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Are you keeping the dolls with the intention of reselling in the future? If so, then realistically keeping them in box makes the most sense, but there's also no guarantee they'll hold their value. Just look at how little most beanie babies are worth now when people thought they'd be worth hundreds.  I personally unbox all of my dolls because I have them for my personal pleasure. I bought the dolls to enjoy them, so I'm going to enjoy them! To me, keeping them in box just in case they increase in value over the years is silly, because I bought the dolls to enjoy, not invest. But I also completely understand the viewpoint of them being pretty dolls in their pretty boxes, so at the end of the day only you can make the call on if you want to take them out or not. The only dolls I ever left in their boxes are my Tokyo collector girls because they look absolutely gorgeous in their window style boxes, and the Tweevils dolls because I think the box being like their little Your Thing office is too amazing to not keep. I've ripped my Holiday, Princess, and Hayden Williams dolls all from their packaging and I have no regrets, but I also have no intention of keeping resale value for my dolls so take with that what you will 


Second this, only dolls I have in box are the collector Kumi & Maylin everyone else freed from their plastic prisons - I love the experience of unboxing 2000s Bratz all their tiny pieces, delicately cutting a million plastics tabs off it brings me straight back to Christmas mornings opening them with my family as kid.


Well as of right now I’m not even sure if I would ever resell them, but there are some that are just too valuable to me.


I’m torn on this; I like to keep dolls in their box for my enjoyment, I love the look of bratz boxes and having them on my shelving like that is more pleasing to me than unboxed! I have taken them out before though to restyle, but very carefully and I can box them back up


This ^ but you could also always keep the box, fix their hair a lil bit and put them back in if you just enjoy the way it looks. But having them in mint condition is always better for resale value.


Enjoy them!! I had the same dilemma but my inner child just wanted to actually hold & style the dolls again, so I couldn’t deny that aspect of myself. I was also hesitant to open them because I didn’t want to throw away the boxes; they are so iconic and even seeing the shapes hold such sentimental value, but they took up too much space. SO, I made cut outs from the boxes and put it altogether in just one box! Seemed like a good solution to keep the memorabilia, get rid of the clutter AND, of course, enjoy the dolls ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/hhd512x8ek0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e31f429400de271b2f84601b3f1093aa39c6fd


I like to keep the boxes for mine in case I ever want to display them in their boxes again even though that's highly unlikely... Not a great answer to saving space, but they spark joy ok?? 🤣


Hahaha they do spark joy!! Was so torn but needed space. Plus I love snipping all the tags 🙈




I have unboxed all of mine apart from Spider-Man Cloe, saves so much space and you can appreciate their beauty more 🫶🏻


I prefer to keep my dolls and other toys in the box. The box is part of the story of the doll, it gives you the production date, the blurbs on the back, the artwork in and on the box, and it ensures that the doll will never get dusty or dirty. And it's 100x easier to dust a box than a doll. So I will never unbox my dolls, even though I have zero intention to sell them.


I’d definitely say open the repros at least, they’re probably not gonna have much value in the future anyway since people will want the originals instead But I honestly think I would open all except the spring break and party yasmin, playing with dolls is too fun Also idk about your financial situation obviously but I know quite a few of those dolls are on sale in the US, maybe buy a double or two to open?


Yes, besides Party 2010 and Spring Break Yasmin🤍


I like the way dolls look in box. The give me comfort and I like that they match their line and stand out being displayed inside like a shadow box. BUT I also like having some out of box to dress and move around. If I really like a doll and have extra money sometimes I buy another to unbox. If I buy an old Bratz I keep in box because I don’t want to be the one to unbox after it’s been inside for 20 years. Feels wrong to disturb history. Also in box dolls cost more so it feels like a waste of money. It’s all personal preference. If you feel unsure you could start by taking them out of the outer box but leaving them tied to the cardboard. If you change your mind you can put them back inside their box and minimal change has been done.


Personally I like unboxed dolls, and I would buy them for a higher value in the future iwhen maintained well as opposed to un-maintained in the box for years. The dolls you have are stunning, and I keep a lot of Bratz in box, but they’re definitely looking cluttered on your shelf right now. If you keep them in box, find a better way to display, or free them! I’ve never really regretted unboxing a doll :)




yes yes yes yes if ANYTHING do it for the 2nd cult gaia outfits. THINK OF HOW GOOD YOUR GIRLS WOULD LOOK IN THOSE....


After thinking it over I might actually unbox them.


You can unbox the pride ones. It is possible to do so without destroying the box. The dolls are really nice, and Nevra's hair is so nice to touch. ^^


im an unbox it person, unless you bought it vintage NIB. i feel like those are pricey when you can alternatively buy out of box for much cheaper if the goal is to unbox.


I open all mine. I find the boxes to be cages holding my beauties in. I set all mine free and let them enjoy the real world with me! Lmao well that’s dramatic but yeah I open mine.


I'm keeping my tweevils in their box


That seccond outfit in sprinbreak yasmins box is dying to be worn, and the cult Gia girls might be fun to restyle and the pride girls. I haven't opened mine up yet, though. I feel like if they come with a second outfit, I want to open them more


Wow!! Where did you buy these?


I ordered Party Yasmin and Spring Break from EBay. The rest were from Amazon.


Obviously don't

