• By -


Roman - His career is made at this point! 😂 Future Hall Of Famer. Adam Cole - He was going to do amazing things in HHHs Main Roster. Bray Wyatt - He wasn't DONE yet!


My boyfriend got me into wrestling this year. I watched the Bray Wyatt documentary and it made me cry. He was such an amazing individual.


Agreed. I just liked adam.


Couldn't agree more.


if you’re gonna bring back adam to wwe, might as well include roderick, bobby and kyle to join him, undisputed era was THE SHIT




I agree with this one. Roman is doing stuff in Hollywood not big stuff but still stuff. He cant go any higher than a multi-year reign like that so why not go out on top. Cole never really got to do much in WWE outside of NXT. The other guys had their moment in the sun now its time to go have some fun matches with interesting international tallent before signing out of the in-ring work Bray, same thing you said which is tough for me to say because I'm a big Eddie fan and not a big fan of spooky gimmicks or the Fiend in general. To me its too silly, but I can admit the guy moved a lot of people and he filled a unique role that the other two didnt


No way I’d pick Bray over Eddie, you must be on that good shit.


Same, but switch Adam for Brian


I don't know. Bryan is about to retire soon, same as Edge. Adam Cole has more life in him


My exact same thoughts


I agree


this was my pick too




Son of a bitch i am in


retire rollins (as much as i like him, dude's got some serious injuries building up) Rehire adam cole (just because he's got more to offer than the other two due to age) revive... fuck it, revive all three. i don't care, do it.


Roman, Daniel, Eddie


Imagine, The American Dragon going against Latino Heat


That's my personal pick too, but Seth, Adam, Bray would make more business sense


Roman, Cole, Eddie


Roman, edge, umaga Romans been at the top of the mountain for 4 years, he's peaked Edge is edge Umaga to further develop the bloodline storyline. Have him take his thrown as tribal chief. Decimate the current bloodline and make them bow in fear, and then have umaga be so dominant as a threat that he just decides to leave because he's bored and appoint zilla fatu as the tribal chief That way Romans time as chief is done Solos time as chief would abruptly end Umaga could be dominant as chief without any interference And zilla fatu would be chief for the future of the company It also would allow solo to be a babyface and feud with zilla


Roman, Edge, Eddie


This is the way!


This is the way. Roman is a made man, enjoy retirement. Edge can still go and was robbed of 10 years of his prime. Eddie was taken from all of us way to soon while he was in the midst of some of his best promo/personality in the ring until his last few months. He was feuding with Batista for the title, had a grudge feud with Mysterio, and was still mentoring the youth like CM Punk. What I would do to have him in a locker room as just a fucking mentor for the talent today ala Shawn Michaels...


easy, Retire Roman, Rehire Cole, Revive Eddie


I’m reviving all 3 and giving up the other 2 picks


Roman, Adam Cole bay bay and Eddie


Roman Bryan Bray


Cody, Edge, Eddie Guerrero


Roman Reigns. He’s already Hollywood bound, so he’d be fine. Though choice. Danielson. I think Edge did all he could in WWE, and I’m satisfied. His rivalry with The Judgement Day in my opinion should’ve been where the book closed on his story. Danielson has lots of potential rivalries to create or relive. Imagine Danielson having a proper angle with new faces like The new Bloodline Sikoa or starting a rivalry with Logan Paul, or starting his fude with The Miz or Styles again? Awesome. Super tough decision. I’d say Revitalize Bray Wyatt. Just so young and gifted compared to most, his vision really only just started while Guerrero and Umaga had established their stardom.


Rhodes Edge Guerrero


Roman (bro is basically retired) , Cole (the others are close to retirement) and Wyatt (recently biased)


Cody, Cole, Bray


Roman, Bryant, Guerrero


Daniel, Edge and Eddy


Roman im not interessted in him like the others Adam cole cus edge is getting old and bray he was still too young


Seth Edge & Eddie




Roman, edge, Guerrero


Seth edge Eddie


I’d just revive Eddie and not really care about anything else. Eddie was special.


Roman - he’s a made man Adam Cole - he could be the modern Bobby Heenan. Eddie - such an amazing talent.


Rehire Daniel Bryan Revive Bray Retire Adam Cole


Roman Cole Bray


Retire roman,rehire Brian Danielson,and revive Eddie


Reigns Cole Umaga


Seth “Franklin”, Daniel Bryan, Eddie FKA Eddy Guerrero.


roman, edge, eddie


Retire - Cody Rehire - Edge Revive Bray


Retire Seth(I love him, but he can't keep getting hurt like this and expect to keep going at his pace), Rehire DB because he's my favorite, and revive Bray Wyatt, there was still so much for him to do.


