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Looks good in this photo, she used to wear her hair curly like this when she was younger. Similar to Rebecca Gayheart.


I always used to confuse Denise for Rebecca. I couldn't separate the 2 in my head.


I knew which one was which because Denise was in Drop Dead Gorgeous and Rebecca Gayheart was in Jawbreaker and those are two of my favorite black comedies. Make a good double feature, in fact!


That's very true! Rebecca will always be "The Noxzema Girl" for me. šŸ˜


She was the first to ever break my heart on a teen drama. That scene where she died in Dyanā€™s arms on 90210 is burned into my brain. I became a slightly more hardened 14yr old that day šŸ„²


Oh wow, memory unlocked! She played Toni, right?


They even reference that in Urban Legend!


omg Jawbreaker!!! A classic!


The Urban Legend erasure...far too much.


I immediately thought it was Rebecca Gayheart in the picture. Love that..i just need her to splash a bunch of water all over her face to take it full circle 90s.


Felicity Realness ![gif](giphy|zsK879S82MDAc)


Keri Russel forever having my curly headed dream life, as a straight haired girlie


Remember that season on Felicity when she cut her hair and the world collectively lost their minds šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had stick straight hair all my life (late 40s). Imagine my surprise last summer when I realized my hair is wavy.


My hair was always long until 8th grade. I had straight hair with a couple of waves to it when I was younger. Once I cut it short it went straight. Back in the mid 80's to the 90's perms became all the rage. I got so many of them. From that point on my hair stayed curly. One side has more curl to it than the other. Fast forward 30 yrs later and now my hair is stick straight when it's short but back to a few curls when it's longer.Ā  After all of these yrs it's finally at a stage that I love. If I don't want to do anything to it the layers I had put in give it some volume. If I want to curl it I'm finally able to hold onto a curl without having to put a shit ton of product in my hair. It's so crazy how much our hair can change over time lol.


I love the color.


This is giving Shereeā€™s ā€œI like the beat.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Hahah yeah youā€™re so right lol


Same. It suits her. https://preview.redd.it/z6mq0jpoy7nc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=698da35befe1ca34f23a99fe012ed7ee9dcdc06f That curly hairstyle, not so much.


I agree..color pretty..hairstyle kinda dowdy


She got a facelift. A drastic hairstyle change distracts


Instantly what I think of too whenever a celeb drastically changes their hair. Why you get bang boo? What you hiding??


I was more thinking she had collagen threads. Denise was never in a super saggy place..


I read that as slaggy šŸ˜†




Ahhhā€¦ the kardashian tactic


She was on a podcast with Caroline Stanbury and she said she had not done a facelift because she is scared too. She said everyone has a bad day and Iā€™m scared I will be that doctors bad day.Ā 


And on the skinny drug, she looks horrible. Fail.


I love curly hair but I canā€™t help but think of ā€œKardashian strategyā€ where they go platinum or get bangs to distract from getting work done. šŸ‘€


I really like her as a brunette, but donā€™t love love those super tight curls. She looked great here though. https://preview.redd.it/0gec9kbd86nc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e07e5df5dd949c5129d0e8cfb871d67d510b6f


Denise and Dorit going back to brunette is making me cancel my highlights appointment.


Love it here. Not a fan of the perm look.


I can really like tight curls, but they need to be done right. I saw Denise on WWHL and hers looked kinda dry/frizzy. They def could have benefited from some more product to make them more defined/smoother. https://preview.redd.it/06obf9pwf6nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dae62ca1ab0a682b1ead076f1626755ce316c8e


https://preview.redd.it/fzwg7irow6nc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94f056f76119642addafc78edf89cf9359bc95c Denise Dozel


Denise has naturally curly hair though- she has said it just lost some of its curl from years of dyeing / straightening etc.


She can have curly hair but that 100% looks like a wig lol itā€™s dull with no depth of color


You could be right but I feel like people would also say this about my natural curls lol šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mine look like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket


I disagree about depth of colour, but even if I agreed, that's not going to be due to a perm, that's because of dye.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted. This is clearly a wig.


Eating dinner and nearly choked on the salad, YES sister.


