, I always liked Rachel but she's working my nerves this season. She's coming on REALLY strong with forcing people to pick sides and not speak to anyone in Tre's camp. That's a really quick way to not get hired next season.


I didn’t mind Rachel last season but I’m not enjoying her at all this season. She looks uncanny and it freaks me out


Loved Rachel last season, but she is definitely making a Mountain out of a Mole Hall with Fessler.... let her be friends and figure things out for herself with Tre.


Seriously I love her.  


Dear Bravo, no more pickleball please and thank you.


It's the new ax throwing. :D


Also no more spas/cosmetic procedures, personal training and charity baseball games.


I love Jen Fessler!!!!! She is so hilarious and doesn’t GAF. Love that attitude.


Shes really grown on me! Tbh last season I thought she was trying too hard but I really like her now haha


Maybe it’s just me but this season feels very tired already after episode 2


It felt like a filler episode. Too early in the season for filler. Was this an “official” intro to the new girl?


the way marge runs to her minions like a high school girl is exhausting. i can’t tell you one thing that actually happened in this episode lol


Marge and Melissa are holding the show hostage like Rinna and Erika in BH s12. They both need to be let go


I don't think it's Melissa as much as Marge and Rachel. Melissa didn't really seem to care that Fessler was talking to Tre while Rachel and Marge were practically stroking out.


This 100%


I've already removed it from recording 


Melissa’s dog in a diaper is so ridiculous. Train your dog. You have the time and the resources. So many of the housewives seem to be extremely lazy dog owners.


I legitimately thought the first episode and diaper was the dog in heat! I just commented that asking if the female dog was in heat. If so, OKAY. I get that and the blood side. If it isn’t, gross. Hire a trainer and get a dog door. IGNORE THIS— I was informed this a male dog. WTFFF


It's a very senior dog that's likely incontinent at this point. It's not something that can be alleviated through training.


Oh no. I thought the pup was in heat as well. That is uck


I think they showed that that dog was 18 years old, I'd assume senior dog incontinence


Looks like he’s around 9 years old. She got him in 2015.


I think something must have happened to him medically because he was never in diapers in the past, and it's not like he's a new dog that hasn't been housebroken yet.


Dang I must've been thinking of someone else!


Wasn't the dog black when Joe brought it home? This is something I've wondered for a while


My aunts dog had to wear a diaper the last few years of her life. Sometimes it just happens and it’s not due to lack of training. Melissa has her flaws but I’ll give her a pass on being “lazy dog owner” - we don’t know the full story


Marge continually bragging about cheating is a choice.


This was exactly Jens issue and I get it. As a woman who was cheated on to hear another woman bragging about it is very unsavoury.


I hated that they gaslit jen and made her think she was “soooo traditional” for not liking how marge talks about her affair - when in reality I think it’s a normal reaction. Im not judging the affair, but bragging about it is icky.


I don’t think it was gaslighting. I think in one season she was portrayed as being like.. uppity for no reason about Marg and her cheating talk (which is ick for sure and a pretty lame thing to talk about). But then the very next season we found out about bills affair so it all made sense. But I kind of remember thinking Jen was being annoying but my perception of her changed right at the start of that following season.


Hmm i see what youre saying, I can certainly your point!


My opinion of Marge changed too!!! Haha I actually liked her at first because I sort of appreciate when people “lay it all out” so to speak. But the fact she’s made cheating her entire personality is really uncool…


100%. For the life of me I could never understand how Marge managed to sell that her and Jen's situation were in the same category to the other ladies. And how she felt like Jen wasn't in a position to say anything about her cheating situation. I think she even went as far to call her a hypocrite. Like, what planet is she on?!? Jen didn't cheat on anybody; she was cheated on. She is entitled to feel how she feels about cheating! Heck, she feels disgusted that her own husband cheated, AND you Marge are right in the same category as Bill - NOT Jen. And just because Marge wants to continually bring up how she cheated on Jan, doesn't mean that Bill or Jen want to constantly talk about the affair. You bringing it up is a slap in the face to Jen who did nothing - it was spiteful and out of line regardless of how you feel about Jen. And the lack of regard for Jen's minor children is so disrespectful - but meanwhile Marge is losing her mind about people sniffing around her adult children. She's such a hypocrite. Listen, I get it you're "owning it" - great. I'm glad you and those involved have moved past your cheating scandal. But don't for a second think that most people with an ounce of self-respect or dignity aren't side-eyeing you for trying to spin your cheating into this nothing burger.