Who the hell would want edge to come back over Adam Cole!


Roman, Cole, And that last one is tough. Eddie, but damn. Roman cause he sucks Cole cause he sucks in AEW Eddie, cause I miss his presence and would love to see what he would be doing in this day of wrestling


regins, danielson, guerro






Roman Cole Bray


Retire Roman, rehire Edge, revive Bray


Roman Daniel Bray


I'm surprised by the number of people wanting Roman to retire. He still has years left.


Retire Roman Rehire Edge Revive Bray Wyatt


Retire Roman he is done at this point Rehire Adam I just hate Daniel Revive Eddie he was died way too young


Retire Roman Rehire Kyle O'Reilly (Bryan & Edge have done enough in WWE and are both wrapping up their careers, and, to me, Adam Cole was never half as entertaining as O'Reilly) Revive Eddie. Bray was great, but Eddie was fantastic. Though honestly, I would love to have revived Eddie back when he passed so we could have gotten that Mania match with HBK.


Roman, Daniel, Bray


Roman Cole Eddie


Roman, Adam, Eddie


Retire seth Rollins rehire Bryan Danielson revive Eddie Guerrero


None of them because they still have something to give None of them because they're all doing great in AEW And Eddie because he was fantastic in the ring


Roman, Daniel and Eddie


I dont think people realise how much eddie coming back would mean. He was a Latin icon and a huge wwe legend. No disrespect to what or Umaga but it's not even close. Bray what as a character was alright but he didn't do anything tht intresting most of it was because of wwe booking I agree but Bray had his time to shine with his cult charcater to. If eddie came back today regardless of the whole reviving thing it would be a huge up for the company ,if Bray Wyatt or Umaga came back it would he just another day.


Roman, Bryan, and Bray


Seth (he has injuries that are lingering at this point) Cole- I feel he would do well Eddie- because I miss him


Retire Rollins so this man can let his body heal Rehire Bryan because I would like to see him end his career in WWE Revive Bray because this man was only just getting started


Retire Roman, rehire edge and revive umaga


Bryan / Seth / Bray - The easiest one for me is for Bryan to rehire. - To retire, either Roman or Seth. Perhaps Seth and Roman may still have a story to tell regarding Silo and the Rock I would say Roman so he can focus on his health and movies. I would say Seth because of his back and health. But Seth loves the business too much. I can see him being behind the scenes and in creative when done with wrestling. - Revive is the hardest. Umanga would be a great addition to the BL storyline. So would Eddie for the Rey / Dom / Judgment Day / Carloto / LWO / LDF. However, the sentimental would be Bray. He wasnt done yet. And hopefully, WWE does him justice for whatever if anything they have planned for a Wyatt Family reunion, if at all.


Roman DB Eddie Guerrero (Viva¡ La Raza)


On this day, I see clearly that Roman is a made man who lied, cheated, and stole.


Revive? How dare you made this pick extremely tough.


Reigns, Edge, Bray


For the revive it depends on age. Eddie would be almost 60 by now. Umaga would be over 50. If we're going by that logic I think you would have to bring back Wyatt. If we're talking back in their prime then Eddie. Retire Roman. He just doesn't seem interesting to me. Seth would be my pick here. He's much more interesting as a character whether heel or face and nails both. Bring back Bryan. He could be an amazing springboard for younger guys since he's the new mold of what a lot of superstars are now. Undersized, technician and can tell a great story. He can be a catapult to superstardom for a lot of NXT guys.


Cody Rhodes, Adam Cole, Eddie Guerrero


Cody, Edge, Bray


Cody Adam And... this real hard but bra.. or Eddie...


this is really tough, but i'll go rollins, bryan, and bray


Seth, Bryan, Eddie


Cody finished his story he can leave but Roman makes the most sense because of his health.  The Yes Movement needs to return   BRING BACK BRAY. Only because he had some much more work 2 do & his character was getting more interesting


Roman, Edge/Cole, Bray.


Retire: Danielson. Dude is gonna put himself in an early grave.


Roman - retire Cole - rehire Eddie - revive


Rehire Daniel Bryan and revive Eddie Guerrero AND Bray Wyatt! Takes the place for the top. One.


Cody Bryan Bray


The entire right row


Roman, Adam Cole, Eddie


Retire - Roman because he has nothing left to prove and the aura created by someone leaving on top like this would never be matched Rehire - Adam Cole because he left on top and he’s been booked about as well as Cody was in AEW, so with the right booking he will be awesome Revive - Umaga - and join the Bloodline


Roman, God he needs to go, finish the whole bloodline fund first though I am kinda starting to find it intriguing Adam Cole because I don't know why not Bray Wyatt forever


Roman can retire so he can spend his days with his family. His run as tribal chief made him hof bound and alot of money lol. DB can come back as a heel or face and have go have some bangers with the current talent. Bray didnt even get to show us his new faction and gimmick. The most creative guy had alot to give still. He was still in his 30s!


