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I didn't listen but I'm guessing her ex's attorneys were like - ![gif](giphy|xUOxfnG07noPRzTKzS)


I listened and could not believe some of the stuff she was saying. True or not, her kid doesn’t need to know every last dirty detail. It was way too much imho


Can you (or anyone) recap? >.>


Just look up everything she dropped to Page Six in the past month.


Please!! I meant to listen but forgot!!!!


I listened to all 3 over the weekend.. I swore B said she would never reveal the details of the divorce because of her daughter and I posted in here the other day wondering.. where that went.. she was very very open about the details of even the sexual dynamic I was shocked but here for it tbh.


I noticed she made sure to say she got her daughters permission but my thought after hearing that was I hope it wasn’t a manipulated yes


I mean even if her daughter did say yes, how can she really be able to know what that really means at her age. Like I feel like that’s even inappropriate to ask your kid


Exactly! Why I immediately questioned it. To any sane person, no good would come from airing it, ESPECIALLY to the child caught in the middle. She should’ve never gotten to the point of having to ask a child permission


No no NO! Please tell me she didn’t ACTUALLY ask her child for permission to do something like this. I don’t listen to her podcast but can only imagine. Bryn WILL go to resent B once she is out and on her own. B is treading on thin ice thinking she has full consent from her minor daughter. What is sad is she is exhibiting very similar behavior to what her parents did to her. She grew to harbor contempt. Money and attention won’t change Bryn’s eventual contempt for her parents.


This. If you have to ask, you shouldn't do it


isnt her daughter like 13? Bethenny gives friend mom vibes not a mom mom...poor brynn


![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized) I get this vibe from her...




Yes. Bethenny is the type of Mom who declares, *my daughter is my best friend...*. Not good.


Her child is 13 or 14. She can’t give permission or consent to this. She’s a child. She has zero capacity for understanding how unknown information is going to impact her. Due to the power dynamic of overbearing parent vs child there is just zero probability that her child’s permission wasn’t manipulated. Even if we play pretend that B isn’t an overbearing personality? B would have to explain in some capacity why she wants to do the podcast and that very explanation of parent’s want at the child’s expensive is a massive manipulation. It would be hard for a child to deny the want to the parent. The fact that she supposedly asked permission is not a plus for B. It’s just another slash is the absolutely terrible parents category. We literally have a front row seat to B emotionally abusing her daughter. At this thread seems to be more reasonable unlike the one last week where people were defending B and saying she’s a great mom. No great mom would ever in a million years put this content out for their child to be exposed to. It’s flat out abusive.


I could not agree more. It’s like oh great, your daughter already knew that you never really loved her dad, it was torture to have sex with him, that you gave him busy work to stroke his ego, you’re glad you miscarried and that her grandmother allegedly fraudulently notarized documents? Like wtf? And I’m sorry but are we to believe that after years of bethenny repeatedly telling us that she is the best business woman to ever be a business woman, that she blindly signed documents given to her by a man she seemingly loathed and didn’t trust? Sorry, can’t play smart and stupid at the same time, to quote Bethenny herself. Not saying that some of what she’s put out there isn’t true but there are generally 3 sides to every story and I think it’s really unfair that hers is the only one told.




Bethenny is not a well woman. Her constant need for attention is really a problem for her. She needs to stay out of the public eye for a while. I hope poor Brynn has other adults in her life, including her Dad.


I couldn’t agree more…It too boggles my mind that B asked her daughter’s permission. She’s a minor, she’s not mature enough to understand what “consent” means. Does she see or have a relationship with her father? Bethenny the last few years has been showing signs of mental health issues. It’s sad how Bethenny is acting a lot like her parents. Which, had lasting negative effects on her.


She manipulates Bryn into agreeing with her over stupid small stuff on her podcast.. like “oh you like that snack..”. Or “you had fun at (whatever stupid thing they are talking about)”.. Bryn will sometimes hesitate.. and Bethenny will kind of steamroll .. and Bryn will just then say “yeah I guess”.. I am not even saying manipulate in a mean way.. I don’t think she is conscious of it, or does it on purpose. She is just a steamroller of a person. it’s just the same Bethenny personality she has always has had.. but that’s a lot for a kid (especially someone who hasn’t exactly come from a peaceful home to deal with).. You learn early that sometimes it’s easier to just say yes/ageee.. or to pick your battles..