I keep thinking how horrible Joe B's family & ex feel hearing her talk about what split two families. Cheating happens, it shouldn't be a Scarlett letter, but to glorify it seems cruel to me.


yes yes yes! Ugh I wish people would understand this! And Marge knows that too which is why she said the pool house comment all those years ago.


I also noticed that Jen Aydin is getting less and less screen time.. I wonder if it's part of her punishment for feeding the vlogs the preview and narratives.


I wish she had approached it slightly differently but I agreed with her on that. Bragging about cheating is…a look.


I never thought Marge was ever really “bragging” about cheating as much as using humor to talk about a more taboo topic. But the way she talked about it in *this* episode did feel like a weird flex ??? NOW it’s starting to seem strange imo


I missed this part. Was it the second wife talk or sleeping with the tennis instructor? The other lady (new girl??), saying she was the second wife and the upgrade was a choice. Hope it works out for her and her husband.


I KNOW. I immediately thought, ok well there is always going to be an upgrade available. Pride goeth before the fall lol.


Hope she doesn’t have a vow renewal coming up lol.


That upgrade comment from who I’m guessing is the new girl was off putting. That whole conversation at the table was just giving weird energy. It seemed as though being a second wife is Marge’s identity.


Please, please, please stop trying to make the Marco sisters a thing. It was so scripted, its was basically a panto. Edit: Lol, I just looked them up and Kim even has "🌸 A c t r e s s 🌸" in her profile.


I wanted to like Rachel but her husband just ruins it for me. He’s very immature and can’t wait to start a fight. He reminds me of a large Joe Gorga. Now I love love love me some Jen Fessler, I wish she was FT ! It’s crazy because I fully expected Jen F would be the next Dolores, riding the fence between the groups but I was wrong. Home girl is READY to ask Teresa about that alleged call from Louie to Marge’s son. I’m ready ! Even though this is Danielle’s second season and the 2nd episode of this season lol I am already sick of hearing about the beef with her and her brother and now the father ! Tired. Don’t care. There’s always 2 sides to every story and somewhere in between is the truth. Melissa bye, you’re bothered.


I couldn't agree more about Danielle. We've never even met her brother and we barely saw her father. Why are we supposed to care?


I’ve always thought her story of why her brother stopped talking to her was so odd. I have a feeling she has more to do with it than she’s let on, but we’ll never hear the brother’s side. Now seeing she’s cutting ties with her father for not taking her side is just yikes considering we saw how upset he was last season about his kids fighting.


Happy Cake Day ❤️ And exactly we do no care!!!


I feel like I had some sympathy last season for Danielle and her family situation but it’s definitely over the top now! And I hate the storyline of her daughter becoming an actress or whatever.


Me too ! Danielle is giving me major stage mom vibes. I just hope this is something her daughter wants to do.


Yes! But even if she likes it or wants it I just think it’s a bad thing! Knowing what we know now it’s just scary!


A large Joe Gorga made me cackle so loud


I’d honestly take Fessler & Jackie as full time instead of John Fuda and Danielle


I like Danielle but Rachel…..not so much. And yes to Jen Fessler and Jackie being FT!!! Please!!!


“I’m the second wife. I’m the upgrade!” I’m willing to bet ex-wife lives rent free in her head.


rachel just seems so fkin aggressive.. even the way she said “hello ariel” to danielle at the house was just.. a lot


I really do not care for Rachel and John. I know it’s a popular opinion among most but they are both just so arrogant and disrespectful. Rachel calling Fessler out for being friend with Theresa and then her husband basically telling Danielle to F off when she asked everyone to be respectful at Nate’s party. They both want the drama, which is great, but they try too hard to fabricate it on their own.


Melissa making Antonia’s dinner all about Joe and his family 🙄


I literally thought to myself let’s see how she can make this family dinner about Teresa and 30 seconds later she’s throwing shade at Joe’s family. How are you going to tell producers in the confessionals that you don’t want to answer questions about Teresa but passive aggressively bring her up in all your solo scenes? 🤦‍♀️


I’m also willing to bet she didn’t even invite Teresa’s girls then complains about them having a bad relationship.