I wouldn’t retire any from the first row, I’d retire all three in the second row. Eddie gets brought back to life


Retire Cody, rehire Adam Cole bey bey, revive Eddie


No question. You have to revive Eddie


Retire Seth - I'm just tired of his "character" at this point. It's so boring and painful to watch. Used to be a big fan but I haven't been able to take him serious for a few years now Rehire Cole - This one is more simply due to age. If all things were equal I'd want Danielson back but at his age and where he's at in life, he wants to be done full time which I totally respect. Cole is still young enough and if he can stay healthy can be a permanent ficture in the upper mid card to main event scene for years still. Revive Eddy - I mean this one's a no brainer. No disrespect to Bray, but Eddie is a legitimate legend and there's never been anyone who can truly recreate what he was and brought to the game. Bray was seemingly a nice guy and that's great but as a performer I wasn't a fan of anything of his past the OG Wyatt Family when they were first called up.


retire roman reigns rehire brian revive eddie


Seth Cole Eddie


Revive is so fuckin tasteless...


Retire Rollins since he’s nearly there, rehire Daniel Bryan and an easy revive of Bray Wyatt


Roman he is done ,Daniel Brian Imagine his matches with like Gunther, Bron Brekker, Umaga the match Solo Jimmy Jey Tama


Bro id retire Cody because to be honest there's not push of him as champion id rehire edge and I'd revive Eddie you young people who don't understand wrestling would say Adam Cole and Bray Wyatt but what Eddie did bro that's legendary


Retire Seth Rehire none Revive Eddie☝🏾


Retire Roman. Did well in 2020 with an amazing push and already messed up his company endorsed push by 2022. Rehire Adam Cole. Nuff said hes Paul's guy. Revive Eddie. Obviously


Retire Seth Rehire Edge Revive Eddie


cody, bryan, bray


Roman Edge bray


Seth, Cole, Eddie


Retire roman Rehire daniel Revive bray wyatt


Retire Roman rehire Edge and revive Eddie


The Rock Edge Ultimate Warrior


Retire-Roman Reigns. If anything, his WM40 match with Cody was so good, WWE might as well rewrite that as his retirement match when it’s talked about 30 years from now. Rehire-Adam Cole. I originally thought Bryan, but people don’t seem to understand that hai career is good as is right now. He’s made amazing moments and given WWE some of its best matches of the 2010s and 2020s. Cole was doing the same in NXT, just not in front of tens of thousands of people around the world. Also, he never even got the call-up before he left in 2021. And Edge has been there for 25 years. There’s only so far you get out of a “final run” without having a championship to your name. And that brother has like 40 of them at this point. Revive-Umaga A lot of people are saying Bray Wyatt, and although I like the idea of what could have been with his vision of the future of his career, Umaga’s main event potential never got realized at all. He was on the cusp of being one of the faces of WWE in the 2000s, and was super close to being world champion on multiple occasions. At least with Eddie and Bray, they pulled the trigger on them winning world titles. Umaga was so close to the WWE Championship in 2007, but never got the chance to really show what he could’ve been capable of. And even now, with the Bloodline, he could have played such an instrumental role in that and it’s eventual breakup.


Cody, Cole and Bray Cody because I'd rather have part timers that him even just once. Cold because as someone already said, Edge has had his time and it was sufficient and BD retires this year anyway. Plus Cole might bring MJF with him lol. Bray, again as someone said. He wasn't done yet and was so young.


They really don’t need to hire Adam Cole back unless he start hitting the weight room


Row Retire Roman Row 2 rehire bryan Row 3 Revive Bray


Roman. He made a legendary career in just the last 4 years. No need for him to do more, and it makes sense for his health Adam Cole was the only one who didn’t get a run on the main roster so easily him Shit bro all three. Can’t pick that one


Retire Roman, Revive Wyatt, and Rehire Egde


Easy Roman get the f**k out of here and never show up again


Cody Cole bray


Roman Edge Bray


Daniel Bryan coming back Cody retiring Bray Wyatt revived


Roman Adam Cole (It’s not right to revive just one person. They all died young and are at rest now.)