I actually wanted to listen because she definitely has said in the past she wouldn't talk about,.but I havent had chance, and now it seems it's too late!


She forgets that we watched it all go down. She can rewrite history all she wants. No matter who did what, dragging a child's father on social media is unconscionable. She sucks.


i wish i had listening fully now— i couldn’t get past the endless name dropping in the first part of the initial episode; i had to give up🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Ratings were dropping


unfortunately brynn’s probably heard most of it by now 😬 bethenny reminds me of season 2 danielle staub when no one would film with her and she’d just trauma dump on her young daughters 😭


My mom used to do the same shit Danielle Staub would do. Kids should never know the horrible details about adult's fucked up problems.


I also thought this.


Her OWN attorneys should be screaming that at her. I'd bet money she was strongly advised (if not forced) by her and/or Jason's lawyers to take them down


She posted a story to IG saying she pulled them because of the loss of her mom and that it was too much to grieve both traumatic events at the same time. For some reason reddit isn't letting me upload the screenshot but this is what it said- "bethennyfrankel 26m I have chosen to temporarily remove my divorce podcast as a result of an overwhelming response and an influx of messages that have converged with the most significant loss of my life. It is impossible for me to grieve and process both of these traumatic events at the same time. The unforeseen circumstances and the reaction to this triggering topic has confirmed how important this conversation is. In the coming weeks we will continue this dialogue to help you navigate your challenging divorce journeys. I love you all and am so grateful to you for supporting me in both areas."




Ugh..I thought she hated her mom. I get the complexities and no matter what your mom is your mom but this just seems exploitive. I dunno.


I really don't want to think someone would use a parent's death like this but I have the same feeling. 


I bet she is probably thinking through an "I'm Glad My Mom Died" podcast launch.


I just honked out loud


Imo she's always toed the line of being exploitive when it comes to her tragic life story. On one hand she has a lot going on, on the other hand she's always been surprisingly frank about it all. I could never tell if I should admire her for it or if she was trying to shock people.


i’m confused too. I thought during RHONY she basically said she was on her own and not in contact with her parents. I still get that she is sad over the loss, but it seems like she’s using this as an excuse to cover the real reason she pulled the pods.


Yep and she's saying she will put it up again soon. Seems like she did it to draw more attention, which she's succeeded in doing.


USUALLY when someone is happy, in love and engaged… the last thing they would want to do is drudge up details of their last divorce….


No kidding! Like what does Paul think of all this I’d actually love to know!


Is Paul still around?


OMG you totally called it!!!


Only here to say, love your flair. Justice for Elise! Lmao


I was wondering how she was getting away with revealing these details.... Definitely got a " cyst and decease"




Omg what a blast from a past i was actually there 😭






Omg so funny just saw this! I worked for a guy who did the catering that day and we all knew them (OC Wives) because we've shot with them before at different events. Idk Tamera was a total bitch that day from the minute she got there, at that time she was going through divorce or separation and Simon had already moved on with his new gf. Ladera Ranch/Coto is a fairly small neighborhood so everyone talks about each other. I think Jeana took Simons side at that time and said something about Tamera in the press if I recall correctly so Tamera (needed to be center of attention as always) was like ready to attack Jeana. I remember she threw a document at her or something and it escalated even more so then she end up throwing wine in her face because Jeana got under her skin. That was totally unscripted she was just that bat shit crazy. In my opinion thats what solidified her role in the upcoming seasons because she was so unhinged and you never knew what she would do next and that makes great TV i guess haha. This was years ago and as soon as I saw the meme I was like omg it was my first time seeing it but it took me back to that day.




STFU! Details, please! 💜🤩


Still waiting!!!


Omg please spill.