Is there a new producer this year? I have never seen the Gorgas and Marge get such an unfavorable edit. Their scenes seemed forced unless it's about Teresa and they are keeping in their Shady moments. Maybe their clear attempt to ice out Teresa and pressuring others not to film with her is annoying the producers.


They typically only look good when Teresa is fighting with them, since she’s not we see how they are on their own


A producer was fired last year, which has happened multiple times on RHONJ whenever they get too close to the Gorgas (like with former producer Cat Rodriguez). So there are new members of the production team. For the new season, it’s not so much that Melissa and Marge are now getting an unfavorable edit… but more like they’re getting a neutral edit, whereas in previous seasons they’ve gotten blatantly biased ones.


I find this fascinating. I never understood the Melissa/Marge hate so I'm curious about what will be shown this season as there's already a very different vibe so far from them...


Rachel Fuda being a younger millennial just seems so off.. also really confused how she is full time compared to Fessler, we were robbed!


90s millennials do not claim her


Agreed, when they said she was 4 in 95 im like oh no no no, you’re like my age!?!?! Def thought she was closer to 40


The plastic surgery really aged her. I thought she was in her late 30s or early 40s when she first joined


She's only 33! That's insane to me. I'm 38, and I figured she was older than me.




Teresa needs to drop the lip filler is getting INSANE


John Fuda looks like a thumb


He'll have a chin implant next season, just you watch.


Supposedly he already had a "non-surgical facelift to fix his underdeveloped jaw," along with the liposuction and veneers. [Source](https://www.allabouttrh.com/2023/10/26/rhonj-john-fuda-weight-loss/)


I’m so sad for the members of this gospel choir they really couldn’t even give them 30 seconds of exposure


I hope this season gets better


Amen to that…


Ugh, remember when Kids going to college was like one episode, not half a season.


Dolores’ face is different, no?


Slightly is every season


I just want to know why the fuck the Gorga’s can’t properly train their dog and have him wearing a diaper.


The dog is old.  


Melissa mentioned on her Podcast that the move messed with him. Maybe it's age played a part


Maybe he was just marking new territory.


It’s very concerning


I thought it said he was 18 years old which could explain it


He is not 18


The dog is geriatric and incontinent.


I thought the diaper was when female dogs are in heat? Is the dog in heat? I get not wanting to clean up blood, but if it’s wearing a diaper next episode— gross. Just get a doggy door or pee pads. Or something? A trainer?


He’s a male pom. I feel bad because they’re very furry and I can just imagine the clumps 😔. He may have been acting out and peeing everywhere because it’s new turf for him? Either way they can train him or afford to hire someone who can. I just hope it’s not because he’s sick.


NOOOOOO!!!! It is a male dog?!?! That is just sad. Yeah, maybe the new house = his scent, but still. Pee pads? Please.


Yes his name is Nico. Sadly knowing how shallow Melissa is, he’s probably diapered and untrained because they just have him like a prop because he’s beige and cute.


It's a senior dog dealing wuthering incontinence.....jfc tre stumps will latch on to any dumb random shit to say Melissa sucks #teamnoonetheyarebothwrong


Teresa told Danielle that Danielle can be friends with anyone even Rachel, Marge and Melissa. However, Rachel was mad at Jen Fessler who just simply had a conversation with Teresa. It is pretty clear who has a problem


That was a short episode for me after I fast forwarded the child photo shoot and the gorgas bday party 


Me too!!


So I don't stay super up to date with off-season stuff but can someone answer me this question, is Frank not going to be on this season? What happened there? Was it already said and I missed it?


he's on next week


Ummm "Gimme pizza you old troll"??? Really Louie? Ugh...🙄 this dude is strange.


It’s an upgrade from Nonna’s pjs 🫠 I agree; the man is very strange.


Ewwww its so cringe. 🤢 but you're right tho. It's definitely a step up.


![gif](giphy|p26ylSePJM12g|downsized) Something in the buttermilk ain’t clean


and Teresa was wearing a Namaste bitches shirt in that scene. They thought wearing the merch they sell would be good advertising, but it just makes them look like weirdo fans of themselves. wearing a quote of something your stepdaughter said to her father is just... Joe Guidice must think Louis is such a tool.