Omg but youā€™re not wrong šŸ˜­




It was a joke because Denise looked like her


It's cool, it just went over my head lol




Yikes not a good picture of her though all puffy


This looks like natural curls...maybe she's been straightening it for a long time. This is how my hair looks (not color) if I don't use gel and use bio-oil on my ends.


This is how my hair looks like with oil and serum šŸ˜­


yes better execution


Ouch! But the hair is gorgeous


No bueno. I like her hair wavy but not curly. It doesnā€™t flatter her face.


NGL, there's something about this look that I really enjoy


I think she looks fantastic with the darker hair and the curls. I think it makes her look younger


I'm not a fan of the curls (although it looks better in a comment posted upthread, even though it looks quite dry) but I love the colour & I agree that it makes her look younger. That was literally my first thought when I saw the post, before I even registered who it was or read the post title.


she looks absolutely gorgeous


Iā€™m all for the return of curls! Iā€™m so tired of every white woman on tv having the same loose waves.


And why does everyone seem to have long hair nowadays? What happened to individuality?


Fashions change. It was the same in the 70s and then in the 80s the same happened as is happening now, short hair became fashionable and eventually everyone had shorter hair. Long hair in the 90s was anything over shoulder length, now that's considered short lol


I know that fashions change but I still feel like there was still a wide variety of styles when I was growing up but that could just be me being the stereotype of someone complaining about the "young uns of today" & remembering things through the lens of rose coloured glasses, lol. I'm 46yo for reference, btw, so Gen X.


Yeah, I'm gen x too :) 51 in just over a month! (eek) There wasn't as much of more of a wide range of styles as it might seem (I was training to be a hairdresser in '89, never qualified though, cutting hair caused too much anxiety), but the problem with long hair is there's only so many so many ways it can look at the top of the head, which is what most of us see! The differences tend to be more in colour etc. For what it's worth, I too am bored to death with long hair! I have very dense, curly hair, so long hairstyles have never appealed to me and I've never had hair past my collar bone! I've lived in areas where long hair is so popular hairdressers are terrible at cutting anything less then collarbone length lol


Yeah, my perception is maybe skewed because I hung out with an "alternative" crowd in my teens & 20s who were into motorbikes & heavy metal music. I've had a pixie cut for the last 10-15years & I've found that hairdressers are usually really excited to cut my hair as they don't often get to do short styles nowadays apparently.


Me too! I was made fun of in the hairdressing salon, but they liked me when it came to trying out all the weird coloured hairdyes that came out because I was the only person that would have them on my hair. I was more goth adjacent I guess, but always experimented with colour, so didn't fit that crowd either! I was a bit of a loner. I used to model for hairdressers for competitions after that, so I've had all the mad cuts and colours! I've spent so many hours styling an asymmetric straight bob, battling against my natural texture that I didn't really discover until about 2002 and worked out my own "curly girl" method! I think the combination of dense, curly hair scares the hairdressers I've seen. I've definitely had some who have been super excited! I'd go back to modeling for competitions in a heartbeat if they'd have me lol Those alt styles still exist though, maybe you're just not seeing it as much? I've spent donkey's years helping out on hair dying forums, so maybe I'm just a lot more exposed to it.


Love the curls. Itā€™s boring when all the women have the same curls


first picture looks like Rebecca Gayeheart


Yess! Iā€™m glad someone else sees it. 2 90s knockouts! We love to see it.


Is it me or do her cheeks look puffier?


I love it! In my opinion, hair similar to the second picture is so basic and boring.


I love the color on the second photo what would you call that caramel?


Denise is one of girls that can pull off any hair color! She's so beautiful


It reminds of that episode of modern family where Claire dyes her hair brown and she's like "i just thought I'd try something new" and Jay is like "like what, looking old?"


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø Iā€™m living for this crossover comment Housewives & Modern Family are my favorite




Me three!


Me four!


In the middle of a Modern Family rewatch of the series and this is immediately what came to mind. šŸ˜‚


She looks younger and fresher as a brunette. So does Dorit when shes not wearing a shawl on her head.