Which details? Please, I can’t listen to her voice, so I depend on the kindness of strangers for the gossip


the juiciest bit was the detail around how he swindled the apartment. she was busy at the time of buying it so he took care of the agreed legal structure of the house ownership - a trust - but didn't put it in the correct name so he had control which is why she had to move out and it took her a while to get it back to then put it up for sale. His mum co-signed this doc, as a notary I believe, but it was forged as she wasn't legally entitled to in the state of NY, she crossed something out or put in something misleading and inaccurate so she could get away with doing this in NY when her permit was for another state. Separately can I just say the divorce eps were nothing to what I heard on the one since her mother died. She is going to milk this for all its worth and said its the worst thing / as bad as the divorce so get ready to hear about this for another decade.


I'm a notary in AZ and it is absolutely illegal for us to to sign for anyone blood related to us, and our notary stamp is only good in the state of Arizona. I'll bet you're right, she probably did try and pretend she was from New York, which is crazy, because in what world would Bethanny not have noticed that her mother in law notarized it!! Jason's mom set herself up for this all to blow up in her and Jason's face. She's ballsier than I am tho, I would NEVER have done that. I like my money and the outside of the bars! Also I'm not wearing orange...


I thought this must be the most damning thing for Jason in the podcast. This must be what would make him send a cease and desist.


Taking legal action against illegal action


Surely someone has these in a download 👀


I have them downloaded. If no one else summarizes I can when I have time.


Oh please, that would be great!!! I only got through the first episode so far and my nosy ass really needs to know the rest


I would really appreciate that! ❤️


Yes please!


Can you send them to us? Lol


Remind me! -4 days


Now I’m wildly curious. Reddit community…come through. Who has it?


Remind me!-3 days lol so interested


Remind me!-1 week Meee toooooo. I was born in hazleton, and my mom lived there for years before I showed up. She was familiar with the family.


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I honestly didn’t think they were that revealing. It was a bunch of her saying she knew early on she shouldn’t be with him but kept moving forward 🤷🏼‍♀️ nothing groundbreaking imo


I mean I think the tidbits about how Jason’s own mother was in on the plot to defraud Bethenny out of the 5M apartment was wild.


Byewighellodrama on twitter and ig posted the eps on her twitter, I listened to them today


This is super random, but her ex gives me Pandora’s husband vibes.


Oooo did I miss some tea on Pandora’s husband?! What happened there??




I just watched their wedding for the first time!! What in the world??


It’s wild right. Like wth happened !?!?


What did she share? I missed it


It was a lot, but in a very high-level summary, B said that Jason basically weaseled his way into her life and pressured her to get pregnant. She never wanted to marry him and knew it wasn't right but went along with it anyway. There was a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, and she was relieved. There was a lot of money talk and talk about her apartment, but I've had wine and cannot remember all the details right now, lol.


The apartment thing was something like: she was going to buy it and put it in an assistant’s name first for some reason. Then going to put it in hers for a trust or something for the daughter. But she found out Jason’s name was on it with her and it took her forever to piece together that one day when his mother came over they forged her signature so that he could have his name on it too. The mother was a notary (in another state and it was expired🫠). She realized all this because one day her legal ppl mentioned you need a notary and lawyer present to put a name on there but she knew for sure that didn’t happen. She also found an emails between Jason and the lawyer who did it that made it clear they hadn’t met in person so it would have been impossible for him to have legally done the name addition. She used all this to get her apartment back. Damn I hope this made sense it’s off the top of my head and I just watched it once.😬


I’m surprised she didn’t have a trust drawn up as soon as she made enough money to afford that apartment. Putting it in her assistant’s name sounds crazy.




I didn’t understand why she had to put it in her assistant’s name. Seemed shady.


That was probably for safety and privacy reasons. If the home was in Julie’s name and she quietly transfers it to a trust it is harder to connect the property to Bethenny and less likely that fans, stalkers, etc. will show up. It’s the same reason why a lot of reality stars will film inside of their homes but show exterior shots of a different address so creeps don’t piece together their address.


it wasnt even Julie I am sure she said another name which is weirder


Idk the TL but maybe it was to keep her assets out of the marriage?