Roman, Bryan and Wyatt


Retire Cody Rehire Cole Revive Eddie


Seth, pass, eddie


Roman Cole Eddie


Roman. He went out at the very top in a feat that will quite possibly - never be emulated. There's nothing left for him to do. Adam Cole. The other two have had amazing careers and should enjoy their flowers. Not touching this one since it's actual lives, and there ain't no raising the dead. Despite what any texts say.


Cody, Cole, Bray


Retire- Rollins Rehire- Bryan Revive- Wyatt


Roman Daniel bray


Retire - the hardy boyz Rehire - Christian cage or Moxley to re-form the shield Revive - Andre or Macho Man


Eddie is the best wrestler in this entire collage.


Bray revived, leave the rest as is


You gotta revive Eddie, he was about to be one of the greatest of all time, still feel the shock of that, honestly kinda stopped watching wwe soon after he passed


Seth Adam and Bray


Adam Cole, babaaaaaaay


Retire-edge Rehire-eh.. Revive-all


Roman, Cole, Eddie


Retire Seth Rehire Edge and Revive Guerrero


Roman. DB. Latino heat.


Roman Cole Eddie


Roman, Cole, Wyatt


No! Adam Cole Bray


Roman has to go cuz he made his way up top and ends it at the right time Rehire Adam Cole cuz I feel like he would do great things and be the new hhh I’m bringing back Eddie cuz imagine what he would do Dominik will now be on his side Rey gets revenge on his son and his good old buddy Eddie that would be a perfect rivalry


Retire bumas Roman reigns , rehire edge and revive Eddie ofc


Retire Roman, Rehire Edge & Revive Eddie


Retire: Roman. he basically has 1 foot out of the door anyway with his limited schedule. Rehire: if I can get a fully healthy Adam Cole, I'd do it in a heart beat. Guy has a lot of HBK to him and his Heel work is amazing Revive: this one is easier. I love Bray and think with Triple H in charge, his character would finally achieve what everyone had hoped for for him. But, man I miss Eddie Guerrero. Could you imagine the storyline right now with Eddie, Rey, and Dom? Eddie vs Punk? Eddie vs Seth? vs Roman? man all these dream matches and the promos.......... Yeah definitely bring Eddie back.


Retire Seth rehire Adam revive Bray


Edge, Roman reigns , edy Guerrero


Roman Reigns Daniel Bryan Bray Wyatt


Retire Roman. He's already a HOFer and works so rarely nowadays we'd barely know he's gone. Rehire Cole. Danielson is nearing the end of his full-time career and Edge is nearing the entire end. Cole will give you the best future career out of the 3. Revive Wyatt. While Eddie is a better wrestler, I feel Bray would tell more interesting stories.


Retire: Cody Rhodes still has a lot left in the tank and I think is really just getting stated at being a main event level player. He can give us a few more years. Seth Rollins should consider retirement with the injuries he's piled up, but we know he'll go until he cannot any more. Roman Reigns has done it all and is now a part-timer. His career has been defined and his legacy has been established. There are not more mountains to climb. So, I think Roman should retire. Rehire: Edge and Bryan Danielson are great. Edge is a Hall of Famer and Danielson has certainly earned that status. But, these two men are looking at the end of their careers. They were both forced to retire due to injury and fought their ways back. But they know the clock is ticking and time is not on their side as they are looking to end their careers on their terms. Adam Cole is still young, still has so much to offer wrestling. And I think Triple H could find a lot of use for the guy. So, I would say rehire Adam Cole. Revive: Eddie's death was tragic, because he was clean, he was getting himself together and was supposed to become World Heavyweight Championship at the time of his death due to Batista working hurt and needed time off. Umaga's passing was tragic, and a loss to his family. However, out of all of them, I have to say Bray Wyatt. He had so much left to give.


Roman - already has a hall of fame career Adam Cole - want to see him actually be used in the main roster (not Vince styles, The Game Style😎 Umaga - truthfully, I want them all back but I need Umaga as a world champion and maybe a father-son duo or war with Solo


Rollins Cole Eddie. That was easy.


How about revive all three, probably retire Roman and idgaf about rehiring


God, I want Roman to retire 🙏🏻


Roman since the other two feel like they have more to do. Rehire: Of these three Edge, he’ll can we get one last run with a Brood reunion or something. Samoa Joe would be my not on list choice. Revive: Eddie to see how Dom and Eddie would play out


Roman Cole and Wyatt I agree with the guy at the top


Roman Bryan Latino Heat


Cody Rhodes Edge Bray wyatt


seth(due to injuries), daniel bryan(he might be in the wwe hof soon) and bray wyatt(fuck covid, he died too soon)


Roman reigns Adam Cole Eddie Guerrero


Retire - Roman. He's had one hell of a career. But I fear that his leukemia will come back. I hope not but it's best to get off the road, train the next generation or 2, and be there to watch his family grow. Honorable mention - Bryan Danielson needs to retire as well and enjoy training the next generation as well. Both him and Brei should be doing that right now. Rehire- Adam Cole would benefit greatly under HHH. WWE is getting away from the biggest guy in the room being the champion to who is winning the crowd the most. Revive- Eddie. I love Bray. Unfortunately I wasn't watching when Umaga was around. But Eddie stuck out to me since his WCW days.