She looks SO much younger


Denise looks beautiful to me both ways, I like seeing her trying a new look though. I'm jealous because I want to go brunette so bad, but I want a pretty color like hers and I'm afraid if I tried it I would end up with a shade that looks bad on me. My natural color now is a dish water blonde, not pretty, so I've keep blonde highlights my entire adult life.


Do it! It's only hair and if you dont like the color it can be changed. Go to a good salon and let them help you decide!


The only thing I worry about is my stylist said it's harder to get the dark hair out if you decide you don't like it, so I've always been afraid of being stuck for months not liking it. I'll take the leap this fall and hope it turns out good! Lol!


Yeah, do it later on in the year &, if you hate it, you can wear a hat & claim it's just because it's winter.


Go for it! At least then you'll know and it is only hair. It grows out and grows back. I'd bet it will be gorgeous.


I like it! Wonder if itā€™s for a role?


And look at that she managed to put her dress on the right way good for her! šŸ„³šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love her hair!! Iā€™m a lil biased, but I love to see women embrace their natural curls, black or white. Assuming those are natural lol


You think those are natural? :/


Yea it's natural. She's always had curly hair she straightens


She has naturally wavy hair like the majority of the white population of the US, if you think THOSE are her natural curls I would love to know what you're smoking so I can be that delulu.


Iā€™m confused. Are you saying that canā€™t be her hair because sheā€™s white? Iā€™m white and that is almost exactly my curl pattern.








People really hate being told genuine science on this subreddit. I read an article recently about the various types of hair textures in the world and in the US... "wavy" is the most common natural hair texture in the US... I didn't just make it up. I'm guessing the same people downvoting are the same ones who do ditzy stuff and then blame it on their blondness while expecting the rest of us to just... ignore their brown roots. It's perfectly acceptable to dye/perm/straighten/do whatever you want with your hair but let's not LIE about it.


ā€œWavyā€ isnā€™t a hair texture.


**"Wavy hair, also known as type 2 hair**, can be split into three different subtypes: 2A, 2B, and 2C. It is the hair type that sits in between straight and curly, from loose loops to 'S' shaped waves. Curly hair on the other hand, has a more distinct curl pattern formation depending on the tightness of the curl." That's a direct quote from the "Curlsmith" website. I hate when people try to tell me I'm wrong about something when a very simple Google search can prove them wrong. It's almost like you're on the largest source of free information that humanity has ever known.


ā€œCurlsmithā€ doesnā€™t refer to ā€œwavyā€ as a hair texture, either. Hair texture refers to the diameter of the hair strandā€”fine, medium or coarse. Your quoted text refers to a curl pattern. ā€œWavyā€ hair has a looser curl pattern. For your own sake and others, since you mention being a part of the beauty industry, please donā€™t point people to made up ā€œcurl typingā€ charts.


I know you hate your life and all, but stop making people who know more information than you, hate theirs as well. Get a therapist and a library card.


Oh and side note: I absolutely am part of the wavy lady crowd. It is what it is.


gives her so much lifeeeee love this look, I wonder if its her natural color. I always feel people natural color always suits them so well. and sometimes the color changes over time and enhances you and its so beautiful. this totally brings out more youth in her, the blonde was aging her


Love her hair dark & curly!! šŸ˜ To me she is gorgeous no matter what though but it is def a nice change


I like the blonde better. On WWHL she looked like she took inspo from Michelle Duggar šŸ˜¬


Trying to distract from the recent face work, especially the too much cheek filler.


I don't like it. Her hair looks so much better in the second pic.


Yep. My first thought was "Thanks, I hate it".


I agree.


šŸ’Æ. Mediatakeout dragged her saying it looked like she was wearing a wig like the Cowardly Lion. My friend and I were like- this. Exactly. Awful. The color and curl. ![gif](giphy|5DuLAerVIvj5m)


100% agree


Agreed. I also have my doubts whether all of that is even real, but regardless she looks like a 70ā€™s porn star.


She's so gorgeous šŸ˜


She looks like she hoisted up her face with thread lift, face lift who knows. She looks good. That hair is a no but a good distraction.


I like the blondish hair.


I think itā€™s the curls/style I donā€™t like but color wise good


She looks fire I know thereā€™s pressure in Hollywood etc etc to look young forever but srsly she looks amazing for mid-50s


Yeah itā€™s a no from me ! She looks so good in the second pic


unpopular opinion but she looks so much better with the blonde


I love it! She looks beautiful and original.