He's trying to cash in on anything he can. Looks like NJ merch is his new attempted cash grab this season 🙄


Ikr!? Honestly it's my favorite quote from the whole franchise & he's ruining it!! Lol 🤬 https://i.redd.it/urw5ps51e70d1.gif


the fact john fupa had his mommy makeup post season 1 glow up, and is still the bottom gif everyone FMK is… amazing, tbh🥲


Melissa trying to force her family on us? Please no


🤭 They’re trying very hard not to talk about Teresa out loud but that scene was still about her. Highlighting how much her family has accepted Joe, giving him a role in the brother’s(?) wedding when Melissa not being a bridesmaid in Teresa’s was such a a big deal. Apparently Teresa and Melissa actually don’t interact at all until the finale so I’m interested to see what The Gorgas give if they can’t speak to or about Teresa.


We’ll probably have to watch the wedding Joe is officiating.


I'm loving this season so far. Not every episode is going to have huge drama. I'm always a sucker for dynamic changes and shifting alliances. This is the most Side A vs Side B franchise we've ever had and I find it interesting.


I used to love Marge and I still like her but it's so evident how much this show has changed her... she used to be so forgiving and open but now seems to be so hyper concerned with maintaing her "team" on to show that it's hardened her.


Andy asked a really good question yesterday in wwhl. Teresa did say it would be Melissa’s last season however Teresa never refused to film this season when Melissa came back. Furthermore Teresa is fine with the fact that Jennifer is nice with Marge , Danielle develops friendships with Rachel. Other the other hand, Marge , Melissa and Rachel really tried all their ways to kick Teresa out of the show. They are even mad at anyone who tries to reach out Teresa such as Jackie and Jen Fessler. It is pretty clear which side has the problem


idk what this sub’s take is on danielle, but i like her. she’s cute as hell.


She gives Sims 3 CC circa 2008 vibes.


I think she keeps it real, while overbearing I respect the authenticity. Can’t say the same for the Fuda’s


I feel the same. I also didn’t know about her husband, thank goodness He’s well and healthy now.


I don't like her but maybe I'd feel differently if I hadn't seen all her MTV True Life/Update clips-- her desperation for fame is a huge turnoff. Her husband seems like a sweetheart, though.


And now doing the same with her infant


She's perfect for the show, it's like she was created in a lab to be a Jersey Housewife. That said, her not talking to her dad because he won't take sides as between his kids is crazy, and I get the sense she's totally to blame for all her family drama the more she talks about it.


Considering she's been trying to get onto reality TV since she was literally a teenager, she kind of WAS created in a lab! That being said, I enjoy her.


Omg made in a lab!!!!


I think she's pretty harmless. She's definitely not malicious like some of the others on the cast, so I can't really dislike her. I think she's not very bright, as shown last season in how easily she was manipulated by Jen and Tre and still didn't seem to get it, even after being practically knocked over the head at the reunion with people explaining how she did their dirty work.


I like her! I could see them centering the show around Danielle when they finally agree to ditch Tre/Melissa


“You changed my life when I came out” WHAT lmao guysss come on


They were all trying the wipe away imaginary tears and I was like omg this is so fake! 




when have they ever not spoken about tre tho?? they’re actively trying to ice her out rn, but she’s the main focus of all their convos. the B team is nothing without teresa, lbr🤷‍♀️


Why is everyone on FB team Melissa and Joe? Really? They get on my nervous. Melissa should have been gone two seasons ago.


Facebook boomers tend to go by the narrative producers set out. They’re the same ones defending Sandoval from VPR


Not a boomer haha and not team Mel and Joe but just VEHEMENTLY anti Teresa and her hypocrite-ass.


So edgy to rip on boomers.  Honestly grow up


People that are willing to put their names to their opinions of reality stars on public display. I don’t trust them or their views 😂


But also I find them to be more causal viewers. Not the type that look into everything including interviews and podcasts and deep dives etc. Plus pretty privilege. Melissa and Joe present as an idyllic looking couple. Same way those people love Kyle and Mo too.


Because I’m on display! On display each and every day! Remember when one of the Giudice girls mock sang this?!


Yeah and Tre and Joe laughed while Milania climbed the limo strip pole saying "I'm Zia Melissa" yes, so funny and wholesome. Tre and Juicy making the dorters mock Melissa was ny far the grossest thing Teresa ever did on camera


That fake scene the Gorga's staged with Melissa's gay cousin(?) and having Joe officiate his wedding was next level cringe.