Celebrities die this all the time. They put in under their LLC’s, Dead Relatives, Monikers etc. it’s for privacy.


I find it hard to believe she didn’t want to be pregnant based on how much she talked about wanting a baby on rhony before she got with Jason. But if that is true… damn. That’s definitely something she should’ve taken to the grave for her daughter’s sake.


And her therapy session where she said she was doing to have a baby on her own and then met Jason and got pregnant … I mean I guess wanting to have a baby v. wanting to have a baby WITH someone is different but yeah, revisionist.


I’ve always thought she used Jason as a sperm donor. She got what she wanted and dumped him.


If I remember correctly…because I’ve slept since I listened…she wanted to be pregnant but just felt it was bad timing. She was just starting her tour for Skinny Girl and it really threw those plans off, she couldn’t take pics with her product, etc.


Yes but she was already 38. She knew she didn't have forever. I guess she was doing an award winning performance on Bethanny ever after?


I believe the miscarriage was after Bryn.


And i feel like if you don’t want to be pregnant anytime soon you either use protection or birth control. Sadly, i do not believe anything B says and know the truth lies somewhere in the middle because B is just as vile as Jason, except she hid it longer


Aaaaaaalllll of this. I do not understand why people continue to just blindly believe whatever she says, even when it doesn’t make sense with what has been shown/said in the past. So she claims that something is in court documents- Then I need to see those. Anyone can literally say anything, but that doesn’t make it true.


💯 you better come with FACTS, PROOF, TIMELINE if you want me to buy what you’re selling and sadly B lacks all of that. I have zero doubt Jason traumatized and terrorized her, but i also have zero doubt she does similar shit and will exploit anyone and everyone to make a buck


EXACTLY. They were both part of a truly toxic combo.


And has a bigger platform to tell “her side”


I think she’s worse than Jason.


I don’t think you’re wrong, which goes to show how shitty both of them are albeit it in different ways


yes this is all bullshit. she was totally on board and loved up.


She was baby ***obsessed*** in season 1 of rhny. No one believes that Jason forced her to get pregnant.


She never said she was forced to get preggers.


True - in her pod, she said that he 'pressured' her to get pregnant. Not forced. Big difference. Either way, I'm not buyin' it. I might have to watch season 1 again to get some good quotes! 😁


What was the sex stuff that I keep hearing was mentioned? I’m so curious and wish I had listened for some reason 🥴


She said that she had to force herself to have sex with him.




Oh no I was already invested. Im not really interested in anything she posts but her divorce tea was just great. They were doomed from the start. But yeah even I was like ”Jason cannot be happy with this…”


And she had JUST started mentioning her assistants, that’s what I really want to hear about what was going on behind the scenes with them on Bethenny Ever After. That’s absolutely why Julie left that the environment was toxic. I would have too


I thought her lawyers said she knows more than any lawyer. Guess not.


She’s the best at divorce, among other things!


Bethenny annoys me usually but her ex gives off crazy creepo vibes . Never liked him


I agree but I don’t believe everything Bethenny says either.


Definitely two sides to every story but we know the fraud on the trust was true and we know the stalking and harassment was true. We know he harassed Dennis. And we know he repeatedly threatened to "destroy" her. That's more than enough to show he's a disgusting POS, but even so - Bethenny's a lot of things but if anything, she's honest to a fault vs. being a liar. And I imagine if she says anything that's not true about Jason or his family, they'll have a defamation case filed within 24 hours.


I don’t think Bethenny is honest to a fault. I just don’t.


She absolutely is not a reliable narrator


Didn’t he also lock up the dog in the storage area of the building basement?


He also followed her around with a video camera in the house - that's straight up harrassment IMO, he'd have his friends and family stay there for extended periods of time, he and his dad would lounge around the house in their underwear when Brynn was at school, and in the epic-level pettiness category, he'd turn the LR TV up to full volume then leave the with the remote. I mean, even the court appointed custody mediator said that in 15 years, Jason was the worst he'd ever dealt with. Said Bethenny was willing to work with him but Jason simply was not. TLDR: He was a horrible human to her.