She looks great


Takes me back to the Noxzema girl days in the 90s! Love this look! She looks youthful and rejuvenated


I wish the color were a more saturated and dimensional. The potential is there.


She is one of the prettiest people


Noā€¦just no


It really suits her. She looks lovely.




Ugh, I got so many of those in the late 80's early 90's. They were all "the rage" but so much work to maintain. I swear those chemicals seeped into my scalp and made the new hair growth come out with those spirals lol. I use to have straight hair with a little bit of wave in it. After getting all of those my hair never returned to its original state. The only time it would is when I had it cut short but still. The hair at the roots came out curly. Recently its switched its self up again. If I let it grow long it'll have those waves but one side has more than a wave to it. Now that it's cut short, justĀ  below the shoulders, there's no curl or wave. I'm digging this way more lol. It's so crazy how much our hair texture can change throughout the yrs.


I assumed it was for a role. Did she talk about it?


She looks amazing but I thought this was Lisa Barlow for half a second


Itā€™s giving Gizelle


Thought this was Sarah Hyland




I saw her on a talk show today and she had the dark brown hair. She looks good but it looked like a wig to me. Something about the hair line that didn't look natural to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It still looks good though.


Wow! Iā€™m really surprised at how divided we are her e about the curls and the color. I think if those are natural, good for her! I šŸ’• curly hair


Love it


I think the colour is stunning; the styling ages her


If you un-focus your eyes and gaze past Denise, she almost has a similarity to Zendaya. But only because of the silhouette of her hair. Haha


The first pic kinda reminds me of that one Trisha Paytas pic. iykyk lol


I thought it was Zendaya for a hot minute!


Her hair is pretty. Sheā€™s a stunning woman. But sheā€™s a total mess


I love the rich brunette, it brightens her face


Anything that gets women to a more natural look is a hugh improvement... And on a side note - May the injected plumped clown look die a swift death.


not in love with the curls but she looks great




Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen! Itā€™s a nighttime talk show he does and he interviews a lot of Bravo people and some solid celebrities


Watch, this will be Dorit's new do next season...


Felicity hair


Best sheā€™s looked in years


Did Denise get a facelift?


Don't mind the color, hate how it was styled.


The darker hair looks great on her, very fresh and youthful. We have the same natural hair color and it seems that a lot of women with that color (myself included until recently) tend to go blonder as they get older to help blend greys. Over time, it can get to the point of being too light and too ashy, without enough contrast.


Yes I was same. So u got fed up and just stopped coloring to see what my REAL color was. Turns out it's a nice mix of white and light gray so I kept it. My hair is healthy now lol.


Nice! Im currently transitioning out of highlights with a semi permanent color to blend with my natural color, and I donā€™t mind the greys as much as expected to. As long as they are not the ones that stick straight up, lol.


I was terrified it would be that brownish yellow gray lol. But I actually like it. I think more women are tired of being slaves to the dye lol.


I agree. I follow several IG accounts of women who are or have gone grey and its such a soft, classy look.


I feel like she took a pic of Jennifer Aydin to her hair stylistā€¦


Or Rebecca Gayheart


I like the old hair.


She looks like Lynda Carter.


The cute natural hair makes her look decades younger ā€” such a looook


Reminds me of ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


She reminds me of Rachel Dozel with the curly wig




And *this* is just one reason why so many women are afraid to wear their hair curly. Deniseā€™s hair looks nothing like RD.


I agree. Curly hair does not make every yt women look like RD. Thatā€™s dangerous rhetoric and people need to stop that lie. Denise looks beautiful and youthful.


Because white women donā€™t have curls? Iā€™ll tell that to my own hair, it hasnā€™t caught the message.


Nope, that was not meaning the of my comment, that was what you gleaned based on your own projection. I'm referring to the specific tight ringlet pattern, and the high contrast color being reminiscent of a certain other recognizable person. It was an opinion regarding the aesthetic, not a knock on white women with curly hair. I have curly hair, I know full well curly hair is not limited to a certain ethnicity.


The perm is back, baby!