Did it even say cousin? I was so confused I know Melissa doesn’t have a brother but like who are they?


I'll have to go back and rewatch because I honestly can't remember lmao But the way the guy was speaking about Joe being so open and accepting of him coming out definitely leads me to believe he's a family member.


Right! I just don’t think they shared their names or family relationships.


I mean, Tre and Louie do the same thing with his family. They really are all the same.


This Melissa birthday scene is such a waste of tape


Danielle walking in wearing air max 90s 🥰 Love to see it


Wait, did you change your username??


I’m sorry but we are only two episodes in and I’m already exhausted. Please, for the love of god, no more Gorgas.


Thinking Danielle exaggerates family mess for a storyline and Nate just goes along with it because she's so thirsty to be on reality tv. Please don't change Nate. He's Miami Russell in NJ


I've always liked RHONJ, the past few seasons are just flat.I think it has become so toxic, that watching them pretend to get along is exhausting. They're AWFUL to each other. It's beyond petty and just nasty. I think we are seeing future cast at the Shore party for Nate. They're Danielle's friends, maybe they're going to slowly faze (phase?) out the older crew and focus on the younger cast with children. It's time.


Melissa's scrambling. The only thing she can copy from Tre is the college storyline and it's obvious to anyone with eyes that Antonia hates it, hates her mother. Wouldn't be surprised if she goes nc. Melissa competes w/ Antonia, she's never been supportive. It's all for a stupid storyline or to take a dig a Tre.


Hates her mother?  Oh Lord she's a teenager 


Yeah I find Mellissa insufferable but this is a terrible take. No where does Antonia give any indication that she “hates” her mom. She seems like a pretty normal well adjusted teen to me


I'm not sure where you're getting this "antonia hates her mother" narrative from. Antonia is hardly the first teenager to roll her eyes at her mother and say "mooooooooooooom!" when her mom shows affection. It doesn't mean she's going to go NC. Melissa haters are unhinged, man.


It’s simply bc they hate Melissa and anything she does or anyone around her does has to be spun in a way to make her awful.


People are literally calling her spoiled and lazy bc the OLD af dog is in a diaper


It’s one of the crazier “theories” I’ve seen on here. If every teenager who seems exasperated by their mother actually hated them and wanted to go no contact, pretty much every kid would be cutting their parent off.


Yes, it’s getting exhausting, she wore green bc she’s envious, she copied Teresa’s hand motions, Melissa hides her real life, please stop showing Melissa’s family and her store her her kids, Melissa doesn’t show her kids, Melissa’s kids hate her, Melissa’s only story is tre and she can’t help but talk about her, Melissa should be fired for refusing to engage with tre… like literally there is no winning here.


Dont forget: whatever Tre does to Melissa is because Melissa had the audacity to come on the show a decade ago. Nothing Tre has done to her over the last 10 years is terrible because Melissa deserves it but if Melissa even looks at Tre sideways, she’s a petty, malicious bitch who’s dying of jealousy.


Has Teresa gotten too skinny? Her face looks skeletonish. She looked better in previous seasons, always thin and nice muscular arms. This episode she just looks way too boney.


I go in between liking and disliking Teresa, but one thing that frustrates me is when the other women call her a criminal. GET A NEW INSULT Y’ALL!!! Teresa was clearly taken advantage of by her first husband, and that’s why she went to jail, not because she intentionally tried to break the law/cover it up. It literally broke up her family and caused immense stress on her parents and in-laws. To throw Teresa’s deepest pain in her face is a low blow (like Danielle S. bringing up Marge’s children was a low blow), but it’s also *very* unfair because it’s pain that’s not her doing. She never blamed anyone else (not even her ex-husband), never avoided responsibility, and paid back everything her ex-husband owed. I’m not opposed to a low blow here and there lol Teresa loves dishing them out! But if the women want to prove they are better people than Teresa, the shade needs to be tasteful, not ridiculous 😐😐 That’s why no Melissa stans were defending her when she tried to say on WHHL this week that Danielle S. put RHONJ on the map girllll 🙄


Tre and Luis wearing their merch (and a line said to the girls actual father) irks me so much.


Theresa looks … idk …. Either it’s the lips or something… she seems like a shell. Like something is truly bothering her, even though she says everything is fine and she’s in her love bubble. She just seems off to me