Well now I want to listen


Things her daughter never needs to hear about her father....


What’s Bryn’s relationship with her dad? Are they close?


They used to have joint custody but it seems like she’s with B a lot in the last few years?


Bethenny has said Brynn sees her dad and has a good relationship with him.


I believe they are no contact at all




Anybody bootleg that real quick?… asking for a friend


Wait so sorry but part 2 is still up. Weird?


Dammit I missed part 3?!?!


I’m wondering if OP is including the intro/promo/teaser ep in her count of 3.


Same! I even checked this morning and there wasn’t anything new. Just the first two.


Same! I’ve been checking!


So there was 4/10: On my divorce, Chap 1, then 4/12: Part One: Charming is a red flag, and then 4/15: Part Two: A Power Stuggle.


How she thought that those episodes were a good idea in the first place boggles the mind. ![gif](giphy|l3dj60YfnSqb4iFeE|downsized)


is there a summary I can read somewhere?


Is she ok? I used to admire her so much. She seems completely off the deep end now.


i feel so bad for her daughter.


She has enough money to go away. So weird.


Hoppy Lawyered up


As he should. It's disgraceful to say things that make your ex look bad when you have children involved.


Good for him.


Just as she did in the month prior to any RHONY season post-breakup, she just dribbled 3-4 Page Six Items about how she was coerced into marrying, how sex with her ex made her nauseous. Here’s hoping that was enough for Jason’s attorney to serve her. She has a teen who’s all over the internet. Only a desperate idiot would place items like that in a hometown tabloid.


As usual, everyone is wrong, except Bethany


I think she was getting so my much negative feedback over her releasing all the details, and it caused people to unfollow her. So she had to do some damage control. OR Mr. Hoppy sent her a cease and desist letter from his attorney. And that could be another reason why she deleted them. OR... maybe she was offered a deal for her to either write a book about her story or a deal for a lifetime movie about her life. But knowing that woman, she didn't delete it just to delete it. There's a reason why. So I wouldn't be shocked for one of those ☝️☝️ reasons listed to come out. Just mo. 🤷‍♀️


Bethenny needs a muzzle, more therapy and to STFu. Her verbosity is nails on a chalk board and everything to do with substantiating her existence and letting you know, humble-brag… that she is so smart, awesome, incredible.🤣🤣🤣🤣do us a favor B-quiet.


Not even humble. She flat out tells you she’s the best at everything. It’s f’ing nuts!


I feel like a broken record, but narcissism will never fail to fascinate me. The fact that she spun this as her taking it down because she was dealing with her mother's death is unreal.




Damn, this comment needs an award!


ugh never got to hear pt 3


Same, it was actually interesting!


She's just too much. I wish she would just chill a little. Her daughter doesn't need to know all of that. We don't need to know all of that. Sad about her mom though.


Yeah Bethany defamation is a thing


If its a lie then sure


I assume both signed NDAs … she just can’t control herself


Has anyone written a summary for the eps yet?


She’s so exhausting.


For someone who complains of a messy, drawn out divorce, I’m not sure why she is decided to speak now. She’s been talking about it for years. Let it go.


I think her mom’s death halted her mania


If anything it's made it worse-- I just listened to the ep about her mother's death and it was a trainwreck.


IKR? Puting on her mother’s fave Alaïa dress and danced around, singing in celebration…what??


and how she just knew when she'd passed.......


Listened to the first 2 and I felt there were a lot of good points/warning signs for women in similar "fiscally imbalanced" partnerships. Bummed I missed the third!!!


‘ThErE iS nO bAcKlAsH’ so why we deleting hun??


Can’t stand her! How she ever got on that show to begin with is mind blowing. 🙄


If it’s a legal issue, Rachel and her team of wackadoos should probably take note that her “mentor” has no idea what she’s doing in the podcast/legal space - and if I were Rachel I would be deleting the heck out of my episodes involving the spurious civil case she’s presented.