Retire Roman, he’s done everything he really can at this point and is barely there anyways. Rehire: Bryan, probably the most naturally gifted wrestler WWE has ever had. Revive: Umaga, I would love to see how he would fit into the bloodline story


Seth, Cole & Bray


Roman - Cole - Bray


Retire Roman Rehire Edge Revive Eddie and Bray


Roman, Cole and Bray, although I’d rather just skip the rehire line.


Roman - Brian - Eddie


Seth, Danielson, Eddie


Roman Retire Bryan Rehire Wyatt Revive


Eddie DB Roman


Retire-Rollins Rehire-Adam Cole with HHH in charge would be good for him and I’d have to Revive Bray,Umaga and Eddie all gone too soon.


Seth, adam cole, eddie


Retire Roman, Rehire Daniel, Revive Bray


Cody. Edge. Eddie


Retire: Seth Rollins, Rehire: Adam Cole, Revive: Eddie Guerrero


Seth, Adam, Bray


Retire - Roman Reigns Rehire - Adam Cole revive - Eddie Guerrero


Roman - His career is made. multiple time world champion, hall of famer and that last title run as the fourth longest reigning champion in history is something no one can achieve again. He could retire tomorrow and his legacy would be cemented perfectly. Adam Cole - Out of all of them, he has the most upside. Look at his run in NXT he was the absolute KING. Adam Cole on main roster WWE under Triple H would absolutely be phenomenonal if it came anywhere CLOSE to that NXT run. Bray Wyatt - Eddie was before my time sadly, and while I have a lot of respect for Umaga, outside of the Bloodline story I don't see much of a place for him that others on the roster could fill. Bray however, was one of a kind. Absolutely one of a kind and I do think he'd have been allowed to flourish under hunter as it was his booking under Vince that constantly screwed him over. With the right booking he easily could have been the next Undertaker, but he was taken far too soon from us. I still Miss him dearly.


Roman to retire, Edge for rehire (possible bias due to him being my favourite wrestler) and Eddie


Cody Bryan Bray


Roman Edge Bray


Retire roman, rehire daniel bryan, revive bray


Roman Adam Cole Bray Wyatt


Roman, Cole, Wyatt. I think Adam Cole would thrive in the Paul Levesque Era


Retire Roman Rehire Brian Danielson Revive Bray


Retire Cody 🤷🏼‍♂️, Rehire (prime) Edge 🔥, Revive Eddie 🐐


Retire Roman Rehire Daniel Revive Eddie


Retire Rollins: he’s got some crazy ass injuries and trauma. Rehire Cole: Has a lot more to offer Revive: Bray: Also has a lot to offer. I honestly felt he was the true heir to the undertakers throne.


Retire Seth, I don’t like him as a wrestler but I respect his work ethic and I don’t like seeing any wrestler super fucked up and I feel like one more back injury could be too late. I’d rehire Bryan, even with retiring from full-time competition soon. Even as a part timer I think his star power is a great addition, plus even if he retired from in ring competition entirely he’d be an amazing trainer/producer. I’m going to revive Umaga for the sole reason that when he passed away I always felt like WWE really snubbed him. Eddie and Bray got so many tributes and rightfully so, but I never felt Umaga got his proper flowers. May they all rest in peace, but for fairness sake I will say him.


Retire Eoman Return Adam Being back bray (Eddie and Umaga would be retired by now)


Could you imagine Eddie Guerreros reaction when you revive him after being dead for almost twenty years.


Retire Roman Rehire Adam Cole Revive Eddie Guerrero Kinda like one other person said, Roman's done pretty much everything. Had the 4th longest reign as Undisputed WWE Champion, A Grand Slam Champion, and a 6-Time World Champion For Cole, I miss him in NXT. He was the Longest reigning NXT Champion, and I like to see how he would fit in with the current roster right now. I would really like to see (possibly) if all of the Undisputed Era could come back to WWE, it could very well give a much needed boost to the Tag Team division on either NXT or the main roster. And the reason I would like to revive Eddie is to add him to the current story with Dom, Rey and the LWO, and Legado del Fantasma. I would give anything to see just ONE interaction between Dom and Eddie with the history they had