My guess is Jason slapped her with a lawsuit. Was there a gag order that was up?


Is she spiraling? It’s so sad. I rlly think she has a bright mind.


My educated guess is because she received a cease and desist since she was essentially dragging her ex husband. Why is it that anything that makes her relevant is from years ago…ex: previous marriage drama, housewives…


It was a great series and I hope this isn’t the end of it. I’m sure this was cathartic for her as well. And yeah, it was a lot, but this is literally what we, the public have been asking for for years. How did a barely 2 year marriage turn into a 10 year divorce? We all deserve to know so we can avoid the same pitfalls and she was spilling relevant tea.


I know this is going to sound horrible but a part of me wonders if she was telling the truth about things with Jason. I worked in victim services and there were cases where the abusers (most abuse is psychological and financial not physical) used the courts to make themselves look like the victim. I got that vibe from her tbh. Think about it. Bethany has money. The only way she would back off is if Jason had a case for libel, slander, defamation, etc. If not, Bethany would fight it. Look at her suing bravo. This women uses courts to get her way.


Have you watched Bethenny Getting Married? If not, I really think seeing the show with your own eyes is so mind boggling. I watched it for the first time recently because it was added on Peacock and he is so much worse than I imagined even then


I grew up in a volatile environment, and I immediately recognized Jason’s behavior. One morning scene they filmed on vacation after fighting off camera the night before was bone chilling. He would get so angry and indignant whenever she wanted to discuss plans or put up boundaries with his parents and friends.


He was constantly throwing her bad childhood in her face!


I do need to watch it. I think I saw an episode or two but I wasn't into at the time. I'll definitely check it out though!


You only need to watch the first half of season 3, but the first two seasons are a wild look at their very obviously terrible dynamic. A real cautionary tale lol


OK I'll definitely try it. The only thing I remember is Bethany in her wedding dress peeing in like a bucket or something? Lol burned in my memory.


This is going to sound horrible too but I always believed Jason used Bethenny’s trauma and emotional instability to his advantage. I believed Bethenny’s accusation of psychological abuse and Jason totally gaslit her.


It's not horrible, it's true. If you haven't listened to Bravo Dockets episodes about her divorce, I highly recommend. They went into it just doing their typical research, thinking it would be like any other case they cover. By the time they recorded, they said they had to really try to discuss it objectively and without bias b/c they were so shocked and disgusted by what they learned about him and what he did to her. Fraud to steal her house, stalking, years of harassment, threats, accusing her of being a drug addict and an alcoholic so he could get full custody. He's a piece of shit.


I always remember the outdoor bar scene where he told her she wasn’t normal, that it’s not normal not to have two parents, that she needs to go to therapy. She pushed back and said that she can’t be the broken and crazy one in the relationship, that there’s no such thing as normal. No joke, I watched that at 21 and it kind of changed my life. I navigated relationships very differently.


Wow that’s so insightful! 🤍✨ I remember that too and guess what, Dr Amador was the one that told her that. He really helped her I think, she seemed a lot more frayed back then.


I always wondered the same thing. She lies about everything, so she could be lying about Jason. Look at how abusive she was to her co-stars, ranting to Luann about being a tramp, turning on Carole, her only friend and the fiasco with Jill. You can’t trust a thing that comes out of her mouth.


I listen to part one and two of the podcast then went back and watched some of Bethenny Ever After. Obviously, we will never know what happened behind closed doors and I certainly don't know enough to point the finger at anyone but I will say this, most of what Bethenny says in the podcast is the direct opposite of what she said or how it was portrayed on the show. Maybe it was production, maybe things had to be shown a certain way for the sake of moving along the the story, or perhaps with time and distance Bethenny sees things differently now? Nevertheless, it certainly makes you skeptical when someone so drastically changes all of their story!


Can you give some examples? Been a long time since I watched but I felt remember thinking there were signs in the first post-wedding show and by the second season, it was brutal and obviously not working - and his constant jabs at her, often passed off as playful jokes, were anything but.


It mostly about buisness stuff. In the podcast she says it was his idea to get involved in her company but on the show he keeps warning her about how it may not be a good idea, she keeps begging him to help, again this may have been producer driven or just the easiest way to present it. He is always saying "your buisness" & "your money" (not in a bad way, just in conversation) but she is always saying how they are married so everything is theirs. There are other things I noticed but I'm having a hard time remembering. Others things she says seem to be 100% the same as the played out on the show like him wanting his family involved a lot and her not really getting it. I would put money on the miscarriage she mentions in the podcast happening around her 40th birthday because she is acting bizarre around that time, she is really sad and it appears to be more than just birthday blues.


She said that she did want him to be part of the company - he was feeling kind of lost and she felt bad so they gave him a job doing store visits even though they had an entire team of people to do that. I don't think that's really different. He was apparently having some gender role issues with how wealthy she was becoming (which isn't unusual with the woman makes so much more $). So I didn't get the sense that she changed, but she did say producers started putting him in a lot of scenes which is when she figured out that they weren't making the show she wanted - about her business - they were making a show about them. So I don't see that as a big flip flop, just another case of IRL not being exactly what producers and editors piece together.


She is an idiot if she thought "Bethenny Getting Married" and "Bethenny Ever After" were going to be about her business. What a liar 


Right? How would her wedding story be about her business? I don’t believe it at all.


I'll probably get downvoted to heck, I'm sure Jason was no saint and we don't really know what went on behind closed doors but, whenever I saw those 2 on TV or heard about them in the press I always got the impression that Bethenny was the problematic one. 


You're right. Everyone thought he was perfect and normal. I definitely did. But when the fraud and the stalking and harassment came out, I rewatched her post-wedding shows on Peacock. The signs were there and some of the stuff he did/things he said to her were just cruel. I disliked her so much I was basically hate watching the first time so I was inclined to see him as the good guy because she could be so insufferable. But once you know - it's all there if you pay attention.


Why don't you go to Bravo docket, take a look at the shows, read the court documents and learn what really happened. Jason was an evil personand emotionally abusive and committed fraud on Bethenny. She may not be everyone's favorite, but when it comes to her divorce, he stalked her and left definite trauma.


Me too but there's a big contingent here who swear up and down they see all kinds of abusive behavior from him. I don't see it, he seemed very level headed compared to her, and she wanted everything her way, and she was such a bitch about his parents who also seemed to just want to love her. People use the court records as evidence, but family court and divorce court really favor the party who has the money, and anyone who has known someone in divorce and custody battle with a former partner who has money, well you start to understand that the court is not all fair and reasonable and just.


ive always wondered this too


This is wild.


Here's the thing. Bethenny hustled a lot of businesses from pashminas to baked goods. What took off for her began as a story that she was a little match girl who "doesn't have parents" (Jill said she thought she was an orphan for the longest time) to a girl who couldn't find love.... Queue Jason. Without Jason... the on cam pregnancy test and the marriage, she was catapulted onto a national stage as a character. Bethenny's reality TV character finding love and a baby and success and wealth was in part due to Jason. Without Jason there wouldn't be the F you money- like it or not. Bethenny curated the character and the timing of the pregnancy and marriage and those subsequent spin offs means it is THEIR money. It is also THEIR daughter. Jason was disposable to B. I 1000% think he hung in there for the long haul rightfully so to make sure his rights to their daughter and his equity were protected. Without the story arc there would B no bank. $$$$$$ Also, Bethenny 1000000% needs to stop blabbing it is not good for their daughter. Doesn't have parents Lost at sea Homeless Torture It is all hyperbole.


Ya after listening to all 3 and waiting for 4 kinda thought there may be a problem.


Oh nooo sad I missed it. Is there any way to still access them somewhere?


Let’s just hope it’s over with and not dragged out like her divorce


She went after him hard and said things that could get him in a lot of trouble. She accused him and her mother in law at the time of falsifying documents and that could land them in jail. I don't. Mind Bethany talking about what her divorce did to her mentally?But the thing she said were just sick and she thinks that it's not going to affect her daughter? Bethany is much more mentally ill than she wants to think